
Chapter 11 Mu Xuanyin

A month later, they left the stone fortress for the outside world.

"Break the space in that direction," Jasmine said. Xion nodded, caught Jasmine before she returned to the primordial ark, and kissed her. She reciprocated and returned to the ark.

Xion wasted no time and, tearing through space, flew in the direction pointed by Jasmine. She entered the ark because using her divine power on a large scale to travel to the realm of the gods could expose and reveal her planet. Xion didn't want anyone to follow them since no one sought or knew their aura, so he would be the one to break the space, and once they reached the divine realm, Jasmine could continue on her own.

Xion had no trouble navigating the empty space, and his speed surpassed any cultivator who had reached divinity, as he was not in the divine origin realm. Xion had absorbed Jasmine's vital Yin, who was a cultivator in the divine master realm, and had been catapulted into the divine soul realm. Jasmine had also experienced a maximum increase and was now at the peak of rank 10, equaling god emperors, and her body had been strengthened by dual cultivation with Xion. Xion speculated that she hadn't become a goddess because the laws of this universe were broken, and it required going beyond the realm of absolute beginning to find a place to advance.

Now Xion was in the divine soul realm, but this advancement consumed all his accumulated potential and left him on the brink. He would have to resume his physical training to recover, but that didn't worry him, as he would now be in the realm of the gods, and if someone gave him a king-level divine beast, his body would greatly strengthen both in cultivation and physical strength, recovering his potential in no time. Undoubtedly, he would suffer injuries, but with the Great Buddha's Path and his medical knowledge, it would be enough to ignore the damage. He would also focus on practicing elemental skills and the laws of space, making the Judgment Sword more efficient.

A week later, Xion sensed the change in energy around him, indicating that he had reached the divine realm, although he had no idea where he was. He was in the middle of a dark space with nothing around, so he took out the primordial deep ark and summoned Jasmine. She came out and pointed him in the direction of the Snow Song realm.

Another week passed, and Xion reached his goal: a vast world that would be his home, but it was no longer as painful as before, just a matter of waiting.

Xion watched as Jasmine sped away. She had already bid farewell, and as soon as she left, she activated the shattered shadow of the star god to disappear. Xion had to avoid using any technique she had taught him; he wouldn't make the same mistakes as Yun Che.

Xion entered the Snow Song realm and immediately encountered a cultivator from the divine realm in front of him.

"You're a cultivator from the lower realms," said the man whose cultivation he couldn't sense. He was a tall two-meter man with clothing that emphasized his muscular arms. "How come you're in the divine soul realm? What planet are you from?" asked the living statue.

"I come from the planet Cronos, which is five years in that direction," Xion said, pointing in a random direction. "I found the direction to this planet in some ruins and resources that allowed me to advance to the divine soul realm, but I have already exhausted them. I have come to this place to continue cultivating. I would like to join the Divine Ice Phoenix Sect and meet its ruler, the Snow Song King," Xion said. The man frowned and pondered while looking in the direction he pointed.

"You refer to our king as a man. I suppose what you found was a very ancient legacy, as the old king died a long time ago, and now his daughter, Mu Xuanyin, rules," the man explained, then looked Xion up and down. "It's not the time for recruitment, but it's not far off either. You can stay around and wait," the man said, turning around and leading the way.

It was evident that the man didn't believe a word Xion said and planned to escort him to keep an eye on him. He might likely report to the sect leaders to keep him under surveillance. Xion was fine with that as long as they didn't interfere with his plans.

The man brought him In front of the Ice Phoenix Sect, which had a frozen landscape similar to the Frozen Cloud Asgard, and left him outside the sect grounds, right at the closed entrance. Beyond it, a complete country of territory extended.

"Wait here until they start recruiting," the man said. Xion nodded and took out a tent from his spatial ring to set up, placing a notice in front of it. The man looked at the notice and blinked in surprise.

The notice read: "Divine Physician, heals all kinds of ailments, profound point opening."

"What does this mean?" the man asked. Xion looked at the notice and then at the man.

"Senior, do you have any ailments that need attention, or do you wish to open your profound points?" Xion asked with a cunning smile. The man hesitated.

"How many profound points can you open? And how much do you charge?" the man asked cautiously.

"100 kilograms of purple-veined divine crystal per profound point," Xion said with a sincere smile. The man twitched in the eye. A second later, he crushed him with his pressure.

