

Albedo: We are here at the castle. Astro come out of the wagon

Astro: When we did finally get to the castle it was huge! There had to be at least 15 bedrooms and an indoor swimming pool! The princess did not look surprised, probably because she has seen it more times than I have. When we stepped inside the castle my first impression was of the giant diorite statues of the princess. She gave me a tour and I didn't know it could be so big. There was a bathroom for every bedroom and there was the biggest table that you've ever seen. We kept meeting servants throughout the tour and when we entered the kitchen every chef in the kitchen bowed to the princess but not to me because I was not the owner of the house and I wasn't the princess.

Astro POV: I know her name because when we were coming to Celadon City she told me her name was Albedo.

Albedo: Indeed it is. my father is the KING/Name: Sebas of Celadon City and my mother is the QUEEN/Name: Solution.

Sebas: Albedo I see you bought a guest to our castle what's his name.

Albedo: His name is Astro I saw him in the desert he said he lost all his loot and his wagon.

Sebas: Oh I See Hello Astro

Astro: *bowing down* Hello My KING

Sebas: hahaha No need to bow down to me since your my daughter's friend there is no need for that.

Astro: Yes My King I Understand

Sebas: And one more thing there is no need to call me KING

Astro: Yes KING

The Next Day

Albedo: Get up Astro we need to go to and check how much power you have

Astro: Ahhh ok I'm getting up give me a sec I need to take a shower and brush my teeth

Albedo: Ok come meet me outside when you're done

Astro: Ok Got It

20 minutes later

Astro: Albedo I'm done let's go now

Albedo: OK let's go

Astros POV: We Got to the place we were going and they checked my power I had to put my hand on a Cristal and Cristal said my power was infinity and everyone was like that's impossible how can his power be infinity his even stronger than the KING HIMSELF

The next chapter will come out soon!

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