
Cry Havoc, My Friend.

Pardon me, but I would like to propose a question to you.

If you were condemned to an eternity in hell, would you rather be a sinner condemned to eternal torment, who, for his vices and hubris, will be eternally ravaged by demons? Or would you rather be a demon condemned to eternal torment, who, for his vices and hubris, will eternally ravage the sinners?

I have enough self awareness to know I'm not what could considered a normal person.

That's exactly why my answer, without a doubt, would certainly be, tormenting others as a demon.

You should stifle your concern for now. Not even I know the reason why I've been asked this question.

All I know is that I awoke to find myself in a dark room with a black door and a white door facing one another. And in between those doors is a pedestal with two disembodied arms.

Without the time to gather my thoughts, that question was then thrust upon me.

Now that I've given my answer, I'm awaiting a response.

A disembodied voice lets out an ear-splitting laughter.

My head begins to hurt.

My thoughts begin to scatter.

My stomach is assaulted. The pain makes it seem as if there are wild animals feasting on my intestines.

My lower half feels like it's been set aflame.

My only respite is that I know that behind that black door is the lotus flower I need to escape this overcome this torment.

I proceed through the black door and to my surprise, I find myself in Takachi's home.

He is sitting down, eating onigiri in his living room

Since I'm still holding the door, I rip it from its hinges and throw it at him.

Once the door slams into him, I dash, smash through it and grab him by the throat with my left hand.

If I'm here then surely he must be the one with the lotus flower.

While he struggles in my hand, I hear a snapping sound.

Turning around I see that his Yogore tried to stab me with a knife.

No since she would risk murder for Takachi's sake instead of running away, I guess I'll give her the decency of calling her Takachi's wife.

Ah, i just smacked a pregnant woman, didn't I?

The look on her face is repulsively hilarious, I guess I had one similar to that when I tried to stab survivor.

I smack her into the dining table with my right hand.

Hm, I'm taking to much out of Survivor's repertoire.

I need to come up with my own material.

I slam Takachi into the ground and walk over his legs, crushing them.

I approach his wife and rip what I assume to be her clothes apart.

I then violate what I assume to be her reproductive organs.

I can't really tell and even if I get it wrong, just pushing my member against her body would create a hole without resistance.

Takachi's wife screams out in pain and thrashes around. Her body is being damaged because my grip on her in too strong.

It pisses me off really, after all I'm not really enjoying this either.

It's like they're insects devouring my member and the hole I'm in feels like a burning vice grip.

It's now that I finally understand the meaning behind the question I was asked. The suffering I'm inflicting on this woman does dull my own pain a little.

While I'm chuckling to myself, I spot something wonderful out the corner of my eye.

Takachi, he is standing.

Despite the fact his legs are broken, he's still standing brimming with rage.

I can't help but let out a big smile.

Ah, Takachi. Stand proud, for you're a man among men.

Out of courtesy for his inability to move on broken legs.

I walk over to him, wife in hand and slam her into him.

Of course, I'm still penetrating her so we all tumble to the floor.

I proceed to finish while Takachi lays under us and the burning of my lower half subsides. The usual pain still persists.

It is only a brief moment of respite, as the pain present in my stomach has grown exponentially.

The woman only held one half of the lotus flower.

And I now know the child holds the other half.

So I do as I must and reach into the woman's stomach, ripping out her child.

I try to devour it hastily but it can't fit in my mouth.

I'm not a snake after all.

That doesn't discourage me however as I'm hit with a flash of inspiration.

I begin crushing the child.

Folding it.

Molding it.

Down into the shape of onigiri, well at least as I perceive it.

It's repulsive work but it gives me insight into the nature of this hell.

The child is still breathing.

It's still moving.

Likewise its mother is still alive with a gaping hole in her stomach.

Ah, I literally can't kill women and children.

Looking into my heart, I see the accursed words engraved.

Slaughter the Man

Violate the Woman

Devour the Child

It's non negotiable then.

I push the onigiri in my mouth suppressing the urge to puke.

The pain in my stomach subsides and is replaced by the usual.

