
Astral Dogma

100 years ago the demons waged a fierce war on the 5 realms, only to be eventually sealed within their own domain. Fast forward almost 17 years later, and the demon known as Belial discovers a method to break free from his confinement. Emerging into what appears to be an idyllic new world, Belial is filled with hope, perceiving it as a true paradise. However, as Belial embarks on his journey, to find a way to unseal his people soon after the façade of this seemingly perfect realm begins to crumble, revealing a sinister truth lurking just beneath the surface. The once-promised land transforms into a nightmarish labyrinth, harboring mysteries foretold . Compelled to confront the consequences of his choices, Belial becomes entangled in a treacherous web of lies and malevolence. Every step he takes risks everything he holds dear, challenging him to his very core. discord: Blackstar_sashi

TheBlackstar · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Water and Steel (2)

As Sigma's massive hands closed around his arm, lifting him effortlessly from the ground. He gritted his teeth, trying to suppress the searing pain that surged through his body, but Sigma's strength was overwhelming. It felt like being caught in a vise, and Belial's attempts to resist were futile.

Amidst the struggle, a sickening crack echoed through the air as Belial's wrist gave way under the pressure. The bracelet he had hidden under his clothing shattered, revealing its true nature as a relic from the demon realm. Panic washed over him as he realized the implications - without the bracelet, his blood would no longer be masked, and Sigma would know exactly what he was.

Demons were inherently different from other races, their distinct features hidden beneath a human guise. One such difference was their blood - an almost pitch-black hue that set them apart from humans. The bracelet had been a lifeline, a disguise that allowed Belial to blend in undetected among the unsuspecting humans.

Sigma, towering over him, glared with unnerving intensity. Her eyes locked onto Belial's exposed wrist, and the truth dawned on her. The demon had been hiding in plain sight, and now, there was no escape.

"Are..you…?" before she could finish she felt a presence and flinched

Momentarily, Sigma felt a strange liquid surrounding her arm, causing her to be caught off guard for a mere moment. In that precious instant, Belial seized the opportunity and broke free from Sigma's grasp. He swung himself with all his might, landing a powerful kick to Sigma's face, staggering the massive being. Taking a daring leap backward, he rejoined Xin and Pacey, his heart pounding with adrenaline and relief.

Despite his successful escape, Belial's arm nearly went numb from the immense strain he had endured. He looked up at the hole in the roof, where a familiar figure had appeared to save him. However, his memory faltered, unable to put a finger on the identity of this savior.

With a mix of gratitude and confusion, Belial quickly wiped a trickle of blood from his cheek with his sleeve, trying to regain composure as he faced the enigmatic figure.

"Who is that?" Belial asked himself, his voice tense.

Pacey squinted at the figure before his face lits up in relief.


Pacey called out to the figure who gracefully jumped down to the ground, a smirk playing on his lips. "I heard you were in trouble, my lady, so I personally came to your aid," Cassidy said with an air of playful charm, pointedly ignoring Pacey's presence.

Xin couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and discomfort. While Cassidy's timely arrival had saved them, his flamboyant and flirtatious manner left Xin feeling uneasy. He had heard of Cassidy's reputation as a daring and unpredictable individual, but experiencing it firsthand was an entirely different matter.

"Pacey snapped, clearly irritated by Cassidy's antics. "Can you be normal for one second?" he demanded, seeking to reel Cassidy back to reality.

Cassidy simply laughed, his eyes playfully locking onto Xin. "How can I resist when there's a pretty lady like Xin here?" he said with a wink, earning an exasperated eye-roll from Pacey.

Despite the tension in the air, Belial couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude toward Cassidy. He knew that Cassidy's unpredictable nature and eccentric personality might not always be easy to handle, but the fact remained that he had arrived just in time to save them from Sigma's clutches.

If Cassidy had arrived any later, the consequences would have been dire - Sigma would have revealed Belial's true identity, shattering the trust of his friends and endangering them all. Belial felt a sense of relief that Cassidy's timely intervention had averted that disaster, but he knew they couldn't let their guard down.

"I have to be careful not to get hit again," Belial thought to himself, his mind still reeling from the close call.

Sigma's grin widened as she sensed the strength exuding from Cassidy, recognizing him as a formidable opponent worth her time.

"HAHAHAHA! Finally, someone that's not a weakling!" Sigma bellowed with delight, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Cassidy turned back to face Sigma, his playful demeanor shifting slightly as he addressed the colossal being.

"Ah! My apologies, my lady," he said courteously. "I did not mean to ignore you. My name is Cassidy of the phoenix guild nice to meet you"

"What are you babbling about?" Sigma retorted, her curiosity piqued. "This turned out way more fun than expected!"

Cassidy maintained his composure, his eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief. "I'm sorry, but I prefer not to fight women," he declared firmly, drawing a surprised reaction from the towering Sigma.

Sigma's amusement shifted into a mix of annoyance and intrigue. Rarely did she encounter someone who would refuse a fight based on such principles, and it intrigued her to see Cassidy's unwavering stance.

"Ha! You're quite the weird one, aren't you?" Sigma remarked with a challenging grin. "Very well, let's see what you're capable of then."

Belial watched with keen interest as the confrontation between Cassidy and Sigma unfolded. Despite Cassidy's playful demeanor, he could sense a powerful aura surrounding the enigmatic figure. It was clear that Cassidy was holding back something, perhaps a hidden strength that he chose not to reveal.

As the tension in the air thickened, Belial knew that he had to make a strategic move. With Cassidy engaging Sigma, it presented a perfect opportunity for him to regroup with Pacey and Xin and come up with a plan to deal with the formidable enemy.

