
ATLA: The Master

What would happen if a chance was given to a man? A chance to rewrite history that he once thought to be fiction, and change both himself and the world. For the better or worse, follow Kypher as he survives in a world he was destined for... I'll try to update once a day. No harem, always hated them. Ps. I do not own any of the characters except of my original ones.

Karito_ · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 18 The Required Vacation (2)

Kypher just stood up and started walking outside, before calling out to the princess, "I am here on vacation princess, nothing more, nothing less..."


Azula was furious. The man was blatantly disobeying her. She stood up and prepared to chase after the man before two hands grabbed her shoulders and stopped her.

"Azula, think about what he just did, as well as what he had done before." Mai asked her friend. Azula calmed down and pondered about what happened.

First he used chi-blocking

Second he put out her fire without the proper technique

Third, he could create lightning without the immense concentration required to separate the chi.

Azula's blood went cold and she paled at the thought, how was he able to do all this, while she couldn't. She was about to call to her guards and have him arrested. But it seemed like her friends knew her better.

"Azula, imagine what he can do with standard fire bending if he was able to create sparks with no movements." This made the crazy princess calm down and rethink a few things.

(Author: Many people thought Azula was head strong or plain stupid, however it has been found on many accounts, that she is more cunning, sadistic, and thoughtful of her actions, although at times she can be consumed by bloodlust and react in such manner.)

The man was here for vacation. She was also here for vacation. There was not a need for violence no matter how much she wanted to prove her superiority. She could do it with other ways. That way she could honey trap him and silver tongue, all of his secret styles and techniques. Outside of her imagination, her two friends sighed in relief after seeing Azula come to her senses, after witnessing her smile slowly turn into her insanely sadistic grin, the both felt bad for the azure-eyed man who had pissed her off.

Kypher, on the other hand, was already near the beach, lying in the sand, relaxing. He had a stressful time and was trying to relax, Azula was not helping. However it seemed like a random beach ball, disagreed with his choice in activity and hit him on the back of the head.

Kypher whipped his head round, ready to admonish the person who disturbed his peace and quiet, yet the princesses face was not one he expected. Furthermore, the trio had changed their clothes into swimming suits which made them even more desirable to the horny men around.

"What do you want princess? You here to honey trap me?" He asked quietly enough for the bystanders to not catch however loud enough for the woman in question to hear.

"You wish. I am just here to invite you to a volleyball game" She retorted. Her thoughts though were disarray. 'How did he know?' She asked herself.

"Nope." was the deadpan response. Azula looked like she was about to blow. Ty Lee however came to the rescue

"C'mon Kai. One match... Pretty please?" She hugged him by the elbow and used those puppy eyes of hers. 'wow. Those puppy eye's of hers sure do shine like in the cartoons. I though I almost saw the pure cosmos.'

"Fine. What are the teams?" He begrudgingly accepted. He was on vacation after all, Might as well play a bit of volley with some pretty ladies.

"How about us vs another trio? Mai want to sit it out" Kypher just nodded his head and followed the girls, towards the game pitch.

It wasn't long before a small group of boys decided to give it a try in seducing the daughter of the fire lord. The game itself was quite self explanatory. With Ty Lee's flexibility, Azula's raw power and Kypher's precise control, it was no wonder the opposite team was getting destroyed. Mai, on the other hand seemed content in lying near the group and sunbathing. After a bit of internal debating, he decided to tease the emo a bit, as well as play wingman for Zuko.

"Hey Mai, do you still like Zuko?" His words were so sudden, she started choking on her cocktail, while Ty Lee and Azula looked at him as if he went insane. He just shrugged at the staring duo and continued talking. "I had a chat with him a few weeks ago. I'm pretty sure he still has feelings for you." He hinted. Seeing her face start to redden he bulldozed on, "He is a decent guy, considering his situation. So if he does come back, try to give him another chance." 'There you go Zuko. The rest is up to you.' Seeing Mai too lost in thought, he decided to drop the conversation and finish the focus up on the match.

The match ended with a perfect victory for the Kypher's side, and the group decided to leave the beach and go get something to eat. Kypher however chose to decline. It was getting dark and he wanted to sleep. He bade the three girls farewell and walked towards the outskirts of town. Azula though seemed to had different thoughts.

"Ty Lee, follow him and find out where he lives." She asked her friend, who reluctantly did as asked and shadowed him.

After a short while of walking, Kypher reached a cliff side and entered the cave he chose to reside in, for the duration of his stay. Ty Lee, who was trailing him, was stumped. Why was here in a cave? Was it something secret? She was hesitating whether or not she should enter and find out. Her obligation to Azula won her over and she entered cautiously inside. What stumped her though was Kypher, leaning on the wall near the entrance. "Ehhh..." She tried to think of a solution or excuse, but could not produced even one. Kypher just sighed at the girls antics, and motioned her to follow him.

Ty Lee obediently followed him, with her head low. Eventually, after moving through the maze of caves, the two ended up at an open room near the top of the cliff. It was spacious and held a few basic necessities, like a campfire and a mattress, as well as a traveling bag.