I walk over to Takachi's chair and take a seat.

Fatigue's all but taken me so I close my eyes.

My loss of consciousness is interrupted by the sound of Takachi coughing. I see Takachi drowning in a black liquid and his wife is no where to be found.

I take it that's what happens to the women I rape then.

I lift Takachi out of the liquid and place him on the dining table.

I go into his bedroom and take out our rainy day fund.

If there's to be a chance for Takachi to recover, I should rush him to a medical facility.

Following the alleyways and using my inhuman abilities, I'm able to take him to the best doctor in town.

I pay the man in full upfront and threaten him to get Takachi back on his feet in 3 months time or else I'll rape his wife and eat his child.

Of course, I'm just joking.

After all, only a demon would be capable of such a thing.

Once I've gone out the back of the hospital, I can finally catch my breath and then I fall.

A black hole opens beneath me.

Ah, this must be the gaping maw of hell.


A sultry voice calls out to me.

"Don't just go writing yourself of like that."

I open my eyes to find myself in at the highest room in a thousand-floor-tall Pagoda.

I am seated naked on an extravagant throne and opposite me, is a woman, with grey skin, a head flowing with hair of magenta. She is without clothes and her body is adorned with markings of Buddhist origins. The arms at her side float near to her shoulders rather than being attached to them and eight other arms are performing all manner of tasks behind her.

She is seated on the floor with her knees together, legs folded to one side, and her back is straight. Her hands are resting on one another.

"I've never heard of a god that waits on hand and foot for a mortal man."

"It's the opposite really".

"So you're a devil then?"

"No-" she stops to think and sighs.

"That information is of no importance to you now."

The woman bows her head slightly.

"Ah, pardon me."

"Welcome, Kanzaki Hachiro to your shrine."

"My, shrine?"

"Yes, you are a Bodhisattva after all."

"Ah, I am, aren't I?"

"Wait, in that case what are you?"

The woman raises her head slightly and speaks.

"I am a pseudo-personality."


"I am the result of an improper Bodhisattva awakening. Whenever a Bodhisattva awakens in a state of near-death, a pseudo personality is formed from what remains of their consciousness. That pseudo-personality can then go on to resuscitate the host."

"So is it then not preferrable to awaken in a near death state?"

"No, not only does the original lack a majority of the information gained upon becoming a Bodhisattva, they also lack full dominion over their Adbhutas (miracles)."

"A pseudo-personality would make up for those lacking areas, no?"

"No, there are two reasons why relying on a pseudo-personality is detrimental in the long run."

"One - the pseudo-personality is biased towards carrying out the Bodhisattva's mantra rather than the Bodhisattva themselves. This could sometimes lead to a conflict of interest. And two - A pseudo-personality only has dominion over seven percent of both the Bodhisattva's Adbhutas and *Virya (*energy)".

That last statement catches my attention.

"So then, you mean to imply that you-"

I rub my forehead.

"With only seven percent, were able to defeat Survivor. Are you some kind of monster?"

The woman chuckles and makes an observation of her own.

"That's a question more appropriately directed at you, isn't it? It was seven percent of **your **Adbhutas and Virya that was responsible for your victory".

A little bit of laughter leaks out from my mouth.

"A bit sharp tongued for a pseudo-personality. So then how do we remedy my failings as a Bodhisattva?"

"It's simple, you just have to carry out your mantra."

I think back to the words engraved on my soul.

"Quite a violent set of prayers, no?"

"Of course, you are the Bodhisattva governing violence"


"Yes, every violent action you take does contribute to your growth as a Bodhisattva."

"The three specifically stated just so happen to produce the best results."

I take a deep breath and proceed to ask the two questions I had been putting off till now.

"This talk with you has been very informative but they're two things that have been bothering me".

"The first is - what exactly do you want from me?"

The woman cocks her head in confusion.

"Ah, I simply want you to carry out your mantra and become a full-fledged Bodhisattva. That's my अस्तित्वस्य कारणम्, as a pseudo-personality."

The answer seems honest enough.

"The second question is - What exactly do I gain from becoming a full-fledged Bodhisattva?"