"Brat, do you want to cheat me? Do you think I can't see your age? You're barely a brat. I don't know where you come from or who sent you here, but if you deceive someone and get killed, it's not my problem," the man scolded and flew away in indignation.

"That was expected," Xion thought. Even though he was in the divine realm, reaching the divine soul realm at the age of twenty was too extraordinary, only a super genius could achieve it, certainly not someone coming from the lower realms. The man must have thought that the energy from the lower realms emanating from Xion's body was a disguise.

"Big brother, I'm not lying, I'll give you a discount as a first customer: fifty kilograms of purple-veined divine crystal," Xion shouted, but the man flew even faster. Xion grimaced and entered his tent to meditate. He couldn't cultivate in such an exposed place.

A day later, an old man with a white beard and an angry face stood in front of his tent while snow swirled around him. In his arms, he held a dying boy, with only a breath of life left.

"Can you heal him?" he asked sternly.

"Of course. Can you afford the medical expenses?" Xion asked coldly. The boy was saturated with the old man's energy; it was evident that he was the one who attacked him. Xion didn't know what was going on there, but he didn't care much either.

"How much do you ask?" the old man inquired.

"Fifty kilograms of purple-veined divine crystal," Xion said. "You can also bring me the corpse of a divine realm dragon from the king, either fire or ice," he added. The old man clenched his teeth and placed the boy on the ground in front of him.

"Heal him," the old man said, and Xion reached his right hand toward him to demand payment.

"If you're lying, I don't care who you are, I will kill you," the old man said as he handed over a spatial ring. Xion inspected it and found fifty kilograms of purple-veined divine crystal. He blinked and stored them in the Sky Poison Pearl, where Honger woke up from his sleep, and upon seeing the crystals, his eyes lit up, rushing towards them.

Xion quickly checked the condition of the boy, who was around fifteen years old, and whose body had been torn apart by powerful divine energy. His deep realm medicinal herbs were ineffective against it, so he placed his hands on the young man's chest and began circulating the Great Buddha's Path, using his own divine energy to counteract the destructive energy present and then heal his physical state, as well as his shattered profound veins. This was a job that would normally cost a hundred crystals, but this was his first customer.

An hour later, the boy rose, looking around after Xion finished healing and waking him. The old man stared at him in disbelief.

"Grandpa? Where am I?" the boy asked.

"Xiao Chen," the old man said, embracing him tightly and shedding tears. The boy also seemed to recall something and began to cry.

"Grandpa, please forgive me. I didn't mean to do it; I just wanted to show you that I could train like you," the boy said. The old man trembled and then abruptly pushed the boy away. He slapped him twice, and when he fell to the ground, he kicked him while cursing with furious shouts for his disobedience, which had cost the family's savings.

When the boy became unconscious from the brutal beating, the old man grabbed him by one foot and dragged him through the snow after bidding a very respectful farewell. The boy was all bruised, with a face as swollen as a pig's, but his injuries were superficial, and only a week or two of pain would pass. Xion blinked. Perhaps there was no dark plan, and it was just an old man clinging to any hope to save his not-so-bright grandson who had nearly committed suicide.

As soon as the old man left, one of the sect students who had been watching his tent since the day before appeared. His right arm was wrapped in bandages.

"How much do you charge to heal me?" he asked, and Xion gestured for him to come closer to touch his hand. His arm had been crushed, but that was only physical damage that had already healed. The real issue was that the profound veins in the arm were destroyed, meaning his power as a cultivator would be null in that arm. It would be the same as if it were cut off, as it would be useless to him.

In this world of gods and miracles, there were doctors capable of healing that, but they were exceptional, and getting their services would be a miracle for a divine origin cultivator like this guy. There were also natural treasures or miraculous medicines, but it was the same, impossible to obtain for an unfortunate person like him.

"Twenty purple-veined divine crystals," Xion said, releasing his hand. The young man nodded solemnly.

"Master, I'll give you five purple-veined divine crystals, and I, Hong Ming, will owe you a favor," the young man pledged with a fair tone.

"Get lost!" Xion reprimanded.

"Don't wait…"

"Master, I'll pay the rest," a young woman said, appearing next to the patient and offering to pay the bill. The young man looked stunned, but then his eyes lit up. "Idiot, don't celebrate without knowing what he'll ask in return," Xion thought, but he reached out to collect his payment and then healed the guy.

