
Astral Anomalies

In a world on the brink of collapse, Caelum Voss has one goal: to find solace atop a secluded mountain. But luck has other plans. Every step he takes to escape the chaos inadvertently plunges him deeper into the heart of the unfolding apocalypse. Can a man just trying to mind his business navigate a world refusing to let him be?

QTV · Fantasy
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48 Chs


The roar of the bike's engine still resonates in my ears as it abruptly comes to a halt. Dolura's quiet presence behind me only heightens my awareness. Sighing deeply, I can't help but find the whole situation a tad ridiculous. Thought I was fast... How did she get on without me noticing...

"Why didn't you wait for me to give you the signal?" I ask, not even attempting to hide my irritation.

"If I waited, you would've left me behind," Dolura responds. Her tone, while devoid of any emotion, is firm and unwavering.

I continue to drive without saying anything further. What is her deal? Why the insistence on staying by my side? A quick glance at the bike's gas gauge halts my train of thought. Nearly empty. I grunt. "What a waste. Well, at least we got over the bridge."

The noise from the bike ceases as I come to a complete stop, finally allowing the silence of our surroundings to permeate. Disembarking, I take a moment to assess our surroundings.

Dolura, always with that passive face of hers, gestures to the bridge, "We're not going to help them?"

I cast a quick, almost involuntary glance back at the group we left behind. Swarms of those monsters, those... things, moving ominously around the group of survivors. "Why would I? I have no interest in playing hero."

She blinks at me, that eerily blank expression never faltering. "But... you saved me."

I chuckle under my breath. Saved her? No matter how many times I clarify, she just doesn't get it. That damn creature dropped her, and I just happened to be there. "Go play hero, I'll wait here."

Seemingly resigned, she joins me at my side, murmuring softly, "Liar."

I smirk. It was worth a shot, anyway. Our silent truce is interrupted by the sight of a grotesque monster looming ahead. It's ghastly — resembling some unholy fusion of a giant walking squid with sickly mottled skin. Its arms, long and tentacle-like, sway ominously as it moves.

"Come on, let's go around-" I begin, but a sudden, ear-piercing shriek from the creature cuts me off.

A man stands defiantly before the monster, muscles bulging and a confident grin plastered across his face. "Another piece of shit walking around. I'm glad the cooldown is over." With surprising speed, he dashes around the creature, taunting and leading it toward a precarious-looking building.

I watch, a mix of disbelief and curiosity, as the man deftly picks up a rock and hurls it at a strategic point in the building. With a deafening crash, the entire structure comes tumbling down, trapping the monster underneath.

Without a second thought, I decide, "Yup, around it is." Getting involved with someone that audacious would only slow me down.

I instinctively duck into the shadows as we move, avoiding any open spaces. That man definitely has some ability. His speed and strength suggest a body enhancement ability. And from what he said earlier, it seems to come with a cooldown. His audacity and confidence scream 'hero' to me.

Dolura stays close, which surprises me given the injuries on her legs. My mind races, trying to assess if she has an ability as well. That would be just my luck. I mean, she survived the fall, but...

The sound of something shifting nearby abruptly breaks my train of thought. My eyes widen as I see one of those monsters from the group earlier right in front of us. How did it get here? Was it following us?

"Run" I sigh, pushing Dolura ahead of me. We both sprint with all we've got, the heavy rhythm of our breathing syncing with our pounding heartbeats.

Exiting the alleyway, a familiar figure stops us dead in our tracks. The man. Why is he still here? He's intently looking for something amidst the rubble of the monster he'd buried just moments before. His dark brown hair falls loosely over his forehead, and his hazel eyes gleam with intensity. The muscles on his arms are pronounced, veins visibly popping as he effortlessly lifts a nearby broken lamppost.

Swearing under my breath, I'm about to make a move when the monster lunges at us. Without missing a beat, I grab Dolura's arm and yank her to the side. The man, with incredible precision and strength, smashes the lamp post into the creature, breaking its neck in one swift move.

Catching his breath, he turns to face us, "Are you alright?"

We both remain silent for a moment, regaining our composure. Slowly, I rise to my feet, brushing the dust off my clothes. Dolura does the same beside me. The man's gaze lingers on us, seemingly searching for something. But neither of us gives anything away.

★  ★  ★  ★  ★

-Five minutes ago.

Digging through the rubble, I can't help but grin. "Hehe, where is it~? Let's see if this one has one of those little crystals." Tossing chunks of debris aside, I revel in the newfound strength that courses through my veins. It's simply exhilarating to be this powerful.

I chuckle to myself, thinking about my past cluelessness. "I'm such an idiot. All this time I had this ability and didn't even realize it until I accidentally set it off." With a grunt, I yank a large piece of rubble aside, revealing more of the dead monster underneath.

In a burst of annoyance, I kick the carcass. "The world's gone to absolute shit because of these damn creatures!" I lament, a hint of sadness creeping into my voice. "Dammit... I was so looking forward to the next release of 'Kuko-chan and her Adventure in the Eternal Abyss'. And these monsters had to come and ruin everything!" I can feel the wetness of tears as they streak down my face. "They even destroyed my collectibles... All those limited editions..."

Distracted from my little fit of self-pity, I hear sounds of movement nearby. Turning around, I see a boy and a girl, seemingly running in my direction. Judging by the monster hot on their trail, they're in a dire situation. These two are the only other survivors I've seen since the whole mess began. Their faces, though, are what pique my curiosity. So expressionless, so eerily calm, even when being chased by a monster. I would've expected panic, fear, something! But... nothing?

