
Astral Anomalies

In a world on the brink of collapse, Caelum Voss has one goal: to find solace atop a secluded mountain. But luck has other plans. Every step he takes to escape the chaos inadvertently plunges him deeper into the heart of the unfolding apocalypse. Can a man just trying to mind his business navigate a world refusing to let him be?

QTV · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Turn of the Card

I take a moment to truly look at her, observing her from head to toe. There's an uncanny energy about her, something that screams, "I'm the protagonist here, and you'd better watch out." She's a danger to my peace, to any plans I might have had for staying in the shadows.

Her white-pink hair, unusual and vibrant, cascades around her shoulders, and those intense, almost glowing pink eyes never leave mine. There's an unwavering confidence in her stance, and her attire is a bizarre mix of casual and chic, not what one would expect from a typical soldier. Her entire aura screams, "Main-character vibes."

Shifting my focus from her gaze, I produce the card from my pocket, attempting to assert some semblance of control over the situation. I hold it up, expecting her to recognize it. "This should clear things up," I say, a hint of uncertainty creeping into my voice.

She glances at the card, her expression not changing one iota, before her eyes flick back to mine, challenging. "What's this supposed to be?"

I raise an eyebrow, genuinely surprised. "Are you not a soldier? All military personnel should know what this is."

Her eyes flash dangerously, anger replacing her previous cold indifference. Standing tall, she proclaims, "I am Aeliana Lyristare." She pauses, a hint of pride seeping through her icy demeanor. "The Lyristare lineage has contributed greatly to this city's foundation and progress. We've led important missions, helped in strategizing against the countless rebellions, and have been crucial in the advancements of our defense mechanisms."

A moment of recognition clicks in my brain. Ah. So she's that Aeliana, the one with the uncontrollable ability. The one the General mentioned.

Feigning an understanding nod, I quip, "Oh, I see. You're that girl who can't control her ability whatsoever."

The weight of the ground changes as I intentionally rile her up. I can almost see the fire in her eyes burning brighter with each word. I lean in, smirking. "That girl that gave the general a headache? I've heard they've wasted countless resources on you."

She tenses, and I push further. "Hurry up, leave, and get mad already, you rich girl. How embarrassing, to be gifted with such an ability and yet having others clean up after your tantrums. I guess the big families are just as I imagined."

Her face reddens, eyes narrowing dangerously. "Watch yourself," she growls, stepping closer, "or I will put you in your place."

I can't help the eye roll that comes next. "With what? That ability you can't control whatsoever?" I mentally pat myself on the back, sure that I've got her on the ropes now. My plan is clear: get her angry, get her to storm off, and buy myself enough time to make my escape. It's perfect. I mean she's either going to say 'You're courting death!' and run off to get someone stronger or she's going to run off and go through a whole training episode. 

However, what happens next is something I hadn't counted on.

Instead of erupting into a tirade or calling for backup, she takes a few deep breaths, reigning in her anger. To my surprise, she deftly removes a pair of handcuffs from her side. "For attempting to leave the base without a firm reason and for disrespecting a member of the Lyristare family, you are under arrest until a detailed background check is completed."

A smirk spreads across her lips, revealing the confidence behind her decision. It's a smirk that I've seen countless times on others – one that usually precedes a victory. In this moment, I'm taken aback.

This is the apocalypse! The world as we know it has ended. The rules and order of the past no longer apply. And yet, here she is, attempting to arrest me like we're in some old crime drama. My annoyance is palpable.

Ignoring her order, I glance around, searching for an alternative exit, and remark sarcastically, Idiot. This is an apocalypse. What's the point in arrests now?

★ ★ ★

Caelum's heart races as he scans the surroundings. 'Dammit, I need to get out of here. Should I just go through the front door? Given the circumstances, the general is probably asleep, and the others won't be awake, so it should be fine.' With this plan in mind, he starts walking, tracing the wall that leads to the main gate.

Aeliana, however, is not about to let him go that easily. "Hey! You! Don't make me use force to detain you!" she yells.

Caelum barely offers her a glance. 'She doesn't look that strong. Besides, she can't use her ability, so what do I have to worry about?' he thinks. But the anger in her eyes is palpable as they seem to glow a fiery pink in the moonlit night.

Reaching the gate, Aeliana hurries to the guard on duty. "Detain him immediately! He disrespected my family!" she orders.

Responding instantly, the soldiers circle Caelum, weapons drawn. "Put your hands up!" one of them commands. "Disrespecting the Lyristare family carries a death sentence!"

Caelum sighs audibly, his disdain for their nobility evident. 'This is exactly why I hate these damn rich families.' Without a word, he throws the card he's been holding onto the ground. "Please, take a look at that."

A soldier bends down to pick up the card, eyes widening in realization. "Lower your weapons! Now!" he orders the others.

Aeliana's face contorts with shock. "What are you waiting for? Detain him!" she demands.

However, the soldiers are all too busy examining the card. One of them approaches Aeliana, leaning in to whisper something to her. "Miss Aeliana, this is an Immunity Card signed by the general himself. As long as this man is within the base, he cannot be charged with any crimes. He's either a high-ranking official or an important government figure. We advise against starting any altercations with him."