Just a few minutes later, there was a long line of people with severe injuries, whether small or large, seeking treatment.

After half a day, Honger had already consumed two hundred kilograms of purple-veined divine crystal and was lying on her back, unable to eat more, but there was another stack of five hundred kilograms next to her. The people from the divine realm were rich…

A majestic aura descended, and a young man with white hair stood in front of him.

"Come on, my clan has decided to accept you," he declared.

"Next," Xion said, completely ignoring him, when a terrifying pressure loomed over him. It must be in the divine king realm because it was overwhelming.

"Young one, you should accept the opportunities given to you," an old voice said in his mind. Xion used his Dragon God Soul to resist the pressure.

"Elder, hand over two thousand corpses of master divine realm dragon beasts, ten thousand corpses of sovereign divine realm dragon beasts, ten billion purple-veined divine crystals, one million nine-sun crystals, and one million vermilion crystals, and I'll join your clan. If you don't have that, stop buzzing in my ears like a vulgar fly. Have some self-respect," Xion scolded loudly for everyone to hear. The crowd around him looked in all directions, searching for the person Xion mentioned.

"Young one, you are very arrogant…"

"Of course, I'm arrogant. A god emperor backs me. I just need to mention your name, and one of these days you'll die without knowing what killed you…" Xion sneered. He was sitting in a lotus position in front of his tent, with the young white-haired man in front and a line of people waiting for treatment behind.

The elder who appeared above the crowd, amazing everyone, seemed to be someone famous. Xion seemed uncomfortable, then put on a friendly smile and looked at the elder.

"Elder, what is your honorable name? And the name of your clan?" Xion asked with a sincere smile.

The elder and the young man disappeared as if they were an illusion and had never been there. Xion blinked and looked at the crowd.

"Free treatment for anyone who tells me the name of that respected elder. I assure you he won't be able to hunt you down for revenge," Xion assured. The people waiting in line looked everywhere except at him. Xion grimaced.

"Well, I guess next time I'll ask for the name before saying anything else," Xion said with a dejected sigh. He wasn't lying at all; indeed, a god emperor backed him, and it was Jasmine.

"Next!" Xion said reluctantly, and the person approached, almost touching the ground with their head.

Xion didn't stop treatment day or night because he had nothing else to do. Circulating the Great Buddha's Path and repairing meridians, which were the most severe injuries he treated, wasn't much for him.

As for payments, these students only had crystals and some low-level swords, mostly in the divine origin realm and a few in the divine soul realm. But Honger had only dealt with sovereign profound realm swords and was very pleased with these acquisitions with divine energy. As for cultivation resources, they were lamentable, all in the divine origin realm, but as he was poor and had a wife and a lover to support, he accepted them.

A week later, the first challenging case arrived, an elderly woman plagued by a insidious poison devouring her cultivation. The Great Buddha's Path was ineffective against too severe poisons, but this wasn't one of them, and the old woman was cured. An hour later, another case of similar poisoning appeared, but this time the poison attacked the profound veins, affecting an old man.

Xion frowned upon realizing that in both cases, the poisoning had occurred a day earlier.

The next day, another pair of elderly individuals appeared in much graver condition, with a poison that would barely allow them to live a few more days. Xion could only grimace; Mu Xuanyin was truly ruthless. She killed without hesitation and was also capable of using people as guinea pigs to test her skills.

On the third day, the ultimate test arrived since the Great Buddha's Path wouldn't suffice to cure this slower-acting poison. Moreover, this poison was immune to divine energy and the Great Buddha's Path, using them as a power source. Undoubtedly, this insidious poison was affecting Mu Bingyun, and this was the definitive proof.

"It's a severe case, and my life will be at some risk if I perform the treatment, so two corpses of divine realm king dragons, two king-ranked swords, and two hundred kilograms of purple-veined divine crystals will be necessary," declared Xion.

The few people who were waiting, as the large wave of patients had dwindled due to the high costs and the fact that severe, incurable injuries were few or lacked the money to pay him, looked astonished at the elderly woman seeking healing. At first glance, she didn't seem to be affected by such a sinister ailment, but the old woman nodded and left, saying she would return shortly with the payment.

