
ATG: Heavenly Procrastinator

Rokas, after having an existential crisis, is reincarnated into the same world that he had spent countless hours writing about. Although he feels lost at first... he grows into his own and, step-by-step, becomes the person he had always wished to be. Tags: OP MC, Harem, Romance, Action, Neutral-Good to Chaotic Good MC, Character-development, Adventure, System, R-18, GUNDAMS (such wonderful profound weapons), Against the Gods, Author-insert Advanced chapters up to 66 are available in my discord server: https://discord.gg/JNz6rh9Xev All of the current chapters are available on my pat: https://www.pat reon.com/SovereignOfHeaven

SovereignOfHeaven · Book&Literature
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63 Chs


Rokas broke the meteorite chains binding Yun Canghai to the black sword, freeing him from the formation completely. The experts all surged forward towards the Lord Demon King while Rokas descended and watched from a distance.

"Father…forgive this unfilial son, I wasn't able to free you sooner." Yun Qinghong let out a regretful sigh. "I tried… but the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region-"

"Hahaha hahaha… unfilial son? Would you hear yourself? No son could bring me as much pride and joy as you, Yun Qinghong. These past hundred years are but fleeting memories!" Yun Canghai roared, regaining his vigour at a rapid pace. "Come here… or are you too old for an embrace with your old man?"

Rokas smiled slightly as he watched the family reunion.

[System: You were born in the wrong family.]

'The same applies to countless people. In normal circumstances, no one gets to choose their parents or family. Yet… as a grown man, one has the choice to start his own. That is the beauty of growing up and the freedom that comes with it.'

[System: Rocky growing up into The Rock. Though, you don't have muscles like that.]

'I could if I wanted to…'


Once Yun Canghai was freed, the momentum for an attack against the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region soared. There was a lot of bad blood between the Yun Family and Mighty Heavenly Sword Region… to the point where Yun Canghai could not let it go.

"We will not fight the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region."

"Which side is it that you fight for, Heavenly Demon?" Yun Canghai questioned while every one of the experts stood behind him, including Huan Caiyi. "To me, it seems that you are a spy of theirs… aiming to eliminate us all in one clean swoop."

"I could do that right now if I wanted to… why would I plot with the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region?" Rokas frowned, his crimson eyes looking down on Yun Canghai. "The truth is that mindlessly slaughtering the Sacred Grounds would only cause chaos to the Profound Sky Continent."

"Oh… it would? The Illusory Demon Realm suffered through many invasions and it endured through all of the chaos that came with them. Can the Profound Sky Continent not do the same?"

'This man… I freed his ass and he starts pulling stunts like this.''

"The Profound Sky Continent is my continent, you thick-skulled old sack of shit." Rokas frowned as his irritation turned to fury. "Frankly, I don't give a single fuck about your feud with the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region. I don't care if they caged your sorry ass for a hundred years or a thousand years… you will follow my lead or I'll leave you even more powerless than before!"

"Long Ke… Lord Demon King, don't act so foolish! This Empress needs you both and this infighting would only lead to disaster."

"Hahaha…" Yun Canghai suddenly let out a boisterous laugh. "A man who is not afraid to challenge me directly with such raging ferocity… a young man at that! Your talent is as boundless as the skies, Jiufang Ke, and so is your compassion towards the common people. I, Demon King Yun Canghai, will challenge you no further. You have gained my faithful subordination!"

'... What the fuck?' Rokas blinked in confusion. 'Is he serious?'

"... But the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region must pay in its treasures, if not blood!" Yun Canghai emphasised.

"That's what I planned to do."

"Then we are of the same mind, Lord Heavenly Demon." Yun Canghai nodded.

[System: It's not all that weird, you know. You healed his son and daughter-in-law, put down the traitor Duke Ming and his supporters, caused the destruction of the Sun Moon Divine Hall, you have the Little Demon Empress' support and recently freed him. Now… you just gained his everlasting respect.]

'He was… testing me?'

[System: It would seem so. And you passed with flying colours, Rocky.]

'Stop calling me that, you doughnut.'

[System: You monkey.]

'You pelican.'

[System: Say bottle of water, will you?]

'No… I won't.'

[System: What day is it today?]


[System: Chewsday!]

'Fuck you…. UK's English will always be better than Murican English. How do they say water, again? Wadurrr… yeah, right.'

[System: Just playing with you. You're a dad now, you gotta get used to saying bad jokes.]

'Give me an example of a dad joke.'

[System: I asked my dog what's two minus two. He said nothing.]

'I sincerely hope I don't get to that stage.' Rokas chuckled, shaking his head. 'They're ironically funny, though.'


The Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, Sword Master's Hall.

"Master… you were the Heavenly Demon all along?" Xuanyuan Wentian observed with bewilderment.

