
Astral Anomalies

In a world on the brink of collapse, Caelum Voss has one goal: to find solace atop a secluded mountain. But luck has other plans. Every step he takes to escape the chaos inadvertently plunges him deeper into the heart of the unfolding apocalypse. Can a man just trying to mind his business navigate a world refusing to let him be?

QTV · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Redemption in Ruins

The screech of the final monster shatters the eerie silence, a death knell that echoes through the ruined corridors. My hand slides effortlessly through its skull, silencing it forever. A casual twist, and the creature slumps, lifeless to the ground. I shake off the gore, a flicker of disgust crossing my face. "Messy creatures," I mutter.

I scan the aftermath, my gaze lingering momentarily on the scattered remnants of Nora and Henley. "Ah, those two didn't last long," I muse, a note of indifference in my tone. "At least their end was quick." In this apocalypse, a swift death is almost a mercy.

Now, my focus shifts to Tamsin. She's the resilient type, seasoned and savvy. "Tamsin! Where are you at!" I call out, my voice echoing off the walls. If anyone could survive this hell, it's her. She should know this better than anyone else. 

As I stride through the debris, a monster lunges from the shadows, its gaping maw aimed at my back. But I don't need to see it to sense its presence. My toothpick elongates with a flick of my wrist, and without even looking back, I thrust it over my shoulder. The blade finds its mark, skewering the creature's head with a satisfying crunch. "Too slow, buddy," I say, pulling the weapon free and wiping it clean.

I continue my search, my steps measured and alert. "As much as I'd love to just roam free, I'm still human," I think aloud. "Gotta find Tamsin, get her to safety. Then, the world's my playground. I can't wait to enter all the restricted areas I wasn't allowed to enter before." The thought of leaving any survivors behind doesn't sit well with me, despite my solitary nature.

My eyes scan the shadows, my glasses enhancing my vision, picking up the slightest movements, the faintest sounds. The Vault of Virtues, once a place of security, now feels like a labyrinthine trap. Unfortunately, I just happen to love traps. 

"Tamsin!" I call again, my voice bouncing around the corridors. The silence that greets me is unnerving, but I push on. If she's here, I'll find her. I'm a man of my word. 

I pause at a crossroad, the pathways sprawling before me like the choices of fate. I close my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. "Alright, Tamsin, where would you hide?" I whisper to myself, trying to think like her, to strategize as she would.

The world outside these walls is a chaos I relish, but in here, it's a different game—a game of hide and seek, of survival and rescue. "Time's ticking," I say, resuming my search.

My steps are light, my senses razor-sharp. Every corner, every door could hold a new danger, but I'm ready. This is my element, after all. The thrill of the hunt, the adrenaline of the unknown—it's what I live for.

"And when I find you, Tamsin," I say with a smirk, "you owe me one hell of a thank-you."

Whistling a tune known only to those of the hunter's kin, I meander through the emptied halls. It's a tune of pursuit, of the dance between predator and prey—a melody that's played out in countless hunts before. "Seems like I've cleared the riffraff out. The smarter ones are steering clear," I muse with a grin, pleased with the notion that even these monstrosities can recognize a superior force.

This quiet, this lull in the chaos, it's a breather. Reminds me of the Tuyan forest, that entangled green maze where the most elusive game makes for the richest bounty. Pity that the beasts there are clever enough to hide from a hunter like me. Limits, always limits—but not here, not now.

A scream pierces the silence, sharp and sudden. "Ah, there you are," I say under my breath, breaking into a run. The thrill of the hunt surges through me, the exhilaration of imminent confrontation.

Rounding the corner, I spot Tamsin, her back against the wall, three of those aberrations closing in. The creatures, sensing my approach, begin a frenzied retreat. "Where do y'all think you're going?" I call out, a playful snarl curling my lips.

With a practiced motion, I flick my toothpick from my mouth. Mid-flight, it expands, finding its home in the skull of the central beast. It drops, a puppet with its strings cut. I can't help but admire my own precision.