"Stop, that won't be necessary. I trust you. Sit so I can treat you," Xion said. The old woman and the waiting people looked at him in astonishment since he was known for having a dark heart and charging exorbitant prices. It's not that he was expensive; in fact, his treatment was priceless, but the amount to be paid turned out to be exorbitant. The old woman nodded.

"Elderly one, this treatment is difficult and must take place away from prying eyes, but I only have this tent. If you know a suitable place, please guide me," Xion requested as he packed up his tent.

"Follow me, please," said the elderly woman.

"Customers, wait for news from me," Xion said before following the elderly woman for an hour, until he was caught by an irresistible power and appeared in a throne room. There sat a beautiful woman, with a sculpted and attractive figure, dressed in green like a fairy, with white and blue hair and pale skin. She was seated on a jade throne, accompanied by the elderly woman who prostrated herself before her.

Xion bowed and placed his hand on the woman, activating the Celestial Poison Pearl to remove the poison from her body. Immediately afterward, Mu Xuanyin killed the elderly woman with a gentle strike that she didn't feel, dying peacefully.

"Xion, I want you to use the Celestial Poison Pearl to cure my sister," declared Mu Xuanyin. Xion didn't look at the dead elderly woman beside him but at Mu Xuanyin, and he sighed.

"It wasn't necessary," thought Xion. The Celestial Poison Pearl was just a small artifact that Xion used because his cells still hadn't fully assimilated Yun Che's body. He couldn't use his abilities to alter reality and create sky poison pearls with a simple thought.

Xion bowed and touched the body of the old woman to sense her soul. After a few seconds, he succeeded. Then, he would use the Rinnegan to bring her back.

"She was aware of what she would do and accepted this mission. Her family and heirs will be well rewarded," said Mu Xuanyin.

Xion knew that this old woman never had a choice; she was compelled to obey, die, and get some miserable reward for her family or disobey and die without gaining anything. Xion shook his head; there was no point in arguing with this cold-hearted woman. In her eyes, she had done nothing wrong, but Xion was not satisfied and wouldn't be kind.

"Alright, I will cure your sister, but the price will be that you and your sister marry me," said Xion.

Mu Xuanyin raised a finger, and her right arm froze, experiencing a pain that reached into her soul. Although the damage wasn't severe, this was a technique created exclusively for torture. This puppet woman was truly arrogant.

"Interesting, you're not afraid of a god emperor," said Xion, ignoring the pain that would have made any other cultivator scream but which he completely nullified as soon as he felt it. "But what good will it do you to be brave and force my hand if you'll later die at the hands of my protector, and surely your sister will suffer a tragic fate that you'll be forced to witness?" Xion asked curiously.

"Xion, there's no god emperor by your side," Mu Xuanyin began.

"No god emperor by your side?" asked a soft voice in the room. "Protecting you?" added the voice. Mu Xuanyin tensed and showed a worried expression.

"Who are you?" she asked, and a rift in space revealed Jasmine, who stood next to a girl who didn't seem to be more than twelve years old, with eyes like a starry sky and a colorful dress. The girl smiled at her, while Jasmine looked at Mu Xuanyin coldly and gestured toward Xion's arm, which immediately thawed thanks to a cold energy.

"The goddess of the Celestial Slaughter Star. You're not a god emperor," said Mu Xuanyin, tense.

"For someone who's only at divine master rank 1, you're quite arrogant," said Jasmine disdainfully.

"What do you want from me?" Mu Xuanyin asked.

Jasmine smiled and extended her hand, bringing Mu Bingyun, who was surprised to find herself in the throne room. Jasmine's use of spatial laws was impeccable; it left no trace, at least none visible to Xion. Perhaps Mu Xuanyin noticed it since spatial laws were not Jasmine's specialty.

Mu Xuanyin was surprised, but Mu Bingyun was stunned looking around. Then she looked at the corpse of the old woman and her sister, understanding everything, causing tears to start falling. Mu Xuanyin looked uncomfortable and even ashamed and guilty, even though Mu Bingyun didn't say anything.

Mu Xuanyin hurried to remove the corpse of the old woman, making it disappear into a spatial ring. Xion looked Mu Bingyun up and down and then nodded.

"What?" asked Jasmine in confusion.

"The descriptions of her say that she's a pure and holy soul, without a stain of impurity. She's described as a beautiful woman who wouldn't arouse the lust of any man. That's why I wonder, if I'm not a man, why does she provoke lust in me when I see her?" explained Xion sincerely. Due to that description, he had expected to meet Mu Bingyun, but her supposed aura of sanctity only awakened the profane beast in him.

