
Attack on Titan: Alternate

Follow Aria as she traverses the Attack on Titan world, will she change the story to her own liking, save people that couldn’t be saved or let the flow of time set the path for itself. credit for the picture goes to a person on Pinterest, if they wish for me to take it down, please contact me.

Fotia · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

(8) A day that stands out, will be the end or a beginning

Morning was now upon the Westwood's, all three of them were now sitting around a table eating breakfast. Charles however was staring at the drawing Aria made.

"Umm, why are you staring at it that much?" Aria confused by his antics, asked him.

"Well, when I came in last night the drawing changed. However it's back to normal." With his eyes squinted together, Charles couldn't help but get confused.

"Last night? Weren't you just drunk" Charles froze at the comment. He slowly turned his head towards his wife. Seeing a weird smile on her face, he couldn't help but close his eyes and wait. " trying to get me to go away just by closing your eyes, you have some guts Charles"

It was over


Later that morning, Aria was sent out to go to school again. This time, Mikasa accompanied Eren so the three of them walked to school. Arriving the usual time, Armin was already seated in the front row with his text books out, everyone else was talking to each other as usual.

When entering, the three of the got attention as usual. Especially today. Having two girls was a big fortune, one long silver hair and one black hair which accompanied her face amazingly. Eren, not knowing why all the stares were directed over here, blushed a little.

Another few minutes were wasted trying to introduce Mikasa to Armin. After seeing her, Armin being the brain he is, he went in a large rant about the Asian clan and how popular they were.

The teacher came in promptly and handed sheets of paper out again. However, Aria didn't get one. During this class she could sleep or stare at the teachers mountains whenever she wanted. Illustris, noticing the lust, screamed some insults at Aria like "Pervert" or "look away, your too young". However, all of that was ignored by Aria.

This went in for another 4 years until that fateful day happened. The morning of that day, Arias father had already rushed out the door for work reasons. Arias mother however, seemed to be calm and started to sip on tea. Aria came into the dining room with an slight worry on her face. Seeing her mother just sit there was painful.

Amelia noticing Arias stare said "Come here, today is the day I finally say goodbye and give you the last piece of information." Aria simply nodded and walked over. Amelia pulled her into a hug and started speaking "Although I will be gone, I will always be with you in your heart. Your ancestors are also with you, having your family have your back is good right?" Aria nodded and hugged her harder.

"Good, the information I kept until today is very important. The Lord Titan, although having future sight for its users. It also has hardening abilities like the others. But one this is different, it has the ability to control the temperature around its self. This will help you, I believe it."

'Controlling the temperature around its self, Hmm I guess that would be handy'

"Lastly I want to talk to you about your origins. During the creation of the Titans, there was a single bloodline that could fully control each Titan properly. That is what you call the Royal bloodline, as we hold the Lord Titan, the bloodline runs very thick through us so we can also control the normal Titans." Aria kept nodding as the new information was being fed into her brain. "With all that, you now know what to do. It's just up to you on how to do it." With one final hug, Aria resolutely stood back up and looked at her mother.

"Don't worry, the task that my ancestors have been working on will also be mine."

Amelia nodded and hugged her one more time. "Now go, your fiends are waiting"

With a small smile, Aria ran out to find Eren and Mikasa walking out of their house. Eren seemed to be angry and Mikasa was following like normal. She ran up next to Mikasa and greeted her. Receiving a small nod, she again asked. "What happened to him?"

"Fight with his mother"

'Hmm, must be about the survey corps'

"Survey corps?" Aria replied.

Mikasa nodded before following Eren once again.


In a small ally way, 3 people were hanged around a younger looking boy.

"What's wrong, heretic? If it hurts, hit me back" The who was surrounded looked scared but managed to say "n-no way! I'm not going to stoop to your level"

The three of them looked angrier "It's because you know what I'm saying is right. That's why the only answer you have for me is your fists!" With a bit more strength he continued "and that's as good as admitting defeat"

"Shut up you bastard!" Clenching his fist, one of the boys were about to hit him. However, a voice called out "knock it off!" Shouting behind them, was Eren running as fast as he could towards them.

The three of them turned around to find someone running at them "It's Eren, nows our chance to kick that bastards ass!" Before they could do anything, Mikasa appeared behind them and scared the off. Aria was also seen, but the trio couldn't appreciate the beauty before getting their ass beat.

Eren quickly crouched down and said "hey you okay, Armin?" Seeing a hand stretched out, he shoved it away and said "I can stand on my own"

After walking for a bit, the four of them arrived by a river and sat down. Armin starts to explain why he was in that situation.

"After explaining to them why we should eventually go to the outside world, they called me a heretic" Before Armin could say anything else, Eren barged in.

"Damn it, just a slight mention of the outside world tics the church believers off. Even the military police call it a taboo"

Armin just sighed and shrugged his shoulders "I wonder if they actually know more about it then we think?"

"I wouldn't be surprised, maybe some of the family's who came here first recorded what happened in texts and secretly handed them down" Aria quickly voiced her opinion, which got the attention of the three.

Armin put his hand on his chin and thought about it. "Although it is plausible, I don't think it's true. The military police would of found them already"

Eren suddenly stretched his hand out towards the sky, "If it's true, they would have a way to get out into the open and reclaim the world we lost" His eyes where burning with determination.

"Absolutely Not" The three of them turned towards Mikasa.

"Oh yea, that reminds me. Thanks for ratting me out to mum and dad" Eren said with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"I don't remember agreeing to keep it a secret"

Armin quickly asked "how'd they take it?" Hearing the question Eren could only sigh "they weren't pleased"

"Naturally" replied Armin

"What the hell, are you telling me to give up too?"

"Look, I know how you feel but come on, it's dangerous" Armin looked at Eren seriously "I mean, for sure, I think the people who believe we'll be safe inside the walls forever have a screw loose. Just because the wall hasn't been breached in 100 years, there's no guarantee that they won't break though like today, for example"

"BOOM" the floor shook violently

"Huh?" Many of the citizens started pointing at the wall.

"W-What was that, an earthquake?"

Armin quickly took off towards the street. As he turned, his face looked like he had seen something scary. Next Eren and Mikasa quickly followed "hey, what's wrong Armin?"

As they ran around the corner, they saw it. A Titan. Eren suddenly shouted "Wait isn't the tallest one around 15m tall? The wall is 50 metres high. How can a Titan be that big." While the three of them were stunned, they had forgot about Aria.

While still sitting in her original place, Aria did not show any signs of fear. However, it was the opposite, a large grin could be found on her face. If one were to see that, they would probably believe that she had something to do with the Titan appearing. She finally had some good news, the shop option and other parts had finally been unlocked from the system. Illustris also talked about the features and what it could do now.

Aria finally got up and looked towards her home. "Don't worry, I will promise that I can sort this out. Mother, I love you."