

In the end, Rokas took both Caizhi and Jasmine to his Inner World… which had developed greatly since the latter had stepped foot into it. The world was brimming with near countless myriads of different biomes with many more mythical creatures residing within it. To say that it was colourful would be quite the understatement. Beyond its nature, Rokas' Inner World had colossal structures scattered all over the place. From starships like Star Wars' Imperial Star Destroyer and Venator Class Destroyer to an entire Death Star to cities of various cultures and time periods. There was a replica of Rome, Alexandria, Paris, Constantinople, New York, an entire navy of well over a thousand battleships just chilling at sea…

"... You've been busy," Jasmine remarked, looking around with an expression of wonder and surprise. Everywhere her eyes turned, she found something new that dumbfounded her. "These are replicas of treasures from your world?"

"Some are real, some are fiction. We were quite a creative people." Rokas glanced at the Death Star which casually floated high in the sky. Accompanying it were his starships, which were mostly Imperial Destroyers. "That thing up there is a Death Star from a fictional franchise called Star Wars. Large enough to be mistaken for a moon, it had the devastating power to destroy an entire planet… the one I made should have a similar capacity. However, I haven't quite tested it."

"Were you prepping for a war against the entire Primal Chaos Dimension?" 

"Heh…" Rokas chuckled. "No, I just love building weapons of war. Not that I intend to use them… they're just cool to have. It's like a blast of my old life here. Since my progress in profound strength was halted, I had to find something to do with all my spare time."

"Halted…?" Jasmine questioned. "So you truly are simply at the peak of the Divine Sovereign Realm."

"Yeah, I could have been a peak Divine Master easily by now… maybe even beyond that. Though that would be quite amazing for me, I can't say the same for the rest of the universe. The laws as they are would simply collapse under such a power. Just by existing, I would have doomed countless worlds. It's not all that worthwhile for power that I don't truly need currently… so I suppressed my own growth."

"Even so, you still overpowered me easily." Jasmine remarked, nodding. "You don't intend to remain at the Divine Sovereign Realm forever, do you?"

"No, not at all… I've been doing quite a bit of planning on how to handle that hurdle. In the end, the Divine Sovereign Realm simply isn't enough for me, nor the Divine Master Realm, nor even the True God Realm. Perhaps not even the Creation God Realm would be enough. I seek the power to traverse not only space but to other dimensions…"

"You wish to go back to your home?" Jasmine questioned, tilting her head. "Are you so certain that it is not one of the countless planets that reside in the Primal Chaos Dimension?"

'There was that dude from 'Earth'...'

"It is highly unlikely." Rokas replied, shaking his head. "Though, yes, I'd like to see my home again… even if I don't belong there anymore. There's still much I regret. The mistakes and negligence of my past self, mostly."

"I see…"

"Hmm… what's this thing? Armour?" Caizhi asked, tapping its chest. "Hm, sounds like metal."

It was an eight foot tall set of power armor, crimson red, golden and black in its colour. It closely resembled the Blood Ravens from Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War. When touched, its eyes glowed dark green. 

"Heresy grows from idleness!" 

The machine roared, withdrawing a machine gun. 

"Oh…" Caizhi stepped back. "You're alive?"

"... Partially." Rokas stated, turning to the spacemarine. "Relax, there's no heresy here."

"As the God Emperor wills."

"The God Emperor?" Jasmine raised an eyebrow.

"These are smaller machines using similar creation techniques as the old generation Gundams… except these were created with the purpose of being sentient enforcers. They have souls, created from the abundant amount that I've consumed, and even the body beneath the armour is more or less alive. Though living, they are engineered to do one thing and one thing only… follow my will."

"You… intend to rule?" Jasmine questioned, her lips curling into a surprised smile as she raised an eyebrow. "Of all people?"

"Someone has to light the Way for everyone else."

Their catching up session eventually led to one of his gardens in 'Rome', one that was made of mostly purple flora that glowed in the night. It was an especially beautiful and alluring place, capable of dazzling a curious eye for long moments at a time in its wonder. Meanwhile, Caizhi went around and explored the countless points of interest in his Inner World.