"Demon!" scolded Jasmine angrily, while Mu Bingyun looked at him bewildered.

"I was just explaining things," Xion complained with an offended tone. "It's not like I'm throwing myself at her," he added. Caizhi laughed.

"Brother-in-law, big sister is jealous," said Caizhi and received a strong smack from Jasmine. She groaned in pain and pretended to cry.

"Degenerate demon! I brought my sister for you to marry her and take her vital yin," declared Jasmine. That said more about her than him. Xion wondered which of these women was more ruthless.

"I don't want to marry brother-in-law; he will be your husband," complained Caizhi.

Xion grimaced. Since he saw Caizhi there, he knew that she had also been turned into a goddess, which scared Jasmine even more and made her more determined. The logic of telling her that he wouldn't marry what seemed to be almost a child would not work at all. If Jasmine believed that it would be good for him and for her sister, she wouldn't care if Caizhi was seven years old. She would protect her at all costs, even if it hurt her.

Xion approached her, and Jasmine threw Caizhi at him before stepping aside.

"Xion, I know I promised to be by your side, but you'll also be fine with my sister Caizhi. She's as beautiful as I am," said Jasmine. Xion placed his hand on Caizhi's shoulder and shook his head, asking her to let him speak.

"Jasmine, if I do what you're asking, Caizhi will become a god emperor, but her vital Yin is too much for me. I'm already at my limit, and if I do it, my cultivation will suffer damage that will take me a long time to repair," explained Xion. Jasmine frowned.

"Still, you can marry her," Jasmine said.

"That's not necessary, and you know it," Xion replied. "Trust me; I will protect you and everything that is valuable to you," he added. Jasmine seemed uncomfortable and looked at Mu Xuanyin and Mu Bingyun.

"Did you have plans for them too?" she asked with sadness. Xion didn't understand.

"You always have plans. You never need my help. When I intervene to help you, I just make a fool of myself. You always reject me; I feel so useless beside you," said Jasmine sadly.

"Jasmine, I…"

"I know," Jasmine said in a whisper that left him paralyzed. "I can feel it, but what I see is that I'm always on the sidelines. Like a valuable treasure you keep to take out and admire. Never in my life has anyone treated me so well, but I've never felt so useless and inferior to someone. You're a god, and we are just the things you reserve from this world in a separate and very safe place. Don't do anything; I can handle it alone. Don't interfere; everything is already planned."

"That day when you asked me to send a whisper for you because you couldn't do it, I felt so happy. It was one of the happiest moments of my life," Jasmine concluded, taking a deep breath before looking ahead.

"Brother-in-law, I've never met a person as cruel as you," Caizhi said. Xion looked at her and blinked. "Who is the cruelest one here? You are plunging a dagger into my heart right now," Xion cried in his mind. He looked around. "Am I a god, and is all this a game?" he wondered. "I am a god, but this is not a game," Xion looked at Jasmine.

"Jasmine, please take care of everything. I can do it, but you are a million times stronger, and our goals will be achieved faster," explained Xion. Jasmine smiled and nodded, but Caizhi opened her eyes wide and took hold of his robe sleeve.

"Brother-in-law, I don't mind feeling protected and safe at all times. Let's not exaggerate things," Caizhi said apprehensively. Jasmine looked at her angrily, and she quickly hid behind Xion.

Caizhi didn't trust that Jasmine could handle things in her place. Jasmine was angry, but she gritted her teeth and looked at him.

"Alright, what were you planning in this place?" Jasmine asked. Xion hurried to respond.

"To heal Mu Bingyun and obtain all the resources I need to continue cultivating. Here is also the remnant of the ice phoenix, and in the nearby realms, I can get the complement for the golden crow's record and the phoenix's ode."

"Brother-in-law, you skipped the part where you marry these two beauties," Caizhi added kindly. Jasmine clenched her fists, and Xion looked at Caizhi, who smiled innocently. "She is wicked," Xion thought.

"Maybe," Xion said, "but it didn't depend on me; it depended on them," he said, throwing the dead to another place.

"Are his plans good? What are you going to do in his place?" Caizhi asked Jasmine. Jasmine blinked.

