

Toph's POV

The meeting with them went... fine. Elliot was hugged by Aang, and Katara went to hug him, but her nose wrinkled.

"Heh," I chuckled, remembering what he said to Katara at her reaction.

"Wow. It's nice to see you too Katara," he replied blandly.

"You smell terrible!" She told him, and started rebuking him on his personal hygiene. He did smell terrible, I knew that for a fact after traveling with him for nearly two months.

After that, Aang, my supposed student, went on and on. He talked about everything that happened since Elliot left. How he went to the spirit realm, Sozin's Comet, and all that stuff.

I felt... out of place. That was a strange feeling, definitely a first too. I guess it's because I realized I wasn't Elliot's only friend. But, he was MY only friend.

I held the sword he gave me to my chest. It was night, and I was still trying to sleep after an hour. But these dumb thoughts kept me awake. Eventually, I took so long to sleep that I felt some movement.

It was Elliot. Anytime he couldn't sleep, he went out and did something. I had never went and checked what he did, figuring it wasn't any of my business. But, for some reason, tonight, I was feeling more nosier than usual.

Quietly getting up, I put the sword behind me on my back, and followed him from a distance. He pulled out a knife and then... started cutting his arms.

"What are you doing, Hustler?" I asked him. Elliot jolted, clearly startled. But noticing it was me, he calmed down.

"Would you believe me if I said this was to increase my natural ability to regenerate, the toughness of my skin, and tolerance to pain?" He said. I blinked, he was... telling the truth, strangely enough.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"Oh, right, you can..." Elliot let out a sigh, not finishing his sentence.


"..." We stayed silent for a little while. I eventually decided to be the one to break the silence.

"Doesn't it still leave scars?"

"It does... sometimes, but I figured scars aren't that big of a deal," he shrugged.

"Got it, well, I'll-" He interrupted me.

"You were pretty quiet today, unlike usual," he commented.

"You don't need to worry, Blindspot. I'm sure you'll get along fine with all of them," he reassured me. I can't believe that's what he thought I was worried about.

"I'm more comfortable with you than them, Hustler," I unwittingly uttered. It was stupid. Just as I was about to take back what I said...

"I do too, Blindspot," he told me with a smile.

Suddenly, I felt a lot better, and a bit... weird.

'No way, do I...?'

"I'm sorry, in case I didn't already say it," he suddenly said, snapping me out of my thoughts. Noticing my confusion, he continued on by saying,

"About leaving you on the boat, I know you don't like people making decisions for you. So, again, sorry." I had already forgotten about that, pushing him into freezing water was enough for me.

"Got it, apology accepted."

"Good." He turned and stared off into who knows what.


Elliot POV

After sitting quietly for a while, I caught a glimpse of the sword I had given her.

"I'm glad you like it, the sword, it's been a while since I've given anyone a gift that wasn't money," I commented.

"Money? That's a lousey gift," she informed me.

"I beg to differ, money is a great gift. Everybody uses money, and you don't have to worry about someone not liking your gift," I explained to her.

"What was the last gift you gave to someone, that wasn't money, I mean?" Toph wondered. I didn't know she'd be curious about something like this.

"It was... perfume," I reluctantly told her.

"Perfume? Was it to the girl you liked?" Toph asked, prodding at me with her elbow, a sly smile on her face.

"No, just a friend, one of my best friends, actually, and... yeah. I, uh, I don't really want to talk about it."

"Oh, alright," she shrugged. She gave up pretty easily. After sitting in a slightly uncomfortable quietness for a while, she stood up.

"I'm gonna go get some sleep," she said. I nodded, and then, Toph walked off.

I reminisced as I stared at the still water. I had given her perfume, hoping that she would have more confidence, or feel more comfortable, just something stupid like that. She never used it. Money, everyone could use money at any time, really. But, perfume... you only used perfume if you went out. She never went out. Agoraphobia and severe social anxiety got the best of her until she died, in her room and alone. She didn't die because of something anyone could've controlled.

The world's just funny like that sometimes.


I pushed those memories aside, it was something that had happened years ago. I was already over it.

'Toph was a bit weird today,' I pondered on the reason. 'I do remember that she uses that confidence of her's to sometimes hide insecurities. Could this have been one of those instances?' I asked myself. But, thankfully, she seemed a bit better after I reassured her. Deciding I had already done everything I could, I refocused my attention, and got back to grinding.

{Regeneration}, {Physical Endurance}, and {Indomitable}. {Indomitable} was the skill I got for the Stamina Demon perk. That perk essentially increased my stamina for all things, meaning I could run for days if I wanted to.

For the strength perk, I got {Musculature Growth}, which increased the growth rate of the strength stat by two. It also increased my bodily growth, meaning I'll be taller and stuff like that, eventually. They were both two good perks.

I began thinking of everything that happened today, to distract myself from the pain. Earlier, I had spoken with Sokka and everyone else about our game plan. We all came to a consensus that having Aang practice Earthbending safely in Omashu was for the best.

'If only they knew it's already been taken by the Fire Nation.' I'd keep that to myself, of course. After thinking about how'd they react for a while, I went over my own plan for all of us.

