
Attack on Titan Inception

5 years has passed since the great World War 3, but someone revealed a devastating truth, triggering a new war. But now, no one knows who their true allies are nor do they know who their true enemies are. Eren must do whatever he can in order to prevent another World War, but with who's help?

eddiechang24 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


Eren's POV

I watch from out the window as cars parked outside the castle. Spectators gathered around to watch the world leaders enter the castle.

"Let's go to the meeting room." said Jean

I'm back in my Eldian formal uniform. I walk to the meeting room where the old Scout team 104 was waiting on one side. In the meeting room was a large round table for our world leaders. The countries participating were the US, Russia, China, Canada, Great Britain, South Korea, North Korea, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain.

All the presidents/kings enter the room and take their designated seat. Historia took a seat right in front of us and we waited for until everyone settled in.

"I'm pleased to discuss terms of the NHEO and I understand that this has something to do with the war." said the American President

The American President was a different person from the one who gave us the medal of honor.

"Yes, we have some things to discuss before hand." said the Russian President, "I hate to say but we Russians are going through very hard times trying to take responsibility for the war."

I look at the others who looked kind of confused in what the Russian President was trying to say.

"But, we Russians are not to blame for the war." says the Russian President

The table bursts into chatter from what the Russian President had just said.

"And I have brought evidence!" yelled the Russian President

The room becomes quiet again and the Russian President's assistant bring a big computer and shows us a picture. On the screen were 10 scientists and on their lab coats had a NHEO logo on it.

"These are American scientists who started the NHEO and we are not the ones to blame for!" yells the Russian President

He switches to the next picture which had the same scientists conducting experiments on humans.

'What the fuck?'

"But this doesn't mean anything, you were the ones who bombed the countries first!" yelled the German President

"It does not matter, we are paying the extra price for something that we didn't even do!" yelled the President as he stood up from his seat.

That's when something came right through the window and through the Russian President. I gasp as there was a bullet hole in the Russian President's chest and blood was spilling out, he looks down at his chest and collapses.

"Protect your leaders!" yelled Erwin

The room became chaotic as we left the room while guarding Historia and Reiner.

'Who would kill the Russian President?'

"All teams report in!" yelled Marco through his earpiece, "Nothing, I can't seem to reach the teams."

"Hand me a gun." said Erwin

Marco hands him his pistol and we kept moving towards Historia's safe room.

"Hostiles zip lining in!" yelled Levi

I look to my left and I see soldiers crash through the windows and fire at us. Erwin shoots at one killing him, Levi ran towards another soldier grabs his gun and push kicks him away. Levi shoots the other remaining hostiles that just crashed through the windows.

"These are Sentinel soldiers." said Levi as he checks their badge.

"What? How's that possible? No why would they?" asked Armin

"It doesn't matter right now, we need to get her majesty to safety." said Levi

I grab one gun and toss another to Jean. Everyone grabs the weapons and ammunition from the dead bodies.

"I can't believe the US betrayed us." growled Jean

"I can't believe it either but for now they're our enemy." I replied

We get to Historia's safe room and we unlock the doors, Historia goes in and we close the door behind her.

Gunshots echoed through the sky and we moved downstairs and out of the castle only to be met with more Sentinels.

I fire back at the incoming Sentinels while taking cover behind cars.

"Captain, the Canadian, North Korean, German and Chinese Presidents were all killed!" yelled Marco

"I'm calling for reinforcements!" yelled Hange

"No need they're already here!" yelled Erwin

I shoot back at the Sentinels who were shooting at us. A tank rolls in from our right and Eldian soldiers began to come out from behind the tank. Most of the Sentinels surrendered their weapons and were arrested. The shooting stopped and the fight was over.

"Sir, they're all Sentinels." said Moblit

All the soldiers who were arrested were Sentinels.

"Why did you attack?" asked Erwin

The Sentinels stay quiet until one spoke,

"We couldn't get the truth out."

"The truth about what?" asked Erwin

The Sentinel looks at us and glared at us.

