

I am lying on my bed when I heard my sister shouting.

"Sophie come out! Let's talk! You can't hide anything from. I know you're still hurting! I know it's still bothering you! You know that you can talk to me and tell me everything."She said

I just listen to her, keep on knocking at my door. I don't have any plan to open it, I just let her. I stare at the ceiling and think,

Why is this happening to me? I've done everything I can but still, it's not worth it. I don't know! maybe I'm not enough! Maybe there's something missing in me. Why do I deserve all this pain? Why do I Have to feel like this? Maybe I don't deserve to be loved, maybe I don't deserve to be happy, or this is the life I have to live with.


We've been together for like 8 years and it was a perfect relationship, although it's not legal to my parents. They don't want me to have a boyfriend until I graduate, but I'm stubborn I still got into a relationship. I never listen to what my parents say. I still continue this relationship because I want to prove to them, that I can graduate even I have a boyfriend and I did it, I prove them.

We were so happy, no problem, no jealousy, we argue but we still can find a way to be ok again. I know our relationship is not perfect, just like other couples we go through upside down.

It was the 8th year of our relationship, I was working as a hotel manager and he is a manager in a fine dining restaurant. We were busy with our works. but we still have time for each other. We have the same rest day. Even though sometimes we have a hectic schedule we can still find ways to see each other. He's a good boyfriend, I can't ask anything else he has it all. Until everything changes.

It's bad to doubt your partner but I have felt that there is something going on. I can feel it and I can see through his eyes, his acting dıfferently. I don't know! Maybe I just see things wrong, but it's been a month since I felt this way. I don't bother to tell him, what I'm thinking.

It's getting worse he never bothers two calls or texts me just like before. I know this man he never forgets to do this thing. What happened? I ignore it. He still tells me if he's going out at night, going bar with his co-employee, or if he's going to attend a party, or he has a meeting. At least he doesn't forget this thing. Still, it bothers me

I want to ignore all this doubt but it's bothering me and my friend notice this. She talks to me.

"Is there something bothering you." She asked

"I don't know maybe. I don't know" I know

"Come on spill it out. I know you."

"All right I think he changes. I'm not sure, but something's not right about him. He's different."

" How can you say It."

"I don't know? I just feel it and his actions tell me. Maybe I'm wrong.

"Maybe you are or what if you're not."

"That's what I'm thinking of."

Why don't you find it? To prove your self"

"You're right! I should do that."

I've been thinking about Joyce's advice, should I do it or not. But I know that I should trust him. It's been 8 years, can he do that to me, to us?

I get rid of those thoughts, I really should trust him. Maybe I'm just paranoid. Or I am really paranoid. I don't have to do what Joyce says.




"Hello!" I answered

"Honey, I can't fetch you tonight. My friends are asking me to go with them. Is it okay?"

"Oh! Sure honey, remember what I'm always telling."

"Copy that ma'am. No girls and less alcohol."

"That's good! Alright then be safe. Don't go home late okay."

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too."

I called my best friends Karen.

"Hello bes, free tonight?"

"Oh yes, my best. But I can't stay all night long."

"It's ok, we just have to chill out."

"Ok same time same venue."

"Ok, bye-bye."

I also called my other friends Janine and Kristine. Like Karen, they agreed. I have to chill out for me to forget about my doubts.

"This is nothing. It will fade away." I told myself. I take a deep breath and continue my paperwork.

After a few minutes, I decided to go around the hotel. There's a lot of guests today. They are lucky to have a vacation, I've been planning to go out of town but Jeffrey can't have a vacation leave. I can't go alone.

"Hi, Ms. Sophie." Interns greeted me.

"Hello! How was your experience here?"

"Very good Ms. Sophie. All your employees are very kind, they teach us everything that we have to learn."

"That great then. If you have problems you can talk to me ok."

"Thank you, Ms. Sophie."

"Your welcome, and have a nice day."

"Have. Nice day too Ms. Sophie."

I visit other stations and check out. I'm roaming around the rooms when I heard someone shouting. I walk fast and see what is happening. Then I saw one of my employees, inside room 308, and the guest is very mad.

"Call your manager!" He shouted

"I'm the manager, sir," I said

"Your employees don't do what I ask them to do. I ask them to order some food but they keep on telling me they can't."

"She's right sir. She can't order your food because that's not her job. You can use the phone to call the room service department." I said calmly and smiling

"I know but I don't want to use the phone."

