
Chapter 1

Me Myself and I

My name is Meredith Storm. I am 13 years old. Me, my mother, and my father live in Smithville. It is a small town and has a very nice neighborhood. We are right on the end of the one road that goes through our neighborhood. We have 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room inside of our modern day cottage house. It's not that big, but it is big enough for this family. We are The Storm Family. I go to a small school called Manator Middle School. We don't have any sports, but we do have kick ball. Our school is very poor, and we don't have the money or equipment for such things, like so.

Our town is very poor and has very low crop grow, but we live in a very nice house and on well furnished land, so we are able to grow corn, beans, tomatoes, and wheat. I love the fresh corn; it tastes amazing with the butter that we make. We have 1 cat, 2 cows, 3 pigs, and 12 chickens. The chickens make very tasty eggs. We put all of the animals; except for the cat, in our blue barn. I love taking care of them.

Back to the school thing…. It is summer break and the breaks are different from other schools. We have to go to school on weekends during the school year, but we have a whole year of summer break! It is awesome. Not many kids at our school know how to spell though. I learned from books that I found in the old shutdowned library. I sneak into it through the broken fence board, in the backyard. I would creep past the yard and go through the broken down door, someone must have broken in a while ago to steal whatever was left and didn't find anything to inerest. I use to bring the old books home, and my mother would teach me to read them. The library was abandoned after the currency went down; and that was after tourists stopped visiting. We Never knew why….at least I didn't.

Okay….. So one day when I came home from the last day of school; when I was 7, I had a flash. It isn't a normal flash like it hurt, it was weird. I didn't understand at first... I was walking down our driveway from the bus drop off, and i blanked out, but didn't faint. My friend -Seara- said that my eyes turned red and had people inside of it…. Like a magical seeing ball. She saw exactly what I saw. The thing was that I saw the whole thing too. I was in the same place…. But I had a beautiful looking angel next to me instead of Seara. She had snow white; long hair, a white long wavy dress, no shoes, rose lips and eyes of nature- green meadows, flowers of blue, and a sun of pure joy. She was trying to tell me something, but it was very faint. She was trying to say, at least I think, was…, "I know you don't know who I am, but...….. is in …......."

The blanks were what I could not here. I went into darkness for a few more seconds and then I saw a light that was getting bigger and bigger. From the middle of my view. Then I was right were I was before, but Seara said that I was standing there for about 15 minutes, when it felt like 2. I started walking home, crazy confused and explained everything to my mother and she said that it was just a dream. Right after that she ask who I was with and exactly where I was. She reached into her pocket in her little sweatshirt and gave me a locket, I couldn't open it…..it must have been sealed. I never understood what happened.

The next day I asked my friend exactly what she saw so I would not think that I was crazy, and she said, " What are you talking about!?" SHE TOTALLY FORGOT. Like it was erased from her brain. I never told anyone else about that day again, because I didn't want anyone to think that I was crazy.

Now, I am leaving school and going home and waiting to see that same vision again......….. but it never happened.

Chapter 2

The Secret

We are in a world of trouble. I am very scared, and my mother is scared too. I am very worried. My god…. I am rambling! We haven't seen my dad for weeks and I have no idea where he is.

I checked were he worked- down the road - and he hasn't been there for weeks! We are in the attic looking for clues to what he was doing earlier. (He does his work in the attic to get away from all distractions) I am confused but my mother is more. She said he normally comes back earlier. I then said, "Comes back from what?!" My mother told me these exact words….. "Honey…..Close the door, lock it, and shut the blinds." I said, " What are we doing mom!?" She told me " We are leaving, but we aren't just leaving…. We are jumping in.... Into Athamore."

I had no idea what she was saying. It sounded so stupid at first…. Until I noticed that she wasn't kidding around. She said, "Go behind the bookshelf , here is the key to the trap door, grab the old rusted box, and take everything out of it." I did exactly what she said, but there was a lock at the bottom. When she grabbed it from me she opened it with a key around her neck, unlocked it, and there was a brand new book just sitting inside of it. The secret book had a black cover with a symbol that represented a kind of world or nature. The black cover was a kind of metal mixed with leather. And the symbol was waves of gold, silver, and a glowing blue crystal of some sort. It was so different. It was new.

There was a lock that was on the end. It had many unseen and unrealistic animals all over it. My mother told me to open the locket she gave to me when I was 7-when I had the vision-, and take out the key that was inside. I couldn't open it; it was like it had to be broken open with hammer. My mother told me… " Whisper Athamore into the locket." I didn't understand why, but i did and it opened. I grabbed the key, threw it to my mom, and she turned the key into the lock and a strange and loud roar came out.