"You know, now that we've had some time to chill… I've realised that you've matured quite a bit." Rokas remarked, smiling slightly as he took a glance.

Indeed, her upper body had shown some development.

"I'd say the same for you…" Jasmine pouted slightly. "Except by 'maturity', what is it that you're referring to?" 

"You're more… womanly." 

"Hmph! I'd expect no more from you." Jasmine crossed her arms, the snow-white skin of her cheeks turning ever so slightly red. "Sex fiend."

The magic curse words were spoken in a not-so angry manner, however.

"That's a title I haven't heard in a loooong time." Rokas chuckled, laying back on the grass as he looked upon the stars of his Inner World. "You could call me that all day and I wouldn't tire of it."

"So… what happened after we were separated? What did Qianye Ying'er do with you?"

"A lot of things. I spent close to half a year being locked in the room and… well, being used. She rode me quite vigorously. Due to those sessions, I was able to swiftly progress in regards to profound strength and eventually earn my status as direct disciple through my Heavenly Tribulation."

"The Brahma Monarch Goddess was quite quick to throw her body inside of yours from the sound of things." Jasmine remarked. "She went so far as to keep you in place for so long… hmph. Of course, all she saw was the power that she would gain and nothing else."

"I gave her a good piping quite a few times once I was 'free'…" Rokas sighed, shaking his head. "Though, in hindsight, that's just what she wanted. The lack of ability on my part and the pressure of a King Realm… at that point in time, it felt like the only power I had was in bed. She hanged my freedom over my head, leading to the creation of the superior gundams that would decimate the Southern Sea God Realm as a whole which was against my wishes."

"I felt so… defeated. Yet, from that feeling of helplessness, a spark of anger began to light within. If Qianye Fantian hadn't granted my wishes then… the Gundams would have ultimately served their true master and carved a path for me."

"So you do not have any fondness for the Brahma Monarch God Realm? Even though you returned to it and their people serve as your most loyal followers?" Jasmine questioned.

"I used them for what they were worth. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Their influence on you is quite present… especially when you say that." Jasmine remarked. "That is precisely how Qianye Ying'er thinks of others."

"They used me as a tool and now I use them in the same manner. I don't think there's anything wrong with that."

"That's a face I haven't seen in person for quite a while." Xia Qingyue descended upon them. "Forgive me for disturbing your private time."

"It's no issue…" Jasmine smiled slightly, her eyes widening as she sensed a second aura and stood up in response. "You're with child?"

"Mhm… it took quite a while but I managed to get one out of Rokas." Xia Qingyue chuckled.

"It's not my fault the Profound Way has been screwing with my fertility." Rokas shrugged his shoulders as he stood up himself. "If I was normal, I'd have a whole dynasty by now."

"I think it's for the better you don't…" Jasmine chuckled, shaking her head. "Could you imagine a hundred little Rokas' running around?"

"That would be too much chaos for one dimension." Cang Yue agreed as she joined them, nodding. "Even one is quite enough."

"I mean, if every wife I have wants a child, they'll start to add up pretty quickly."

"Hm… I would quite like a son, in truth." Cang Yue nodded. "Or another daughter. Perhaps both at once?"

"Don't be greedy, I still don't have any children to call my own." Huan Caiyi crossed her arms. "I need an heir to the Illusory Demon Royal Family."

"... That all proves my point." Rokas chuckled, shaking his head. 

"You?" Jasmine raised an eyebrow. "Are there any other women that the sex fiend has stained… which I'm unaware of?"

"... Shen Xi?" Cang Yue questioned. "That is the only one that comes to mind."

"... What did you say?" Jasmine's crimson eyes widened further as she turned to Rokas. "You entangled yourself with the Dragon Queen???"

"Ahaha…" Rokas scratched his hair, glancing to the side. "It was more of a mutual business transaction."

"Truly… your lust knows no bounds! How did you even manage to stain such a pure person? It's… absurd! Sex fiend alone is far too meagre of a title for you now! " Jasmine, after a signature 'humph', turned away. "What's next? The Devil Queen of the Northern Divine Region?"