As they scramble for the exit, I kick a table, barricading their path with a crash of splintering wood. I leap, my body a missile of death, and land squarely behind the remaining two.

One hand finds the neck of one creature, fingers sinking into the soft, vile flesh. The other hand mirrors the movement on the second beast, my grip iron. Their death throes are a gurgling, wet sound, but it's over in an instant.

Standing amidst the carnage, I turn to Tamsin, who's looking at me with a mixture of shock and relief. "You're welcome," I say, my hands already wiping clean on the tattered remains of what used to be curtains.

Tamsin's hands tremble as they clutch her head, her eyes wide with a terror that goes beyond the physical threats we've faced. "T-they're both dead... they died so fast... I-I heard it all. T-this damn apocalypse," she stutters, her voice a fragile thread in the oppressive silence of the Vault.

I observe her, my face impassive, my mind calculating. "Well, that's life," I say matter-of-factly. "Alright, let's get moving."

Her gaze snaps to me, incredulity and horror mixing in her expression. "Do you not care!? Are you insane!?" she exclaims, the grip on her baton tightening as if it's the only anchor in her spiraling world.

I shrug, moving to a nearby sink to wash my toothpick, the metal gleaming under the dim light. "Oh, I'm fucking insane, no doubt about that. All hunters are insane in one way or another," I reply nonchalantly, my eyes on the running water. "Heh, if you can find a sane hunter, I'll give you my artifacts."

Tamsin's breath hitches, a soft sound almost lost in the echoing chambers. "Y-you are not wrong... b-but where are we supposed to go from here? Is there any place that's not infested with monsters?" Her voice is a whisper, laden with the weight of survival.

I turn off the tap, the toothpick now clean and back to its normal size. "I don't know," I admit, facing her. "Let's head out of this damn place first and see how the world is outside." I pause, pondering the situation. "But first, we need to head to the food storage area and grab as much food as possible." Survival first, questions later.

Tamsin nods slowly, the initial shock giving way to the hardened resolve I've come to expect from her. After all, she worked here so she learned to adapt to situations quickly. 


Cautiously, I edge towards the main door of the Vault of Virtues, Tamsin following close behind. The lack of windows in this fortress-like structure has left us blind to the world outside, our only glimpse coming through this exit. Easing the door open, I peer out into the dimming light of evening.

The scene outside is nothing short of a grotesque carnival. Monsters of various shapes and sizes roam the ruins, each a unique nightmare brought to life. They're different from the ones inside—these creatures are wilder, more unpredictable. "Hmmm... This is troublesome, even for me," I mutter under my breath, my eyes scanning the chaotic tableau. "At least they seem busy with their own monstrous affairs."

But something else catches my attention, something more unnerving. Some of these creatures are attacking each other, engaging in a deadly cannibalistic ballet, indifferent to their shared species. "This looks like a hive," I conclude, a frown creasing my forehead. "One monster must be controlling the others."

Turning to Tamsin, I lay out the plan. "Alright, let's run to the building next to ours. We'll keep hopping from building to building until we're clear of this infested area." The plan is straightforward, but the execution will be anything but.

Tamsin nods, gripping her baton tightly. "Got it. Let's move fast and stay low," she says, her voice steady despite the clear anxiety in her eyes.

I lead the way, stepping out into the open with a hunter's grace. My eyes dart from shadow to shadow, my senses on high alert. The world outside is a fractured echo of what it once was, a place where the rules of nature have been rewritten by whatever unleashed these horrors.

As we sprint across the rubble-strewn street, a sense of exhilaration washes over me. This is what it means to be alive—on the edge, a step away from death at every turn. I glance back at Tamsin, ensuring she's keeping up, her determination evident in every stride.

The sounds of the creatures behind us are a constant reminder of the peril we're in. Their growls and screeches create a discordant symphony that chases us through the ruins. "Keep your eyes open, Tamsin," I remind her. "These things are unpredictable."

We reach the adjacent building, its door hanging off its hinges, a silent invitation to relative safety. Inside, the shadows stretch long in the fading light, a maze of corridors and rooms waiting to be navigated.