"Quite so. My condolences for banging up some of your elders on my way here…"

"Oh, that was nothing." Xuanyuan Wentian laughed. "I could have them all killed if you so wish."

"... I mean, that is a little excessive, don't you think?"

"If that is how you see it, master." Xuanyuan Wentian nodded. "Now, what is it that you wish from this humble servant?*

"I want you to lead the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region against the Absolute Monarch Sanctuary. Take a good portion of their resources and vassalize them, establishing a consistent flow of tributes. Avoid killing wherever it is unnecessary."

"This humble servant has engraved every word into his soul." Xuanyuan Wentian nodded.

"You will also give me the devil sword and a third of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region's resources," Rokas added.

"Right away."

'Having powerful pawns is nice.' Rokas thought to himself.

"Eat up, Hong'er. This one's just for you." Rokas handed over the still-living devil sword.

"Ooh… Big Brother is the best!" Hong'er could sniff its deliciousness a mile away as she leapt forward and snagged the sword away from him.

"Enjoy yourself…" Rokas chuckled.

After presenting the tribute and giving away half of the goodies, the small army of demons were mostly sated. Rokas then advanced on the Supreme Ocean Palace, smashing his way directly into it. A raging battle erupted as Rokas stood alone against the Sovereign of the Seas and Seven Venerable Ones.

Meanwhile, the rest of the demons were led by Yun Canghai who was tearing shit up. With the Seven Venerable Ones all focused on Rokas… there was simply no one to stop him.

"Heavenly Demon, your reign of terror is at an end!" Qu Fengyi, the Sovereign of the Seas, stated as she withdrew. "Unleash the Supreme Ocean Wave Formation!"

'The fuck is that?' Rokas frowned, taking a defensive position as he formed a thick barrier of profound energy around him.

"This Supreme Ocean Wave Formation seems to be a destructive formation that can annihilate even a peak Monarch. However, it is a pure water formation." Jasmine remarked, finding it difficult not to laugh. "You… do need a good shower."

"Haha…hahaha…" Rokas laughed. "Bring it on, then!"

Rokas stopped guarding himself as the Supreme Ocean Palace's core opened up, revealing a massive formation that was right below him. In an instant, it unleashed a tremendous wave of water elemental energy.

Rokas transformed into a massive whale, opening his mouth wide open and taking in all of the water.

"What in the blazes is that…" Venerable Red's eyes widened in absolute shock.

'I did feel a little thirsty.'


Every drop of the formation had flowed straight into the colloidal whale's mouth like a waterfall… leaving every last one of the Supreme Ocean Palace's experts in a daze. This massive whale shrank in size, revealing Rokas as the Heavenly Demon. He got on some clothes, of course, before grinning over the Venerable Seven and Sovereign of the Seas.

Bowing his head, he smirked.

"Thank you for the meal!"

"..." Qu Fengyi stood still, trying to process what the fuck just happened.

In that moment of surprise… he took advantage and unleashed his own massive energy wave.



Bending the massive wave, he severely wounded three of the Venerable ones and erased the other four.

"So this… is the might of the Heavenly Demon." Venerable Purple took several deep breaths as his blood fell from the skies. He clutched at his chest, which had endured the brunt of the force. "An unstoppable being… the divine punishment for our sins of endless greed."

"You… what is it that you want?" Qu Fengyi inquired… her eyes looking upon him in fear.

"Peace," Rokas replied, smiling a little. "You'll be a good girl to the demons, won't you?"

"... If you withdraw, the Supreme Ocean Palace will never touch Illusory Demon Realm soil again. You have my word."

"Oh, we didn't come here just to rough you all up. You should pay up for all that you stole from the Illusory Demon Realm, shouldn't you? And more… an added tax just for my handsome presence, if you will." Rokas glanced at Qu Fengyi. "Well?"

"I… agree to your terms." Qu Fengyi nodded.

Venerable Purple then descended, ordering the Supreme Ocean Palace's experts to stand down. However, Yun Canghai wasn't having it.

"Kill… kill them all!!!"

'Actual murder hobo.' Rokas sighed, descending down and stopping Yun Canghai's hand. "You've done enough."

"... Lord Heavenly Demon…"

"They've surrendered. The battle has ended."

Rokas let go of his hand, looking around at the pile of dead elders. Yun Canghai himself was badly wounded… having been at the vanguard of the force. His instinct for battle was truly something special.

"... I see." Yun Canghai realised, blinking away his killing intent. "So we've won?"

"Mhm… that we have. They won't be touching the Illusory Demon Realm again. None of the Sacred Grounds will."

"Haha… good… that is good news!"


With some negotiating, Rokas took a substantial amount of resources and established the Supreme Ocean Palace as a vassal of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region. They would, just like the Absolute Monarch Sanctuary, provide tributes annually. Those tributes would then be reserved for him alone in the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region… it was quite a good system that worked seamlessly with Xuanyuan Wentian as his glorified tax collector.

