

The natives were elemental. They were known for their superpowers and special abilities. Everything revolved around Atohmma being the descendant of the ancestral native elf people and becoming the true leader. She was petite, powerful, wise and envied. Her world was strange, cold and foggy. Many years passed before she realized, that even her fleeting thoughts, had the power to affect, destroy or improve her world. Copyright: Tricia A. Brown (Mystrixxa) @ WEBNOVEL AUTHOR: Mystrixxa

Mystrixxa1_Trish · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter Forty-Nine

When Atohmma and Trudy returned home, later that afternoon, she noticed that her tent was re-arranged and spotless. Nicky and Mindy had completed their chores for the day and we're sitting by the garden. Atohmma was pleased to see the difference in her surroundings. She was amazed at the way everything seemed to be better organized. Her tent appeared more spacious. They decorated it like a tent fit for a queen. Atohmma placed her sword on the stand and relieved herself of some of the clothes she had on.

Trudy and Atohmma discussed their plans for the following day. It would have been best for Atohmma to get sufficient sleep, because of her early start to what may be a busy day on the morrow. Trudy left to get herself some rest as well and so did Nicky and Mindy. Atohmma had her shower, a hot cup of tea and sat on her bed wondering. She wondered about Nucamma and whether her role would have changed their friendship or affected the time they would usually spend with each other. She knew she would allow him to visit her there and also to spend time with her at her tent. Atohmma didn't want to do anything, that will diminish the respect she had to command.

She took to making an entry in her journal. She wanted to keep her own personal track of the events she had been a part of and her experiences over the past days. She drew an illustration of the sword and the stand that Frisky made for it. She even tried to sketch the experience she had, with the elemental shield on the mountain. She took notes of what the elders and her guides explained to her so that she didn't forget.

She reached over to the schedule that Trudy prepared for her. She noticed that her bedtime was also included. She checked the time noticing she had a few hours before going to bed. Atohmma became curious. She felt anxious about doing something. She had a few hours before bedtime and she had wings. Her wings were large and powerful. She had her mind to teleport thoughts. She felt like doing something out of the ordinary. She sat on her bed, thinking about Nucamma. She purposely thought about him meeting her by the lake. She knew that he would get the teleported message, so she quickly changed. She looked out at the sky. It was a beautiful night and the sky was filled with stars. She looked around to see if there was much activity in the village. She didn't want to take any chances, so she walked around to the back of her tent, by the garden. From there, she took off. She was heading for the lake. Meanwhile, Nucamma felt uneasy, He was socializing with some of his friends when Atohmma crossed his mind. He felt as though she was not where she was supposed to be. He wondered if she was nearby. He suddenly began feeling as though he should meet with her tonight. He looked up at the stars and sky. He felt strangely drawn toward the direction of the lake, so he followed his mind. His eyes and wings headed toward the lake. He left his friends without any warning. When he arrived at the lake, Atohmma was sitting by the water, alone, staring at it.

He walked up to her, saying, "You called me didn't you?" She turned around, got up and hugged him. She said, "Apparently I did, I missed you." He held her and he whispered, "I thought you forgot all about me. Are you okay?" "Yes, of course, I am," she replied. "I just couldn't resist this beautiful night. I have a few hours before my scheduled bedtime and I didn't want to waste it." They both released their hugging and walked toward the water's edge. She gave him a personal invitation to visit her in the village. She explained to him, that although there would be times, when she would visit him, she was allowing him to visit her. The invitation allowed him to fly over and stay with her at her tent, when he had the time and need. She wanted him to know, that he didn't have to wait for her at the entrance of the village, by the guards. She said she would inform them and they would welcome him, as her personal guest. "Sounds good to me. I would like that," said Nucamma as he placed his hands around her waist. She told him about her plans to visit her village, to share with them, the best of the fruits and food that grew there. She would love for him to have some as well, so she promised to make the time to drop it over.

They both stood by the lakeside, quietly admiring the surroundings, looking at the sky and making conversation. Nucamma was good at finding anything to talk about. Somehow, the time wasn't quickly passing by. They had enough time, to spend enjoying the few hours together. Atohmma felt much better. For some reason, she felt excited and wasn't bored or burdened with all the formalities and strict scheduling that she had to endure. She realized, that she could have time for herself, for her friends. There was nothing stopping her or preventing her from having a natural life that was fun and exciting, apart from being a leader. She experienced the freedom she still maintained. She had the skills, power and abilities to manifest anything she wanted and the way she wanted it. Their world, belonged to Atohmma. She could do anything and be anywhere. She was just beginning to come to terms with it. She called the shots now. She was the one, with full control over how she maintained her life and schedule. She wasn't a child and the elders didn't have any desire to control what she did or did not do. It was all up to her.