"Then you can go straight to the restaurant sir." This guy is annoying.

"Don't tell me what to do remember I'm a guest. I will tell you what to do."

"I didn't forget that sir. But all employees here have their own perspective works. But I will be the one to order your food, I'm not busy at all. And she has a lot of room to clean." For us to stop the argument.

"Alright, that's it."

He gave me his order. I called the room service and tell them his order.

"I've ordered your food sir, they will serve it for 15 minutes, "

"Okay," he replied and turned his back on us.

I look at Linda and shrugged. We go out of the room.

"He's so arrogant."

"Super Ms. Sophie. He's so annoying."

"Your right. I hope I won't complain again."

"We hope Ms. Sophie."

"Alright have a nice day Linda." And I walk toward my office.

A few hours later.

I'm waiting for a taxi outside the hotel. My friends are waiting for me at our favorite bar. We've been friends since college, our friendship is very strong. We say things frankly.

"Good evening Ms. Manager" stranger talk at my back. I don't bother myself to look at my back. "Hi! Waiting for a taxi?" He said and stand beside me. Oh, the arrogant, guest.

"Oh good evening sir," I said politely.

"Going home now?"

"Yes sir."

And a taxi stops. He opens the door and ride. I thought his going to open it for me.

"By the way, be safe going home." He said.

He's so annoying. I've been waiting for like 30 minutes. He has all the bad attitudes in the world.

After a few minutes, another taxi comes finally. I arrived at the bar very late. And my friend looks at me like a criminal.


"Your late Ms."

"I know and I'm sorry," I said and kiss them all in the chicks. And after I sit down and start drinking.

"There is an annoying guest in the hotel, his so arrogant."

"We always encounter an annoying guest. No big deal."

"I was waiting for a taxi at the front of the hotel, then he appeared, and ride at the taxi that arrived. I am supposed to ride first. And he complained because my housekeeping staff doesn't want to order food for him."

"Does he know the word phone?"

"I don't know. The argument will stop in order for him to use the phone in his room."

"Wow! What an attitude he has."

"Enough talking about work. Were here to chill out girls. Come on let's party! Party!" Kare shouted. "Remember? I can't stay all night."

"Your hiding something from us girl."

"Come on! It's no big deal. Let's just say I'm happy." She said while dancing.

"Spill it out Ms."

"You'll know soon."

"Let her girls. Maybe it's not the right time yet." I interrupted.

"Alright then. Let's party instead."

And our night started. We are enjoying the music. We dance in the beat of the music. We drink a lot. Were a little bit tipsy.

"I will go to the powder room girls," says Janine

"Want me to go with you." I offered

"I'm good." She answered

She went alone. I'm about to get my phone and check if Jeffrey texted. When someone bumped at my back.

"I'm sorry" someone said.

"It's okay," I replied. And wipe the small wine that spills in my clothes.

"Let me help you." he offered.

"No, it's okay. I can handle." I answer and look at him. It is Mr. Arrogant.

"Oh hello, again Ms. Manager."

I just smiled and ignore him. But he's still standing beside me.

" I'm sorry again Ms. Manager."

"It's alright."

"If I have known that you will come here. I have let you ride along in the taxi earlier.

"It's okay. A taxi arrived when you left. Enjoy the night." I said and left him. I went back to our table.

"What's with the face?" Ask Kristin.

"Nothing, I'm good."

And Janine comes back. With 2 guys including Mr. Arrogant.

"Can we join you ladies?"

"Oh sure." Said Kristin. With matching beautiful eyes.

"Stop it! Not suits you."

"Stop it! His handsome."

And they sit and join us at our table. I just remain silent and listen to their stories." I'm still waiting for his text.

"Don't worry he loves you." Mr. Arrogant says.

"I know."

"Then why do you keep on checking your phone."


"Come on enjoy the night and be safe."

"I'm enjoying the night."

"Then stop checking your phone."

I put back my phone inside the bag. They are busy chatting and laughing. And my phone vibrated. It is Jeffrey calling.

"Hello hon. Going home now."

"Not yet home, we're going somewhere else. Were just waiting for someone."

"Oh okay. Be safe and enjoy." And I ended the call. I'm being paranoid, again. They're just waiting for his friend. I put back my phone.

"Alright guys. Thank you for tonight. I have to go now."

"Okay, take care and be safe," I said. She kissed is all and go.