
Astral Dogma

100 years ago the demons waged a fierce war on the 5 realms, only to be eventually sealed within their own domain. Fast forward almost 17 years later, and the demon known as Belial discovers a method to break free from his confinement. Emerging into what appears to be an idyllic new world, Belial is filled with hope, perceiving it as a true paradise. However, as Belial embarks on his journey, to find a way to unseal his people soon after the façade of this seemingly perfect realm begins to crumble, revealing a sinister truth lurking just beneath the surface. The once-promised land transforms into a nightmarish labyrinth, harboring mysteries foretold . Compelled to confront the consequences of his choices, Belial becomes entangled in a treacherous web of lies and malevolence. Every step he takes risks everything he holds dear, challenging him to his very core. discord: Blackstar_sashi

TheBlackstar · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Dungeon raid

After exiting the guild, Belial and Xin had a two-hour gap to fill before the raid. They chose to meander through the city, soaking up the vibrant energy of the bustling streets, and discussing the possible obstacles they may encounter in the upcoming raid.

The two head towards the ice cream shop. It was a sunny day and the streets were bustling with people. As they approached the shop, they noticed the colorful array of ice cream flavors on display. Xin went for the classic vanilla while belial's sweet tooth opted for the more adventurous rocky road.

"Is that looks abit too sweet" xin exclaimed

"There's NEVER such thing as too sweet" Belial replied

With their cones in hand, Belial and Xin ambled along the bustling streets, enjoying the lively atmosphere of the city. They passed by shops selling magical goods, street performers entertaining onlookers with their tricks, and the occasional horse-drawn carriage.

With their ice cream cones empty, Belial and Xin's curiosity led them to continue their city exploration. They headed towards a museum that had caught their attention, and as they drew closer, Xin suddenly stopped in his tracks and asked…

"Hey, Belial, do you hear that?"

Xin suddenly asked, causing Belial to stop and listen. However, Belial heard nothing unusual and replied with a shrug,

"It's probably just the wind,"

Despite his reassurance, Xin looked around suspiciously, unconvinced.

Suddenly, a group of guards came running in their direction, causing Belial and Xin to tense up. One of the guards stopped in front of them and asked,

"Have you two seen someone with a stolen artifact run past here?"

Belial shook his head, replying,

"No, we haven't seen anyone. What was stolen?"

The guard gave a stern look

"We're looking for a thief who stole a precious statue,"

The guard informed them, his tone serious.

"We've been searching for hours, but he seems to have disappeared. Please keep an eye out and let us know if you see anything suspicious."

Belial nodded and replied,

" alright"

The guards passed by, and Belial and Xin resumed their walk. Catching a glimpse of silver out of the corner of his eye, Belial finished his ice cream in a hurry and handed the cone to Xin.

"Hold this for me,"

He said before taking off towards the mysterious figure.

Xin hesitated for a moment before deciding to follow Belial down the left hall. But when he rounded the corner, Belial was nowhere to be seen, and the silver figure had vanished without a trace.

"Damn it!"

Belial cursed under his breath. He stood still, looking crestfallen, as Xin caught up with him, breathing heavily.

"What's going on?" Xin asked, scanning the deserted hallway. Belial shook his head.

"I lost them. They disappeared," He said, disappointed.

Belial spent the next hour wandering the halls of the museum, admiring the artwork and artifacts on display. They marveled at ancient sculptures, intricate tapestries, and stunning paintings. They paused at each piece, taking the time to appreciate its beauty and significance. Xin, on the other hand, didn't quite understand the meaning of the paintings and artifacts. He just followed Belial, admiring her interest in them.

"look at this sculpture," Belial said, pointing to a magnificent piece carved out of marble.

Xin looked at the sculpture and furrowed his brow. "What's so great about it? It's just a piece of rock."

Belial chuckled. "It's not just a piece of rock, Xin. It represents the beauty and grace of the human form. The way the artist has captured the curves and lines of the body is truly incredible."

Xin shrugged. "I don't really see it, but if you say so."

