
Attack On Titan- Wings of liberty*

This fanfiction is about what would happen if survey cops came to knew the truth about the outside world before the first titan attack.

0pointsixdegreeC · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 1:

{This is a short chapter, just introductory it tells about the interests and nature of the protagonist}

School is going to get completed in about a month I have already completed the syllabus or I would rather say I needn't study that again after studying that in class. Designing things fascinated me more than reading the same book again, whenever I am frustrated I cook something new, the aroma of spices takes all frustration away or rather I would say I love Maillard reaction( reaction between amino acid and reducing sugars).

*Doorbell rings*

Ohh it's my friend, as usual, she wants me to teach her physics for final exams. And she knows that I will never say"no".

I want to get into genetics after school. My friend plans to go to a medical college she tells me a lot of things about medicines and treatment of any disease as her parents are doctors.

I began to teach her.

After few hours her doubts were all cleared, it was damm tiring. My parents are not home neither any of my siblings.

Now I need to cook something for her and myself.

It's already night we had dinner together and I am dead tired.

I called ishu for ice cream.

She just laughs a lot and makes fun of others at the same time she is very kind.

She left around 10

I was all alone

I went to study something

I feel something odd today.

I was looking outside the window

It's a full moon day it's kinda cold today

I was going to the bed suddenly the bell rings.

I went to see whether it was ishu again

I opened the door

A flash of light struck my eyes

Then I suddenly felt as if there was no ground under my feet, it was a terrifying feeling. After some time, I felt that the door was back there. I opened it and stepped out on an unknown street.

I was afraid. It was a starry night.

Where was I ??

This place was completely alien to me.

I turned back to return to my house but shockingly it was not my home.

There was a river nearby and I remember having no such river near my place, it was clean the sparkling of stars and moon gave a crystal appearance to it.

It was after such a long time I saw such a clean water body.

It was relaxing, its calmness got all my fear away.

Looking at the sky gave an idea that it was about 1-3 in the morning.

What happened to me between this time. I couldn't remember a thing.

I was calmly enjoying the view when suddenly I felt a cold hand on my shoulder........

"English is not my first language. It is my first time trying my hand at writing something. I will try to write better slowly try to write better vocabulary"