
Astral Anomalies

In a world on the brink of collapse, Caelum Voss has one goal: to find solace atop a secluded mountain. But luck has other plans. Every step he takes to escape the chaos inadvertently plunges him deeper into the heart of the unfolding apocalypse. Can a man just trying to mind his business navigate a world refusing to let him be?

QTV · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Just his luck...

The scent of burning fills the air, a stark contrast to the stale, gaseous stench of the sewers. The dimming twilight casts an eerie glow over the monstrous creature and its smaller minions as they lay siege to the city. But in this moment, as Dolura and I emerge from the sewer's shadowy depths, we're greeted not only by the imminent threat of these creatures but also by a group of survivors, looking just as shocked to see us as we are to see them.

I barely register their stares, focusing instead on the imposing monster, its many eyes glaring maliciously in our direction. Despite the pressing danger, an irritating thought pierces my mind— it's the same creature that was feeding on Dolura. This monstrosity, with all its might, was the one that dropped her like a discarded toy. The Bastard that gave me this damn parasite! 

Without breaking eye contact with it, my fingers deftly retrieve a match from my pocket. There's no thought, no hesitation. Striking the match against the rough edge of the manhole cover, a small flame springs to life. As I drop it back into the sewer, there's a moment of tension-laden silence. The calm before the storm.

The explosion is monumental. It bursts forth with such force that the ground quakes beneath us, the reverberations felt even amidst the chaos around. A fireball emerges, casting an intense, fiery glow that paints the scene in harsh oranges and reds.

A scream shatters the momentary stillness that follows. One of the survivors from the group — a woman with fiery determination in her eyes — points at me. "That's... That's the guy who stole my damn bike!" Tsk, you shouldn't have left the keys in there you dumbass. 

I can't hear any more of them. That means the monsters in the sewer are dead... but seriously, why does shit always happen to me?

My eyes flit up to the group of survivors, and recognition hits me instantly. The stupid college students I'd encountered nearly two days ago. And then there's that familiar group I'd used to get across the bridge. That idiot actually saved their lives. I glance at Draken, clicking my tongue in irritation. Just... why the fuck is it so quiet!? Since when can this many monsters stay silent? The silence is almost more menacing than their roars.

But what's even more unsettling is the look everyone's giving me. Every single one of them — the monsters, the survivors, and even Dolura. They all stare, an odd combination of fear, confusion, and something else I can't quite place. What the hell is going on?

I shift my focus back to the monster, the true threat here. The stupid thing's gotten even bigger. How the hell am I going to survive now? Last time, it was trespassing into another monster's territory, so it dropped the parasite and retreated. But now? We're miles away from that place. The chances of something else coming to our rescue seem slim.

I sigh, feeling the weight of the decisions I've made. "The path of death..." I mumble under my breath, my gaze moving to Dolura. Keeping this parasite with me... it was like inviting death itself.

My attention is quickly diverted by a sudden movement. The monster's eyes are quivering. Is it gearing up for an attack? Before I can even finish the thought, a smaller monster lunges at me, its grotesque form shimmering in the dim light. My heart races. This is it. Shit, I'm going to die no matter what I do.

But in a split second, the massive creature intervenes. One of its eyes bursts out, morphing into a sharp quill, and impales the smaller attacker. The monster falls to the ground, lifeless.

I try to piece together what just happened. Just what the hell is this monster up to? Everyone's still silent, their gazes still locked onto me.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

-Monster's POV

-A couple of minutes ago. 

The delightful hum of fear emanates from the city square below, teasing my countless eyes with their frantic movements. Their pathetic attempts at resistance are almost adorable. The sun's descent casts shadows upon the city, but it's my presence that truly darkens the atmosphere. As the day wanes, my minions grow restless, awaiting my next command.

From my elevated position, I can see every move they make. Two of them, a male and a female, tamper with those metal beasts, their puny hands trying to create instruments of destruction. Nate, I remember hearing his name, fumbles with his glasses, his essence reeking of nervousness. Lara's scent, on the other hand, is laced with determination. Such a delicious combination.

Inside a nearby structure, Jenna, who nurses a wounded arm, confers with her group. Hmhmhmhmhahahahaha! Their scheming is but a child's play to my ancient senses. The more they plot, the deeper the well of their despair will become when they realize their efforts are futile. Thanks to my increase in power I can finally see their names and connections to each other. 

Suddenly, a shriek pierces the air. One of my smaller kin has spotted the glasses-wearing human. Their little plan has started to unravel. The female, Lara, panics and prematurely ignites one of the metal beasts. The explosion is loud and destructive, scattering several of my offspring. Their pain is momentary, a minor inconvenience.

As the rest of their group emerges, creating chaos and noise, they hope to divert my attention. But nothing escapes my gaze. I watch with growing amusement as they try to execute their plan, moving around, attempting stealth. Ah, the audacity! The little group congregates near some old fuel containers, their intentions clear as day.

Then, a series of explosions. One, two, three. The air is thick with smoke and screams, but their hope is palpable. They believe they've gained the upper hand. And then, their best shot: a bullet aimed at a fuel container. The explosion that follows is magnificent, an impressive display of their willpower and desperation.

But did they truly believe they could harm me?