I slam the door shut behind us with a resounding thud. The room beyond is draped in shadows, a hushed contrast to the chaos outside. Tamsin's eyes flicker with confusion and a hint of fear as I turn back to face the room.

"Stay here," I instruct her, a playful smirk playing on my lips. "We're guests, after all. Let me handle the introductions." My tone is light, almost mocking the gravity of our situation.

Tamsin frowns, her grip tightening on her baton. "What do you mean?" she asks, her voice tinged with a blend of apprehension and curiosity.

My toothpick twirling between my fingers. In a fluid motion, it elongates into a meter-long weapon, its tip glistening in the dim light. I adjust my glasses, their lenses glowing faintly, revealing more than just the darkened room.

Before us, an entire menagerie of monsters lurks in the gloom. My eyes, aided by my artifact, dissect their forms in chilling detail. "We've got quite the surprise party here," I comment dryly.

There's a creature hunched in the far corner, its skin a patchwork of scales and sores, oozing a viscous fluid that glows faintly. Its eyes, too many to count, flicker with a predatory intelligence. "Nasty looking thing. Bet it's as toxic as it looks," I mutter.

Another monster, skulking near the ceiling, resembles a grotesque spider, but with a human-like face twisted in eternal agony. Its limbs are long and spindly, ending in sharp, jagged points. "Creepy crawler, probably quick and deadly. Gotta watch out for those limbs," I assess, my gaze never wavering.

Nearby, a hulking brute of a beast paces back and forth. Its muscles ripple under a hide that looks as tough as steel. Each step it takes causes the floor to tremble. "That one's built like a tank. Probably hits like one too," I note, sizing up the challenge.

Using my glasses, I peer deeper, glimpsing the inner workings of these monstrosities. The scaled creature's organs are lit up like a toxic lantern, its heart beating a sluggish, heavy rhythm. The spider-like entity has an accelerated metabolism, its insides a blur of activity. The brute's musculature is dense, its skeletal structure reinforced with what looks like bone spurs.

"Alright, let's see how they dance," I say, more to myself than Tamsin.

As I steel myself for the inevitable confrontation, the air in the room thickens with tension. My grip on the elongated toothpick is steady; every sense heightened, ready for the dance of death I know all too well. Tamsin watches from her safe corner, her baton clutched tightly as her eyes flicker with a mixture of fear and fascination.

The hunched creature with the glowing scales makes the first move, slithering forward with a disturbing grace. Its many eyes fixate on me, calculating, cold. I lunge forward, my spear slicing through the air, aiming for its cluster of eyes. It recoils, but not fast enough. The spear grazes its side, leaving a trail of glowing, toxic blood. The beast hisses, a sound that echoes ominously in the enclosed space.

The spider-like creature descends from the ceiling, its limbs a flurry of deadly points. I roll to the side, narrowly avoiding its strike. I swipe at its underbelly as I pass, my weapon finding flesh. It screeches, a sound that reverberates in my skull, but I don't relent. Another strike, and one of its limbs is severed, falling to the floor with a sickening thud.

The brute, that hulking mass of muscle and hide, charges towards me, the ground quaking beneath its weight. I brace myself, ready for the impact, but a sudden commotion from behind catches both my and the creature's attention.

From the shadows, a group of people burst forth. They move with a purpose, a coordinated force in this world gone mad. A woman with fiery red hair leads the charge, her eyes burning with an intensity that rivals my own. In her hand, she wields a machete, its blade gleaming ominously.

With a battle cry that cuts through the chaos, she lunges at the brute. The creature, caught off guard, turns just in time to meet the descending blade. With a strength that belies her size, the woman cleaves through its neck. The brute's head topples to the ground, its body stumbling before crashing in a heap.

The room falls into a stunned silence, the remaining monsters momentarily frozen in shock. My grip on the spear loosens slightly, and I can't help but let out an impressed whistle.

Fun Fact: Hunters get so much trauma governments have made rehabilitation classes to help them if needed.

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