'Fong Fortress, Omashu, Gaoling so Toph can participate in Earth Rumble 6 and earn some extra money, then Wan Shi Tong's Library, and after that, Serpent's Pass, and finally, Ba Sing Se. Maybe once we get to Guru Pathik, I could open my Chakras? Cosmic Energy and complete awareness of everything I do, that doesn't sound too bad,' I thought to myself.

'Hm. If I actually open all of my Chakras, will I be able to live to one hundred and fifty like Pathik as well?' I ruminated on that for a bit.

It may be vain to think about extending my lifespan, but I didn't want to die before experiencing the city life of Republic City. Or before I drank soda again, which I so dearly missed.

'Wait, was there even soda in Legend of Korra?'

Why did I have to forget all the important details?!


A week passed before we set out. Toph had assimilated into the group well by this point. Of course, there were a few arguments with Katara, but that was to be expected. They were like fire and ice.

One was (mostly) mature and responsible, the other... responsibly irresponsible. If that made any sense.

Currently, we were on a boat, again. Something Toph very verbally made clear that she disliked. With some members of the Northern Water Tribe, namely, Pakku and the chieftain, whatever his name was. It was nighttime, everyone already asleep, or preparing to sleep.

I was staring out into the distance, sea and icebergs as far as the eye could see. The Moon reflected on the surface of the ocean, gently distorting with each ripple.

In my hand, I held a Waterbending scroll. I had asked Pakku for one, and finally... I was going to see if the System allowed me to use multiple Bending Styles.

[Do you wish to learn {Waterbending}?]


I pressed yes, and then... nothing happened. Except for another screen popping up.

[You cannot learn the skill, {Waterbending}, due to already possessing the skill and class, {Airbending}, and Airbender!]

'Thought so,' I said inwardly. I wasn't too disappointed.

'I guess I can only wait until after Ozai, no, after I kill Unagi before I can test my theory.' That pop-up either solidified that theory, or completely disproves it, why? Well, my theory was to use the System and Aang in place of the Lion turtles which granted Avatar Wan, the first Avatar, the elements. Wan, before he fused with Raava, couldn't use all four elements at the same time, he had to switch which took a while.

I was planning on having Aang after he learnt Energybending to take away my Airbending skill and class. Then, I would use the System to have me learn another Bending Style. So I would be switching between Bending Styles to master all of them, like how Wan did.

This is why it either solidified my theory, or completely disproves it.

'The System... what are you?' I wondered to myself. 'Are you the reincarnation of all the dead lion turtles?' I joked to myself. It was funny because it was absolutely outlandish. But, thinking about what the System was, lead my thoughts into a direction I had purposely avoided.

'Should I... get the memories of Kai?' I asked myself. I was in a safe space, which was were I first planned to unlock these memories, when I was safe. Opening up my status panel, I pressed onto the name besides my own.

[Do you wish to unlock this body's memories?]


It was the same prompt I saw all those months ago. In all honesty, I was scared of accepting. What if I unlocked these memories, and I just... suddenly wasn't myself anymore?

'What if I realize that I'm not Elliot, but Kai who remembered Elliot, his past life? If that's the case, did I die? And IF that's the case, why can't I remember?' Many stupid thoughts filled my head.

But, suddenly, I noticed something strange. "Unlock...?" I read aloud to myself. That was a weird way of phrasing it, wasn't it?

'Does that mean this body hasn't completely forgotten? The subconscious mind affects the conscious mind-'

"No!" I slapped my cheeks. "Stop fucking thinking about these things! It'll do you no good Elliot," I told myself, saying it out loud to further affirm it.

With that all done, I began thinking about some of the things I changed in this world. If only to distract myself from some disturbing thoughts.


Some times passed as I occupied myself with miscellaneous things. Seeing the Moon, another thought popped up into my head. 'Now that Yue is still alive, I wonder who Sokka will pick? Her, or Suki? Maybe both?' I laughed to myself at that thought. No way that would work out. One was a princess, and the other a strong-willed warrior. Eventually, one thought lead to another, and I then realized something.

'Huh. Suki, Aang, Katara, Toph, Sokka, and Zuko, they... all go down in history after managing to take down Fire Lord Ozai, now that I'm apart of that group...' It was strange to think about, that I'd be in a history book somewhere in the future.

I had never been that much of a fan for history. I just never saw it's importance.

Maybe I was just stupid. Or maybe just stubborn. I didn't know, it's just one of those things I've stuck by for seemingly no reason at all.

'It's not like everyone who told me history is important is wrong,' I thought. That would just be impossible.


Finally, we got off the boat. After Aang, Katara, and Sokka said goodbye to Pakku and the chieftain, who gave both of them gifts excluding Sokka, the six of us set off on Appa for Fong's Fortress.

Toph also got to experience another thing she hated. Flying. I nearly laughed at seeing her uncomfortable expression. But, the glare she sent my way did wonders to stifle my bout of giggles.


'Will General Fong still try to force Aang to the Avatar State?' That was one of my worries. Hopefully he wouldn't, since Aang didn't end the invasion of The Northern Water Tribe by combining with the Ocean Spirit.

I had a hard time writing this chapter. I went through, like, three different versions before I settled on Toph. Just realizing it felt right.

Hopefully this little blockage in my writing didn't make the chapter feel too... bad.

Also, sorry for taking so long to upload, as I said... it took awhile to write.

Your's Truly,


Turtle034creators' thoughts
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