
Attack on Titan Inception

5 years has passed since the great World War 3, but someone revealed a devastating truth, triggering a new war. But now, no one knows who their true allies are nor do they know who their true enemies are. Eren must do whatever he can in order to prevent another World War, but with who's help?

eddiechang24 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


Eren's POV

We were heading towards the small village up north. Apparently it was a whole slaughter, the civilians there were all killed by something that wasn't human. Not a single civilian there was alive to tell us the story.

Up ahead I could see the smoke of the burning village. The helicopter began descending and we got off once the helicopter touched the ground. Up ahead was Commander Erwin and a couple of other Eldian soldiers cleaning up the mess.

"What the fuck happened here?" asked Levi

"Go ahead and take a look." replied Erwin

I walked around the burning village, there were bodies everywhere, blood flooded the streets and buildings were torn apart.

"What could have done this?" asked Annie

"The bodies looked eaten." whispered Armin

I kneeled down and examine a body that only had the top part of it. From the stomach to the bottom were gone.

"Eaten? Looks like they were cut in half?" said Connie

"No, the wounds of this are too messy to be a sword cut, it's not clean enough." said Annie

"Then what eats humans?" asked Sasha

"Titans?" asked Armin

I looked up at Armin and gave him the 'are you fucking serious?' look.

"You're bluffing." said Jean

"If it were titans we would have giant footprints." said Mikasa

"5-6 meter titans don't necessarily leave foot prints." said Armin

"But it's illegal to even use titan serum, we destroyed every single one, every formula, there's no way someone could have had it." I said, "Every country in this world banned it."

"No not every country." replied Armin

I stood up and frowned at him.

"Which countries didn't?" I asked

"Our country obviously." stated Armin, "We're titan shifters, we need the serum in order to pass it down onto the next generation."

"But there's no way we could have done this!" I yelled at Armin

"Eren calm down, we don't even know for sure." replied Armin

"This is slaughter." I sighed, "Our people already went through that multiple times, why would someone want this to happen."

"Let's continue checking things out." said Jean

I continued walking around, watching soldiers carry bodies that looked half eaten.

"Wait, lower that body." said Armin

Two soldiers carrying a body lowered a female body. Armin bent down and examined the huge hole in the stomach.

"Titans don't eat like this." said Armin

"Sir, our forensic team investigate the body and they concluded that she must have fell backwards on her back and something ate her while being on top of her." said one of the soldiers

Armin nodded and stood back up, the soldiers carried the body away and we continued into the village.

"Eren we have a problem out here." said Bertholdt through the headset

"On my way." I replied

We headed over towards Bertholdt and there I saw helicopters and Russian soldiers all pointing their guns at Erwin.

"Commander Erwin, you're under arrest for the use of titan serum." said Recon

I looked at the others and stepped forward.

"Want to translate that from bullshit to English?" I asked

Recon doesn't laugh, she didn't react at all.

"We have evidence that Commander Erwin used the titan serum to turn some of the villagers into titans." said Recon

She turns and orders something to her soldiers in Russian and two soldiers approached Erwin but the Eldians immediately raised our guns causing the Russians to react as well.

"Don't make this any harder." said Recon

"He didn't do anything wrong, there's no way our commander would have done this." I said

"If you resist, we'll arrest you and it'll prove that you're also an accomplice of Erwin's plans." said Recon

Erwin puts a hand on my gun and lowers it, confusing me.


"Stand down." replied Erwin

He looks at me with serious eyes so I nodded and lowered my gun. Other Eldians began to lower their weapons and two Russians handcuffs Erwin then puts him onto one of the helicopters.

"There's no way, Commander had to be set up or something." said Armin

"What evidence did he have?" Levi asked Recon

Recon hands Levi a file with papers in it. I looked over his shoulder and saw finger prints that belonged to Erwin, security camera pictures of Erwin opening some kind of door.

"What, how's that possible?" I was shocked to see evidence of Erwin doing this.

"What's going to happen to him now?" asked Armin

"Depends on Her majesty." sighed Hange

"We have to find a way to prove him innocent." said Jean

Levi closes the file and sighs.