The air crackled with tension as Sigma, towering over Cassidy, lunged forward with deadly intent. Her blades glinted ominously in the dim light, ready to strike. Cassidy, his posture seemingly nonchalant, remained composed, ready to engage in a battle that he hoped to keep under control.

Sigma's first strike came swiftly, a blur of lethal precision. But Cassidy was faster. With a mere wave of his hand, water materialized from the surrounding air, swirling into a powerful wall of liquid to deflect her attack. The water responded to his every command, a testament to his mastery over his unique ability.

Sigma's eyes narrowed, surprised at Cassidy's swift reaction. She had expected a fight, but his counterattack seemed more like a dance, fluid and controlled, rather than an all-out assault. But there was no time for contemplation as she launched another attack, her blades slashing through the air with force.

Cassidy continued to dance with grace, evading Sigma's strikes with seemingly effortless movements. He knew that his objective was not to harm her but to find an opening, a weakness to exploit. With each attack he evaded, he analyzed her moves, searching for patterns and vulnerabilities.

As the battle intensified, Sigma's frustration grew. Despite her immense size and formidable blades, she couldn't land a solid hit on Cassidy. He was always just a step ahead, using the water at his command to shield and counter. Her attacks grew more ferocious, but Cassidy's calm demeanor never wavered.

In the midst of the battle, Sigma's acute senses picked up on something peculiar. Despite Cassidy's laid-back appearance, there was an unmistakable aura of strength surrounding him, a sense of power that belied his casual demeanor. She had faced many opponents before, but something about him was different, and it intrigued her.

As the confrontation continued, Cassidy seized an opportunity to turn the tide. With a flick of his wrist, water erupted from the ground, creating a powerful geyser that knocked Sigma off balance. He saw a brief opening and capitalized on it, using his water manipulation to create a torrent that disarmed Sigma's blades, sending them clattering to the ground.

For a moment, Sigma was caught off guard, her advantage lost. Cassidy's eyes met hers with a hint of amusement, and she realized that he was not here to defeat her but to prove a point. He had the strength to overpower her, but he chose not to.

As Sigma retrieved her blades, the realization struck her - Cassidy was an A rank hunter, one of the elite few with exceptional abilities and reputation. Despite his playful demeanor, he was a force to be reckoned with.

"Interesting," Sigma muttered under her breath, a mix of respect and curiosity in her voice. She had underestimated Cassidy, and now she understood the gravity of her opponent.

Cassidy smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I told you, my lady. I have no intention of causing harm," he said with a wink.

As the battle continued, Cassidy's playful demeanor gradually faded, replaced by a steely resolve. Sigma sensed the shift in his energy, and her instincts told her that he was no longer holding back. The air crackled with tension, and the thrill of the fight intensified.

Sigma unleashed a barrage of strikes, her blades slashing through the air with deadly precision. Cassidy met each attack with an unwavering focus, his water manipulation skills pushed to their limits. He moved with grace and precision, countering Sigma's blows with equal force.

The ground beneath them trembled with the force of their clashes. Buildings nearby tremored, and debris flew through the air, signifying the immense power being exchanged between the combatants.

Cassidy's eyes narrowed with determination as he carefully studied Sigma's movements. He no longer sought to merely defend but to find openings for his own counterattacks. Water surged around him, forming a barrier to shield him from Sigma's relentless strikes.

Sigma was no longer underestimating Cassidy. His water manipulation abilities were proving to be a formidable defense, and she could feel the power behind his attacks. The thrill of the fight surged through her, and she met his resolve with her own, refusing to be outmatched.

In a swift maneuver, Cassidy directed a torrent of water at Sigma, attempting to gain an advantage. She dodged the attack with agility, but it left an opening in her defenses. Seizing the moment, Cassidy lunged forward with newfound intensity, catching Sigma off guard.

Their battle escalated to a whole new level of intensity. Sigma's massive strength clashed with Cassidy's water manipulation prowess, and the sheer force of their clash sent shockwaves rippling through the surroundings.

Sigma's eyes glinted with a mix of excitement and respect for her opponent. Cassidy had proven to be a worthy adversary, and she could sense that he was pushing his limits. The realization fueled her determination, and she doubled her efforts, increasing the ferocity of her attacks.

Despite Cassidy's skill, Sigma's size and strength remained an imposing challenge. Her blows were relentless, and each impact sent Cassidy reeling. He fought with everything he had, but the disparity in their physical abilities was hard to overcome.

The battle reached a critical point, and both combatants were locked in a seemingly endless exchange of blows. Sigma's strength and size gave her a significant advantage, but Cassidy's water manipulation allowed him to strike with precision and exploit her vulnerabilities.

With each passing moment, the intensity of the fight escalated. Both Sigma and Cassidy were now fully committed to this battle, their resolve unwavering. The thrill of the confrontation had turned into a dangerous dance of survival, where every move could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

As the clash continued, the air crackled with power, and onlookers could feel the tension radiating from the combatants. The fight had become a battle of wills, each fighter pushing their limits to emerge triumphant.

With a burst of energy, Cassidy created a massive wave of water, propelling himself towards Sigma. He channeled his inner strength, determined to deliver a powerful strike that would turn the tide of the battle in his favor.

Sigma met his attack head-on, her blades clashing with the water torrent in a brilliant display of force. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the ground, and for a moment, it seemed as though the battle could go either way.

As the dust settled, both Sigma and Cassidy stood their ground, breathing heavily from the exertion. They locked eyes, each recognizing the strength and resilience in the other. The fight had taken a serious turn, and they knew that there was no room for playfulness anymore.