
Attack on Titan: Alternate

Follow Aria as she traverses the Attack on Titan world, will she change the story to her own liking, save people that couldn’t be saved or let the flow of time set the path for itself. credit for the picture goes to a person on Pinterest, if they wish for me to take it down, please contact me.

Fotia · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

(10) Getting stronger for the future

In an unknown forest around the Trost District, three figures were walking deeper and deeper. The largest figure was holding a Lamp, illuminating the space in front of him. The two smaller ones were of a boy and a girl. The boy seemingly anxious and the girl looking around curiously.

Arriving at an opening, the man turned and faced the two children. "Eren, please listen too me, this is for the good of the people. You will now be carrying the fate of the Eldians on your hands."

"w-wait, what do you mean Eldians-" Aria suddenly interrupted them "They are us, The people in the walls, trapped for being different..."

Grisha looked over to Aria and said "So you are the Lord Titan. Why is it here." Aria looked over to him and smirked "Why do you think?

"Well, from what i know, the Lord Titan is the Titan that oversees and helps them. And, I don't know if this is real or not , being able to see the future. However, it is only a rumour." When she heard this, Aria looked over at him and a smile.

She looked at Grisha and continued. "As you know, the Lord Titan does do what you say. However, only people with the Royal bloodline can activate the <future site> ability. As you have probably guessed, me and my mother are part of the Royal bloodline." Grisha however didn't look surprised, he just nodded.

Eren, on the side was still dazed about what his father had told him. Not knowing what Titan Shifters are or even the Eldians.

Before Grisha could change the Titan power to Eren, Aria said one more thing. "Eren, trust the blonde girl behind you" Grisha looked strangely at Aria before sighing. "Seeing the future must be interesting."

"It's worse than you think" After saying that, she quickly disappeared and hid behind some trees.


After the transfer of Titan powers, Eren slowly climbed out of the corpse of his old Titan and blacked out. Aria jumped out from the trees and carried Eren back. The next day, Eren had no idea what had happened last night and carried on with his day.

'At least I got past that. I didn't realise Grisha knew so much about me and mother'. After contemplating for a while, Eren, Mikasa and Armin returned with food. Sitting in a circle, they talked about what happened during the day. Eren had a confused face on him. "I feel like something happened last night."

Aria hearing this quickly denied it "What do you mean? you were sleeping all night." she also looked over to Armin and Mikasa to get a nod from both of them.

"Anyway, it's late we should get some rest" agreeing, they all settled down for the night. However, Aria finally had a chance to cultivate.

After seeing them fall asleep, Aria quietly sat up and got up and sat cross legged. She next looked into her mind to find the instructions for the manual. After comprehending it, she started to gather Qi into her dantian. After a few minutes, she found it to be filling up faster and faster 'Hmm, what now.'

Illustris, who hasn't been active for a while chimed in to help. "There are 5 gates you must open next. The first I recommend is the eye gate. It will help you see better and slightly increase your reaction time. You just have to circulate the Qi you have gathered into the eyes."

Nodding her head, Aria got a feel for circulating it around her body and directs it to her eyes. As it was gathering there, she could feel a burning sensation but ignored it. After 1 hour of circulating it, she finally managed to break though the eye gate.

Opening her eyes, the first thing she saw was a small fly in the top corner of the room they slept in. "Wow my eyes. I didn't even have to think and noticed that small fly in the corner of the room. Next should be the leg and arm gates."

Both of the gates took just under 2 hours to complete and she felt a lot stronger than before. Compared to Mikasa. She should be on par with her after awakening her Akerman bloodline. Next was the ear gate. Stating that after opening it, you would be able to hear incredible distances and hear small movements. Aria and begun to circulate the Qi around her meridians and bring it to her ears. Her ears twitching constantly until she broke though the gate.

After getting used to her new hearing, she concentrated and heard some people speak in the street.

"Did you hear, the scout regiment are ordering an expedition to see if they can reclaim wall Maria."

"What, really?"

"I know, suicidel bastards"

Aria heard this and smiled. A day trip didn't seem bad. After getting over the conversation, she calmed down and opened the last gate, the mind gate. This helped the reflexes and increases intelligence. After opening the mind gate. All of the Qi she had gathered had gone. As she broke though all the gates, Aria stepped into the first realm of immortal cultivation, the Earth Realm.

Each realm had 5 stages. Pre, starter, middle, late and perfection. They represent in how well you have trained in the realm. The pre stage suggesting that you have just broke though to the realm and have not done anything to secure it. And the Perfection stage saying that you have went though the stage and ready to break though to the next.

To secure it, Aria again gathered Qi, except it changed to a unfamiliar type of energy in the dantian. From the colourless energy, it changed to a golden hue and formed a ball. After gathering for an hour, she had finally filled her dantian. "That took longer than before" She thought about it and started revolving it around her meridians. As she had no gates to open, Aria only needs to revolve it around her meridians to absorb it. This lasted until she felt her body break into the starter stage.

Looking out the small window, Aria could see the sun rising just beneath the large walls. Although she stayed up all night, the Qi also allows for her to maintain a healthy body and used as a food source. After breaking though, she found she had a new ability.

[Name] (Aria Westwood)

[Age] (10)

[Bloodline] (Royal Lineage/Lord Titan)

[Cultivation] (Soaring Phoenix Cultivation Technique)

[Techniques] (Future sight), (Great Teleportation Technique), (Phoenix Body)

'Phoenix body?' Aria didn't know what the technique was but from the description it sounded powerful.

<Phoenix Body>

-Allows user to transform the body and gain massive amounts of strength for a period of time. Each realm you pass through makes the technique stronger.

"It sounds like a Titan form but without the Titan part" Hearing this, Illustris rolled her non-existent eyes.

Which 'company' should she join?

Military police

Scouting legion

Stationary Guard

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