
Astrid - The Hybrid Princess

[Warning: Mature Content] A great war has started between the great races. In the middle of it all, something that never should have happened had occurred. A hybrid was born. Rumours of this hybrid being the most powerful being in existence spread through the land. Through certain events, she was lost to all, yet sought by many who wanted her for the powers she possessed. Now, Astrid must venture through the magical realm in search of her mother, her kingdom and the truth behind the war, all the while escaping the schemes of the other kingdoms. She, Astrid is the caring, beautiful, talented, powerful, yet extremely impatient hybrid. He, Jareth is the cold, dashing and skilled elf who locked everyone out. What happens when these two characters meet on her journey and a forbidden love springs forth amidst the clash of swords? Would Astrid be able to resist the charms of the handsome Elf and focus on her journey or would she succumb and in turn, endanger her life and mission? *********** "Why do you do this every time?" Not that he didn't know the answer, he never failed to let her know what she did to him with that. Before Astrid could answer, Jareth closed the gap between them, with Snow sandwiched in their midst and pressed his lips against hers, shutting his eyes close. Unlike the last time, this time she was partially, mentally prepared for what he was going to do and returned his kiss, parting her lips to grant him entrance and closing her eyes to feel every single bit of it. One hand snaked into her hair pulling her closer as he deepened the kiss and the other caressed her face lovingly. As much as Snow wanted to watch, he felt that he should give them space and privacy. Quickly, it wriggled itself out of her arms, falling to the ground close to her side and looked up. His silly master only gasped from what he had done with eyes still closed and that only gave Jareth a better chance to be more mischievous. He bit on her tongue, sulking and tasting her as his slender hands on her face moved down, finding their way around her side, to circle around her waist and pulled her body closer to his. She followed his lead and wrapped her hands around his neck lovingly. Astrid felt their bodies collide, that coupled with how passionately he was kissing her, only made her want to melt in his arms and stay there. Jareth finally broke the kiss and his hands on her head moved forward to cup her face and chin. "Wait for me," his deep sensual cool voice rang in her ear, sending warmth down her stomach, making her further weak in the knees. "Be careful," Astrid whispered back. "I will be." "He wouldn't play fair from the way things are going." "I do not expect him to, but I am ready." With their faces so close together and nose touching, she could feel his warm breath tickle her cheeks, causing her to blush a crimson red. His green eyes shone with delight at watching her blush then quickly placed a kiss on her lips again before letting her go. --------------------------- Cover not mine, all credit goes to the original owner. Cover edited by Missrealitybites. ~~~~~ Discord: BaeVida#7167 Discord server: http//discord.gg/BH666ZK Instagram: baevidaa

BaeVida · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
648 Chs

You're Awake

"I am sorry sir."

"He obviously was searching other places, didn't you hear him say he was going to scout again?"

"But we could help" he added.

"Clive" another soldier called out to him.

"Assistant Lieutenant sir."

"Listen to Lieutenant Flynn, you are knew here and do not know, Prince Blade goes solo" the Assistant Lieutenant explained.

"Yes sir, I understand now" he kept a straight face as he bowed his head to his superiors.

"Dismiss. Everyone move out" Lieutenant Flynn ordered.

All the soldiers got their weapons are continued with their search.


Back in the cave, Astrid opened her eyes, took in her surroundings and slowly sat up, using her elbow for support. Her eyes landed on the mother and son white tiger-pheonix beasts lying at a corner adjacent from where she stayed.

"Hello" her voice came out rough and raspy a bit.

Heads turned in her direction, without wasting much time, little white-fire ran from where it laid in his mother's bosom and dashed into her arms.

The action was quite fast and her frail body couldn't support the weight of the small beast in her arms. Caught off balance, she fell back down on the ground.

"Little white-fire" it inched close to her face and licked her face, in joy its wings spread in excitement as it flapped behind it.

"Glad to see you're awake" the all too familiar voice spoke in her head, breaking her from her play with its cub.

"Glad to be awake" she spoke back without moving her lips.

For both of them, mind communication seemed to be perfect. It got up slowly and took several steps, each limb moving cross the other in a cat walk manner.

It majestically walked up closed to Astrid, being the majestic beast that it was and laid back down as it watched its cub play with the hybrid.

"How do you feel? Have the headaches gone down?" Big white-fire poured the questions in her mind.

"Well, I do not seem to be having any headache of the sort, I feel more energetic than before" Astrid explained as her gaze just stayed on the big white tiger-pheonix beast.

To another person, it would feel like they were staring at each other, but a whole lot more than that was going on. It was as though the big white tiger-pheonix beast could peer into her very soul.

"You over exerted yourself that day young one, you used too much magic, it could have cost you more than just a coma. You should know, you do not have an endless supply of magic. Creating such large explosions constantly, would cost you greatly."

"I am sorry" Astrid replied back.

The little white-fire sat on her lap as it rested his head close to her chest. Astrid carefully stroked it with her fingers and it purred.

"It's okay, I just need to let you know it can be risky. Imagine of it was a war scenario, and you lost consciousness like that, your enemies can kill or capture you" she warned Astrid again.

"Thanks for your concern White-Fire" her lips curved into a small smile as she gazed at White-Fire.

"There, there, boy. Missed me?" Bending low a bit, she hugged the little white tiger-pheonix beast in her arms.

She released it and straightened herself a more, "Where is Jareth?" She mind communicated with the big white tiger-pheonix beast again.

"He went out to get water, so when you wake up you would have something to drink" it replied her.

"Ohh, how thoughtful, I am thirsty and hungry I must say. Not very much as I feel so energetic for no reason" she flexed her arms, turned her neck both sides, and smiled at the white tiger-pheonix beast.

"You are a magic being and those days of rest, helped restore your energy and magic."

"How many hours or days was I out for this time?"

"A couple of hours, almost a full day."

"Wow, at least I didn't pass out for days this time around."

"Like I said, it was to replenish your strength and magic. You passed out again because your body had not fully recovered, this causing the headaches earlier on."

"Come to think of it, let me try if I can recall what had happened that day" she was full of energy now and had her usual cheerful self.

All of a sudden she stopped, her face became gloomy, her expression darkened as she bent her head.

"What is wrong young one?"

"It's just, the last time I tried... " she closed her eyes shut as she recalled the throbbing sensation in her head before.

"Astrid, calm down! That was before, relax, take in deep breaths, slowly, slowly."

She obeyed, and inhaled deeply, but slowly. In, out, in, out, as she did this her chest heaved up and down in response to her action. She repeated this for a few minutes and her she felt more relaxed now.

Her face started lightening up once more. "Okay, I am ready to try again" she said out loud this time.

The big white tiger-pheonix beast simply nodded at her as it watched carefully.

A shadow entered when she was about closing her eyes, both heads turned in the direction of the entrance to the cave swiftly.

Hello readers... Yay, Astrid is back. Who missed her?

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