Belial continued to lead Xin through the museum, showing him different pieces and explaining their significance. Xin was still confused.

As they walked, they came across a painting of a beautiful castle of the demon realm.

"Belial, what's so special about this painting?" Xin asked as he stood in front of a portrait.

Belial Looked at the painting and shook his head.

"Nothing ,Why would anyone want to paint a picture of a boring castle? It's so lame," he said.

Belial looked down to check his watch and exclaimed, "Oh no, the raid is starting in 6 minutes! We need to get to the north gate now!'

"We've been here for over an hour already?" Xin said, sounding surprised.

understanding the urgency in Belial's voice. "Last one there pays for dinner!" he said, taking off at a sprint.

Belial grinned, and took off after him. They raced through the museum, dashing past other visitors who looked at them in surprise. They grabbed their weapons on the way out and dashed towards the gate.

The two friends dashed through the streets, dodging crowds and obstacles as they made their way towards the north gate. Belial used his hax to boost his physical abilities, making him run faster and jump higher . Xin used his sound manipulation to create small sonic booms that propelled him forward.

Finally, they saw the north gate in the distance. Belial and Xin pushed themselves harder, running with all their might. They reached the gate just as the raid was about to begin.

"We made it!" Belial exclaimed, while taking a deep breath .

Xin breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. I thought we were going to be late," he said, wiping sweat off his forehead.

Belial chuckled. "Well, it looks like you my friend are buying dinner tonight." he teased, patting Xin's back.

Xin groaned. "Aw, man. Why did you have to remind me?" he complained, rolling his eyes.

Belial laughed. "Come on, let's go."

As they approached the gate, Belial and Xin could see their guild mates waiting for them. They scanned the area but couldn't find Cassidy anywhere. However, there was Troxl standing by the pink and gold glowing gate.

"So you two actually came, I thought you two would've chickened out by now," Troxl teased as he approached them.

Belial rolled his eyes, "Please, we're not afraid of you."

"But it's not too late to chicken out now, little boy," Troxl taunted Belial.

Belial chuckled. "Please, I've faced far scarier things than you," he said with a smirk.

"Besides, I wouldn't miss a chance to show off my skills."

Xin stepped forward, placing a hand on Belial's shoulder. "Let's not start any fights, we're here to work together, right?"

Troxl let out a mocking laugh. "Work together? You two with me? That's a joke."

Belial rolled his eyes. "Hey, don't underestimate us. We're not here to play games."

"I don't need your help," Troxl spat back."

"But since Cassidy left me in charge, I'll tolerate your presence this is an C rank dungeon, ."

Belial snickered. "Oh, so Cassidy didn't think you were capable enough to handle this on your own?"

"Beats me, all the lights were off too.Dungeons normally have torches or some type of light source" Troxl replies

Troxl gritted his teeth, clenching his fists. "Shut up. We're wasting time, and you won't be doing anything in this dungeon. Your rank is too low, so stay on guard. Let's get inside."

Belial let out a carefree chuckle. "Don't worry, big guy. I'll handle myself just fine." He grinned, as he kicked back his sword to his shoulder.

Xin, standing beside Troxl, gave Belial a small smile. "I'm sure you will. But let's stick together and keep each other safe, okay?"

The group walked through the gate and into the dungeon, the darkness enveloping them. "It's too dark," troxl said. "Sora, turn on the lights."

"Okay," Sora replied, snapping his fingers. The end of his staff glowed, illuminating the way ahead.

"What is this place..." Troxl muttered, looking around.

"Why aren't there any monsters?" Sora asked, confused.

"Beats me," Troxl replied, shrugging. "All the lights were off too. Dungeons normally have torches or some type of light source."

The group continued through the dungeon, their footsteps echoing off the stone walls. As they approached a huge door, they could hear the sounds of battle on the other side.

Just as they reached the door, a hunter was about to be sliced in half by a chimera. Xin quickly propelled himself forward to save the hunter, using his hax to disorient the monster.

