
Astral Merchant

Larcen was a man who took on low-paying jobs to earn a living. But he had a goal, and that was to become a diver, an occupation filled with uncertainty and high mortality rate. While it was dangerous, he had two reasons to pursue it. One was for riches and the other was because of the screen that floated in front of him. {System will unlock once the user goes to another world} He expected to get something that could help him evolve but little did he know that he would receive something far more versatile and powerful. Something that had the potential to overthrow the high-humans, the beings who had a hold on most of the Astral Dimensions.

PsionicMind · Fantasy
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247 Chs

His Name Is Larcen

Larcen slashed the throat of the last Goblin before taking a few steps back but only a second had passed and another group of goblins rushed at him. He squinted his eyes when he saw the yellow one and the first thing he did was to use his Merchant's eyes.


Race: Goblin (Warrior)


Strength: 0.7 

Stamina: 0.7 

Agility: 0.6 

Mana: 0


Group Confidence: Stats increase temporarily when there are 9 or more of the same kind within a radius of 20 meters.

Active skills: 


Passive Skills:



'So these have an increase in agility instead.... The green ones have the same strength and stamina but their agility was the same as the other two so it wasn't too risky but this yellow one has to go.', he thought as he raised his gun and aimed at the yellow goblin.

Once it was 50 meters from him, he pulled the trigger thrice.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The shots sounded while the bullets pierced into the yellow goblin's body. Larcen didn't wait after that and ran towards the group, his knife ready to slash at command.

The other goblins seemed too shocked at the death of their strongest one and were heavily distracted while Larcen reached them. It was only after the first goblin screeched that the others attacked hastily, only to find their swings parried or blocked. 

One of the goblins sneakily stabbed at Larcen's thigh but instead of cutting into the flesh, it stabbed the air. Larcen had dashed away from the said goblin and attacked the others instead. One of them grazed his nose but it was only a millimeter deep. 

The second, he kicked the goblin away before stabbing another one near him, puncturing its heart as he did so. He fell bleeding to death while it watched its fellow goblins get massacred by the ugly-looking human. 

He didn't know why he was here in this world and he also did not remember his past. The only thing he knew was that those ugly things were his food and the female ones were to make a bigger family. 

Larcen pierced the eye of the last goblin before walking towards the yellow one while glancing at the goblin that was bleeding nearby. The goblin shuddered when it made eye contact but he ignored it before crouching near the yellow variant.

"Hmm... still alive huh? But unable to move or do a thing. These bullets are kind of weak.... maybe they'll work better if I hit vital areas and use them at a closer range? I'll have to do my own research but for now, I'll have to see what her evaluation of me is."

He looked around first to check if there were other goblins nearby before turning back to look at Betty who was already staring at him. 

He walked back but as he was on his way, he heard some sounds and turned around to see one of the Goblins crawl towards the yellow one. He quietly walked towards it, blocking Betty's aim. The goblin hurriedly bit into its fellow goblin's flesh, quickly gobbling it up while the other goblin bodies disappeared from their positions.

As it ate more and more, it's skin slowly turned yellow and the wound began to heal. Larcen squinted but let it do what it was trying to do as he wanted to see what they were capable of. A whole minute passed and the goblin seemed to be full as it stood up angrily and pounced at him. 

The screen in front of Larcen showed no change in stats but he still pointed his gun at the goblin and pulled the trigger at a point blank range, causing the insides of its head to get mushed due to the hollow point bullet.

'One shot if it hits vital points.... as for the vital points on the rest of the body, it won't be an instantaneous death but they will die in a few seconds or a minute in the worst-case scenario. Why do I feel weird even though I killed so many of these guys here....'

He walked back towards Betty with a weird feeling in his heart that made him uneasy for no apparent reason. 

"So? What's the evaluation?", he asked when he got near her.

"Well.....", she said in a low voice, seemingly unsure but then added, "Did you use your skill while you fought them?"

"Of course. Without that skill, I would be dead many times already.", he replied matter of factly while she slapped her head.

"You weren't supposed to use the skill!", she whispered aggressively while Larcen scratched his cheek.

"You never told me not to use my skills, you know? And if I didn't, I would've been in a serious danger."

"Tch. I don't think you need any kind of teaching for now. Your skill seems to be helping you a lot and as far as I can see, martial arts were made to effectively kill, subdue, or harm your opponent and you seem to be able to do it pretty well even though you haven't trained in the past.

I'll talk to my father about this so for now, let's just find and kill more Goblins for now. Aaaah, if only I had a working vehicle!"

"Hmm? I know someone who has a motorbike but he doesn't have a key. Before you ask, he's a friend who sold me things through the shop before I met you guys and he seemed to have a lot of things with him."

"Oh? I didn't know you could talk to people through the system.", she said, looking at him curiously. 

"You can't text people through the shop?", he asked as he opened his system quietly and opened the shop to check the trader's terminal. There were a few things listed but they all had a small chat box icon.

She shook her head, "No... I checked and tried to search for a method but looks like it isn't possible."

"Oh...", he said as a plan formed in his mind. "Looks like he has a skill that allows him to talk to people. By the way, his name is Larcen."