Aeliana's face is a mix of shock and confusion. "What? But..." She rubs her temples, trying to process the information. 'He doesn't act like someone from a prestigious family, and he seems too young to be a government figure. Could he... have an ability like mine?'

As soldiers offer their apologies to Caelum, he can see Aeliana and the leading soldier deep in whispered conversation. He might not hear their words, but he can guess the topic. With a smirk, he realizes that the tables have turned in his favor, all thanks to a simple card.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I release a deep sigh of relief as the soldiers finally give me the nod to leave. Just when I think I'm in the clear, she's back, standing in front of me with that same determined look. She pauses, weighing her words, then says, "You seem... knowledgeable about certain... peculiarities. Do you have any wisdom on handling... personal challenges?"

Tsk. What's with the roundabout way of speaking? Must be one of those "noble" things. Why can't people just ask questions directly? Without much thought, I reply, "Actually, the general has something that will completely solve your issue." In my mind, I'm thinking how a strict military regimen under the general's watchful eye would straighten her right up. It's not like I have a magic solution to her "personal challenges", but the general might knock some sense into her. She needs to learn that her family doesn't mean shit in the apocalypse. 

She doesn't respond. Instead, her gaze pierces into mine, a flurry of emotions visible in those unique pink eyes. Without another word, she turns and dashes off, presumably towards the general's quarters. I chuckle softly. "Rich kids," I mutter to myself, shaking my head, amused by the thought that she took my words so seriously.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

He has an ability... I don't want to get my hopes up but if he has an ability maybe he can give me some advice. All the others I've met had nothing useful to say, he might. I narrow my eyes at him, mustering the courage to delve into the subject I've been so desperate to address. "You seem... knowledgeable about certain... peculiarities," I begin hesitantly. "Do you have any wisdom on handling... personal challenges?"

He looks slightly puzzled by my question but responds with an assuredness that takes me aback. "Actually, the general has something that will completely solve your issue."

My mind races. Weeks of suffering, of feeling lost and isolated because of my unpredictable power, and here he is, so nonchalantly suggesting a solution. How? Why is he so confident? The questions swirl in my mind, threatening to overwhelm me. Everyone around me, even the brightest minds, have been stumped by my ability. Yet this stranger, who I've just met, seems to know something they don't. Who is he? 

I want to demand answers. How does he know? What does the general have? But the urgency, the hope, compels me to act. Without uttering another word, I turn on my heels and race towards the general's quarters, praying that, for once, there might be a sliver of hope for me. I'm tired of being useless, If he's right...


The door slams open with a force that makes me momentarily forget my purpose. General Harlan is perched at his desk, a phone cradled against his ear, deep in conversation. He turns to face me, his gruff voice interrupting whoever is on the other end. "I'll call you back in a minute."

Before he can form another sentence, the words burst out of me, fueled by my impatience and growing desperation. "Where is it?!"

His eyebrows raise in evident surprise, though there's also a hint of frustration in his deep-set eyes. "What are you talking about, Aeliana?"

I step closer, my glare unwavering. "You have a way to fix my issue, don't you?"

General Harlan sighs, rubbing his temples, clearly not in the mood for confrontation. "Miss Aeliana, we are working hard on understanding abilities." He gestures towards a nearby chair, an invitation to sit, but I'm too riled up. Ignoring the seat, I watch as he reaches for a bottle of alcohol, pouring himself a drink. "We do not have a method of helping you control that ability yet."

My heart sinks, my initial hope quickly evaporating. I click my tongue in annoyance, my hands instinctively moving to rub at my throbbing temples. "Did that guy lie to me then? He said you had a way to completely solve my problem."

The general squints, trying to piece together the puzzle. "Who in their right mind would lie to you?"

Exhaling sharply, I slump into the chair I previously ignored, the weight of my exhaustion pressing down on me. "I don't know, some guy, black hair, blackish-blue eyes... Oh, right, and the soldier said he had a card signed by you."

Every muscle in my body tenses at the severity in the general's gaze. His usually cool demeanor has shifted into something much more serious, almost grave. It reminds me of the same look he had right before sending someone on a high-risk mission. The room seems to have grown colder, the air between us palpably tense.

"What exactly did this man tell you?" he asks, his voice low, like a storm brewing on the horizon.

I hesitate, then swallow hard, forcing the words out. "He said, and I quote, 'Actually, the general has something that will completely solve your issue.' That's exactly what he said."

General Harlan's face remains inscrutable, but I catch the slight widening of his eyes and a brief moment of uncertainty. A silence envelops the room, punctuated only by the ticking of a clock and the distant sounds of the city outside.

He starts to pace slowly, his hands clasped behind his back, mumbling under his breath. "Something I have... something I have. The only thing I can think of—Oh... I see."

I watch, anticipation building, as the general retrieves his worn leather jacket, slipping it on with a sense of urgency. The weight of our conversation presses on me, making it hard to breathe. 'What did that stranger mean?' The thoughts spin endlessly in my mind.

"Come with me," the general commands, his voice firm.

Fun Fact: There are three founding families. By that I mean, there are three families that founded this city in particular.

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