
Attack On Titan: Beast Titan

Jay lay on his bed, chuckling at the unexpected twist in his favorite anime where the main character turned into a badass and met a rather grim fate. As he closed his eyes, he never expected that when he opened them again, he'd be in a completely different place. Confused and disoriented, Jay realized his attire had changed, and his hands were now smaller, like those of a 10-year-old. Panicking, he attempted to slap some sense into himself, but the reality of the situation sank in. "What the heck is happening to me?" he shouted in frustration, digging his fingers into his face. After taking a moment to calm down, Jay cautiously descended a creaky staircase in a house made of stone bricks and wood. It felt eerily empty, as if he were the sole inhabitant. Stepping outside, he was greeted by the sight of a deserted medieval-like street, leaving his head spinning. Looking to his right, a single thought echoed in Jay's mind, "I am royally messed up." Little did he know, this was the beginning of an unexpected adventure in a world reminiscent of the Attack on Titans manga.

AmouxCreationsX · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2:"The beginning"

No TV, no internet, no video games, and definitely no familiar faces in this strange world. Jay struggled to cope with the abrupt change in his surroundings. The only person he know was the old aunt, likely related to the man who had brought him the bread. Surprisingly, he could understand the language spoken, even though the source of that knowledge eluded him.

Amidst the confusion, Jay's main worry was figuring out which timeline of the Titan-haunted world he found himself in. The pressing concern was that he seemed to be in Shiganshina, the area breached by the colossal titan. Death loomed large if the breach occurred while he was so close to the wall.

Jay racked his brain for a solution, but none came. Frustrated, he stepped out of his house, gazing in the direction of the wall. His attention shifted to the inner gate of Shiganshina, the spot where the Armored Titan was destined to break through. His lip twitched with uncertainty as he walked through the streets, contemplating the reality he now faced.

Feeling overwhelmed with tension and unable to decide what to do next, Jay accidentally kicked a small stone that hit the leg of a girl walking with a boy carrying wood. Her sharp gaze made Jay feel like he was in deep trouble. In embarrassment, he rubbed his head with one arm and stammered, "I'm sorry."

Just then, the sound of a bell rang from the outer gate of Shiganshina. The boy, momentarily forgetting Jay, exclaimed, "The Survey Corps is back, Mikasa, are you okay?" The girl assured him, saying, "I'm okay." The boy, full of excitement, ran towards the gate, shouting, "Then let's go, Mikasa! It's the triumphant return of the heroes."

As the girl, Mikasa, prepared to leave, she glanced at Jay. A strange feeling overcame him, and a thought flashed in his mind: "Don't tell me that's Mikasa and Eren. And the wall is going to breach today. Oh no, oh no, oh no..."

To confirm his suspicions, Jay decided to follow the kids, eager to find out if the Survey Corps had returned, and if so, in what condition. As Jay reached the gate while trailing the two kids, he was met with a disheartening sight—Survey Corps members, faces hidden in shame, want to covered in mud as if trying to avoid the world. A defeated smile crossed Jay's face as he pondered, "Is this how it ends for me, without a chance?".

Frantically searching for the man he knew among the Survey Corps, Jay found no trace of him. The only conclusion he could draw was grim: "He's gone, isn't he?" Glancing towards the inner wall, he hesitated, contemplating whether to stay close for safety.

The thought of the Armored Titan breaching the wall made him reconsider; staying near the wall could mean death by debris, collapsing houses, or the desperate stampede of people fleeing for their lives. Before leaving the crowd, Jay cast a final glance at the defeated Survey Corps members.

With a heavy heart, he turned and headed in the direction of the canal, hopeful that the ships provided the only safe escape route when the wall inevitably breached. The grim reality of the Titan-infested world weighed heavily on Jay's heart when he considered the reality of this kind of world a joke in the past life.