
Astral Dogma

100 years ago the demons waged a fierce war on the 5 realms, only to be eventually sealed within their own domain. Fast forward almost 17 years later, and the demon known as Belial discovers a method to break free from his confinement. Emerging into what appears to be an idyllic new world, Belial is filled with hope, perceiving it as a true paradise. However, as Belial embarks on his journey, to find a way to unseal his people soon after the façade of this seemingly perfect realm begins to crumble, revealing a sinister truth lurking just beneath the surface. The once-promised land transforms into a nightmarish labyrinth, harboring mysteries foretold . Compelled to confront the consequences of his choices, Belial becomes entangled in a treacherous web of lies and malevolence. Every step he takes risks everything he holds dear, challenging him to his very core. discord: Blackstar_sashi

TheBlackstar · Fantasy
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63 Chs

The Convergence of Destiny

A deep slumber enveloped Belial, until he was stirred by the booming sounds emanating from outside.

He responded instinctively and jumped out of bed without hesitation, reaching for his katana. However, before he could even grab it, half of his room exploded in a deafening blast.

Choking and fighting to see through the smoke, Belial could sense the clash of energy just outside his door. He cautiously made his way through the haze until he could see clearly again. There, in front of him, was a green-haired individual locked in battle with a cyborg.

The sound of metal hitting metal echoed through the alleyway as the cyborg's missiles connected with the ground. Belial looked up to see the green-haired individual standing in front of him, arms raised to shield him from the explosion. The smoke cleared to reveal that the individual was unharmed, but the same could not be said for the surrounding area.

Belial scratched his hair as he watched the green-haired guy? Girl? He couldn't tell, but the individual still very attractive. That aside they was engage in combat with the cyborg. He remained hidden in the shadows, watching intently as the two exchanged blows.

The cyborg was relentless, its mechanical arms moving with lightning-fast speed. But the green-haired individual was just as skilled, dodging and weaving with ease. Belial couldn't help but admire the individual's fighting style – it was unlike anything he had ever seen before.

"Come on," the green-haired individual said urgently, waving for Belial to follow them. Belial hesitated for a moment, watching as the cyborg fired another round of missiles in their direction. But there was something in the way Xin moved, a fluid grace and agility that made Belial realize they had no choice but to trust this stranger.

Darting behind a nearby dumpster, Belial peered around the corner as Xin crouched down beside them. "This makes it the third time I've helped you," Xin said, their voice barely audible over the sound of explosions in the distance.

Belial looked at Xin with a mixture of gratitude and suspicion. "Why are you helping me?" He asked asked.

Xin's eyes flickered towards the cyborg, which was still advancing towards them with deadly intent. "Let's just say I have a score to settle with that thing," they said, a hint of bitterness in their voice.

Belial nodded, understanding. They had their own reasons for wanting the cyborg dead, and if Xin was willing to help, then they would be a valuable ally.

"So it was you at the festival," Belial said, trying to make conversation to distract themselves from the danger they were in.

Xin chuckled grimly. "Yeah, that was me. I didn't expect to run into you again so soon."

Belial looked at Xin curiously, wondering what kind of life this person led that involved fighting cyborgs and helping strangers. But there was no time to ask questions, as the cyborg launched another attack.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Xin sprang into action, using the cyborg's own body as a launchpad to propel themselves over it. Belial watched in awe as Xin landed gracefully on the other side, ready to face the cyborg head-on.

and coming down on the other side

"Damn he's good"belial thought to himself.

"So what's the deal with that guy?"Said belial

"I don't know he was in the bar and he suddenly started shootin' missiles every where!"

As the cyborg approached them once again, Belial's hand darted forward and his katana appeared in an instant. He swiftly swung it towards the cyborg, The blade made contact, but the cut wasn't deep enough to do any significant damage. Belial's failed attack prompted Xin to take matters into his own hands.

With a powerful leap, Xin propelled himself towards the cyborg, his foot connecting with the cyborg's body and sending it flying towards the wall. The impact created a gaping hole in the earth, and the cyborg crumpled to the ground, temporarily stunned.

"You got a hax?" Said belial

"Yeah, sound manipulation ,cool right?"

Xin replied with pride

Belial had never encountered someone with the ability to manipulate sound before, and he was caught off guard when the cyborg suddenly began emitting a high-pitched beeping sound. Just as they thought they had defeated the cyborg, it exploded with a force that was beyond what Belial had expected. He quickly took action, creating a dark dome to protect himself and Xin from the explosion.

As the dust dissipated, Belial directed his gaze to Xin and questioned him about the situation. It turned out that the cyborg had a safeguard that was triggered upon its obliteration.

"That was close, way too close"Said belial

"Thanks for covering me, by the way what was that hax?" Said xin as he got up

Belial revealed to Xin that his power was darkness manipulation, which allowed him to shape and control the darkness to his benefit. A look of perplexity crossed Xin's face as he observed him, but Belial, sensing Xin's confusion, decided to explain the extent of his abilities in more detail.

