
Attack On Titan: It Was My Choice

[The MC is pretty stupid in the first couple chapters but the book starts getting better from Chapter 17 and above, also the MC is not a good person hence the Anti hero tag] I died. Isn't that what they say at the start of a new adventure? Yeah, I think so... In the tumultuous world of Attack on Titan, my rebirth echoed the ominous prologue to a grand adventure. Death merely marked the threshold to a realm where I wielded three cheat powers: a lightning affinity promising unparalleled speed, the blessing of god-like speed transcending limits, and a perfect body as an epitome of physical prowess. Embracing this second chance, my goal materialized with an electrifying intensity—to dominate this treacherous world. Lightning surged through my veins, propelling me with unprecedented velocity, a blur in the chaos of Titans and human conflict. The god-like speed bestowed upon me transcended mortal boundaries, rendering me an unstoppable force on the battlefield. My perfect body became a testament to divine strength, resilient against the ferocity of Titans and human adversaries alike. The battleground trembled beneath my feet as I weaved through the fray, an electrifying force of nature. In the shadows, alliances were forged, secrets unraveled, and a strategic dance unfolded as I sought dominance with calculated precision. Each thunderous step etched my name into the annals of this merciless world. Battles ensued, my lightning-infused prowess leaving an indelible mark on the fate of nations. A symphony of power and conquest unfolded as I harnessed the elements and my perfected form to sculpt a destiny in the heart of the Attack on Titan universe. The world quivered, and the saga of my rise to dominance thundered across the relentless landscape, a testament to the unstoppable force born from death's embrace.

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

AOT: Humanity's Last Stand Chapter Twenty Eight: ODM Gear

I stared at Levi's eyes, they were emotionless on the outside but I could see past that. Yeah, They were filled with emotion of course it all existed in my imagination.

"Good morning, Uncle Levi," I said, "Order anything you want, my treat,"

Levi rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Kid, Let the grown-up here handle the bills," Levi said.

'You call yourself a grown-up? You're as short as fuck!' I exclaimed inwardly.

"No, I refuse Uncle," I said, "It's our first official meeting and I can't be a good host if I don't do this,"Levi sighed in defeat.

"Just do whatever you want," Levi said and then took a paper pamphlet from the table, "I'll have Coffee, plain,"

"Soda here," I said.

The middle aged man that worked as a waiter here bowed before leaving to get our orders.

"I want to know... What my mom was to you?" I asked when I got my soda, Levi looked at me.

"She was like a big sister to me," Levi replied with a shrug, "We weren't related though and yet she treated me like her own little brother, I can never forget her Kindness, She took Farlan, Isabel and I in and taught us how to live in the Underground, How to live for ourselves... I think I'm saying a bit too much,"

Levi sipped his coffee and cleared his throat.

"Yes and she was not a fan of Commander Ervin, especially since he manipulated us into joining the scouts," Levi said.

Alright, Great to know that things didn't deviate that much from the original but nevertheless, Mom's appearance seemed to spark a difference in Captain Levi as he is a little bit more emotional than his original self.

'Honestly, I thought Mom was just another side character from Shiganshina, She has a huge backstory though,' I thought.

This talk with Captain Levi helped me straighten out a few things, Number One, I didn't have Ackerman blood, Well that's a bit disappointing. Number Two, Mom seemed to be a Soldier once upon a time, Was that why she wasn't opposed to Dad being a Scout?

I really have to find out more about this and who better to ask than this emotionless questionnaire in front of me.

"Why was Mom no longer a Scout?" I asked.

"Well that's because she got married to Frederick Ares," Levi replied, "He was also a Scout with great combat abilities but he died before the fall of Wall Maria,"

I shrugged, His death didn't mean much. He was hardly much of a Father nevertheless a good one.

"So... Mom was a powerful scout?" I asked, "Or was she average?"

"She taught me," Levi replied and my head short-circuited.

If she taught Levi, She could have taught me... I could have become a fucking expert in Titan combat right about now.

"Thank you for telling me all of this," I said.

"Tell me, Why do I have to be here again?" I asked, It was the abandoned district of the city of Trost.

"Simple, You're learning how to use the ODM gear," Eld replied, "The Levi Squad, us will teach you the ropes,"

'Alright Combat System, Let's go,'

With my enhanced perception as well as Rage breathing, I wouldn't crash so I wasn't that worried, No what I was worried about was falling and getting caught by Petra... That's scary.

"I'm sure this is one of the first times you're seeing the ODM gear," Hange said, "It's not that simple to operate but you need to be aware of two things, The hooks and the gas,"

Hange cleared her throat.

"As you can see, The hooks are what will be engraved into any surface you decide to use your ODM gear on and they are very vital so the momentum of every jump counts," Hange explained, "If your momentum is very slow then your hook won't latch onto it's target, And the gas is also a unique element to proper ODM gear usage, by releasing gas, You can release your speed for attacks but note that it also makes steering your ODM gear harder to do, Learning how to keep your gas down to a bare minimum should be your major focus if you don't want to end up like Isabel, Alright now, Use your hooks to latch on to multiple buildings and get used to it!"

I nodded and took a deep breath.

[ODM gear mastery has been unlocked, ODM gear mastery has entered the Novice Rank]

Two hooks tore through the air and landed on the stone plating of the wall of a house, engraving themselves deeply and I shot forward, bursts of gas spraying from my ODM gear as I was prepared to propel myself onto the roof but I crashed into the wall face-first earning a laugh from Petra.

[ODM gear mastery has entered the Expert Rank]

My hooks latched onto the surface of a tall building and with a stream of gas shooting from behind me, I navigated my way through the air and landed at the top of the building.

I sighed, The scouts had long since relocated to Wall Sina for their new Headquarters and I couldn't see Petra again. Well not until I reach the wall but the fact is that It has been 2 fucking years since I started using the ODM gear, Training camp was starting the day after tomorrow and I was excited to finally get along with Canon. It was really interesting to think of all the hot girls I could get there especially Annie Leonhart who has a crazy backstory.

My hair had grown longer now, They were a bit below my shoulders and it was more preferrable like that to me. Besides I didn't look like a girl so it didn't matter how long my hair grew. My purple orbs had gotten even darker and breaking news, My Titan is now 20 meters tall!


Author's Note:

Yeah, I just performed a Major time skip. Yeah, R-18 coming in the next chapter. I don't know which girl to do it with though, I want Mikasa's first time to be in the Training corps arc, same as Anna and this leaves me with Carla and Frieda... I should be able to decide before the next chapter though, Thanks for supporting this book!

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