"We will negotiate a deal for Xion to heal Mu Bingyun, get resources, and the complement for the phoenix's ode and the golden crow's record. Then we will wait for Xion's cultivation to increase," explained Jasmine.

"Elder sister, isn't that the same plan as brother-in-law's?" Caizhi asked. Jasmine looked at her with anger.

"The foundations are the same, but as Xion already said, I have a million times more power, so I am the most suitable to carry it out," declared Jasmine.


"Caizhi, go with Xion to oversee the treatment of Mu Bingyun," Jasmine interrupted and instantly shifted them to another room.

"Elder Mu Bingyun, please undress and lie down. We will begin your treatment immediately," Xion said, pointing to a stone bed in the spacious room Jasmine had sent them to. Mu Bingyun looked horrified at Xion's malicious smile.

"Elder, don't worry; you possess a sacred body that doesn't arouse the lust of men," consoled Xion, looking at her lasciviously.

"Brother-in-law, shall I help you undress her?" Caizhi asked. Xion approached and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Such a good servant," praised Xion. "Seal this place; I don't want anyone to catch a glimpse of my future wife's body," Xion said authoritatively. Mu Bingyun looked at them in horror.

"Sister!" exclaimed Mu Bingyun, losing her composure. Xion laughed; he knew she was an adult and mature woman.

Three hours later, they returned to Mu Xuanyin's throne room. Mu Bingyun was with them, but Mu Xuanyin was surprised to see her, as she was blushing like a shy young girl.

"Sister, I've had a great life experience," said Caizhi excitedly. Jasmine, who was sitting on a carpet with a tea table in front, smiled and nodded. Mu Xuanyin looked at them angrily.

"A gentleman doesn't speak of the things he does with a lady," Xion said seriously. Mu Bingyun lowered her head in embarrassment.

"You!" scolded Mu Xuanyin angrily, standing up and exerting pressure on him.

"Calm down; Xion wouldn't look at a woman without her consent. The most he would do is mock her prudishness," explained Jasmine. Caizhi widened her eyes.

"Sister, you really know him; you're already a good wife," exclaimed Caizhi. Jasmine choked on her tea.

"Caizhi, stop saying nonsense!" scolded Jasmine.

Xion knelt beside Jasmine, and Caizhi sat on his lap, making Jasmine tense and, in turn, causing a wicked smile on Caizhi's face.

"Elder sister, do you want me to get down?" Caizhi asked. It seemed that the idea of being forced had angered her, but her personality prevented her from rebelling. Jasmine stretched her neck without stepping back and looked at Mu Bingyun.

"Explain our agreement," Jasmine said. Mu Xuanyin examined her sister to make sure she hadn't been mistreated or abused in any way, and then looked at Xion coldly.

"Xion, I will accept you as my disciple…"

"Unacceptable," interrupted Xion. "You are not qualified. I am a divine doctor; even a god emperor should show humility in my presence. Li Luo would even shake my hand, and his disciples would prostrate themselves at my feet, praising me as an absolute genius. You are not even qualified to be my apprentice, let alone my master," explained Xion coldly. If he allowed this woman to trample on him, their relationship would be a thousand times more difficult. Mu Xuanyin looked at him with indignation and anger. She wanted to retort, but it seemed she couldn't find arguments.

"You're just a cultivator in the divine realm of the soul who can heal others through your cultivation technique," reprimanded Mu Xuanyin, who couldn't intimidate him with her power because Jasmine was there, watching their discussion with interest.

"And you are merely a cultivator in the divine realm of the master. Between you and me, if a god emperor were given the choice, who do you think they would choose?" Xion asked, raising an eyebrow. Mu Xuanyin gritted her teeth. "Our statuses cannot be compared. Your power is insignificant in this world, while my medical skills are unique in all existence. Only my future wife, Shen Xi, surpasses my medical abilities at the moment, and that is only temporary."

"On the other hand, to say that my ability as a doctor depends on a cultivation technique is the same as saying that your power as a cultivator is solely due to your cultivation technique. It's a meaningless assertion since it remains your own power, and others won't be able to imitate it. Of course, if you can even imitate one percent of my medical abilities after I teach you my cultivation technique, I'll change my mind and call you a master, honoring you as if you were my reborn ancestor," Xion declared, raising an eyebrow at Mu Xuanyin to see if she accepted the deal.