It opened.

When it opened it a strong light started to appear….. It was like magic. My mother then said, " Your dad is going to get mad about this, but ok….." We looked on the first page and it started to move, like a real person was moving in it. Mom told me that I could never lie, steal, fake, or hurt unless nessessary. My mother then started to read...

" One day there was a woman that has and had fantastic powers. She could create life, or destroy it. She only used it for good. This woman's name was Mother Nature. She had a heart of gold. She wore an outfit made of leaves, gold, and clouds. The leaves could never fault, the gold never melted from her beauty, and the clouds never gave. She was a beautiful woman. She had wings of the same crystal that was on the book cover. She kept reading "She had a son, but he never was living up to his potential and everyone always expected the worst from him.. He grew-up never listening to anyone." There was a page ripped off that explained who he was and his powers. She kept reading what was there, "but one night someone was jealous of her power and tried to take it from her. His name was Luscious Bablock."

Luscious Bablock had a mind of his own. He was only concerned with power. He had black hair and a black robe so at night no one can see him. He hated his father, but his father loved him so much but his son (Luscious Bablock) was only concerned for stealing his power and killed his father. Luscious took his powers the second before he died, and got a fulfillment out of it, so he never stopped trying to steal more power. He kept his mother alive because he knew she had too much power to be able to kill her with his little strength of going against his own father. That is why there is no FATHER NATURE. Your father went there to see if everything was going well since the last visit, but there is one more thing...…. Your father is a very special person. It isn't safe to tell you now because no one else knows either." "What mom… what is it…. I won't tell anyone!..." " shhhhhh..," said my mother. "I can't, but what I will tell you is that we are going to go there and find your father before something bad happens to him.

Lets Go...."

Chapter 3

A bright light started to appear from the book, but I wanted to tell her about the words that I heard ,in the past, from the mester ions woman I saw in my flash. I then said, "Wait!" My mother replied, " What?!, come on lets go before the portal closes." I was scared and anxious at the same time. I never really had any friends because i was weird and crazy to people. When i was little I would get told these kinds of stories, and I would believe them. I would share them in front of the class, and they would all laugh at me. All I could remember was me getting embarrassed and laughed at while I was explaining the "FAKE" adventures that my mother and father took. I stopped believing when i turned 6 years old, and at that time I had no more friends and would still get made fun of for believing in what I am about to jump in right now. When I was seven, there was a new girl joining the class, and she introduced herself to me. " Hi, I am Seara. Would you help me find my classes…" Ever since then, we have been friends…..

"BOOM!!!" Cloaked people broke into the house through the windows, then my mom pulled on me; we jumped into the portal right before it closed. When it closed the bad guys that came into our house couldn't get in. WE STILL HAD THE PORTAL BOOK.

My mom told me, when the stories were told to me, that there was more than one entrance into Athamore/ the places my mother and father explored on their stories. After we jumped into the book, we were sucked into it, my mother, at the last second, grabbed the book and we disappeared like magic. We were falling in darkness until we hit black ground. You couldn't see anythind except for black, but when you looked up you could see stars all over, like a dream. I called for my mother and she found me.

We looked back down in front of us, and we found a door automatically appear. It had a shine to it, so we went over because it was the only light sorce there. We walked up to it with the most careful movement possible. My mother and I kept walking towards the door, when men started falling from nowhere. They fell and landed in a some sort of super hero stance. They all landed like dominoes hitting each other going one way. There were 7 men, that had 7 feet each, and they were all around 7 feet tall. They all were the same, They all had black hair, red cloaks with the same symbol as the book on their cloaks, and had everything else black as night on them. The one thing that was different about them was they were all different colored skin. One was brown, one was pink, one was white, one was yellow, one was orange, one was purple, and one was blue. They all said these exact same words at the exact same time, same tone, and same.... everything really. They said, "What's the password." In the lowest and scariest voices. My mother then answered, "Never leave, unless found." In a British accent. The seven men then answered, "CORRECT!, You may pass into the Athamore."

"The door looked so beautiful." I wispered. Then my mom started to say " It had a knob made out of diamonds and gold and there was the sign made out of silver and white gold; the actual door was made out of the oldest and most sacred tree in Athamore. It died from invaders many eons ago, but they tried their best to keep it alive and still to have it sacred to them, so they made it into a door that would protect Athamore from invaders. They put a spell from a wizard that can give life to things that are dead." I figured out that the door had to have a password too. There are sooooo many passwords!!!

