
The "Two Eights"

The sun is set.

The day is over.

The people rest in their homes.

Only those of unscrupulous character can be found in the dark corners of the city.

But even they know what parts of the city to stay close to.

The outliers are the two people approaching the border of the city, known as Kagoshima.

The first is the one known as Daihachi.

He is one who would ideally be described as perfectly normal.

This normalcy, however, is blighted by his degenerate actions and the failings of his character.

These two things warp his expression and the way he carries himself.

He has come from the neighboring town of Hayato to Kagoshima in order to deliver a certain package.

In contrast to Daihachi, the other thing can only be described as abnormal.

There are a number of ways to handle an encounter with this thing.

Some would see its uniform and pay it no further mind.

These people are correct.

Some would look at its face.

Witness its pale skin and beautiful feminine features, its eyes that shine magenta and its eerie smile.

And they would flee.

These people are also correct.

The people mentioned previously will go on to see the following year.

And the thing they encountered was none other than one Kanzaki Hachiro.

An apparition engrossed in a conversation unobservable by outsiders.

Since the moment he exited the shrine, he has done nothing but converse with his other half and walk towards Hayato.

He walks unknowingly, making a beeline for Daihachi.

<<You never tire of conversation, do you? Oh Bodhisattva mine.>>

<<Of course. After all my conversations with you are the only one's were other parties voice doesn't repulse me.>>

<<That and the fact that I appreciate your with cadence.>>

<<Oh my. The manner and frequency at which you flatter me continues to astonish me.>>

<<I still need to pay you back for making me blush after my declaration.>>

<<Petty, much?>>

<<You of all people should know as well. By the way, I've been wondering something ever since Survivor's death.>>

<<And what would that be exactly?>>

<<What exactly happens, to the prayers for survival that are being made now he's gone>>>

<<Is a new Survivor made in the old one's place?>>

<<No. What happens is Pratyāhāraḥ.>>

<<The prayers of the deceased Bodhisattva are hijacked and bastardized.>>

<<In the case of Survivor. Every prayer for survival subconsciously becomes made with preference more violent solutions until it just a violence.>>

<<Wait so if per say, a Bodhisattva encompassing the desire for public masturbation kills one to achieve enlightenment. Those who enlightenment will begin seek it through masturbation?>>

<<Yes. >>

Hachiro audibly snickers while passing someone in an alleyway.

That person is none other than Daihachi.

"Oi! You got a problem or something?!"

Daihachi yells, grabbing Hachiro's shoulder.

To Daihachi, it's like putting your hand against the walls of a fortress.

If he had done this to any other Bodhisattva, he would have been able to retract his hand, apologize, and leave without them ever knowing Daihachi had touched them.

From this moment on, Daihachi will be known as an unfortunate man for running into one of the few Bodhisattvas who is immensely perceptive to being touched.

Before he can think to retract his hand, he is sent flying into the wall by the back of Hachiro's hand.

Before we continue, let us go recall the two examples of people who were able to survive an encounter with this man called Hachiro.

Inverse to ignorance and reverence, there are two ways to ensure a "BAD END" upon encountering this thing.

The first is to become a hindrance to Kanzaki Hachiro.

With the last embers of his consciousness, Daihachi can see Hachiro standing over him with his (Hachiro's) leg held high.

Daihachi knows that when that leg drops, his life is over.

He closes his eyes and reminisces about the one thing he holds dear.

However, the leg never drops.

Unknown to Daihachi, there are two reasons why he has survived this encounter.

The first is that upon killing him, Kanzaki Hachiro would have to find "lotus flowers" to complete his Mantra.

The second is that the "package" Daihachi had on hand burst and filled the air with a fragrance that Hachiro was very familiar with. One that would lead Kanzaki Hachiro to the Bodhisattva in Hayato.

My name is Daihachi.

Last night, I encountered a monster.

And today I wake up in a hospital.

The first thing I hear upon regaining consciousness is a lovely voice yelling.

"Don't look at me like that! He's in much better condition than the last one I brought in."

Before I could piece together the context for those words, something comes through the door.

I am immediately reminded of Yuki-onna.

At night, it appeared as a horrible monster.

Now during the day, all I can see before me is a beautiful woman.

Her face was tinged with frustration, but yet-


The words can't help but slip out of my mouth.

That was a mistake.

The moment those words leave my mouth, her face twists with rage. I can feel the shadow of death looming over me.

Before I think to throw the bedding at her and escape, she claps both hands on her cheeks, sighs, and tells me something that shakes me.

"Sorry to break it to you, but the woman you plan on delivering that package to is unavailable."

I'm speechless; apart from me and her, there shouldn't be anyone who knows why I'm here.

The strange woman continues.

"You are here for that woman, right?"

"A prostitute from Hayato who got knocked up by an idiot and ended up moving to Kagoshima."

"It's unfortunate, really. Just yesterday, someone broke into their home, broke her husband's legs, and abducted her."

"Putting aside whether I should believe you, who are you, and how do you know all this?"

The girl pauses, cocks her head, and introduces herself.

"Up until yesterday, I was simply a friend of the idiot who knocked that woman up."

"But from today onwards, I am a private investigator. Investigating the source of the tragedy experienced by my friend Takachi."

"That's why I would like you to introduce me to the owners of that woman's former place of employment."

"And why would I do that?"

"Well, I have reason to believe the culprit is a former customer of hers and that she has been taken back to Hayato by him."

"As a result of that, you can't deliver your package and have to report the current situation to your employer."

