
ATLA: The Master

What would happen if a chance was given to a man? A chance to rewrite history that he once thought to be fiction, and change both himself and the world. For the better or worse, follow Kypher as he survives in a world he was destined for... I'll try to update once a day. No harem, always hated them. Ps. I do not own any of the characters except of my original ones.

Karito_ · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 9 The Fun and Reason

"Well that was fun.." Of course it was. Toph shivering in fear by the time he was done teasing. The whisper trick, was something he invented. He was able to manipulate the direction of his words to bounce of the wall behind her, making it appear like he was behind Toph. In reality he was ran around his side of the ring, while turning off and on his membrane, and watched her, flinch in fear.


"Oh well, better get to sleep. Tomorrow, I have to meet her family. First impression sure do count..."



After a good nap somewhere on the rooftops. Kypher decided it was finally time to visit the Beifongs.

The entrance to their manor was a but further up the the town. It was a built on a slight hill, which made it visible to the entire town. And, ironically, even though the Beifongs act like a king or whatever, it was quite easy to break in to their mansion.

It took some time to get to the entrance of the manor, as Kypher decided to the market for the sake of it, while also debating on how to appear before the family. Maybe he should scare them. That would be funny.

'You know what, that is an amazing idea' And so, he started to plan out his amazing idea...


POV Lu Beifong

Last night was a horrible experience for the Beifong family head. It seemed like he was being haunted by an unknown spirit. He would have to ask for some advice from his physician, in the evening.

His door was opened and from outside 4 people entered. 2 were guards, 1 was his secretary, and the other was his family butler. While the secretary caried a few documents, the butler was some neatly folded clothes.

"Sir, your clothes." The family butler placed the noble's clothes on Lu Beifong's bed , then exited the room with the guards. The secretary however stood beside him while listing all of the important appointments and meetings he has to complete.

Most of the paperwork would be dealt by his officials, but some documents required his stamp of approval.

"When does my first appointment start and with who?" Lu asked his secretary while changing his clothes

"Sir, it appears your first appointment starts later in the day, would you like to join your daughter in the garden for some tea?"

"That would be lovely. Is my wife awake?" The secretary reported immediately,

"The madam is still asleep, while your daughter woke up early today, and decided to go for a walk, I believe she will return soon." Lu nodded, his daughter loved to go for walks in the garden even though, she could not see the flora.

"Very well, let us go to the gardens" he concluded. It would be nice to spend some time with his daughter.

"Have you managed to contact the Blind Master Go... go... what was his name" It was a hard name to remember, he still struggled to do so. The doors to the gardens were opened, and the 2 men walked in.

"Blind Master Gojo-. " the secretary attempted to correct his master, however stopped midway.

"Lu Beifong, the head of Beifong family, It is a pleasure meeting you..." said a dark clothed man. The man was sitting on one of his outside chairs. Which infuriated Ly Beifong..

"Who are you.. How did you enter my home without alerting my guards."Lu Beifong demanded. The man started to chuckle.

"Now, now... how do you not realise the person you are looking for is Infront of you.?" The air around the man suddenly changed. It no longer felt like Lu was talking to man in this world, more like a spirit.

Kypher grinned. Presence elimination. A really useful ability. Ah sound-bending what a useful element to control...

"Gojo Satoru. The Blind Master. It seems you have found out about us, before we found you. A pleasure to meet you." Fu walked towards the man and sat on the seat next to him and held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you. I apologise for intruding. But I do hate being searched for. Although it did not stop me from being curious and checking out why you wished to meet me." The man answered and shook his hand. Fu Beifong sighed in relief. It seemed like the man was just curious for his reasons.

"It is quite interesting to see a man with a disability, such as yourself, be able to walk around and even sneak past my guards. May I ask how?" Lu Beifong asked carefully. Usually a bender would be very protective of their secrets, yet he still had to ask.

"It was a technique, I created. Couldn't stand having people walking me, like an animal." It was easy to fit in, into the persona he created for himself. Just lie about being blind and poor and he was good to go. Lu looked towards his assistant who seemed to have nodded.

"Walking you? Does that mean you are a noble such as myself." 'Smart man' Kypher remarked, He had made such an assumption from a single intentional slip up

"Maybe, maybe not... Now what do you wish from me." He asked causing Lu to look down at his hands.

"I have a blind daughter,"Fu started narrating, "who requires assistance in walking around and struggles daily because of so...I was sceptical of you, at first, after all, if there was such a technique why was it not well-know, but after making sure with my assistant, that you are actually blind and not making things up, I have made my mind. I would like you to teach her this technique of yours.

Kypher froze...

*AHAHAHAHAHAHA* he started laughing. Oh the irony. How funny. Of course he had guessed a bit, what the Beifong family head wanted from him, yet in the end, Lu saying it made it even funnier . He wanted Kypher to teach Toph... TO SEE!!!

It took Kypher a while to calm down and even then he would chuckle every now and then. "Please Master Gojo. For any price, anything just teach my daughter to see" This made his burst into laughter again. Was the old man trying to kill him through laughter. He just couldn't hold himself. It was as if the Heaven's was writing this joke.

After another minute of laughter, he had managed to compose himself enough to answer. "Sure. I don't mind. And don't worry. All I need is a few hours of work with her and she will be able to se-" He stopped himself before he started rolling with laughter again.

"As for the price just prepare a ship to go to the Eastern air temple once we finish. Deal?" Although Fu was not sure why the issue seemed to be so funny to the white-haired man, he still was happy he was able to convince the man to teach his poor daughter-

Speak of the devil...

"Good morning father. I hope you are well rested. Good morning-.." Toph froze. IT WAS THAT GUY.

'What is he doing here. Is he here to tell on me'

"Father, I-" She franticly started trying to defend herself...

"Toph, dear." Her father made her quite down. "I want you to meet your master, for a period of time." Toph just continued staring in confusion, at the man that caused her, so much misery.

"The Blind Master, Gojo Satoru..."



Hey guy, hope you like the interactions so far. SO yes, Kypher will be Toph's master for a bit. As for what he will teach her, since she has already learnt sonar, well... you'll see in the next chapter

Big thanks to:

Homiene, Shadow160, LucyAzomonia, _Vlad_, Titan106, BlackFire_, Wynter_01, TheOneChosenToRead, judgmental_duck, NoLife_King, aroniac, HonorableThing, Nightwolf2728, Leonardo_Porto, Logayyt_Biokin, jahmii for the Power Stones.

Cya tomorrow...
