

The "Atomsplit" Follows our main protagonist, Rayz, who possesses the ability to manipulate atoms & elementalist energy. With the help of the 3 powerful Realm rulers, he must learn to control his powers and defeat a force opposite to him that's bound to release into the world, while also fighting alongside his allies to defend eachother from powerful enemies known as death merchants, who seek to aid in the release of Rayz's opposite.

Teapotters · Fantasy
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41 Chs

#34: Winged.

Winter, Jake, Josh and Flight have all made a safe journey back into the Lightning realm. Jake and Flight were taken in by Dr. Mor. To be treated better for their wounds.

Spark and Josh sit outside the hospital room, while Winter and Rayz are inside interrogating Flight.

Winter: "Can you tell me who you are?"

Flight: "My name is Flight."

Winter: "Your backstory."

Flight: "I... i dont remember much."

Winter: "What can you remember?"

Flight: "I.. only have memories dating back 2 weeks or so."

Winter: "That can't be right."

Flight: "I swear i'm not lying to you. I really can't remember anything."

Rayz: "Try to remember. Why did you help Jake?"

Flight: "I was watching from afar... next thing i knew, my instincts kicked in and i rushed in after i sensed danger."

Winter: "Why were you watching?"

Flight: "I dont know."

Winter: "We aren't going anywhere with this."

Rayz: "I dont think he's lying."

Winter: "Why's that?"

Rayz: "I just dont think he is."

Winter: "I wish it was as simple as thinking."

Jake: "I trust him, too."

Winter: "You stay put. You're in no position to be talking."

Jake: "I'm good enough..."

Winter: "You dipshit, you almost died back there. You are alive because of bird boy. I couldn't get there fast enough."

Outside of the room.

Josh: "I violently shit myself every time you bring me a drink."

Spark: "I hope Jake's okay..."

Josh: "Winter said he's all good. But he'll probably stay like that for a while."

Spark: "So what will you guys do?"

Josh: "Its clear we cant fight like everyone else does... so we will have to adapt."

Spark: "How?"

Josh: "We will spend our time engineering weapons. I think we learned the hard way that there's no such thing as fighting fair."

Spark: "You can say that twice... Aaron's father, my oldest brother, was killed by a sneak attack during the unification war."

Josh: "What happend?"

Spark: "There was a death merchant called Lightspeed. He's probably still around. Scary thing is, he can move at the speed of light. It's really hard to avoid him, especially if you're not being careful out and about."

Josh: "I see. We'll have to keep track of that from now on then."