"We might be working with the enemy." whispers Levi

"Recon?" I asked

"Yes, be on your guard." replied Levi, "Worry about Erwin later."

"Yes sir." we all replied

"Let's clean up this mess and go home, we have a lot of work to do." said Levi

Kit's POV

Pain, pain was all I felt as Javelin dug her knife into my shoulder. Ghost and Marksman were holding me down so I that I don't squirm around in pain.

"AAAAHHHHH!" I screamed in pain as Javelin used on of those scissors to pull out the bullet.

Javelin then stitches my wound up so that my blood doesn't continue to spill out.

"One more, hold on." said Javelin

My shoulders were burning in pain, my whole body was heating up, sweat drenched my clothes.

"Oh shit." said Javelin

"What is it?" asked Ghost

"Sir, the bullet is deep inside his shoulder. This is going to be a hard one." said Javelin

"Kit, hang in there." said Ghost

I nodded in response and Javelin proceeds. She slowly digs her knife into my flesh and I try to hold in the scream of pain but I let it all when Javelin goes too deep.

"Found it." said Javelin

She sticks the scissor inside and tries pulling out the bullet but it wouldn't budge.

"The bullet is stuck in between two muscles, this is going to hurt a lot." said Javelin

Ghost sighs and just nods at Javelin to proceed. Javelin forcefully tugs onto the bullet and the pain was so immense that I thought I was going to die. I grabbed onto Ghost's hand tightly as Javelin began to make some progress with the bullet. With one last forceful tug, the bullet comes out and blood shoots out of my wound. Javelin immediately cover my wound and starts stitching it.

I felt like passing out, but I tried resisting and started to focus on what Javelin was saying. I looked over to Javelin's hand, her gloves covered in my blood. Her hands moved swiftly as she stitched my wound.

"Colonel, Captain, you might want to see this." whispered Hacker

Ghost pats my hand and leaves with Marksman over to the others who were sitting on a couch. I looked back to see Javelin cleaning up the blood on my shoulders with a wet towel, she was very gentle with the way she cleaned my wound, making sure she doesn't press too hard on it.

"Are you okay?" asked Javelin

Something about her tone was different from the way she used to ask me things before, back then you could tell that she didn't really care about things but right now, her tone was soft.

I nodded my head in response and she touches my forehead gently.

"Let's get you to a bed." said Javelin

I get up from the table and headed over to a bed and laid down there.

"Apparently Erwin was accused." said Javelin as she sat next to me

"Accused of what?" I asked

"Turning a village into titans." replied Javelin

"Now that only confirms our suspicions." I sighed, "What's Colonel going to do?"

"I don't know." said Javelin as she turns to look at the group, "Let's hope he figures things out."

Ghost's POV

"A village was turned into titans, the Russians have evidence of Erwin with the serum, Erwin's arrested, now the Eldian army is a no go." said Marksman

I sat there thinking about all the evidence we had on Erwin's accusation.

"Let's say that Erwin did do this, wouldn't that put the Eldians in the hotspot?" asked Hacker

"They're already in the hotspot." said Bomber

"But I meant it as in war, wouldn't every country target them now?" asked Hacker

"No it'll only strengthen the reason of another war." said Phantom

"If another war breaks out, who's the good guy?" asked Bomber

"Obviously Russia will be the good ones. Their president was killed by Sentinels who aren't actually Sentinels in the first place, plus they didn't do anything that went against any of the agreements made by the UN." said Phantom

"Check the footage again." I said to Hacker

Hacker replies the footage of Erwin opening up a safe room on his computer.

"Do you think it's possible for someone to somehow edit this footage?" I asked

"That's really hard sir, and there's a time limit cause these security cameras are checked every second, if that was the case we're dealing with someone better than us." said Hacker

I was lost in thought, thinking about that time where accusing seemed to be the key answer in everything.

"Ghost, you okay?" Marksman snapped me back to focus.