"And to be honest, this conversation is just a courtesy on my part."

That last sentence concerns me. I need to-

My vision cuts off for a fraction of a second, and then I feel pain.


All manner of problems have been recognized by my brain.

I'm writhing on the floor.

My body is covered in sweat.

My breathing is sporadic.

I'm both severely hungry and dehydrated.

And worst of all, my legs feel as if they are littered with needles.

I'm no longer in the medical facility, where am I?

<<You know Asurah, for something designated as a failure, the Mohini-Astra is quite useful utility tool. Maybe this how early humans felt when they started using sticks and rocks to kill animals rather than their bare hands.>>

<<That analogy also covers why it's nothing but a hindrance to you, Oh Bodhisattva of mine.>>

<<Yes. If humans had simply continued to rely on their own bodies, they would have probably evolved the point where could turn predators prey without need for weapons.>>

Nevertheless, being able to make him walk all the way from Kagoshima to his lodging in Hayato is something else. Manipulating his body through illusions and erasing the memories associated with fatigue, pain, and hunger. Being capable of being so specialized is already impressive on its own, but the highlight would be the fact that the moment these two phenomena cease taking effect on a subject, they are immediately assaulted by the stimuli their bodies had been previously ignoring.

Seeing him writhe on the floor, assaulted by a myriad of stimuli, is quite nostalgic.

It reminds me of my younger days.

A spark of inspiration flashes in my mind, and Asurah is already in tune with it.

<<I take it you would like me to get started on that right away?>>

<<Yes, if you would.>>

I can already feel her putting her hands to work. Weaving my prototype into reality. She weaves the Kṛṣṇa into cloth and imbues it with properties from both the blade and flag of the Mohini-Astra.

In mere minutes, I can feel something appear in my pocket.

I take out the piece of cloth. A black hood with eye holes cut out of it.

I had decided on wearing a hood because, even if I have to associate with this man for an extended period of time, I really don't want to see his face any more than I need to.

And secondly, as part of a different project, I walk over to the man and drop the hood near him.

"Daihachi. You can climb out of that hell you're in if you wear this."

He immediately reaches for it and puts it on. A moment later, his breathing is calm and steady, his body is at rest, and he is able to rise to his feet soon after.

"So, how do you feel?"

He begins feeling around his body and stretching.

"Fine. No, good. No, great even."

He then looks at me and asks.

"What are you?"

I rub my chin and give him an answer I feel would be best suited for him.

"Well, simply put, before I became a private investigator, I was a conman. Most of my scores involved social engineering and what one could call hypnosis."

"What you're experiencing is a sort of hypnosis. I need you to be able to ignore things like pain, hunger, and fatigue while you assist me with my investigation."

"And why would I help you?"

"Because when I asked Tenbō about it, she said you'd be willing to."

There's panic in his eyes. After all, I just mentioned his blind sister, whom he had never even alluded to.

On the way here, I scouted out multiple scents that were on him, in order to acquire some leverage.

So, in the face of his panic, I only give him a smile.

It's a few hours later.

The sun is set.

The day is over.

The people rest in their homes.

Only those of unscrupulous character can be found in the dark corners of the city.

These corner's of the city are referred to as the Red Light Chiku.

Daihachi and I are making our way towards the brothel of interest.

Due to my personal preference, we pass through alleyways and side roads alike.

A little ways away from the brothel in question. I spot a little boy with a large sake bottle in hand. He appears to be in a hurry. Probably as a result of an errand.

He enters the alley we are currently walking through.

Life can be a cruel mistress sometimes.

I act without hesitation.

Before Daihachi can spot the boy, the hood on Daihachi's face turns on its own, blocking his vision.

He proceeds to begin fixing it.

As the boy passes by us, I flip the bottle out of the boy's hands, cover his mouth, and fold him down to onigiri, before stuffing him into one of the inner pockets of my uniform's cape.

I catch the sake, as I intend to present it as a gift for the owner of the brothel.

Daihachi fixes his hood, unaware of what has just happened.

We go into the brothel, where there appears to be a commotion happening in the lobby.

A man drunk out of his mind was straddling and raining punches down on another man, who appears to be a bodyguard in the brothel's employ.

The women present are horrified and are distancing themselves from the two men.

A younger man, scrawnier than the two, breaks a bottle over the aggressor's head, but that doesn't phase him. The aggressor smacks him aside before rising to his feet with the intention of doing the same to him.

Before he can proceed, I call out to him.

"Oi! That's enough out of you!"

He charges at me and throws a punch at me.

I play along, and as his fist touches my face, I begin falling on my back.

There's a comforting clarity to my view on the way down. The moment my back touches the ground, I am propelled back up, and my fist connects with the man's jaw.

A love tap, really.

Just enough to send him to the floor and into the world of dreams.

I hand the bottle of sake to Daihachi, rip off the man's shirt, and use it to tie his hands behind his back.

Ah, the poor bastard.

Looking at him like this, you would never believe he was a family man with a wife and child.

How do I know that?

It's simple, really. I saw him leave his house in the morning for work, and then I wiped some of his memories before altering his perception and setting him loose on the residents of this brothel.

The residents, who now believe me to be some kind of her

And so begins the farce of "Private Investigator," Kanzaki Hachiro.


And so begins what I will now refer to as the Red Light Trampling Arc.

I hope you’re looking forward to some more character interactions, machinations and intrigues.

I would also appreciate some feedback on the story so far.

Thanks in advance.

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