"Shit, now that you mention it…" Rokas played along with the joke, stroking his chin. "We might have to entangle in the form of a mutual 'alliance' between south and north."

"Tsss… next you'll tell me that you've slept with Li Suo and raised the Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor from the dead just to do the same."

"Except she isn't dead." 

"... Hm?" 

"You know that the crimson crack is just her smashing the World Piercer against the walls of Primal Chaos…"

"How long did you know of that fact?" Jasmine asked.

"... Long enough. It's part of the reason why I wished to ascend to the God Realm so swiftly. It's a calamity that should be handled properly. If not… she and her devil clan will exact their vengeance upon the entire Universe. No place would truly be safe."

"Fortunately, we have her children in our care." Li Suo joined them, turning to Rokas. "And you are the complete inheritor of the Heretic God. I am certain that some form of agreement can be made that avoids violence."

"Unfortunately, I am also the complete inheritor of Mo E." Rokas glanced at his hand, where an unmistakable golden glow emerged. "... That does give me an idea, though."

'I got it from mr Xiao Jiantian… though his idea ultimately came from me.'


A colossal star ship modelled after the Executor-class Star Dreadnought tore through space, appearing in the Brahma Monarch God Realm's orbit. Its size was so large that even from the ground one could see its black shadow. From its seemingly boundless hangar, four Gundams launched down and soared through space… descending upon the capital of the Brahma Monarch God Realm in seconds.

The first of which was the Kyrios, followed by Virtue, Crow and finally Sovereign Gundam. Kyrios and Virtue both were upgraded greatly, having the weapons of their successor counterparts while still resembling their initial identity. As for the Crow Gundam, it was all-gold like the Akatsuki while having clear distinct features that make it resemble the Golden Crow like its extended, feathered, wings.

The last one… it could hardly be considered a Gundam. It was a walking mountain.

The Sovereign Gundam dwarfed the others, standing at an absolutely towering nine thousand metres tall while the rest hardly scratched twenty. Its colour scheme was mostly metallic dark purple, although some parts such as its set of horns, eyes and portions of its eighteen wings featured gold and a blazing orange. At its core was a sphere that resembled Exia's chest, shining with fiery power. 

Everything about it radiated an aura of supreme power and tyranny… one that no one in their right mind would wish to challenge. Even with its colossal GN drive hardly running, which consisted of over a hundred smaller others within, violet-golden particles dispersed all over the skies above the Brahma Heaven City.

Such a thing wasn't made for fighting humans, it was made for destroying star systems.

Rokas opened up the cockpit… which was more or less a castle interior… and observed the city from above. Given his grand and very much visible entrance, the Brahma Heaven God Emperor swiftly made himself present. The Brahma Gods, Brahma Kings and everything below them kneeled in his presence. 

"Hail to the Heaven Punishing Divine Emperor!"

The Eternal Heaven God Emperor was sweating bullets… suddenly, he didn't want to mention the Eternal Heaven Pearl at all. What was he in the face of such unwavering power? Long Bai, too, was present and followed suit… lowering himself.

"Hail to the true Dragon Monarch, the successor to the Primordial Dragon God and the Number One Ruler of the Primal Chaos Realm!"

Rokas floated down, wearing his new drip… branded 'Sovereign'. It was a mix of modern and cultivator, casual and grand. He wore shorts, sneakers and a shirt that was mainly white with purple patterns. Around all of that, he wore a fancy black-violet cloak that was both scaled and feathered.

To his side, he had the Heavenly Demon Saber sheathed. 

"You all honour me beyond words with such grand titles." Rokas chuckled, shaking his head. "Truly, there is no need. Everyone rise on your feet."

Even without a single trace of his profound energy leaving him, his aura naturally exuded power. Everyone did as he willed, standing right up. Though, no one dared to fly in his presence.

He walked up to the Eternal Heaven God Emperor, glancing at him.

"I'd assume your presence here has something to do with the incursion on the Eternal Heaven Realm?" 

He wore the Eternal Heaven Pearl around his neck alongside the silver cross… not hiding it in the slightest.

"... Yes." Zhou Xuzi nodded, looking him in the eyes. "I ask for the return to its rightful place. The Eternal Heaven Pearl, namely."