"Oh, sorry I was thinking about something." I replied

"Thinking about that time?" asked Phantom

"Yea, that time..." I whispered


8 years ago

"You have 20 minutes to kill everyone on the field! Get ready 30 seconds!"

I cocked my gun and stood with my squad, Tessa, Malvik, Emily and three other members. We were playing capture the flag, each side consisted of 8 squads, at least 7 members in each squad.

"We're going to play this safe, we're going to flank around using the east side of this field." said Tessa, "The other squads are going to take on the others head on and create a diversion for us."

I nodded and waited for the bell to ring so the game can start.

"Hey, if we win the game, maybe we can get a promotion." said Malvik

"Maybe." I chuckled

"Shut up and pay attention." snapped Tessa

"Yes ma'am." chuckled Malvik

Tessa smiled a bit and I just looked at Malvik with complete jealousy.

'Lucky ass bastard.'

The alarm rang and we immediately moved out. We crept through the trees and bushes silently towards our objective.

"Contact 10 o'clock." whispered Tessa through the earpiece

I kneeled down with the squad and watched as the enemies were wandering around, not able to see us.

Tessa signaled all of us saying, flashbang. Malvik pulls out a flashbang and tosses it at the enemy. The flashbang flashes and the enemy becomes blinded, and we all shot at them, taking them out.

"Move it." said Tessa

The enemies we shot sat on the ground and waited there, they were dead and weren't allowed to respawn or contact anyone in their team.

We continued down towards the other side until we saw the enemy's flag. I was about to go for it but Emily pulled me down.

"It's too quiet, something's wrong." said Emily

"But there's nothing wrong with it, it's literally standing there. We can just get it and run back to our side and we win." I replied, "Right?"

The others nodded their heads except for Tessa, Malvik and Emily who all raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'll go get it." said one of my squad members

He gets up and runs towards the flag but Malvik tries to stop him.

"Wait don't go for it." said Malvik

Too late, the guy gets shot in the head from somewhere and he collapses onto the floor, clutching his head.

"Shit!" mumbled Tessa, "Our cover is blown, I'm going to go for it, cover me!"

I start shooting my gun off into a random direction hoping to get lucky and hit the sniper. Tessa grabs the flag and runs back towards us.

"Let's head back!" yelled Tessa

We start running back towards our side but we ran into some enemies. I quickly kicked away a hostile's gun and hit him with the butt of my gun knocking him out. The others were able to do the same too so we continued to head out. But when we got to our side, our flag was gone.

"Damn it we're too late." mumbled Malvik

I look around and saw our flag off in the distance.

"I see it, I'll get it!" I called out

"No! Wait!" Tessa called out

But I didn't listen and I took our flag and headed over back to my squad.

"See easy enough." I said

But I was terribly wrong, everyone in my entire squad gets shot from somewhere in the bushes. I sighed as the enemy came out of the bushes and took both of the flags and ran off towards their own side.

About a minute later, the alarm sounded, signaling us that the game was over, we lost. I got up but was immediately kicked down by Tessa.

"You fucked us over, twice." snarled Tessa

She gets on top of me and punches me twice in the face. She was about to throw another punch but Malvik grabs Tessa and pulls her away from me.

"Tessa calm down, please." said Malvik

"If you don't want to get beat up either then let me go." growled Tessa

Malvik hesitated but slowly let her go. Tessa sighed and rubbed her forehead in stress.

"Next time follow some orders." said Tessa

She picks up her gun and leaves the battlefield with the others, leaving me alone on the field.

"Accused again?" asked a voice behind me

I turned around and standing there was Instructor Villan.

"Yes sir." I sighed

"Accusing people may seem to be something everyone does in order to survive these days." said Villan

"She didn't necessarily accuse me, she directly implied that I was to take the blame." I replied

"Accusing, blaming, giving excusing, all the same bullshit that a coward gives out." said Villan

"A coward, but Tessa's not a coward." I replied

"She's not, and neither are you." said Villan

I look down at the ground and sighed.

"Either ways, you guys lost so you have to bear the consequences." said Villan