I know it is to keep the bad guys out, but come on!!!, really? I wanted to try this time with the password because I knew that it had to have been something about Athamore. Before my mother could say the password i yelled, "Athamore!" my mother yelled at me then the door started to move…. It shook.... It screamed a horrible sound of screeching cats and nails on a chalkboard.... It screamed my name!! I never would have known that it knew me. I screamed in terror while the door started to shake saying my name. We turned around to run and we saw the seven guards. They started to move towards us, their heads started to turn all the way around, and on the other side of their faces was a scary, wrinkled, angry, blind eyed, bloody, and sharp pointed teath freaks. Me and I started to scream until..... A fierce woman came in riding her strong sharp horse. This woman came through the door and ordered them to, "STAND DOWN!!!"

Chapter 4

My Savior

The guards started to turn their heads back where they were supposed to be and they went right back where they started to stand at. Me and my mother stood up in joy and had fear at the same time. She introduced herself….. "Hello i am Mother Nature." She looked right at me when she said it. We said hello back. My mother got up and walked to her. They hugged like they knew each other?!. It was weird, but i was still wondering what was going on. Then i said, " Mom…. You two know each other!?" My mom said she was mother nature, but i noticed that my mother shook her head at Mother Nature when i asked and then Mother Nature said , in her lovely voice " In your own time you will understand what you just expirianced."

I was so confused why my mother new Mother Nature!!!! That is crazy. Right now we are in world that no one that I know knows exists! I am one of the few people that get to come to these supernatural places, and it came out of a book that was hidden in my house; plus I am complaining that my mother has known mother nature and never told me about it! I think I am going to faint...yep... The only thing that I remember was my mother's voice yelling help, and Mother Nature's face coming up to mine. A glow started to come out of Mother Nature's fingers, then i passed out.

I woke up a few hours later feeling and seeing something fluffy but hard, long but with short, and white with gray stripes. I was wrapped in a blanket on a...…. bird...…. THAT WAS FLYING!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to scream, but when I opened my mouth no sound came out..? I was confused then I looked out passed the HUGE bird and saw trees with butterflies as leaves, grass that was green, sky that was blue, green, and purple, animals like the ones that was on the lock, houses like hobbit homes.... and they floated on there own little islands attached to ground with a chain! The beautiful place that I see before my eyes is magical. The elephants are as small as your hand, mushrooms the size of my house, fairies, trolls, and goblins. They all got along in harmony. It was the most beautiful place I have ever seen in my entire life.

My mother took one look at my face and smiled. She said, " that was the exact face that I had the first time I flew." I didn't even pay attention to her because I started to notice that I was flying on a bird with MOTHER NATURE and MY MOTHER!!! I started to talk and I said, " What are we doing on a bird!!!???, and where are we going?!!! Why is this bird so BIG!!!" I kept rambling until..Mother nature then answered… "We are going to the place where there is more knolage that a human mind can stand before exploding from confusion.….. Athamore." My mother started to talk….. "This is where me and your father grew up."

I then asked, "What?" She said, " Your father is Mother Nature's son and I am his wife, so I am a princess and he is a prince. We lived on earth so you would be safe from Luscious, and because we wanted you to have a normal life. Remember when i was talking about it when I was reading it.?" "Yes," i said. "Are we going to him!" "NO!" My mom said. "I would never put you in danger. We are trying to figure out where your father is. He comes here every full moon and checks on all of the magical creatures just in case of an attack." This time he didn't come back, so we are here to find, save, and protect your father from any harm. We are going to Mother Nature's Kingdom.

"We are arriving…" said Mother nature. We landed on a stone path with grass growing through it. Everything around it was flowers of dripping gold and grass with roots of silver. Men with clothes made of leaves sharper than an arrow and harder than stone. Easy to put on, but hard to cut through. There were so many of them I could barely count. They were all in rows of ten. Mother nature then said to the griffin, " Monto fa let me lay!" She said it in some kind of Athamorian language. Then right after the griffin flew away to the castle. I then figured out that those men with leaves were her guards.

She looked at me while I was in awe and started to explain everything. "This is Athamore and Right now I just spoke Athamorian to the largest griffin in our griffin gorge." "We have many languages, but if we can we will speak Athamorian. It is our duty to keep the balance of the nation's culture into order." said Mother Nature.

