
Astral Dogma

100 years ago the demons waged a fierce war on the 5 realms, only to be eventually sealed within their own domain. Fast forward almost 17 years later, and the demon known as Belial discovers a method to break free from his confinement. Emerging into what appears to be an idyllic new world, Belial is filled with hope, perceiving it as a true paradise. However, as Belial embarks on his journey, to find a way to unseal his people soon after the façade of this seemingly perfect realm begins to crumble, revealing a sinister truth lurking just beneath the surface. The once-promised land transforms into a nightmarish labyrinth, harboring mysteries foretold . Compelled to confront the consequences of his choices, Belial becomes entangled in a treacherous web of lies and malevolence. Every step he takes risks everything he holds dear, challenging him to his very core. discord: Blackstar_sashi

TheBlackstar · Fantasy
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63 Chs


With each step, Belial's weariness echoed through Xin's apartment as he gently pushed the door open. The subdued light filtering in from the window unveiled Xin's serene sleep. Overwhelmed by exhaustion, Belial wearily sank onto the bed, neglecting to kick off his shoes.


The next morning, Belial awoke much later than usual. He reluctantly approached the window, drawing the blinds to reveal a world still bathed in the soft, early morning light.

With a grumble, he muttered"Agh, I hate mornings."

Rummaging through his bag, he retrieved a sleeveless turtleneck. However, his gaze drifted to the coat he had acquired from the dungeon. It still emitted an eerie, unsettling energy, more cursed than he remembered.

"Maybe another time," Belial mumbled, deciding against wearing it for now.

As he prepared to leave, the sound of approaching footsteps caught his attention.

Xin, disheveled and still half-asleep, emerged from his room, wearing an oversized shirt. He yawned and rubbed his tired eyes.

"Hey, where you goin'?" he mumbled, his voice groggy.

"Just heading to the guild. Cole called me," Belial replied, his tone tinged with slight weariness.

"Mr. Cole? Ah, okay," Xin mumbled, finally fully awake. He gave a casual wave. "See you later then."

Xin looked on the floor and saw belials shirt and saw an unusual brand writing on it.

(Soft scene break)

As he approached the guild, the scene before him was nothing short of chaotic. Empty beer glasses and bottles littered the hall, a testament to the revelry that had taken place here.

He spotted Natalie, the guild's bartender, and she gave him a weary nod as she busily cleaned up the mess. Ignoring the commotion, Belial waved to her and headed straight for the back door.

As he pushed through the door, a sudden gust of aura and wind brushed against his face, causing his amethyst like hair to flip back dramatically.

Memories flooded his mind as he gazed upon the small forest beyond. It was here, during the hunter exam, that he had barely managed to pass. But now, there was something different – a massive aura emanating from the heart of the woods.

"Chop, chop,"

the rhythmic sound of a blade striking wood reached his ears. Intrigued, Belial followed the sound, weaving through the trees until he came upon the source.

It was Cole,

The enigmatic president of the guild. In his hands, he held a small axe, yet his movements were so precise that he cleaved a log in half with an effortless grace that defied belief.

Belial watched in awe for a few minutes as Cole continued his work, the sweat glistening on his brow. Finally, Cole set down the axe and turned to Belial with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Thank you for waiting, kid," he said in a deep, rumbling voice.

Belial nodded, still somewhat awestruck. "Yeah..."

Cole settled onto a nearby log, wiping his brow with the back of his hand. He regarded Belial thoughtfully before speaking again.

"Now, to business. How old are you, chronically." Cole inquired, his voice carrying a weight of authority.

Belial hesitated for a moment, then replied, "I a ,1,732 years old."

Cole stroked his grizzled beard, his eyes narrowing in contemplation. "Hmm... That would make you around 17 years old here in the human realm."

Cole observed Belial with a hint of satisfaction. "For someone at his age, he seems decent," he mused silently. Then, with an air of challenge, he addressed Belial, "Alright, kid, throw everything you have at me."

Belial blinked in confusion, not expecting such a direct request. "Wait, what?" he stammered.

