

When he got to the entrance he saw there were no more 4 wheelers because they left them in the celadon city. He saw the door was open and guessed they had gone out to do something evil and knew this was his only chance to get in and out without being seen or heard. He crept in and got to the cell where he was held the last time he was here before he was spotted. He saw a camera and knew the second he saw it that he was trapped. Meanwhile, in the control room, a soldier closed all doors because he saw Astro look at the camera. He said on the radio "we have been spotted move in" he was surrounded and he knew he had to fight. "You fell right into our trap," said what seemed to be the leader of the reapers. There were about 10 of them and they seemed to be waiting in closets and rooms off to the side. He even said one teleport to him when he got the signal. The reapers got closer and closer until they were about 5 feet from him. They knew his tactics and what he used and when Astro transformed into one of them they were ready. They knew that it took about 3 seconds to transform and during that time they jumped and tackled him. What they didn't know that Astro knew they would do this so he dodged them and the reaper tackled an actual reaper. Astro pretended to be one of the actual reapers and helped kill the reaper who had been tackled. "Well now that he's gone celadon city is defenseless. They decided to attack in about a month. That would give them time to plan and get their Hamon up. They had a lot of Hamon but it would take some time to regrow it and in the meantime learn new moves. They all separated to do their own things while Astro looked through the cells to find the squad they had sent. He hoped they hadn't been killed like that reaper. Eventually, he reached the biggest cell of them all to find 5 men in straight jackets in a padded room. They obviously thought they could escape like Astro did but Astro was great in Hamon and could easily defeat all of them. One of the soldiers saw him and said. "What do you want you ruthless bitch" "it's me Astro" the soldier looked surprised and quickly apologized. "Why are you calling them bitches"? The soldier said that one of the other soldiers got tortured to death. Astro knew he had to get them out of there as soon as he could. He unlocked the door and quickly cut the jackets off them so they could arm themselves and fight. Astro still didn't know how he would get out and down the mountain in time. They didn't have 4 wheelers to ride down the mountain fast. He thought he would come up with a plan on the way. When they got to the hallway they saw 2 reapers on the way to lunch so he quickly turned invisible. He forgot that only he was invisible and the guards almost saw them before Astro quickly turned them all invisible. This wasted quite a bit of Hamon and when he used it for a long time he could get quite tired. Thankfully they didn't stay in the hallway long so he did not lose that much energy. He got all the way to the entrance before a person saw him. It was a regular person and he recognized him from celadon city. Astro asked "why are you here," the soldier said "shut up I'm a spy you cant blow it ok? Astro quickly nodded and the soldier let him through; they escaped only to find the 4 wheelers were back. They had probably just been moved there. They quickly hopped on and were about to speed off but Astro knew he had to destroy the Reapers once and for all.


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