"The truth about what we did to you."


6 hours later

"Eren, are you okay?!" asked the frightened Annie

"I'm fine don't worry." I replied

"What happened?" she asked

"During the meeting someone shot the Russian President and turns out it was Sentinel." I reply

"Sentinel? What do you mean?" she asked

I pointed at the prisoners and she gasps as she saw that it was the Sentinels.

"The Russian army is here and I think I brought more prisoners." said Jean

I was in my combat uniform now and I walk over to the Russian trucks and they began to push some more Sentinels out of the truck. But to my surprise Ghost team 117 was amongst them.

"Kit?" I called out

He had a gag over his mouth and he started screaming at me with scared and warning eyes. Juggernaut, Bomber, Hacker and Javelin were with them too.

"We found them running off to a helicopter but we got them first." said a Russian soldier to Erwin

"Who's your commanding officer?" asked Erwin

"I am." said a voice

I look up and immediately aim my gun at the commanding officer with the others. There standing right there, was Recon

"Calm down, we're on the same side." said Recon

I slowly lower my gun but still kept my finger on the trigger. Recon approaches Kit and leans forward.

"Looks like you guys are the enemies. Now where's our quiet friend? Where's Marksman?" asked Recon

She takes off his gag and immediately he spits on her face making Recon beat the shit of him. Javelin tries to interfere but was immediately put down.

"Take them away." said Recon

They pick up the prisoners and put them back into the trucks.

"Marksman probably left the island by now." said Recon

"So what do you want us to do?" asked Erwin

"Sir you're not actually going to side with her are you?" asked Jean

"I just need to know why they attacked us." replied Erwin

"I didn't know about the American scientists leading NHEO." said Recon, "But for now the American President just released a statement saying that every Sentinel member will be arrested, even those who were once part of it."

"Lieutenant Colonel Ghost." mumbled Jean

"Yes, we need to arrest him, he's the possible suspect for planning this." replied Recon

"But no one knows where he is except for Ghost team 117." replied Connie

"That's why I'm going to interrogate them." replied Recon, "But for now every prisoner will be sent here then to Russia."

She turns to leave with the prisoners.

"I don't like her." said Annie

"I don't think any of us do, but we need to work with her in order to find out what's actually going on." I replied

"I'm not working with her, she killed my squad." said Levi

"Well what do we do now?" asked Marco

"We got some work to do." replied Erwin


Marksman's POV

5 hours ago

'Goddamit we were set up this entire time.'

I sped through the streets on the highway trying to get to someone I knew could help.

'How were they able to find them? It doesn't make any sense.'

I took a sharp right turn where I wasn't supposed to turn. I drive through the forest, avoiding trees along the way.

'Why the hell was Sentinel doing in Eldia, I never sent a unit there.'

I skid to a stop as I got to a lonely house in the middle of who knows where. I get off and ran to the door, I knocked on the door using morse code. The door opens slightly and there stood an old friend.

"Colt?" he opened to door wider

"Colonel." I greeted

"What are you doing here?" he asked

"We have a huge problem." I replied

He lets me into the house where I greeted his wife then I take a seat on the couch.

"What's the problem?" he asked

"Colonel we-"

"Just call me Ghost or Ajax." he cut me off

"Ajax, the Russians got Ghost team 117." I said

He looks at me with confused eyes and looks at Phantom who also had the same expression.

"What do you mean by got?" asked Ghost

"They were captured without anyone seeing." I replied, "I was nearly caught but I was able to escape just in time. They were brought to Eldia to make it look like they were part of the assault."

"Wait hold on? I don't understand." said Phantom

I grab the remote control of the TV and turn it on. On the screen was a report of the attack on the meeting with a bunch of Sentinels in handcuffs.

"What's going on?" asked Ghost

"Those Sentinels were recruits who were in the corp for at least one year. Whoever planned this means they planned this a long time ago."

"Wait, pause that." said Phantom

I pause it and hand the remote to her. She zoomed in closer on the screen and focused on one person in the corner.

