
Attack on Titan: Alternate

Follow Aria as she traverses the Attack on Titan world, will she change the story to her own liking, save people that couldn’t be saved or let the flow of time set the path for itself. credit for the picture goes to a person on Pinterest, if they wish for me to take it down, please contact me.

Fotia · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

(6) The day a lonely girl returned home

After saying her goodbyes to Eren, she ran into her home to get her mother.


As she ran into the kitchen, Amelia was standing behind the stove cooking dinner. With a apron on, her curves stood out way more due to the tight clothing she as wearing. Her breasts ample, but not as big as the teachers which Aria was still thinking about. Amelia turned around to see Aria staring at her and dragged her into her embrace. Aria was just tall enough so when she was brought in for a hug, her mother's breasts landed on her face. Suddenly, a voice inside her head interrupted the blissful moment.


Aria just snorted and got back to hugging. Luckily she wasn't addicted or she would never let go.

"Oh mum, I forgot to tell you. I might of used my future sight again." Future sight is a skill used by holders of the Lord Titan power. Which allow them to see someone's future. If they become more powerful, they will be able to see longer into their future or even predict what their upcoming family family will go though. This is also how the ancestors of the Lord Titan predicted that Aria might have something to do to stop the Titan powers.

Amelia just frowned and asked. "Who did you use it on?"

"Well as I can't use the skill very well, I was only able to see 3 days into their future. As for whom it was Eren"

"Well, what did you see" still calm, Amelia looked her child.

"Well, all I saw was him bringing home a girl. She had black hair and black eyes as well."

Amelia looked at her daughter for a second and said "black hair and black eyes. She must be Asian. Here in the walls, they are nearly extinct. But beyond them there is a whole country full of them." Sighing, she looked at her daughters face. "You're already this cute, I guess you will become much more beautiful that I will ever be"

Aria was dumbfounded. Her mother never said anything like that. Although it lightened her heart. She quickly replied. "Mother, you are already as beautiful as can be. I guess dad prayed to the angles many times to get you." Hearing the words form her daughter, Amelia smiled slightly and gave a kiss on her forehead.

After the mother-daughter moment, Aira went to the table and found some paper on it. Intrigued, she took a piece and used one of the feather to draw something. As she had eidetic memory, she had already remembered a lot of the layout of the town she lived in. So she started drawing a Birds eye view of the town. Although she used one colour which was black. The detail was amazing. As she finished the drawing, her mother turned around and said it was time to eat. Before her mother could see, she hid the drawing and waited after dinner to show mother and father.

During dinner, many topics were brought up such as, "How was work", "Don't forget to hand in the taxes" and "How was school" the usual.

After dinner, Aria had asked them to stay there and ran to her room. Slowly coming out, she hid the drawing behind her back and walked to the front of the table.

With a small breath in she presented the picture to her parents. The first one to react as obviously Charles and made a large comment about how amazing she was and how talented she was. Amelia on the other hand was surprised but still kept her cool while look at the picture intently.

Although she knew she would get praise, it still felt different getting it from her parents. She smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of her head.

After commotion her farther made, it was time to sleep. The night went by quickly so the the sun would rise again.

In the morning, Aria quickly got out of bed and started getting dressed. As she was six, her cloths consisted of a small plain white dress with other necessities. Why was she rushing? Well due to the seeing the future. She also knows the time that Eren and Mikasa will arrive back home. As she ran into the kitchen, her mother and farther were already up and sitting down at the table.

"Morning Aria, My beautiful daughter" Charles quickly said as he sipped on tea.

Aria could only roll her eyes and and say "good morning"

Amelia quickly responded with a blissful hug and gave Aria some milk and porridge for breakfast. After gobbling it down, she looked towards a small clock on the wall. In the walls, although clocks were a known thing they were quite rare.

'Good, around 5 minutes until they reach Eren's home.' Aria went back to her bedroom and sat down again and waited. During her wait she decided to check her status again

[Name] (Aria Westwood)

[Age] (6)

[Bloodline] Royal Lineage/Lord Titan


[Techniques] (Future sight)

'At least I have gained a skill. But it won't make me stronger.' Scrunching her eyebrows she thought for a bit, but put it to the back of her mind.

She happily ran out to the front door and said "I'll be out for a bit, can I get something to eat while I'm out."

Hearing that his daughter would be going outside, Charles quickly took out some change and handed it to her. "Be careful alright, there are many people these days that would want to take your money."

'And me' quickly saying it under her breath

Aria quickly nodded and headed out. As she closed the door behind, she turned around to see three figures walking into the Yeagers house. Mikasa who was standing next to Grisha Yeager, saw Aria and looked at her. Aria returned the gaze. In Mikasa's eyes were anger, despair, sadness. However, in the back there was a glittering white light. Hope and determination were written in her eyes.

"Good morning Mr Yeager" Aria shouted towards them.

Grisha, hearing a girls voice looked over to find Aria waving. He smiled and waved back "Oh, hello Aria what a lovely day we're having"

After their hellos, he introduced Mikasa to her. She smiled, but Mikasa just looked and said nothing. Aira awkwardly smiled and went in her way.