
ATLA: The Master

What would happen if a chance was given to a man? A chance to rewrite history that he once thought to be fiction, and change both himself and the world. For the better or worse, follow Kypher as he survives in a world he was destined for... I'll try to update once a day. No harem, always hated them. Ps. I do not own any of the characters except of my original ones.

Karito_ · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 4 Arriving at Si Wong Desert


It was a beautiful morning in Ba Sing Se. The blue jays and were singing their melodies bringing life to the quiet city, while the doves were flying around, bringing joy to the residents of the massive city.

However not everything was as peaceful as it seemed. Somewhere in the noble district, inside a large room of a sky blue mansion, resounded a deafening cry.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" It seemed like the child was in a horrible situation, or even worse in danger, However to the residents of the mansion this was something they expected.

"MOM, DAD, THE SUN JUST ROSE!" the white-haired child yelled in dissatisfaction. It seemed the parents of said child had awoken him just after dawn.

"WE KNOW, BRAT! GET YOUR LAZY BUM OUT OF BED! YOU SHOULD BE OUT OF THE CITY BY THE END OF THE MORNING!" Screamed the father in return. It was not a shout of anger, more like a teasing shout, which replicated his son's voice from a few seconds ago.

"damn old man. hope you step on a lego" Kypher muttered under his breath. It seemed like his insults had been one of the few things that followed him from his last world.

"What did you say, brat?"His father asked him, obviously understanding that his son was cursing him.

"Nothing" Was the immediate response. He did not wish for a one-sided whooping. His father was a master earth bender after all.

Kypher got out of his bed, changed his clothes into something more appropriate for a long distance journey, and followed his parents outside where he saw an ostrich horse with a few backpacks on it's large back. At the side was a sheathed sword and 2 daggers, 1 large one and 1 small one.

"We prepared for everything you might need or need, dear..." his mother started "Brat. If you ever get in trouble do not be afraid to come back home. You will always be welcome. Do visit us oftentimes." His father finished what his mother could not say.

Then Kyn Laer's expression turn serious. "I want you to promise me something."

"What?" Kypher's expression also turned serious at this point.

"I know at one point, you will wish to go to the fire nation. If that's the case, in addition to the currency of the water and earth nation, I also place some fire nation yuan. So I want you to promise me to only head for the fire nation when you are able to protect yourself." Kypher's father looked him in the eye, and waited for his son to agree.

"I promise, Dad." Kypher's response seemed to satisfy him.

So the time finally came. Kypher jumped at his parents and hugged them fiercely before quickly getting on the ostrich horse, and left the manor.

The couple who were left behind, waited for their son to leave their gate, before finally sighing sadly.

They knew this was something they had to do to let their son grow up to become a man who could support others. It was painful but they held in their emotions until they entered their home. It felt a little empty without their bundle of joy, but held themselves strong.

For they knew their little troublemaker would come back...


The moment Kypher left the outer wall of Ba Sing Se, he felt searing pain on the back side of his left palm. After a few minutes of agony, a decently sized compass tattoo appear on his hand.

Underneath said compass was a somewhat large ribbon, which had a few symbols inside.

After a few minutes of getting used to the feeling and experimenting with the compass, by finding the locations of the main cast, Kypher decided to head towards his first goal.

This was THE most important step of his plan in this world as it would form the foundation of his bending as well as other subjects. The destination was...

Wa Shin Tong's Library


A cold, ocean breeze brushed past Kypher's white-hair, throwing it around, while the beautiful moon reflected on the water, seemed to be bewitch by the teenager's mesmerising azure eyes. The sailor on the mast had finally announced that they will soon reach the shore.

Currently, Kypher was on a merchants ship


Flash back a few hours ago

After arriving at Suin Village, and seeing a large river separate Si Wong desert from where he was currently at, he was unsure on how to proceed. While, he was pacing through the fishing village near the river, contemplating on how to cross said river, a bandit with a knife decided to show up and try to rob him.

Of course, it took Kypher a few seconds disarm the man, and beat the living daylights out of him. While the beating was ongoing, he looked further up the port and saw a merchant's ship loading supplies. After leaving the poor fellow alone, he walked up to the ship, and after a hefty donation he was allowed on board.

With nothing to do while the crewmates loaded supplies, he chose to relax in a small room that was to given to him, near the end of the ship.



Since Si Wong was a very rural place, there was only 2 ports in the northern side of Si Wong. 1 was the Full Moon Bay, which was a government bay which would be later used to smuggle people into Ba Sing Se without the Fire Nation knowing. The 2nd port was a small port village, called Tai Lu Village, which had less than 50 permanent residents.

This was the village Kypher was stopping at. After arriving a few minutes past midnight, he immediately looked for a place to stay. Luckily, Tai Lu Village had a single inn which was usually empty since not many people chose to live at this side of the river.

"Wha can I get fo ya, cub?" The innkeeper asked with what seemed to be a heavy red neck accent.

"A room for a night, and some info on a few things, please." He said respectfully. He knew better than to be rude to an innkeeper, they held the keys to all the rooms. 'They could slit your throat while your asleep and you wont even realise that your dead' He thought to himself while taking out a few yuan to cover the bill for the nights, plus a few for the info.

"Whachu wanna know?" She asked while sliding the coins into the palm of her hands and taking out a steel key with a yellowish tag attached. '3' was the number written on the tag.

"Do you know a place I could get a large amount of supplies consistently?"

"Depending on how mu"


Hello everybody, I want to thank you all for reading this far. I hope that until now my writing has been bearable for you.

I would also like to especially thank:




for the power stones

Cya tomorrow...