Of course, that would be like her giving him her cultivation technique and asking him to show one percent of the power of a divine master, something impossible for Xion. Jasmine coughed, and Xion looked at her.

"If you don't want to die, don't spout nonsense. The Dragon Queen is the wife of the strongest cultivator in the Dragon Realm, the Dragon Emperor God."

"That lizard doesn't even reach the aspirant level. It's pitiful that it doesn't understand rejection and goes around telling everyone that Shen Xi is its queen. It's worthy of pity," Xion said with disdain, while Jasmine, Caizhi, Mu Xuanyin, and Mu Bingyun looked surprised.

"Elder sister, this is a great gossip!" exclaimed Caizhi excitedly.

"Caizhi, forget it! Xion, don't speak of this matter anymore!" Jasmine declared, and Mu Bingyun and Mu Xuanyin nodded in agreement. Xion shrugged, and Caizhi pouted.

Mu Xuanyin still glared at him because Xion had not presented himself as a cultivator but as a divine doctor, and their statuses couldn't be compared.

"What treatment do you want?" asked Mu Xuanyin, giving up on the idea of putting her foot on his neck.

"Respected elder, above all, you'll have to bow to me at official events, but I won't dictate any rules or laws. This is still your sect…" Mu Xuanyin tried to crush him with her divine power, but Jasmine dissipated it before it could touch him.

"This is a negotiation; don't act violently. Xion is arrogant, but he is right. When other realms learn of his abilities, even God Emperors will greet him with respect. And you are only the king of a realm; your status will be diminished if you let him treat you like an ordinary elder of your sect," said Jasmine, taking a sip of tea.

"Then leave!... When you finish treating my sister," she said, remembering that her sister was still poisoned. Mu Bingyun looked alarmed.

"Sister, think about it; this is a unique opportunity for our realm," said Mu Bingyun.

"Certainly, there will be immense wealth, cultivation resources, prestige, status, and many favors," said Xion.

"Don't forget that once my brother-in-law recovers, the Sect Master can become a God Emperor, just like my elder sister," added Caizhi. Mu Xuanyin, who was about to kick him out, gritted her teeth, while Mu Bingyun looked at her in shock.

"Sister, you don't…" Mu Bingyun stopped speaking at Mu Xuanyin's cold gaze, indicating that she would dare, and there was no discussion about it. Xion cleared his throat.

"As for that, I'll only agree if we are married," said Xion. The four women looked at him and blinked.

"I'm not a tool you can use; I have feelings," Xion said.

"Brother-in-law, didn't you say just a couple of hours ago that you would take Mu Bingyun?" Caizhi asked.

"Certainly, Mu Bingyun is a responsible person and won't discard me after using me, but this other woman is too ruthless. She'll take my virtue and then abandon me. I can't accept that. What will be said about me afterward?" Xion said firmly. Mu Xuanyin broke the armrest of her throne, and if Jasmine weren't there, Xion was sure he would be dead by now.

"I can accept you taking Mu Xuanyin first, after all, she's too weak to represent you currently, but I won't accept you taking her sister before Caizhi," declared Jasmine, ignoring Mu Xuanyin's fury.

"Sister Mu Xuanyin, resist the flattery from the brother-in-law as much as you can," encouraged Caizhi, who didn't want to get married, and the more Mu Xuanyin resisted, the further her wedding would be. However, her words indicated that she already considered Mu Xuanyin would fall in battle, which made Mu Xuanyin glare at her with anger.

Xion didn't yield in his terms, and despite her complaints, Mu Xuanyin accepted. Of course, Xion didn't deny sleeping with her because she would leave him. The real reason was that this woman was possessed by the Dark Empress and also by the Ice Phoenix, so she had three personalities, with the cruelest being her true personality. As long as she wasn't free to decide on her own, Xion would postpone any physical relationship.

In the end, he would be an honored guest, and Mu Xuanyin would assist him in his cultivation. The Phoenix Sect would receive eighty percent of the payments for medical treatments. They would also give him a drop of Phoenix blood so he could cultivate the Phoenix God's Wrapping Canon properly, without forcing it as he currently did with the use of the Elemental Seed of Water.

Jasmine had dealt with Mu Xuanyin and revealed that he was the bearer of the legacy of the Evil God, the Divine Beasts, although she excluded the Great Calamity and the fact that he was a user of dark elemental energy.