
Astral Dogma

100 years ago the demons waged a fierce war on the 5 realms, only to be eventually sealed within their own domain. Fast forward almost 17 years later, and the demon known as Belial discovers a method to break free from his confinement. Emerging into what appears to be an idyllic new world, Belial is filled with hope, perceiving it as a true paradise. However, as Belial embarks on his journey, to find a way to unseal his people soon after the façade of this seemingly perfect realm begins to crumble, revealing a sinister truth lurking just beneath the surface. The once-promised land transforms into a nightmarish labyrinth, harboring mysteries foretold . Compelled to confront the consequences of his choices, Belial becomes entangled in a treacherous web of lies and malevolence. Every step he takes risks everything he holds dear, challenging him to his very core. discord: Blackstar_sashi

TheBlackstar · Fantasy
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63 Chs

The aftermath

The ceaseless warfare had exhausted him, and he longed for a moment of repose. Noticing a colossal angel sculpture in the vicinity, he summoned his remaining energy and ascended it in a single bound

Belial was positioned atop the towering angelic statue. The moment he caught his breath, the monsters began their ascent up the statue towards him. Instantly gauging the situation, Belial generated an idea. He went to the back of the angel's head and placed his hand on it while his legs remained on the wall. With a tremendous amount of force and a surge of dark power, Belial toppled the statue, crushing the majority of the monsters beneath it.

Belial felt a surge of power within him, and multiple dark energy swords materialized around him, forming a deadly aura. {phantom sword}

The last of the monsters were no match for Belial's phantom swords, as he dispatched them all with ease.

As he jumped off the statue, he was covered in cuts and bruises, his clothes torn and his body tired. Belial was jolted from his focus by a deafening crash and a plume of smoke. Belial pivoted to his right, where he saw a black ogre clad in armor wielding a gigantic dao sword. Belial was taken aback by the sight of a monster wearing armor, as he had never encountered one like it before. Belial stood there, facing the ogre.

"So, you're just gonna stand there big guy? No chit-chat or monologue? Nothin' ? Well then I hope that sword is compensating for something... like your tiny brain, perhaps?"

he taunted.

Belial lunged forward, his blade glinting in the dim light of the cavern. The ogre stood before him, massive and imposing, but Belial was determined to defeat him.

With a quick swipe, Belial attempted to behead the ogre, but the creature parried his attack with no effort. Belial jumped back to regain his ground, his eyes fixed on the ogre's every move.

Without warning, the ogre appeared in front of Belial, delivering a crushing blow to his chest and launching him towards the wall. He crashed into it with a resounding thud, creating a deep crevice in the wall.

Reeling and disorientated, Belial stumbled as he tried to regain his composure. His brow was slick with sweat and his chest throbbed painfully, as the ogre loomed over him, ready to strike anew..

With little time to react, Belial raised his blade and managed to intercept the ogre's assault just in time. Despite the tremors coursing through his arms, he stood resolute.

Exhausted and bloodied, Xin stumbled backwards as the last of the monstrous creatures disintegrated before his eyes. For a moment, he allowed himself to believe that the worst was over - that he had prevailed against the odds and emerged victorious. But his relief was short-lived.

Without any forewarning, Xin felt his body start to disintegrate, much like the monsters he had just faced. Fear coursed through him, and he let out a panicked scream.

A strangled cry escaped Xin's lips as he felt his body start to dissolve.

"No, please... not like this!I still have to find Bel!! No. Nononono please i don't want to die please PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO DIE!"

His voice was choked with emotion as he struggled to hold on to life.

As the world around him faded into darkness, Xin braced himself for the end. Still, the decay had stopped as if it had never occurred. He gasped for air, his heart pounding in his chest.

In a matter of seconds he found himself standing, surrounded by trees.

" Xin breathed, his voice shaking.

"I'm alive..? I'm alive!!"

He screamed out loud, overcome with joy and disbelief.

But as he looked around, his elation turned to confusion and then to fear. Bel, his partner and fellow combatant, was nowhere to be seen.

"He should be done with his side by now, where is he?"

Xin muttered to himself, his worry growing by the second.

He quickly activated his hax, scanning the area for any signs of Bel's presence. But there was nothing - no vibration, no heartbeat, no trace of Bel's presence.

Xin's voice trembled with shock and disbelief as she gasped,

""No…. It can't be... No- He's not….. surely he can't be.... No no it's not- no bel's not- no he can't be… right…. right…?"

Tears spilled down his face as he buried his head in her hands, trying to process what had just occurred. Finally breaking down in sobs, his legs gave in as he fell down to his knees.

"Why… Why him, why not me! It was me who was in debt why him why not me why did it have to be him! ... it's my fault….. if it weren't for me you'd still be alive… it's all my fault…. "

The full realization of Bel's death and his own culpability caused his voice to become shrill and strained

"I can't...how could this have happened? It's all my fault!"

"It's too late,"

Xin thought, his heart breaking into a million pieces. Bel was already gone, and he knew it was all his fault. He realized the magnitude of his mistake, and the pain he felt was excruciating. He knew that this agony would follow him for the rest of his days.

Belial knelt on the dungeon floor, his chest heaving with exhaustion. Blood dripped from his wounds, staining the stones beneath him. He gritted his teeth and forced himself to stand, his sword held out before him.

The ogre glared down at him, its face twisted with fury. It charged forward, its massive hand raised to strike. Belial braced himself, his mind racing as he looked for a gap in the ogre's defenses.

He activated his {shadow trigger}, and a murky haze coursed through his veins, numbing his agony and bolstering his muscles. Despite the danger involved, he had no choice. He evaded the ogre's attack by swiftly moving to the side and then sliced at it with his sword

The opponents were equally matched, their every blow landing with equivalent power. Belial skillfully evaded and parried the ogres attacks, but he could feel it's frustration mounting as its movements grew more and more erratic and unpredictable

Belial bided his time, observing the orge for the opportune to launch his attack. At last he seized the chance and unleashed his {phantom sword} summoning a swarm of dark blades that homed in on their target with lethal precision

With a thunderous roar, the ogre deflected every blade with ease. It rushed towards Belial, its enormous frame shaking the earth beneath their feet. As it raised its fist to strike, Belial saw his chance to strike back.

With a sudden burst of movement, he thrust his sword forward, the glinting blade piercing the dimly lit air. The weapon found its mark, slicing through the ogre's flesh and bone. With a final, agonizing cry, the beast fell to the ground.

Belial stood over the fallen ogre, his chest heaving with exertion. He taunted the creature, sneering down at its lifeless form.

"That was quite a battle,"

he said, as he knelt beside the wounded ogre.

"I must admit, I underestimated your strength in the beginning. You fought bravely."

But his triumph was short-lived. As he watched, the ogre's body began to dematerialize, turning to dust before his eyes.

Belial stumbled backwards, his eyes widening in shock. He had never seen anything like it before. He looked down at his blooded hands, his vision began to blur.

"So this is how it ends,"

he whispered to himself, his voice barely audible above the sound of his own disintegration.