

Lest we leave off our hero was visiting the general of the celadon city in jail. He had to be in some sort of trance because there was no reason why he would break into his house and look through his room. Astro didn't even have a lot of stuff in his room since he moved there a couple of months ago. He began to ask general questions like "do you know who cast a spell on you" and "when did you start going into this state"? He couldn't be able to tell him anything because he couldn't really remember anything. Astro knew he couldn't stay there all day and when it came around midday he left to train more. He was pushing himself to the limits and missing meals to try anything he could do to help himself. He learned nothing but practice dodging and tried for a good 50 minutes to make the level 3 fireball. "Someday I'll get it". He thought. He went home and locked all windows and doors so that that wouldn't happen again. He went to bed and when he woke up in the morning everything was fine. He went to check on the chief but he was sleeping. He had to visit him when he was awake but had a busy schedule. He was training a lot and was holding meetings in the town hall about stuff about the town. Not a lot had happened since the break-in and it was kind of boring in the town. He had learned some new stuff like how to throw a kunai which is a type of throwing dagger. He could throw it far, fast, and precise. Each night he got back to his house he would do a thorough check of his house before doing anything. One day though he found a note on his couch. He picked it up and read it. It read

"Dear Astro"

It has come to my attention that you're becoming a good fighter. Too good to be true. If you are interested in training harder and maybe even learning the level 3 fireball, come to the alley behind the barbershop at 11:55 tonight.



Astro thought about the choices he had for it. It was 6:28 right now so he had about 5 hours. He decided to meet up with the king to see if he should go. They talked for a bit and decided that Astro would be secretly guarded around the meeting place at all times. Astro went back home and when it was 11:30 he decided to head off. While he was walking there he thought "should I really risk my life for training"? He walked there nonetheless he walked there. When he got there he was a little early. He saw a figure sitting in the darkness sucking on a cigarette. He walked towards the figure and when he got close secretly took out a kunai. He hid it behind his back. When he was about 5 feet away from the figure he talked. "So you've come"? Astro answered with a reluctant "yes" the figure's voice was cold and raspy and it sent chills down Astros spine. "So you fell for it"? "W-w-w-what do you mean"? Immediately 10 people jumped out and surrounded him. "HEY," Astro yelled. "Where are the guards"!? He was in a street fight. He blasted a fireball at the leader but he dodged it. He did a flip and when he came down slashed a sword at him. He leaped back and they continued to fight. Eventually, they both were so tired the 10 people standing around them grabbed Astro and pinned him to the ground. Astro didn't have the strength to fight back so they zip-tied his hands, feet, and gagged him. He was so tired he fell unconscious.


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