
At Sun Down

Terror befalls a once peaceful and prosperous village. Everyone, small and great, old and young scamper for safety in neighboring villages which proves abortive, now the villagers must find a solution. will the sacred mission restore peace and avert the dangers that lurks at dusk?

Marvel_Barisere · Realistic
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The Beginning Of The End

Baani was a very peaceful and prosperous community in the far South until things turned ugly overnight. It was home to no more than seven hundred villagers and strangers who had come from other parts to reside in this land.

It's villagers revered their tradition and upheld it in high esteem, it was one of those things they were known for, various tradition and cultural beliefs earned this village a reputation amongst other villages.

The neighboring villages referred to it as the land of milk and honey because of its riches and high yield of farm produce not limited to the growing herds and other activities they engaged in.

As tradition demanded, every third market day in the middle of the year signaled the start of the new yam festival. Various activities were earmarked for this special celebration, it all started with harvesting the tubers to the unveiling of the masquerade which lasted for seven market days.

Young men were selected to carry these wooden masks on their faces round about the village as the celebration went on, they were covered from the waist down with grasses and prohibited from revealing their identity to anyone as long as they carried the wooden masks.

The celebration attracted men and women, young and old from far and wide. This tradition has been in existence in Baani for centuries and will continue for decades to come.

This year, Akpo, the eldest son of Akorneme played the role of the most feared god of the land Amaabana. His mask was painted black and had a clay pot of live coal on its head. It was a sign of horror and everyone took to their heels at the sighting of this horrifying god.

Akorneme and others who played the role of all the gods and goddess of the land were to carry this mask through the days of the celebration and only rested at night.

Everything went according to plan except there was a horrible mistake and the entire community plunged into darkness. No one could understand how or what came over the entire community as mysterious things began to ravage the once peaceful people of Baani.

The villagers fled and abandoned their houses and properties, but that was not going to help them as they soon discovered the curse followed them everywhere they went to.

Everyone was under this terrifying bondage that lurked in the dark. Attempts were made to resolve whatever it was that had cursed the village but it only made way for more terror.

Soon, the neighboring villages would seclude themselves from the once revered village of Baani, banishing it's villages from bringing their produce to their markets to avoid incurring same punishment from the gods.

The village elders and chiefs had only one option left; send the remaining vibrant youths to the far lands across the seven rivers to retrieve the mask of Amaabana which had disappeared u der mysterious circumstances and was believed to hold the key to the answer the village sought at these trying times.

The expedition will turn out to be bloody for both those who went on the sacred mission as well as those at home. At sun down, terror fell on the community and horror came knocking on everyone's door. Who dares to go out or look out his window?