

The "Atomsplit" Follows our main protagonist, Rayz, who possesses the ability to manipulate atoms & elementalist energy. With the help of the 3 powerful Realm rulers, he must learn to control his powers and defeat a force opposite to him that's bound to release into the world, while also fighting alongside his allies to defend eachother from powerful enemies known as death merchants, who seek to aid in the release of Rayz's opposite.

Teapotters · Fantasy
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41 Chs

#37: Grand arrival I

The streets are full of life, everybody is enjoying themselves.

A celebration is being thrown to welcome the flameyard's!

Every citizen is happy, they are drinking, playing games, enjoying eachothers company.


It upsets me.

The family is inside a carriage, with Ignition in the front.

Everybody cheers them on as they make their way to the palace.

Inside the carriage sit Flame, Fuel and Amber.

Amber is waving at everybody cheerfully as Flame and Fuel sit quiet.

The palace doors open for the carriage, as guards surround the area to make space for them.

The doors close, the family is inside.

Amber jumps out from the carriage. "Hey!"

Spark runs to hug her. "I missed you!"

Amber pats her head. "I missed you too pal!"

Flame jumps out as Fuel limps his way out.

Ignition: "Careful there pal, that leg ain't healed yet."

Fuel: "Bite my ass"

Striker walks over to Fuel. "I see you're as cheerful as ever."

Flame shakes Striker's hand. "It's been a while."

Striker: "Yet we are back at it."

Ignition jumps out from the front, looking around. "So where's that little brat?"

Winter walks up behind him. "He's inside with Aaron and the reactioneers."

Ignition: "If it isn't my dear friend Winter, you haven't aged a single day."

Winter: "I can't say the same about you."

Striker: "If you two start anything, i'll put your heads on pikes."

They both salute him and nod.

Spark walks over to Fuel. "Are you okay? I heard what happend."

Fuel: "Yeah, im alright. No big deal."

Spark: "Im so proud of you! Defeating a death merchant like that is incredible!"

Fuel: "It's nothing, really."

Flame: "If it's not too much trouble, i'd really like to see the young Atomsplit now."

Striker: "Of course."

Fuel: "We dont even know if he really is him. He can't use his powers."

Winter: "I assure you, it's him."

Ignition: "Should i take your word on that?"

Winter: "You should, it usually leads to good thints for you."

Amber smiles at them.

Inside the palace, they are all eagerly waiting.

Zayn fixes his bow tie and stands infront of a shiny pedastal, looking at himself.

Eisenhower: "Why are you dressed like that?"

Zayn: "Unlike you primates, i care about looking presentable."

Aaron: "You're dressed like this is a wedding."

Zayn: "I'm not taking shit from you, you're shirtless."

Aaron: "I cant wear shirts. I rip them on accident."

Jake looks at Josh. "I can't believe this is happening."

Rayz: "Are you good dude? Nothing to be nervous about."

Jake: "Dude i'm gonna die."

Rayz: "Come on man, it was probably just a bad dream."

Jake grumbles.

Zayn: "Will you guys shut up they are coming in any second."