"Darkness manipulation?" Xin repeated, raising an eyebrow. "You mean, like, controlling shadows or something?"

Belial chuckled, his voice carrying a mischievous tone. "It's more than just shadows, Xin. I can actually create objects out of darkness itself."

Xin's perplexity deepened, and he scratched the back of his head. "You're gonna have to break that down for me. I mean, I get the idea of manipulating darkness, but creating objects? How does that work?"

Leaning against a nearby tree, Belial crossed his arms and began to explain, his eyes flickering with excitement. "Okay, imagine darkness as this malleable substance, like clay. I can mold it and shape it into whatever form I want. It's like being an artist, but with darkness as my medium."

Xin's interest piqued, his eyes widening. "So, you could create, like, a sword out of darkness?"

Belial nodded, a grin spreading across his face. "Exactly! I could conjure a dark sword, as sharp and deadly as any real one. And that's not all. I can fashion shields, tools, or even intricate sculptures, all made from darkness."

Xin's confusion gradually gave way to curiosity, and he took a step closer to Belial. "That's pretty cool, actually. But, uh, how do you control it? Like, what's the catch?"

Belial's grin faded slightly as he rubbed his chin, contemplating the question. "Well, I haven't been pushed to that point but It's not inherently evil or anything."

After some time to collect their thoughts, Belial and Xin came to the realization that the receptionist, Eli, may be in danger. They wasted no time and quickly made their way to the inn where he had been staying. Upon arriving, they found Eli unconscious but mostly unharmed.

"Come on,"Xin said, gesturing for Belial to follow.

"You can stay with me for a while. We'll figure this out together."

Belial nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He followed Xin through the maze of alleyways and side streets, his legs aching with each step. But finally, after what felt like an eternity, they arrived at Xin's .

Glancing around, Belial took note of the graffitied walls and the various heavy metal posters that embellished the space. The apartment was bigger than they had expected, the space had a comfortable, homely quality that was reassuring to Belial. But what really caught their attention was Xin's massive collection of guitars and basses, lining the walls like a shrine to music. In the corner of the room, there was a black drum set, and Belial felt a pang of nostalgia for his own days as a musician.

"You play?" Belial asked, gesturing to the instruments.

Xin grinned. "I dabble."

Belial couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of camaraderie with this stranger who had taken them in. He collapsed onto the couch, feeling his exhaustion catch up to them.

For a moment, there was silence. But then Xin spoke up.

"So, who do you think wants you dead?"belial asked

After he ponders for a second he finally responded "I don't know"

"I just came to this city yesterday. And I highly doubt that I have any enemies. What about you?"

said belial

Xin sat on the edge of his chair, deep in thought. An unsettling feeling lingered that something was not as it seemed. Someone was trying to kill him and he couldn't figure out who it could be. They weren't involved in anything shady, or at least not knowingly. So who would want them dead?

As he pondered this question, Xin's mind kept circling back to their benefactor. The kingpin of the under town. He had been providing them with the money they needed for their concerts, but now they were in debt to him. Xin couldn't help but wonder if their benefactor had something to do with the attack.

But he didn't want to involve Belial in this. Belial was his new friend, and he didn't want to put him in danger. Belial had been urging him to tell him what was going on, but Xin had been reluctant to share.

"Xin, what's going on? You're acting strange. Is everything okay?"

Xin hesitated for a moment, He eventually opted to come clean and tell him everything. He explained about the attack and their suspicions about their benefactor. Belial listened intently, his expression growing more serious as Xin spoke.

"We have to do something,"Belial said finally."We can't just sit here and wait for them to come after us again."

"But I don't want to put you in danger,"Xin protested.

Belial shook his head.

"Nah, I don't mind helping you with this," Belial said, brushing off the dust from his clothes with a nonchalant flick of his hand. The setting sun cast a warm glow upon him, accentuating his rugged charm.

"Plus, I need a place to crash for a while if you don't mind," he continued, his voice tinged with a hint of weariness and an undercurrent of hidden pain.

"You can stay at my studio for the night," said Xin, offering a solution to Belial's need for a place to crash. There was a sense of camaraderie in Xin's voice, a willingness to extend a helping hand to someone in need.

Xin opened the door that led Roa basement as they walked down they heard creeks on the wooden stairs. soon, they stood before Xin's studio, a haven amidst the night's obscurity. The building loomed before them, its exterior adorned with graffiti that whispered stories of artistic expression and creative passion. As they entered, the dim light inside revealed an intimate space filled with musical instruments, sound equipment, and remnants of artistic inspiration.

Belial, exhausted from the day's events, wasted no time in finding respite. He navigated the darkened studio with practiced ease, his body moving on autopilot. Collapsing onto a makeshift couch, he succumbed to the fatigue that had weighed him down

Hax: a supernatural ability that someone is born with.

TheBlackstarcreators' thoughts