A few minutes later I went inside of the castle. It was very small at first. It looked like a house, and then when we got inside; it looked like it was 2 castles in one. It was amazing. There were 300 chandeliers, 253 bedrooms, 92 hallways, 9 floors, 100 butlers, 254 kitchens, and more. They didn't have as much technology as us, but they did have some pretty fancy castles.

There was one room that was forbidden to enter. They called it the Home of the Feared. It creeped me out a little bit, but I just went with the flow. They didn't show us the room/where it was located, but they did tell us if you see an eye on a door…..DON'T LOOK AT IT OR OPEN THE DOOR!!!!!!

I was curious….but not THAT curious. "They say whomever goes into the room never comes out," said Mother Nature. "It's been there for years without people going in; I want to keep it that way!" She was very demanding, but telling the truth. "The last person that ever escaped was my son...,but he never really came back." Mother Nature had sorrow in her eyes. My mother bent down a little to my ear and said, "She means that he did come back alive, but he changed and turned evil along the way to get back.

Chapter 5

That night, in my bed, I was afraid that the something or someone that was in there would escape, come out, and eat all of us…..It never happened.

I was in a room with my mom and we slept in two different beds. She was wide awake, and so was I. She told me that if I was going to go anywhere that she would have to come.

The whole night I was thinking about my father: how much I love him, how much he loves me, how much he has helped me through, and just him being himself. I started to cry. "I miss him mom," I said. "I do too honey…" she said back to me with a tear in her eye. Right when she felt the tear on her face she grabbed a bottle and collected all of her tears and collected mine.

It was very weird, but she told me the reason why… "When a tear is collected from love and sorrow, the tear shall grow; from the lovely energy, into a tree of memory." It gives life from a sorrow tear and grows it rapidly into an Athamorian tree.

"That was one of the cultural traditions in Athamore for thousands of years. The only over power thing/god that they believed in was Athamore. She is a god to them. Mother Nature is Athamore's daughter. She/Athamore lives in the clouds of Canora- she is the cloud ruler of the Northern Winds. The Northern Winds is a tribe that believes in many gods, but the over ruler is Athamore. Athamore is a big deal to this world…..when we jumped into the book we jumped into another world!" My mother said.

The next day I felt woozy. I guess it was from traveling on a bird. It was like feeling car sick, but without the car…. Of course!

I started to wonder about the room, and why it was made. I walked to my mom and woke her up. (It was about 8:00 am/ish) I asked why the door was made. My mom then answered, "The door was made to put all of the conflict that was in others into an interdimensional portal. It was a huge maze of sadness, madness, torture, and weakness. Only the most kind imortal can pass through it without changing." I asked right after, "Then why didn't mother nature take the badness out of her son right after he came back?" She said, " She tried to take it out, but he had too much in him, so she locked him down there for the rest of eternity." "How did he get out?," I asked. "He took every single sadness, madness, and torture inside of there and only left the weakness. He had so much power that he was able to kill his father. And that is why he died. It was because of that horrible place that is forbidden."

I stopped talking about it and went right to bed. I closed my eyes and I saw darkness; not any kind, but the terrible kind. I grabbed the lamp as fast as I could and put it as close to me as I could. I started to doze off and I fell asleep. I started to dream about that day where I saw the angel. I could hear her perfectly fine now. She said, "I know you don't know who I am, but your father is in great danger! He has been taken by his brother and he is going to be killed on the day you turn 14; if you don't stop him."

A few hours later I woke up in terror. I went to my mother and told her everything and she said that we need to tell Mother Nature. We went up a floor and found her suite. We knocked on the door and without pulling the knob the door opened. She was laying down, in her bed, with her eyes open. We came over to her and thought that she was dead. We looked at her face and saw terror. We looked at her body and saw death in a casket. We looked at her face again and saw tears falling down her cheek. We looked into her eyes and saw fear and people. We looked closer and saw her yelling at her son and him crying. It wasn't a son that I recognized until I looked at my mom's face. She was crying. It was my dad.

I tried to wake her up, but she wouldn't budge. She just laid there totally still in terror. I looked into her eyes once more and saw change. Her night terror was changing into another one. I saw me and the angel I dreamed of. She gave a smile as soon as she saw me; then gave a frown as soon as she heard the news.

I gave my mom a look and she knew that it was my dream. We went to sit down and she started to speak, "Keep looking into my eyes Diana; you never finished the dream." It was very robot like, but I looked and she was right. After the talking the angel floated away and put something into my pocket. Something that shined in the light of the angel. I went to touch my pocket and felt something. Something very very wonderful.