
Astral Anomalies

In a world on the brink of collapse, Caelum Voss has one goal: to find solace atop a secluded mountain. But luck has other plans. Every step he takes to escape the chaos inadvertently plunges him deeper into the heart of the unfolding apocalypse. Can a man just trying to mind his business navigate a world refusing to let him be?

QTV · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs


-Jenna's POV-

The sound of my own heartbeat was all I could hear, a deafening drum in my ears that drowned out every other noise around me. Panic and fear surged within, but for some inexplicable reason, curiosity mingled with them. He had the aura of a predator, someone you didn't cross without facing dire consequences. Yet, was it a coincidence that he showed up exactly when we needed him most?

Lara's frantic voice pulled me back to reality. "Jenna, who is he?" Her voice was shaky, and her normally steely eyes were filled with confusion and apprehension.

The truth was, I didn't know. But there was a strange familiarity about him, like a long-forgotten memory trying to claw its way back. "I don't know," I finally admitted, "but I feel like we've crossed paths before."

Draken, who had been surprisingly quiet, finally chimed in, "This whole situation... It's like a scene from a manga!" The comic-obsessed man in him seemed both excited and terrified at the possibility.

"It's not a bloody manga, Draken!" I snapped, my own fear making me lash out. "This is real life. That man, whoever he is, just faced down the biggest monster we've seen and came out unscathed. We need to figure out what's going on."

Just then, the boy's gaze shifted from the monster to us. I felt a shiver run down my spine. His eyes, cold and unreadable, scanned our group, lingering on each of us for a split second. But when his gaze met mine, there was a brief moment of recognition, a fleeting glimpse of... something. Emotion? Understanding? Before I could process it, he broke eye contact, turning his attention back to the looming monster.

Nate, ever the problem-solver, whispered, "We need a plan. Either we ally with him, or we figure out an escape route, because right now, we're caught between a rock and a hard place."

Lara, recovering some of her courage, added, "Let's try and communicate with him. Maybe he's not the enemy. Maybe he can help us."

As soon as the monster's own appendage took down one of its minions, the atmosphere grew thick with palpable tension. It was evident that the monster, despite its grotesque form and towering size, was consumed by an overpowering dread of the boy. For a creature that thrived on fear, its current state was an antithesis to its very nature.

The massive monster, in a desperate bid to escape the boy's unyielding gaze, jerked violently in the opposite direction. In its haste, it didn't notice the debris from the recently exploded sewer. A huge, jagged shard of metal, once part of the underground infrastructure, was now jutting out from the ground at an angle, sharpened to a lethal point by the force of the explosion.

As the monster bolted, one of its eyes, larger and seemingly more vulnerable than the others, collided with the sharp end of the debris. The impact was immediate and devastating. The metal shard pierced the eye, creating an explosion of vitreous fluid that drenched the immediate vicinity. The monster let out a deafening roar of pain and anguish, its many eyes rolling and flailing in every direction. In its torment, it thrashed about, only further impaling itself onto other shards of debris.

The bystanders, our group included, could only watch in mixed horror and awe as the once-feared creature writhed and squirmed, its life-force draining away amidst the rubble and destruction of the city it had terrorized.

With its last ounce of strength, it tried to float away, but its movements were sluggish, labored. It was clear that the monster's end was near. As it sank to the ground, the many eyes that once glared with malevolence now dimmed, flickering out one by one, until the monster lay lifeless, defeated not by a formidable foe, but by the very environment it sought to dominate.

Silence reigned for a few heartbeats, broken only by the distant fires and the soft murmur of the wind through the ruined buildings. Then, whispers began to circulate amongst the survivors.

"It was him... He did it."

"He forced it to kill itself!"

"The monster had no choice but to end its own life, all because of him!"

In their need to understand, to comprehend the inexplicable events, the crowd began to attribute the monster's demise to the enigmatic boy, even though he hadn't moved an inch from his spot or exhibited any overt power. Their perceptions warped by fear and awe, they exaggerated his role, transforming him into a mythic figure in their minds.

The boy, however, remained as impassive and unfazed as ever. If he was bothered by the sudden influx of attention and whispers, he didn't show it. Instead, his cold gaze shifted to us, seemingly searching for something.

Lara whispered, "Did... did he just save us?"

Draken, eyes wide, could only nod in agreement. "I think he did. But not in the way we expected."

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The cacophony of murmurs and whispers turned into lively chatter, and soon, an audible sense of relief and excitement bubbled among the group. As if on cue, Mara's normally stoic face broke into a grin, and Finn, chuckling, punched the air in celebration.

"Did you see that?" Finn exclaimed, eyes wide with amazement. "He didn't even lift a finger! The monster was nothing against him."

Lydia, adjusting her glasses, mused aloud, "It's as if he had a psychological grip over it. The monster could've taken down the entire city, but this guy? He made it kill itself."

Liam, fidgeting with his beanie, nodded in agreement, "I've never seen anything like it. We owe our lives to him."

Rosie, bouncing on her toes, said with a mischievous grin, "Oh, I bet he's hiding even more power! Just imagine what he could do if he actually tried."

Nate adjusted his glasses, pushing them up the bridge of his nose. "You know, there are ancient legends about beings with such power, controlling their enemies without lifting a finger."