"I want to measure your strength," Cole stated calmly, as if this were a routine occurrence.

Belial's hand instinctively reached for his katana, but the painful memory of its destruction during a previous battle washed over him, leaving a deep sense of loss in its wake.

"It's gone now," he sighed to himself, accepting the reality.

With resolve, he shifted into a hand-to-hand combat stance, ready to face Cole without the aid of his beloved sword.

But before he could make a move, Belial noticed that Cole wasn't adopting any particular combat stance. This puzzled him.

"You're worried about me, kid?" Cole's deep voice broke through Belial's thoughts.

"Don't worry about that, just don't hold back."

Belial nodded, his determination clear. "Right, this man is a crown. I don't have to hold back."

With a confident gesture, Belial extended his hand, summoning an exact dark replica of his lost katana from his magical reserves. He then extended two fingers, making a swift swipe to the right, conjuring three more spectral swords.

Cole's lips curled into a smirk as he remained seated comfortably on a nearby log. Without warning, Belial dashed toward him, swinging his spectral sword with all his might. The blade struck true, but it seemed to have no effect on Cole. In a casually dismissive manner, Cole flicked him away with his pinkie finger.

In what felt like mere seconds, Belial found himself up in a tree, blinking in confusion. He had been effortlessly launched into the branches.

Cole reclined on his log, nonchalantly picking his teeth with a toothpick. "So, are you going to stay up there, or are you going to come down here?" he asked, his tone a curious blend of amusement and challenge.

Belial took a deep breath as he crouched on the tree branch, his eyes fixed on Cole below. The enigmatic guild president remained seated on the log, an air of calm confidence surrounding him. Belial was determined to prove himself, to leave a mark on the unyielding man before him.

With swift determination, he leaped from the tree, his dark-energized swords gleaming ominously in the dappled forest light. As he descended upon Cole, he launched a flurry of strikes with precision and speed, each blow aimed at the seemingly immovable target.

Swing after swing, Belial attacked relentlessly, the force of his strikes sending shockwaves through the surrounding trees.

But Cole remained still, as if the young hunters efforts were nothing more than a gentle breeze. His toothpick remained firmly between his teeth, untouched by the storm of blades that surrounded him.

Belial's brow furrowed in frustration as sweat trickled down his temple. He changed tactics, aiming for quicker and more unpredictable strikes, hoping to catch Cole off guard. Yet, each attack met the same unyielding resistance.

Cole's amusement grew, evident in the quirk of his eyebrow. He seemed to effortlessly predict each of Belial's movements, casually leaning to the side or shifting a hand, narrowly evading the oncoming onslaught.

Belial quickly regained his footing after loosing balance by missing Cole by an inch. He knew he couldn't give in to frustration. With renewed focus, he analyzed Cole's movements. The guild president, though seemingly relaxed, possessed an uncanny sense of anticipation.

Belial decided to change his approach. Instead of brute force, he opted for agility and precision.

He darted around Cole in a blur, his dark-energized swords becoming a whirlwind of slashes and stabs. His attacks came from different angles and at unpredictable speeds.

Cole's toothpick remained steady, but his eyes tracked Belial's every move. He leaned slightly to one side, evading a series of rapid strikes.

Belial continued his relentless assault, and for a brief moment, he saw a hint of surprise flicker in Cole's expression.

Belial pressed on, dark energy fueling his movements. He executed a series of intricate maneuvers, twirling his swords and launching precise strikes towards weak points in Cole's defense. Each strike came closer to its target, but Cole's reactions were lightning-fast.

Belial's blades grazed Cole's clothing, leaving faint dark energy trails on his attire. It was clear he was making progress, but Cole remained unfazed. He casually blocked or dodged every strike, his movements calculated and efficient.

Minutes passed, and Belial's energy waned, but his determination burned brighter. He refused to admit defeat. He combined his dark energy manipulation, summoning larger and more intricate sword constructs, but even these formidable creations failed to breach Cole's defense.

