

When he walked back into the reaper base he saw the same 2 reapers in the hallway eating lunch. It looked like he would have to disguise again to go back into the facility. He quickly disguised and walked to the boiler room. He knew that in that cold climate there had to be the main gas valve to heat the whole place. He found it and knew he would have to detonate it somehow. He would immediately explode if he fireball it but if he lit a piece of string and ran out quick enough he could make it. he ripped a piece of string off his hood. He found some gasoline and he guessed it was to fuel the 4 wheelers so he covered the string with it. He then placed it all the way to the entrance. The 2 reapers who were eating lunch came out. One said. "Hey bill what are you doing"? Astro had to quickly come up with a lie. "I'm just measuring the facility for the person who's working on the pipes" the reapers seemed to believe him and they left. He sighed and then shot a fireball at the string and it lit. He had told the soldiers to go before him but leave one four-wheeler for him. He saw it and quickly jumped on it. He sped off When he got back to the house that he rented he was exhausted. He fell asleep the second his head hit the pillow and overslept by a long shot. He walked over to the castle to see how the king and his daughter were doing but when he got there no one answered the door. He knocked again and again no answer. He tried to open the door and it was unlocked. It swung open into the giant castle and he saw a horrific sight. There were bodies all over the floor. But they weren't the king and the princess. They were the butlers. How could anyone do this? The city was guardian 24 hours 7 days a week. Then Astro knew it. It was the reapers who killed the butlers. But how did they survive the explosion? Not even Astro could survive that and Astro trained a lot more than they did. He ran to the police department and reported the murders. They sent a detective with Astro to the castle. By the time they got there the princess and king were awake and were scared. They went outside and the detective examined the bodies. He went outside to Astro, the king, and the princess and said it was black magic. It was the reapers but still how did they survive. The king said "but how would they survive the explosion I saw from here"? Suddenly a reaper appeared to kill the king. But they were ready for that and they tackled the reaper. He tried to teleport but he couldn't. The reaper then killed himself by self-imploding rather than be in prison for life. It killed 2 of the 6 soldiers and the other 4 were severely injured. They got tended to and were alright in the end. They knew that was the last of the reapers and they didn't have to deal with them anymore. Finally, he could get all the rest he needed to regrow his Hamon and maybe even expand it with some training. Astro rested for about 3 days only coming out of his house to check on the king and the princess and to get food. When he finally walked to the training arena he was ready for anything because he was all rested up. He trained for hours on end testing to the max of his abilities. He learned how to make level 2 and even 3 fireballs but could only make the second one. When he got home he had a quick snack of roman and then hopped in the shower. He heard footsteps and he could barely see a shadow in the bathroom. He got out of the way of the water and turned it to boiling water. He then blew open the door and sprayed the intruder with hot water. He screamed in agony as he fell on the floor. Astro jumped in some shorts and ran out of the house to get the police. When they got back to the house they saw a person in his room looking through his stuff. The police slammed the door down and screamed "POLICE PUT UR HANDS WERE WE CAN SEE EM" the thief was so surprised he jumped 3 feet in the air. The police ran over and cuffed the strange intruder. They took off his hood and it was the general of the celadon army! "W-w-what happened?" said the general. "You know what happened bub" then the police took him to a holding cell until he was evicted for his crimes by the court. Astro went to visit him later to see what happened with him and he said it felt like he was sleeping and had no control over what he was doing. He saw himself do it but his brain did not say to do it. Astro knew it was dark magic but the reapers were destroyed and the vultures made a peace treaty with the celadons.


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