
Astral Anomalies

In a world on the brink of collapse, Caelum Voss has one goal: to find solace atop a secluded mountain. But luck has other plans. Every step he takes to escape the chaos inadvertently plunges him deeper into the heart of the unfolding apocalypse. Can a man just trying to mind his business navigate a world refusing to let him be?

QTV · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Military Encounter

Just what the actual fuck is going on? Everywhere I turn, there seems to be more chaos. I didn't sign up for this shit. I just had to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. First, that behemoth of a monster decides to off itself and now, a small army shows up to play cleanup? This day can't get any more bizarre. Hmmm... could there be another territorial monster nearby? 

Rubbing my temples, I glance at the retreating monsters, their shrieks a mere backdrop to the ensuing madness. It's like some convoluted dream, one that refuses to let me wake up. I'm not cut out for this end-of-the-world stuff.

My focus shifts to Dolura, who's now pressed against my back. I sigh deeply. I wish she ran off with the others, honestly. All I wanted was to be left alone, to head to a secluded mountain and just... chill.

She doesn't answer, just grips my shirt tighter. I roll my eyes. Great, not only do I have to deal with this insanity, but I've also become someone's comfort object in the midst of it.

Surveying the scene, I spot the soldiers moving with methodical precision, taking down the smaller monsters with cold detachment. It's one thing to hear about the military in the news, but seeing them here, witnessing their actions, it's a whole different story.

A thought suddenly hits me: What if they want me to join their ranks? That's the last thing I'd ever want to do. Working? Again? Hell no. This is a huge problem... they can't force me to join but... better safe than sorry. 

"Dolura," I whisper urgently, "we can't get involved with them. They'll want something from us. Maybe even make me work." I doubt this crazy girl will leave me so I better make sure she doesn't say anything stupid. 

She blinks and nods. "So what do we do?"

"We stay low, avoid drawing attention," I advise, scanning the area for potential hiding spots.

A large armored truck pulls into view, standing out from the rest. The side door slides open, revealing a middle-aged man in a crisp military uniform. He looks around with a sharp gaze, giving orders and directing the soldiers. Clearly, he's in charge.

Suddenly, his eyes find mine. There's a moment of silent acknowledgment. It's clear he's someone of importance, he might even be corrupt.

I sigh, recalling the intricacies of the laws I've come to know. They say the government can force you into military service during times of war. But that applies when they can actually protect their citizens. And if a monstrous threat is dancing on their doorstep, well, they can't just conscript anyone. Good thing I'm well-versed in my rights. I just hope this guy isn't the type to bend them.

The officer seems deep in conversation with Draken and that woman — the one with the bike blunder. Before I can contemplate my next move, Dolura suddenly speaks up, pulling me from my thoughts. "I... I need to ask something." Without waiting for my response, she hurries over to the group.

This might be my chance. My eyes dart around, searching for the best route out. But just as I'm about to seize the opportunity, I catch Dolura pointing straight at me. Her words are inaudible, but her betrayal is loud and clear.

Both Draken and the woman from earlier follow Dolura's direction, their eyes landing on me. The uniformed man just raises an eyebrow, his interest evident.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Draken, standing tall and trying to exude a semblance of authority despite the harrowing events they'd just survived, raises his arm in a salute as the man steps out of the armored vehicle. The weight of the situation is palpable, and the survivors, including Caelum, watch the scene unfold with bated breath.

Jenna steps forward. "I apologize, they are still in shock after the monster's death." She gestures towards the colossal carcass riddled with eyeballs, its lifeless form a gruesome testament to the threat they'd faced.

Draken chimes in, his voice edged with relief. "That monster wielded an almost magical power. Despite its size, its stealth was unparalleled; it only revealed itself when it chose to." He exhales deeply, the reality of their narrow escape sinking in. "We were moments away from being obliterated. Even with my ability, I was powerless against it."

A soldier, seemingly unbothered by the gore, rushes to the monster's remains. He sifts through its insides, retrieving a large, luminous bead and promptly presenting it to the superior officer. "General Harlan," he reports crisply, saluting before departing, "this is the crystal from the creature. It's the only one I could find."

General Harlan, his face unreadable, wipes away the blood from the crystal with a clean cloth. The bead, almost the size of a bowling ball, gleams ominously under the dying sunlight. He murmurs, more to himself than to anyone else, "Incredible."

Another soldier hurries over, setting up a device in front of the General. Harlan, finally acknowledging Draken and Jenna's presence, addresses them. "Apologies for the oversight. I am General Harlan. We rushed here upon detecting this colossal threat." His gaze sweeps over the dead monster. "I must commend you. How you managed to defeat it is beyond me, but you've averted a catastrophe."

He then focuses on Jenna, his eyes narrowing at the bracelets on her wrists. "A hunter, are you? Which outpost is your artifact sealed in?"

Jenna nods, her voice steadier now. "Outpost 1C."

General Harlan nods, a hint of respect in his eyes. "We will assist you in retrieving your artifact. Given the present circumstances, the laws on hunter restrictions are null and void."

As the group deliberates, the soft thud of approaching footsteps catches their attention. Dolura, her hair bouncing with every step, starts jogging over. However, General Harlan is preoccupied. From his pocket, he retrieves a curious-looking key. It's petite, ornate, with intricate designs etched onto its surface and a shimmering gem at its handle. It gives off a faint, otherworldly glow.

Jenna, seeing the key, lets out a sigh of relief and extends her arms willingly. With a swift movement, General Harlan inserts the key into an unseen lock on the bracelets. There's a soft click, and the heavy restraints fall away from Jenna's wrists and ankles, hitting the ground with a resounding thud. A visible crack appears on the ground where they land, emphasizing their incredible weight. Jenna smirks, stretching her limbs with newfound freedom. "It's been so long since I've felt this lightness..."