The woman points to the self.

"Your body?"

"Yes and No."

"You see, despite the fact that my body, soul and personality originate from you, there's a fundamental difference between the both of us. That being that I do not perceive the world outside this shrine as hell. And I take it you don't perceive me as repulsive, no?"

For the first time, I make an active effort to look at the woman properly and I'm startled. After all, for the first time in my life I understand what it means to perceive something as beautiful.

I can't help but say my next line with the excitement of a giddy child.

"And would I be able to escape from hell if I get your body?!"

"Not my body rather but Kṛṣṇa."

"This shrine, the forge, your Mahayana and even my body are composed entirely of Kṛṣṇa."

"My seven percent, gives me complete dominion over them."

"If you were to become a full-fledged Bodhisattva, you would gain a dominion over Kṛṣṇa that far surpasses my own."

"And at that point, whether it be a weapon, a body or even the entire—"

She stops her herself but I'm too caught up in the prospect in escaping this hell to let that affect my decision.

"So to fulfil my mantra, I just need to murder, rape and kill mooks indiscriminately?"

"No, that would be far too inefficient."

"And the alternative?"

"The alternative comes from the nature of the prayers that make up your mantra."

"Those Bodhisattva who are born from malice have a condition in which they can maximize their growth."

"For example, if there existed a Bodhisattva named KINGSLAYER and as his name implied he killed the king of a nation. His Virya would multiply by 37 to an exponent of the number of prayers regarding that particular king."

"If then say KINGSLAYER happened upon another Bodhisattva that serves as the king of a nation and killed him. KINGSLAYER's Virya would multiply by 37 to an exponent of the number of prayers regarding that king multiplied by the quantification of that other Bodhisattva's Virya."

"In this regard, you are second to none."

"As be they man, woman or child."

"You must simply slaughter them, violate them and devour them."

"There would be the problem of actually running into other Bodhisattva."

"That would be less of an issue than you expect after all, there is a synchronicity at play."

"It was one such synchronicity that led to your encounter with Survivor."


"Yes, your synchronicity had rubbed off on your friend, who went on to meet that low class prostitute, who was in repeated contact with another Bodhisattva. The two's relationship then led to your friend towards having more hostile feelings towards you. That resulted in your meeting with Survivor."

"In other words, you're saying if I go to wherever Takachi's wife came from, there's a good chance I'll run into a Bodhisattva?"


I rise to my feet and without a wasted breath, her previously busy arms present what appears to be-.

"A uniform?"

"Yes, when you wear a uniform, most people tend to not question who you are. And those who do will end up having to curb their inquiries when you give them a semi-plausible story."

Ah, that was the final piece I needed. Before meeting Survivor, I was nothing more than a two-bit con man limited by my available resources. Now, I can use my talents to their full potential. I proceed to announce my intentions while putting on my new clothes.

"I, Kanzaki Hachiro, have decided to devote myself towards a life pursuing truth, justice and honor. With the horrible tragedy that has befallen my friend Takachi, I must now journey towards the red light district of Hayato, to investigate possible culprits for the rape and disappearance of Takachi's wife and child."

"I am his friend after all and that's what friends do."

After my declaration, I look upon the woman's face to find that she is holding her face, crying.

Before I can ask what's wrong, she bursts into laughter while her numerous hands applaud me. She then prostrates herself fully and begins to rain praises on me.

"Oh, how shameless you are."

"Oh, how brazen you are."

"Oh, how remorseless you are"

"If not you then who?"

"Kanzaki Hachiro. Thank you, thank you for being born."

Her praise of me is enough to get a blush out of me and so to hide my embarrassment I cut her praises short with some praise of my own.

"You, Asuraḥ-Maśīnā, cannot merely be considered a pseudo-personality or a companion. Truly you are a woman after my own heart. I take it then, that you are onboard with the investigation of the TKC incident? "

She raises her head and her and her other eight arms perform a uniform salute.

"Sir! Yes Sir!"



That was something huh?

I couldn't even hide my Nitroplus influence, huh?

IKECARODEVcreators' thoughts
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