A devious smirk tugs at the corners of my mouth. An idea forms in my mind. "I got it~ I'll save them with such overwhelming strength that they'll be utterly mesmerized! Then, they'll have no choice but to follow me, witnessing my awesome might as I slaughter these monsters. They'll become my fans, cheering me on in this twisted world."

With the thrill of this imagined scenario spurring me on, I grip the lamppost nearby. Good thing my ability is still active. "Time to put on a show," I murmur to myself, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Holding the lamppost high, I can't suppress my gleeful grin. "Hahaha, just wait till they see this!" I think, imagining their expressions of awe and admiration. The boy's quick reflexes catch my attention as he pulls the girl out of harm's way. Without hesitation, I capitalize on this moment and crash the lamppost down onto the monster, breaking its neck.

"Hahaha, they'll surely be impressed now!" With each moment that passes, I anticipate their expressions of awe and gratitude. I picture them coming forward, showering me with praises for my might.

The boy tugs the girl's arm, pulling her out of harm's way. I can't help but grin, anticipating their reaction. Slamming the lamppost down on the monster's head, its neck snaps in an instant. "Hahaha! Now, behold my might! Praise me and swear loyalty, and as your true leader, I'll protect you both!" I declare to them.

However, the subsequent scene leaves me flabbergasted. The two of them are just... dusting their clothes off? With nonchalant expressions on their faces? No words, no gestures of gratitude, not even a single nod of acknowledgment. "Did they... not see that?" I think to myself.

Another minute passes, and they're still at it with their clothes. I feel my patience thinning. "Just how long does it take to dust off clothes?! Goddammit!" I inwardly scream, my face contorting in frustration.

Before I can process what's happening, I notice them starting to walk away, seemingly having forgotten about me. "Wha- HUH?!" I stutter in disbelief. "Did I just... get ignored?" My chest feels tight, the weight of confusion and disbelief pressing down on me.

In a last-ditch attempt to salvage some dignity, I rush up to them, grabbing the boy's shoulder. "Hey, wait up!" I exclaim, a bit out of breath. "Not even a 'thank you?'"

The boy remains silent, not even sparing me a glance. The girl, however, stops for a moment. She tilts her head and with a blink, says, "Oh, we forgot." She offers a half-hearted nod. "Thank you. Now, if you'll excuse us." And just like that, they're on their way again.

The whole scene leaves me scratching my head in frustration. "Ugh, this is not how it was supposed to go!" I groan internally. Grasping at straws, I blurt out, "Hey, want to travel together?"

Suddenly, the distant sound of gunshots pierces the air, drawing my attention. "What the hell is that?!" I mutter, squinting in the direction of the noise.

The girl, with that same placid expression, casually mentions, "They're fighting a horde of monsters."

My eyes widen in alarm. "Did they see what just happened? Can you lead me there? We need to save those people!" I plead, my voice filled with urgency.

She responds, her tone dripping with indifference, "We're not interested."

My jaw drops, disbelief and shock painted all over my face. "Not interested? What the hell does she mean by 'not interested'?!"

Without warning, I find myself lurching forward, grabbing the boy's shoulder, trying to make sense of the situation. "Just lead me there! You don't have to fight. Just show me the way!"

He lets out a deep, exasperated sigh, meeting my gaze with an icy stare. "Why would we? That's their problem, not ours."

I'm left reeling, every fiber of my being wanting to scream. The audacity! The sheer lack of empathy! I can hardly contain my frustration, "What the hell are you saying? Do you have no compassion?!"

The girl simply points in the direction of the bridge, "Over there."

Without another word, I bolt in the direction she indicated, my thoughts a whirlwind of anger and determination. "Those heartless bastards," I grumble to myself, "How can they just stand by and let innocent people die?" Determined, I prepare myself to face the oncoming horde.

★  ★  ★  ★  ★

As I watch the stranger sprint toward the distant sound of gunfire, a deep sigh escapes my lips. Turning away from the chaos, I continue walking, every step echoing in the silence of the abandoned street.

"Your words were unnecessary," I remark to Dolura without looking at her.

For a moment, she says nothing, only matching my pace. Then, hesitantly, she begins, "I just-"

"I know," I interrupt, keeping my gaze fixed ahead. "But he would've headed in the right direction without your unnecessary comments." I muse to myself. That man really does seem to relish his newfound role as a hero.

She tilts her head, processing my words, but doesn't speak. We continue in this manner for a while, the silence only broken by our soft footfalls.

It's she who finally breaks the quiet. "Where are you heading?" Her voice, although void of emotion, carries a hint of genuine curiosity.

Pausing, I take a moment to scan our surroundings for any lurking monsters. Once satisfied, I ask, "Why?"

She blinks slowly, her usually blank face showing the slightest hint of perplexity. "I have nowhere to go... I'm following you. I'm just curious."

Without breaking stride, I reach into my bag and pull out a piece of jerky. "I'm heading to a mountain," I respond curtly, handing her the snack. "A place where I can live peacefully without any annoying interventions or people. I'm tired of working."

Dolura's head tilts, her usual sign of confusion. "But... there are no more jobs..."

I can't help but roll my eyes, shoving the jerky toward her face. "Idiot. I mean I just want to relax without being bothered by anything or anyone, like you for instance. Now shut it and eat."

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