
At Your service My Lord

Jayonn_Wright · Urban
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1 Chs

At Your Service My Lord

The hallways echoed with intense emotion, a man in a black robe stood outside the door of his neighbor who was bowing sincerely.

The neighbor looked like a young man, young enough that you would mistake for a child, or but you wouldn't be mistaken as this young man was merely a teenager.

"Keep it down will yah!I'm trying to get some sleep and every minute I have to get woken up by your yelling. What are you even doing anyways?"

"I.. uh was just"

Not even a chance to get a word out the boys neighbors interjects 

 "You know what i don't even know what you're up to but keep it down before i call the landlord or worse you mother, this is the final straw shun ."

A cold chill gripped the boy's heart, he lifted his head, his tall, lean body now on full display, and opened his mouth to say his remarks but there was no one to receive it as the boy's neighbor had already left.

Shun let out a sigh of relief as he made his way back to his desk. Plopping into his chair, he instinctively loaded up his game as he runs his hands through his disheiveled black hair 

"I should probably get my raging under control."

In that moment his laptop pinged,  and instantly opened up his new message, a video started playing.

His laptop screen now covered with the face of a man, who seemed to have been in an office, the man's face was covered in hair not only from his thick dark beard but also his bushy eyebrows all but his cleanly shaven head was covered in thick coarse hair.

In the next moment the man spoke.

"Mister shun wae i hope all is well with you, as you already know from our previous interactions i am the head of the Owlhats university, I'll gets straight to the point, as you would have known the news of your leaked IQ score has reached far and wide and we the administration, has decided to pitch you an offer for a scholar.... "

The video suddenly closed.

"I've heard enough, Seriously do these people ever stop! "

He sighed and leaned back in his chair as he covered his face with his hands.

"At first I thought that my IQ score was a good thing, my parents finally wouldn't have to worry about my future as much but then they turned on me and practically disowned me. The next thing I know they move me to an apartment building in the middle of nowhere and since I'm only 14 and can't legally work they said they'll cover all of my expenses and even send me food occasionally. "

"Well at least i get to spend more time on the game, speaking of i'm gonna need to distress after thinking about all that's happened "

Reopening the game, shun subconsciously hunches his back as his body gets ready for his long gaming sessions.

The ring of the doorbell resounds within the apartment

"Uhgh!! Can't a guy catch a break for once? "

Pushing his body off his chair he stands up and walks over to the door, looking through the peephole he asks the man on the other side a question.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Food delivery for shun wae" the man answered

"Weird, i guess mom forgot to say she was sending me food" 

Shun thought to himself before opening the door, as the door creaked open the delivery man came into view, his head down causing his hat to cast a shadow over his eyes. His hands pulled a box out of his big side bag and handed it to shun who then closely inspected the box.

"Thanks but do you know who sent…."

The delivery man was already halfway off the apartment complex

"Well he's in a rush."

"I should probably ask mom is she was the one that sent it first"

Shrugging it off, shun makes his way to his chair again, puts the box of food on his desk, grabs his phone and messages his mother then waits for her reply while finally getting time to play his game.


"Grrrrr" shuns stomach made grew more and more impatient by the hour 

"What am i even worrying about who else could have sent it"

With that shun hurriedly opened the food box and began to mercilessly consume the items inside, as routined while he ate he read through the descriptions of his favorite character in his mmorpg valkyrie.

"In the realm of Eldoria, history is woven from the threads of conquest and conflict, where the echoes of ancient battles resonate through the ages. Amidst this turbulent backdrop, one figure stands as a beacon of courage and resilience: the Valkyrie. Born from the crucible of war and tempered in the fires of adversity, the Valkyrie embodies the epitome of martial prowess and unwavering resolve.

Clad in armor that gleams like the morning sun, each piece forged with meticulous craftsmanship and imbued with the spirit of resilience, the Valkyrie cuts a striking figure on the battlefield. Her helmet, adorned with intricate engravings and topped with proud wings, serves as a symbol of her indomitable spirit and unyielding determination. With her sword held aloft, its blade gleaming with the promise of victory, she strides forth with purpose, ready to face any challenge that dares to stand in her path.

But it is not just her formidable appearance that sets the Valkyrie apart; it is her unwavering commitment to justice and honor that truly defines her. Where others may falter in the face of adversity, she stands resolute, a beacon of hope for those who would follow in her footsteps. Whether leading her comrades into battle against the forces of darkness or defending the innocent from tyranny and oppression, the Valkyrie's courage knows no bounds."

Then he would watch her idle animations as his eyes shone with longing as he looked at her lean, muscular physique, and her almond hair flowed like palm leaves in the wind and her shining silver armor clinked with each movement she made. 

Resting back in his chair he throws the empty box that was once full onto his desk, a sense of relaxation came over him.

"Brace the front, The enemies are upon us!"

Slowly his body grew weak and lethargic, his eyelids suddenly weighed tons, his mind was now moving at snail's pace

"I really shouldn't have eaten it all in one sitting, i might as well take a quick nap"

His phone suddenly buzzed, then buzzed again three more times but his mind was so fixated on the feeling of sleep he paid no attention to it, as his mind slowly faded into the embrace of sleep.

"On your signal my lord!....."


"My Lord!..."

"Oh yeah, I forgot to turn the laptop off." 

"Sir please!..."

"Why does it sound so real though?"

Shun groaned as his mind slowly came out from sleep and opened his eyes.

"Sir, Please wake up!"

Shuns eyes burst open as he realizes that he was no longer alone in his apartment, his eyes darting to meet the figure of the home invader as he jumps out of his chair.


Shuns fell onto the floor, his chair rolled across the room, it felt like his head hit against the ceiling on the way up, but the last time he checked his apartment wasn't that small.

Though his vision was still blurry and he could still see stars and clenching his head from the pain, he was determined to meet the eyes of the intruder, then he saw it, the silhouette of said intruder, they were on the ground in a similar position that he was it seems that as he suddenly jumped out of his chair his head somehow knocked into them.

Shun takes this opportunity to get the upper hand and quickly rose to his feet, his eyes locked on them, then he notices their attire, they were wearing a suit, not an ordinary suit but one made from the finest of iron, her long flowing hair, her slender lean body, he seen this person everyday there was no mistaking it, it was…,.

"Valkyrie? " he said in disbelief

Without hesitation she immediately straightened herself and knelt down before him,

"At your service my lord!"