Suddenly, a red light appeared on the floor, and a red ogre emerged from it. Troxl quickly turned to face the creature, his hand on the hilt of his sword. "That's a B-rank ogre. I'll deal with it. You three go deal with that chimera," he said, gesturing to Belial, Xin, and Sora.

Belial grinned, cracking his knuckles. "Finally, some action!" he exclaimed, stepping forward. "Don't worry, Troxl. We'll take care of that chimera in no time." Xin nodded in agreement, hefting his huge axe over his shoulder.

Sora cracked his neck, his staff at the ready. "And I'll provide backup from the back," he said, a fierce look in his eyes.

"Puny child... do you know who I am? I shall show... the wrath... of the mighty prince valtor!!!!"

Said the chimera

Prince? You? I don't know, big guy," he said, grinning. "Seems to me like you're more of a overgrown blob more than anything else. No offense, of course."

The chimera snarled, its multiple heads hissing in anger. Belial didn't flinch, though. He was used to threats and insults, and he wasn't about to back down now.

The trio ran ahead, the sound of the chimera's roars growing louder with each step. As they turned a corner, they saw the beast looming ahead, its three heads snarling in fury.

Belial charged forward, his katana flashing in the dim light. He danced around the chimera's attacks, taunting the beast as he dodged its claws. Xin roared, his axe whistling through the air as he landed a blow on one of the heads. The chimera howled in pain, thrashing its heads in fury.

Sora stood back, his eyes glowing as he fired lasers at the beast from a safe distance.

"Keep it distracted, guys!" he shouted, ducking as the chimera's tail whipped past him.

Belial grinned, leaping onto the chimera's back and slicing at one of its heads. Xin roared again, his axe biting deep into the monster's flesh. The chimera screamed in agony, its three heads thrashing wildly.

But just as the trio seemed to have the upper hand, a new danger appeared. A horde of smaller creatures, each one glowing with a sickly green light, swarmed into the room. Belial cursed, his katana flashing as he sliced through the creatures with ease. Xin roared in fury, his axe biting deep into the horde.

Sora fired his lasers, trying to keep the creatures at bay.

"We can't keep this up forever!" he shouted, dodging a green blast of energy.

Belial grinned, a fierce look in his eyes.

"Then let's end this quickly!"

he exclaimed, leaping off the chimera's back and charging towards the horde.

Xin followed close behind, his axe swinging in wide arcs. Sora fired his lasers as fast as he could, trying to take down as many creatures as possible.

Xin, I'm gonna need you to boost me up to its heads," Belial said.

"Alright!" Xin replied, a determined look on his face.

The two of them ran side by side, their steps in sync. Xin slowed down just enough for Belial to jump onto his hands, using his hax to create a sonic boom that launched Belial into the air. He soared above Xin's head and charged towards the chimera.

Belial's katana glowed with dark energy as he made a powerful slash, cutting through all three of the chimera's heads. The monster let out a deafening roar as it collapsed to the ground, its body writhing in pain.

As the dust settled, Belial and Xin breathed a sigh of relief. They had done it. They had defeated the chimera.

"That was close," Xin said, wiping sweat from his forehead. "But we did it."

Belial grinned, sheathing his katana. "Of course we did."

As the final monster fell to the ground, a door in the corner of the room slid open. Bright light spilled out from within, illuminating the vast room. Belial and the rest of the party cautiously made their way towards the door, their eyes scanning the room for any potential dangers.

Inside the room, they found an array of treasures. There were weapons of all kinds, a dark coat that seemed to exude a menacing aura, and a sparkling jewel that caught everyone's attention. But next to the jewel, there was a tall girl with white hair, wearing silver and and a blind fold, holding the precious gem in her hand.

"It's you again!" Belial exclaimed, recognizing the girl from the museum.

The girl looked up and smirked. "It looks like you caught me. Oh, what ever shall I do?" she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Belial drew his katana, ready to fight. But in a flash, the girl disappeared and reappeared in front of him. Belial swung his sword, but she vanished again.

"Damn it, not again!" Belial yelled in frustration.