The demons withdrew to the Illusory Demon Realm via Rokas' Profound Ark, appearing back home as heroes. Huan Caiyi attained the Demon Emperor's Seal from Yun Canghai… going straight for Golden Crow Lightning Valley. Rokas followed her with the intent of taking the Lightning Seed, whistling along.

While Huan Caiyi went over to talk with the Golden Crow, he snagged the Lightning Seed.

'The lightning element… this will make a fine addition to my collection.'

[Playing General Grievous Coughs.]

'A System of culture, you are.'

After that, he strolled inside the Golden Crow's Holy Ground.

"So, how's it going?" Rokas glanced at Huan Caiyi. "You can get your Golden Crow Profound Art, right?"

"..." Huan Caiyi could hear the sarcasm, her cute face flashing with fury. "No… I cannot."

"Why not?"

[System: Golden Crow is a sexist woman… against women.]


"Oh… who is this fine, gallant, young man who approaches my trial ground?" The Golden Crow residual spirit observed him with keen interest. "Ohoh… such fierce, divine, yang energy. Your blood is strange, bearing undeniable resemblance to several Gods yet being unique in its own right. One thing is for certain… your yang would do just fine for that Little Demon Empress. After five hundred rounds of your yang nourishment, she will be able to make proper use of my legacy…"

"Five hundred rounds? No thank you." Rokas shook his head. 'System, can I take her full inheritance?'

[System: Just consume her.]

'Right…' Rokas took a deep breath. "Sorry, Golden Crow… I promise to use your flames just as much as the Phoenix's. I will also make you proud and do plenty of dual-cultivation."

Rokas transformed into his true form, consuming the Golden Crow whole. She did not resist, allowing the process to occur without hesitation.

"Just as much? You better use my flames more!"

Rokas raised an eyebrow as a voice popped up in his head. 'Is she alive inside of me?'

"... Did you just?"

"I did." Rokas nodded, turning to Huan Caiyi in his human form. "Well, I'm going home now. My work here is done."

"... Wait, you're not going anywhere!" Huan Caiyi stepped in front of him. "You have the perfect Golden Crow bloodline… how could you even dare to think of leaving me without a single drop of blood?"

"Err, wouldn't you just combust or something?" Rokas scratched his hair. "Who said you needed the perfect bloodline, anyway? You have the support of the entire continent and I've opened all of your profound entrances… soon enough, you will stand at the peak of your continent. The Golden Crow's divine blood wouldn't benefit you all that much."

"Combust… are you deaf? Your yang vital energy would allow me to carry the Golden Crow's divine blood and use its profound art."

"I did enough for you already."

Rokas stepped forward but Huan Caiyi was persistent, blocking his path.

"What's so terrible about me that makes you object? In the Illusory Demon Realm, I am the famed as the Number One Beauty. If you're so lazy… then just lie down and close your eyes for a month or two! That's all you have to do."

'A month or two? I have responsibilities…'

"That's sweet and all but you're really not my type.-"

"... And what is your 'type'?"

"Someone who doesn't look like a little girl, for a start," Rokas replied, shaking his head.

"Little girl?" She frowned in disbelief. "I am over a hundred and fifty years older than you!"

"Will candy distract you away from me?" Rokas wondered, stroking his chin. 'System, make me some Maltesers.'

[System: You are truly a menace to society for bullying a beautiful woman to such an extent. Don't you feel an ounce of empathy in your cruel, frosted, heart?]


"Here, I loved these growing up." Rokas handed her a palm-full of them. "You'll like them too, I think-"

"... Don't treat this Empress like a child!"

She slapped away his hand, leading to them scattering all over the trial ground. Rokas paused for a moment, looking at the scattered chocolate balls.

'She doesn't even qualify to be my adoptive sister.'

"... You just broke my heart." Rokas pretended to sniffle, shaking his head. "Duke Ming would've been nice enough to try them, at the very least. It doesn't matter now… enjoy your reign, Huan Caiyi."

"... How could someone like you be hurt over something so trivial? You know, I much preferred you when you were the Heavenly Demon. Your true self is far too lacking!"

"You're so uptight that you can't seem to take a joke. It's a wonder how you're still a virgin with that stick up your..." Rokas stopped himself from going too far, sighing. "Besides, do you honestly believe that insulting me would change my mind? You are starting to act as you look."

Rokas made use of the Star God's Broken Shadow, vanishing before Huan Caiyi could impede him further.

"Damn him…"

Huan Caiyi grit her teeth, incinerating every last Malteser with her unstable Golden Crow flames. Although, right after, she received a rather substantial backlash.

"... Never have I ever met a more infuriating man!"

[Huan Caiyi (Emperor IV) Confidant Rank; 2 → 3]

Although all seemed lost, Huan Caiyi saw a beacon of light appear before her. A way to achieve her goals…