"Please tell me that I'm not actually seeing what I'm seeing." whispered Ghost

"That's Recon..." whispered Phantom

"And that's Kit." I implied, "So now the President ordered an arrest to every Sentinel corp member. After that they'll be sent to Russia or Eldia."

"But why?" asked Phantom

"That's why I thought you wanted to see this." I hand Ghost a file with the label NHEO.

"NHEO?" said the confused Ghost

He opens the file and in it were info of ten scientists, American scientists.

"They were the directors of NHEO?" asked Ghost

"Yes sir." I replied

"But I thought it was a Russian government organization." said Phantom

"That's what I thought too." I replied, "But whoever planned this released the information throughout Russia and that's why the Russian President was killed. Now all of Russia's crying out for war."

"Goddamit." snarled Ghost

"Sir, they're going to come after you too." I said

"But he's a retired officer." replied Phantom

"But they think he's a liability." I replied

"This is bullshit." laughed Phantom

"So what now?" asked Ghost

"We need to get the hell out of here." I said, "Recon is probably interrogating them and they probably already spilled information about you to protect one another."

"What are we going to do about the kids?" asked Phantom to Ghost

"You're father available?" asked Ghost

"Sure, I'll give him a call." said Phantom as she pulls out her phone and leaves the group.

"I hope you have some firearms cause all I got is my Glock 19." I said

"Follow me." he said

He leads me to the kitchen and opens a drawer. He lifts up the bottom plank of wood in the drawer and presses a button. The island table begins to move out of the way revealing a staircase leading down.

He walked down the stairs and I follow him. It was dark inside until he turns on a switch, lighting the room up and I gapped in awe.

The room was covered with racks of guns and gear we need.

"Suit yourself."

I grab a G28 sniper rifle and a 50 cal sniper. I grab a both a military vest and a civilian bullet proof vest with a ballistic helmet. I grab a pair of NVG and set it on my ballistic helmet.

"We'll be moving around a lot with civilians around us." said Ghost, "We'll put the other things in the car."

Phantom comes down and she starts gearing up as well. I grab a bag and fill it with ammunition and grenades.

"So what's the plan?" asked Phantom

"We go to Eldia." said Ghost

"What? Are we going to try to get them out?" I asked

"Yes." he replied

"Shouldn't we actually learn what is going on?" asked Phantom

"After we get them out." he replied

We put all the gear and guns in Ghost's car, I had to park "my" car in his garage so it looks like we didn't leave.

Once we were all done we sped out to prevent another world war.


Kit's POV

Present time

I'm tied to a chair with the others all in two lines, I was looking at Javelin and Recon was in between the two lines.

"Well, looks like all of you are awake." said Recon

I look around me and there were chains and wires over my body.

"I'm going to ask you all this one time." said Recon, "Where's Ghost."

"You know we aren't telling you shit." spat Hacker

"Wrong answer."

Recon presses a button on some kind remote with wires connected to the wires on our body, sending waves of shock throughout my entire body. I couldn't scream I couldn't move no matter how hard I tried, I felt my heart beating faster and faster. She lets go of the button and I gasp for air, my entire body shaking and sweating.

"What the fuck was that." asked Juggernaut

"Shock waves going through your body and it works its way up to the heart. The longer I hold the button..."

She presses the button sending another shock through my body.

"It'll kill you." said Recon

She stops and I gasp for air again, my entire body was burning in pain.

"So I'm going to give you one more chance." said Recon

She approaches me and bends down in front of me.

"Where is he?"

"I always wondered why Malvik even loved you." I smirked at her

She sighs but this time presses a different button and only Javelin was getting shocked.

"If you don't tell me she dies in 5, 4, 3-"

"Okay stop!" I yell

She stops and and Javelin starts gasping for her air as she throws her head backwards.

"Where is he?"

"Logan don't." whispered Javelin

"Logan it doesn't matter if we die just don't-"

Recon presses the button again but I was the only one that wasn't getting shocked.

"I'll tell you goddamit!" I yelled

She stops shocking them and continues to looks at me.