The surrounding forest echoed with the clash of dark-energized blades against an immovable force. Belial's frustration intensified with every futile attempt. He was determined to make a dent in this seemingly invulnerable man.

Cole finally spoke, his voice cutting through the cacophony of clashing blades.

"Impressive effort, kid. But you're still far from reaching your potential." With a flick of his finger, he sent Belial flying backward once more.

"I must've been like a fly in his eyes," Belial admitted, feeling a touch of embarrassment.

Cole, leaning against a nearby tree, nodded thoughtfully. "Your fighting skill is impressive, but your power output is really low. It's only been a few minutes, and you're almost drained."

Belial furrowed his brow, wondering what Cole was getting at. "Do you know why we give you the quest before joining the guild?" he asked.

Belial shook his head, eager to understand the guild's inner workings.

"As you may probably know," Cole began, "our guild is a bit... different. As you saw, we take in everyone. We don't judge whether they are criminals or even kids like you."

Belial listened intently, realizing there was more to this guild than met the eye.

Cole pushed himself off the log he had been sitting on, pacing as he continued. "Other guilds want fame, money, and strength. The reason why I built this guild is so that I can let people's dream of being a hunter come true."

Belial's curiosity deepened. "So, it's not just about hunting monsters or completing quests?"

Cole smiled, a hint of pride in his expression. "Exactly. It's about giving everyone a chance, no matter where they come from or what their background is. We're like a family here, Belial. And I believe in nurturing the potential in each and every member."

Belial nodded, beginning to grasp the unique philosophy behind this guild. "I see. It's more about unity and opportunity than just the thrill of the hunt."

"Now, back to the topic," Cole continued, curiosity evident in his eyes,

"your swordsmanship skills are decently good, a little rough around the edges but still good. Did you have someone teach you?"

Belial scratched his head, a mix of emotions on his face. "Yeah," he replied hesitantly.

Cole's eyebrow arched, an intuitive inkling telling him that the tale had additional layers to unveil. "It sounds like there's more to that. Care to share?"

Belial sighed, his voice filled with a hint of bitterness. "I doubt that I could even call it teaching; it was more like torture," he muttered to himself, his memories of harsh training resurfacing.

Cole nodded sympathetically. "I see. Some mentors can be quite demanding."

Belial continued, his tone reflecting a mixture of pain and gratitude. "His training mostly included non-hax combat. It was brutal, but it helped a lot, especially since I don't have that much energy to begin with."

"Well then, for the time being, I'll teach you how to properly use your energy," Cole declared, his eyes fixed on Belial.

Belial nodded, eager to learn from this formidable figure. "I appreciate that," he replied with gratitude.

"How many swords can you create?" Cole inquired, his interest piqued.

"Up to five," Belial answered, keeping his response concise.

Cole continued to probe. "What other abilities can you do with it aside from making swords?"

Belial hesitated for a moment. He knew that revealing all his abilities, especially his unique talent like "Oracle," might not be the best idea.

He carefully crafted his response, choosing to withhold certain details. "I can create dark small constructs, nothing bigger than five meters, and I have an ability that boosts my power output, but it's only sustainable for a short time."

Cole's eyes widened slightly at the mention of the power-boosting ability. His curiosity was undeniable. "That last ability you mentioned, let me see it," he insisted.

Belial hesitated, knowing the toll that using {Shadow Trigger} took on his body, but he also saw this as an opportunity to impress and learn. "Alright," he agreed, bracing himself mentally for the strain.

Belial's form became enveloped in a swirling mixture of black and purple aura. His dark purple eyes blazed with intensity, emitting an eerie and ominous glow.

The surrounding air grew heavy with his increased energy output.

Cole observed the transformation closely, his his eyes slowly getting wider by the increase in strength. Belial's power surged, a palpable force radiating from him. It was a dark and foreboding energy, pulsating with potential.

Belial clenched his fists, feeling strength coursing through him.

He held the form for a few moments before releasing it, the black and purple aura dissipating. He took a deep breath, clearly drained from the exertion.