

The "Atomsplit" Follows our main protagonist, Rayz, who possesses the ability to manipulate atoms & elementalist energy. With the help of the 3 powerful Realm rulers, he must learn to control his powers and defeat a force opposite to him that's bound to release into the world, while also fighting alongside his allies to defend eachother from powerful enemies known as death merchants, who seek to aid in the release of Rayz's opposite.

Teapotters · Fantasy
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41 Chs

#21: Those two.

Jake and Josh sit in their cell, bored out of their minds as Spark wasn't able to get them permission to witness Rayz officially accept his position.

Jake: "Would you rather have a million dollars, or like... be a darkness elementalist"

Josh: "Shit... i could probably replicate darkness elementalists with a million dollars..."

Jake: "Yeah... you get me..."

Spark suddenly runs face first into the steel bars.

Jake and Josh stare at her in awe.

Jake: "You think shes dead?"

Josh: "You've lost a couple braincells and we've only been here a week."

Spark looks up at the two of them. "Good news guys, Striker wants to see just you two!"

Jake: "Just us?"

Spark: "Well, we are not really sure what to do with you guys, and we cant really keep you in here forever, can we?"

Josh starts banging on the steel bars. "Let me out spark, let me out now!"

Spark hits him with a thunderstrike, knocking him out.

Jake: "Why does everyone do that shit to him."

Spark unlocks the cell. "I dunno, he looks zappable."

In the throne room.

Striker: "So, what am i meant to do with you guys?"

Josh: "Uh..."

Jake: "We wanna stay and fight with Ray."

Josh: "We what?"

Jake: "What? It makes sense. Not like we have anywhere else to go."

Josh: "True, but."

Spark armlocks them both. "Aww! You guys wanna stay with me!"

Jake tries speaking, but hes getting choked out. "Absolutely not..."

Josh: "H-holy sh-hit she really could kill us."

Striker: "Cut that out, Spark."

Spark lets them go. "You buzzkill!"

Jake catches his breath. "So, how does that sound? We wanna fight alongside Ray."

Josh: "Now that you mention it, it would be a great oppurtunity to develop some new combat based stuff, we really havent done something like that in a while."

Striker: "Well then, i suppose that will work.

Fine then, you may stay and help your friend. But you must prove yourselves useful to us."

Jake: "Hell yeah!"

Striker: "Spark will still supervise you."

Jake knocks himself out using a pillar.

Spark: "Well im excited!"