"Welcome to my sleeping quarters. You can describe to Azula, what my temporary living quarters are like..." He venomously quipped at the poor girl, who winced at the at tone. Ty Lee was disappointed in Azula, but most of all she was disappointed at herself for doing something like this. She chose to apologise with a bow before walking back the way she came. However Kypher's voice stopped her.

*Sigh* " Look, just-... I am sorry at directing my annoyance at you. I get your situation and Azula's position over you, and I understand that you can't refuse most of her orders." Ty Lee just looked at the white-haired man who was trying to help her feel better, yet it couldn't sit still with her.

"No Kai, I am sorry for doing this. Although it was Azula's order I still chose to follow you inside, an-" She tried to apologise again, this time in words.

"Curiosity won you over, that was what happened, all people get curious, do not blame yourself." Kypher justified her case and seeing her try to again take the blame, he teased "Look I get it. I am handsome guy, that you wanted to sneak up to. However, look at the sky its already getting dark and I bet you want to sleep as much as I do." He looked daringly, which made her blush and quickly run back through the maze, before reaching her two friends who looked like they were waiting for her.

"So? Where is he staying?" Azula asked with impatience.

"So, ehhh. He lives inside a cave, in a cliff." Mai and Azula looked at Ty Lee with confusion.

"Literarily. he lives in a cave." The two girls looked at each other in bewilderment. Ty Lee sighed at their reaction and chose, to walk home. She was tired from the running. 'Wait, why was she running?'


It was morning, when the 3 girls approached the cliff.

"Is it this one?" Azula pointed at one of the many caves that were present. Ty Lee on the other hand looked around and spotted something near the beach. "Yes, but he's not inside." She said while pointing at a shirtless figure jogging towards them.

"Oh wow. Look at how chiselled your muscles are." Azula teased, which made Kypher scoff, before greeting Mai and Ty Lee. He grabbed his shirt from inside the cave and started trailing behind the trios while glancing around.

"So why are you living in a cave?" Azula asked out of boredom, while they were strolling around the market.

"Most because there are less people and the sea view is much better." He responded dryly. 'He couldn't say that it was because of her, now could he?'

"But isn't it uncomfortable and cold to sleep there?" Ty Lee asked with a curious look.

"Not really. I'm used to traveling, so rock bed is normal for be, and as for the cold, well i can just warm it up." Kypher said to her with a smirk, which made her blush.

"Anyways. when are you girls leaving?" He asked the question with an innocent look.

"Why? Can't wait to get rid of us?" Azula retorted. 'Is he not falling for my trap?'

"No. I'm leaving tomorrow, anyways so it doesn't affect me much. I need to go visit my parents. Haven't seen them in a while." This seemed to kill the conversation for around 30 minutes. Before Mai spoke up.

"About yesterday..." She started making the other 3 surprised. "I want to thank you for giving me a reminder about why I even started to like him." At which Kypher nodded and continued. "Yeah, he is just lost."

"Enough talking about my no-good brother." Azula stated with a hard look. She didn't like the way the conversation was going. Zuko was a moron in her eyes. End of story. Although she was curious on how was Zuko's mission going, the one with the avatar.

After spending half the day, exploring the resort as well as the market, Kypher was brought to a place he had completely forgot about. The theatre. It was a magnificent building, well decorated and maintained, and yet the performances were garbage. It seemed the world was slightly underdeveloped in that area.

But the terrible performance could not keep Kypher from being entertained. While sitting side by side with Ty Lee, he couldn't stop himself from conversing with her. Even after the plays had finished the two were still talking about things on their mind.

It was only after, when they were left behind by Azula and Mai, did they realise what was going on. Apparently the two girls had gone off home to rest, and after seeing that Ty Lee and Kypher were hitting it off, Azula wasn't bothered enough to continue her attempt to honey trap him.

"Listen, Ty Lee. Tomorrow I'll be gone from here." He hesitated before continuing. "I know Azula is difficult. If you do ever want to get away from her" He looked her in the eye "Come find me in Ba Sing Se. I know that most proba-" He was interrupted by a hug that tried enveloped him.

"Thank you..." She muttered while pressing her face closer towards him. It was the first time she had seen anyone remotely care for her. And although Azula might try to convince her, Ty Lee knew Azula was incapable of show care towards anyone. While Mai was struggling to care for anyone after Zuko was banished.

Kypher looked at the girl that was attached to him like a koala. She didn't seem to want to get off, and who was he to judge? He himself was loving it. It looked like Ty Lee had forgotten that she was wearing a bikini top, and while the weather inside the theatre was warm, near the beach was freezing, and Ty Lee, had started to shiver.

Seeing that Kypher chose to heat up his body with fire bending, using his breathing technique. But even through all that he was able to see that they had to part, soon.

"C'mon. Its night time. You won't be able to wake up tomorrow if you don't go to bed soon." He reminder her. And although she was reluctant to go, Ty Lee realised that it was time. Maybe if she visited Ba Sing Se, she would be able to see him again...


Hey guys! Thank you for reading this far. Check out my other novel, HTTYD: The White Wolf

Cya tomorrow...