"... Rightful place?" Rokas smiled slightly, returning his stare. "As of now, the Eternal Heaven Pearl has formally acknowledged me as its master… therefore it no longer has any ties to your Realm, whose ancestor was but an owner who earned some of its approval."


"I'll show you."

Rokas took its necklace off, throwing it to the Zhou Xuzi. The God Emperor tried to grasp it but it flew away, slipping itself right back down to Rokas' neck.

"See? Like a clingy wife, it returns to me." Rokas chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. "You must forgive me, Eternal Heaven Emperor. I would return it to your people… but it would be a futile effort. I would suggest changing your title, the name of your Realm and everything else 'Eternal Heaven' related because the Eternal Heaven Pearl will never be associated with you again."

"I suppose it cannot be helped…" He sighed with a tone of helplessness. "At the very least, your power may save us yet. It is fated."

"Mn… I will use its power responsibly and help make a finer Universe for us all." Rokas nodded, patting his shoulder. "You need not fret about that, Eternal Heaven Emperor."

"I believe you." 

He nodded and seemed to be in a rush to leave… so Rokas let go.


As the Eternal Heaven God Emperor left, Rokas turned his attention to Long Bai.

"Don't call me Dragon Monarch, that's your title." 

"... It would be misleading if I did so." Long Bai shook his head as he kneeled. "You are the Dragon Monarch, the Patriarch of the Dragon God Clan. I am but a Dragon God in your service."

"Heh… you dragons are fiercely loyal, aren't you?" Rokas smiled, raising his hand. "Rise, all the kneeling is getting quite bothersome. Someone of your power should stand tall."

"As you wish."

"If it is the Heaven Punishing Divine Emperor, there is no shame in kneeling." Qianye Fantian added.

Rokas exchanged looks with the Brahma Heaven God Emperor, sighing.

"It's such a shame…" 

"A shame?"

"Quite the entrance, my fiance." Qianye Ying'er descended from the skies, joining the group of powerhouses. She held Long Yinping who left her side and leapt into Rokas. "I see that you've built quite the weapons in your spare time-"


"Mhm… I had a lot of it." Rokas looked down, accepting her rather cannon-like embrace. "It's been too long, my sweetheart. How was your time with Miss Ying'er?"

"Well, she treated me very nicely. I had lots of yummy food, crystals and she even let me use the Akatsuki Gundam. It was amazing!" 

"Oooh… you didn't burn down any buildings, did you?"

"No, I was very responsible!" Long Yinping shook her head. "We even got to hunt some beasts, and I learned how to use the dragoons. It's like having a hundred arms at once… I wish Barbatos had something like that. Actually, I really really want an adult Gundam. I'm tired of the baby one. Like… wooaaaah."

Long Yinping noticed the absolutely colossal Sovereign Gundam in the background.

"What's that HUUUGE one?"

"That's my Gundam… I named it GNG-01 Sovereign. Sovereign Gundam for short."

"It has to be like a city inside, right?" Long Yinping asked, her azure blue eyes widening with wonder.

"... Sort of." Rokas chuckled, nodding. "I'll show you around it later. Why don't you go with mommy for a bit? She misses you."

"Mommy is in Kyrios, right?"


Rokas watched as Long Yinping entered Kyrios, and the Gundam rose to the skies, all the way to the starship. Afterwards, Rokas looked perfectly calm as he turned to Qianye Ying'er and Fantian. His fiery eyes were like a still lake. Burning… yet still. 

"Right… it's time to put the 'Heaven Punishing' in Divine Emperor."

He drew the Heavenly Demon Saber from its sheath, spinning it in his left hand.

"What… do you mean by that?" Qianye Fantian chuckled, almost nervously. "Who is it that needs to be punished?"

Jasmine left Rokas' Inner World and immediately they stepped back. She stood at his side, her daggers drawn.

"Greetings, golden brahma bitch. You miss me?"


Advanced chapters up to 66 are available on my discord server: https://discord.gg/JNz6rh9Xev

All of the current chapters are available on my pat: https://www.pat reon.com/SovereignOfHeaven