By then, Dolura reaches the group and begins to bow deeply in gratitude. Jenna, however, quickly stops her. "No need for that," she says softly, her eyes darting to Caelum. "That guy saved us, after all."

Draken grins, adding, "Heh, that's right! He's amazing. He saved us without even breaking a sweat!"

The soldier, having finished setting up the device, stands to the side, tablet in hand. "Everything is ready, Sir."

General Harlan acknowledges him with a nod and places the luminous bead on the device's platform. As technology whirls and scans it, the soldier's eyes widen. "Sir," she says hesitantly, "this is an A-grade bead."

The General's eyes darken. "Are you certain?"

After a quick check, the soldier nods firmly. "Yes, Sir."

Draken, always curious, tilts his head. "A-grade? Is there some sort of ranking system?"

But General Harlan seems preoccupied with another thought. "How did this creature perish?"

An uneasy silence blankets the group. It's Dolura, pointing timidly at Caelum, who breaks it. "He killed it."

Both Jenna and Draken affirm her statement with solemn nods.

"And how exactly did he do it?" The General's tone is demanding, his patience evidently thinning.

Dolura's voice trembles. "He... made it commit suicide."

General Harlan's eyes flash with anger. "This is no time for jokes. I need to know the truth."

Jenna interjects, her voice firm. "General Harlan, she's telling the truth. As unbelievable as it sounds, the moment he gazed upon the creature, it seemed to want to flee. But in the end, it chose to end its own life."

The General sighs deeply, running a hand through his graying hair. "I'm getting too old for this. Are you suggesting a monster of this magnitude simply took its own life?"

Draken, scratching his head awkwardly, confirms, "Y-yeah. That's exactly what happened."

Turning to the soldier, General Harlan queries, "What does the data indicate? Was the energy we detected emanating from this creature?"

The soldier hastily rechecks the device. Her eyes grow wide with disbelief. "The signatures... they're entirely different."

General Harlan nods slowly, taking in this new information.

The General's eyes sharpen, focusing on Caelum with an intensity that was previously absent. The backdrop of the setting sun accentuates his features, casting a shadow across his face and revealing deep-set lines of concern and weariness. For a moment, everyone can feel the weight of the post-apocalyptic world on his shoulders.

"A few weeks before the apocalypse commenced," he begins, "random individuals across the globe acquired unique abilities. The range of powers varied, some being remarkably potent." As he speaks, a soldier approaches, presenting a case to the General. Without pausing in his narration, General Harlan places the A-grade bead into the case and securely locks it with the same ornate key he had used on Jenna's bracelets.

"Kingdoms worldwide," he continues, "collaborated in an effort to discern the cause of these sudden manifestations. But no answers were ever found. However, once the apocalypse began and monsters emerged, the correlation between their magical capabilities and our newly-acquired abilities became evident." He pauses, allowing the gravity of his words to sink in. Everyone nods in understanding, recalling the days of confusion and fear when the abilities first surfaced.

"But what baffles us," the General's voice lowers, "is that only a handful of people are known to emit an aura as overwhelming as the one we detected. And given your account," his gaze fixes on Dolura, "that person might be him." He nods in Caelum's direction.

But before he can take another step, Dolura steps forward, placing herself between the General and Caelum. "Wait, please!" she urges, her eyes pleading. The three of them, Jenna, Draken, and the General, turn their attention to her.

"You can't approach him like that," she asserts, her voice quivering but determined.

Draken tilts his head, curiosity evident in his eyes. "Is there a particular reason?"

Dolura exhales deeply, struggling to find the right words. "It's going to sound strange, but he desires to live as an ordinary person. Since our paths crossed, he's behaved just like any other survivor. He avoids monsters, feels exhaustion, and seeks safety. He doesn't wish to be identified or treated differently because of his potential abilities."

General Harlan frowns, clearly skeptical. "Why?"

She shrugs helplessly, "When he rescued me, he never divulged his reasons. But in the short time we've been together, it's evident he yearns for normalcy. If you confront him about his abilities or treat him differently, it could upset him. Perhaps even alienate him."

Jenna chimes in, "It's evident, General, that in these trying times, what we define as 'normal' has drastically shifted. If he clings to a semblance of his old life, can we really fault him for it?"

Dolura shifts nervously on the spot, "There's also another thing..." She takes a moment to gather her thoughts before continuing, "His primary goal is... well, it's to never work again."

Draken blinks in disbelief, mouth agape, "Never work again? Seriously? We're standing amidst the ruins of the world, and he's... what? Planning a vacation? Hahahahaha! Oh god, that's peak."

Dolura nods, "Exactly. He's expressed a deep desire to find a secluded mountain and just... live there. Away from everything."

Jenna laughs, disbelief evident in her voice. "So you're telling me that one of the most potentially powerful humans on this earth could be him, and he just wants to... live alone on a mountain? That's... hilariously anticlimactic."

General Harlan sighs, rubbing his temples. "Alright, alright. So we can't approach him carelessly, we shouldn't bring up his abilities, and we can't even ask him for help. Fantastic."

Dolura grimaces, "When you put it that way... But yes, that's the gist."

Draken shakes his head, chuckling, "This apocalypse keeps getting weirder."

The group falls silent for a moment, letting the absurdity of the situation sink in. They were looking at a potential game-changer in the fight against the monsters, and yet his ambitions were as mundane as they come.

After a long pause, the General finally speaks, "Well, challenges come in various forms. There are always ways around situations. There are loopholes." He offers a reassuring smile to Dolura, "You can return to him. We'll strategize."

Dolura's eyes gleam with gratitude, "Thank you, General."

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