Jake, the skeptic, quirked a brow, "Legends? Seriously, Nate? This isn't some fairy tale. But damn, I wouldn't want to be on that guy's bad side."

Leo, rubbing the scar on his cheek, muttered, "That's one way to win a fight, I guess. All about the mind games."

Even the usually reserved Jenna, with her vibrant red hair blowing softly in the wind, couldn't hold back a smile. She twirled around, laughing, "Who would've thought? The biggest, baddest monster taken down without a fight!"

Lara, ever the analytical one, however, remarked, "There's more to this story. That much is clear. I just hope we're on the right side when all's said and done."

As the group rejoiced, Draken pulled out a manga from his backpack, flipping through it fervently. "I swear, there's a character just like him in here! We're living a real-life manga, people!"

Rosie teasingly nudged him, "Now's not the time for your comics, Draken."

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

-Dolura's POV-

Each breath feels heavy. The city, broken and battered, serves as a haunting reminder of everything I lost. My family. My innocence. The world as I knew it. Only two days ago, that very monster had me cornered. It was weaker then, but the terror it emitted was palpable. It fed off my fear, and there was plenty to feast upon. Ironically, by then, I didn't even care about living or dying anymore. I had already lost everything. My mother's face flashes in my mind - the last image I have of her before she was brutally killed. My father, transforming into one of those things and devouring my brother. The tears, the screams, the blood - the memories suffocate me.

So, when the monster found me, I wanted it to be over. To just kill me. Release me from this living nightmare. But it didn't. It seemed to enjoy torturing me, savoring my fear like a delicacy. In my heart, a voice whispered that I deserved this pain, this punishment, for not saving them. Even if deep down, I knew I was helpless against the terror that had befallen us.

But then, he came. Caelum.

He entered the store with such quiet confidence that it was almost unnerving. The monster, which had been my imminent doom, was reduced to a terrified creature in his presence. Just his gaze alone made it flee. At first, I thought he wanted something from me. That there was a price for my salvation. But he looked right through me, as if my existence was but a fleeting moment in his long life. He didn't want anything from me, didn't care about me, but he also didn't hurt me. It was strange, in this ruined world, that indifference felt like a mercy.

With nowhere to go, and an odd sense of gratitude (or perhaps it was just desperation for some semblance of safety), I chose to follow him. Watching him closely, I noticed how he moved through the world. He could confront any monster, any danger head-on, but instead, he chose to run and hide, like any of us would. He played the part of an ordinary man amidst the chaos, which in its own way, was endearing.

There was comfort in his presence. Not the warmth of a friend or the assurance of a protector, but the simple fact that he was there, and he wasn't hostile. There were times I wished he'd talk to me, maybe share words of comfort. But Caelum wasn't the type. When he said what happened to me was happening everywhere, it hurt. Yet, in a way, I understood. He was confronting me with reality, pushing me to face the horrors of our new world. It was his way of offering support, in his stoic, detached manner.

Now, as I watched him force that massive creature to its own death, a chill gripped my heart. The intensity of his gaze, the raw power he held – it was terrifying, but also awe-inspiring. I know him, and yet, I don't. He could probably end me with just a thought, but I believe, maybe naively, that he won't.

The world around me fades as I fixate on Caelum. My gaze is unwavering, taking in the complexities of his seemingly mundane actions. I've seen that look of feigned confusion before. He's playing a role, trying so hard to fit into the definition of "normal." But why? Why does someone with so much power want to masquerade as someone ordinary?

His face scrunches in what seems like genuine exasperation. "Just what the hell is going on? What the fuck are they saying?" he grumbles, his eyes darting towards the crowd. They're still murmuring, still trying to make sense of the scene that had just unfolded.

A faint smile tugs at the corner of my lips. It's sweet, in a way, to see him like this. Trying to be one of us. It's as if he's clinging to some semblance of humanity amidst the chaos. Maybe that's why I'm drawn to him. In his own unique way, he's lost, just like the rest of us.

I step closer, feeling an odd sense of purpose. "I think the monster might have affected their mentality," I suggest, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me.

He glances at me, a hint of surprise in his eyes, as if not expecting me to say anything. Maybe he's not used to people trying to help him or understand him. But I do. Or at least, I want to.

I want to be there for him, to help him navigate this new world he's trying so hard to fit into. I've seen the world through his eyes – or at least, I've tried to. And while he might have the power to shape it, he's chosen to be a part of it instead.

Suddenly, the distant roar of engines fills the air. The once silent, almost contemplative atmosphere shatters as a convoy of military-grade vehicles storm into the scene, armored and heavily armed. Their massive tires crush everything in their path, and their mounted weapons open fire.

The rapid staccato of gunfire echoes, and the smaller monsters are mowed down one by one, their shrieks of terror and pain drowning in the cacophony. Bright muzzle flashes illuminate the darkening scene, revealing the grim determination on the soldiers' faces.

Caelum, for the first time, looks genuinely taken aback. The ease with which he's normally carried himself is replaced by a momentary vulnerability. 

The onslaught is relentless. Soldiers in tactical gear dismount from the vehicles, securing the area with practiced efficiency. Their shouts and orders create a dissonant symphony with the wails of the dying monsters. It's a gruesome ballet of death and discipline.

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