In an instant, a barrier forms around me, deflecting the force of the blast and shielding my magnificent form. Their most potent weapon, rendered useless. As the smoke clears, I can't help but let out a deep, resonating laugh. My eyes shimmer with mockery and malevolence. The taste of their despair is intoxicating, even more so than before.

The looks on their faces – disbelief, shock, fear – it's intoxicating. Jenna's face especially, her once fierce determination replaced with stark horror. It's absolutely delightful. Hmhmhmhmhahahahaha!

I feel a surge of power, an invigorating rush of dominance. The smaller creatures, sensing my euphoria, regroup and move in, surrounding the humans, cutting off their escape routes. It's about time I ate their fear, I've been holding back for this very moment. I'm this close to breaking another shackle, as soon as I eat it...


The putrid odor of flames fills the air, a stark change from the damp, stagnant stench of the sewers I'd known. The evening's dim light casts strange shadows, making my minions seem larger than they truly are. My eyes survey the destruction, finding twisted delight in the chaos we're causing. But that smugness is disrupted as two figures emerge from the underground darkness. Humans. Wait, I recognize one of them— the girl from before, Dolura.

However, it's not her that captures my attention. It's him. My many eyes instantly lock onto the figure beside her. Before I can even register his features, my entire being is paralyzed by his gaze. That same cold, unyielding gaze from our past encounter. The weight of his stare bears down on me, making every part of me quiver uncontrollably. My heart, if I had one, races. Every ounce of power I thought I'd gained, it's draining, seeping out like water from a cracked vase.

A silent scream of terror echoes within me. From every creature I've encountered, I can always sense their fear. It's how I feed, how I gain strength. But from him? Nothing. An empty void, more terrifying than the deepest abyss. He's grown, yet still as formidable as I remember. How? Despite my recent growth and the power I've amassed, I can't feel a shred of fear from him. No no no no no no! He's the real monster! He's not human!

Desperate to break away from his gaze, I dart my eyes around. The survivors, they recognize him too. 

And then he murmurs something, "The path of death..." The very words send chills down my form. He means me. I'm the one who's tread on that path, daring to cross him again. My thoughts whirl, drowning in terror. I glance at Dolura. He's looking at her. Did I harm her? Is that why he's here? Is he her guardian? Her lover? Her pet? Or maybe he's just an avid collector of rare species and she's a limited edition? 

Before I can process anything more, one of my smaller minions lunges towards him. NO, YOU FUCKER! I act without thinking. In my heightened fear, my eye shoots out, taking down the minion. The monster falls, killed by my own appendage. I didn't do it out of loyalty to him, but out of sheer terror. That minion could've been the spark to light his fury against me.

The tension is thick, everyone is silent, waiting. For what? For him to make the next move? For me?

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

-Draken's POV

The boy... Why was he here? My breath caught, sharp and painful, as if I had taken a blow to the chest. When I had first noticed him, he had seemed insignificant. But now, the overwhelming force he emanated made every inch of my skin prickle in terror. My heart was racing, pounding so hard in my chest that it felt like it would burst. The world around me became a blur, my vision tunneling in on the boy.

The weight of the dread bore down on me, pushing the air from my lungs. My legs wobbled, the muscles trembling and threatening to buckle under me. Sweat formed on my brow and the back of my neck, the cold, clammy sensation juxtaposing the burning terror inside. I couldn't breathe; I felt like I was drowning in an ocean of fear. Every instinct screamed at me to flee, to escape this suffocating presence, but my feet were rooted to the spot, paralyzed.

Around me, the others were in the same state, their faces pale, eyes wide in sheer terror. Each of us seemed to be caught in our own private nightmare, unable to break free from the grip of the boy's presence.

Why? Why had he run from the monster when I first met him? Was that all an act? An act to lower our guards? My thoughts raced chaotically, every new realization amplifying the fear. W-what is he? What if he's something far worse than any monster? The very ground beneath me felt unstable, like I was standing on the edge of a precipice, about to be consumed by the abyss below. J-just what sort of ability does he have?

The pressing weight of fear started to wane slightly as another thought took hold. Could it be? The scenario playing out in front of me was eerily reminiscent of 'Kuko-chan and her adventures in the eternal abyss'. A character hiding their powers, only revealing them at the most dramatic moment. My heart, still frantic with terror, also fluttered with an unexpected thrill.

This situation, it was almost like one of those intense chapters I'd eagerly wait for every week. The very thought that I might be in a scene right out of my favorite series was oddly comforting. The boy, with his seemingly concealed abilities, was like a real-life character from Kuko-chan. Could it be? Was this all some sort of twisted reality where my life now mimicked the plotlines I so adored?

Yet, with that small burst of fanatic excitement, the haunting fear didn't fade. It juxtaposed with the elation, creating a complex swirl of emotions. "He's like one of those hidden power characters! But...what if this isn't the happy ending type of story?" I thought to myself. My hands twitched, longing for the comforting touch of one of my limited edition collectibles. "Damn monsters ruined everything... including my collection," I lamented internally.

If this was a storyline from Kuko-chan, I desperately hoped it was one with a triumphant ending. But the overpowering fear brought me back to the dire reality, a chilling reminder: What if he's not here to save us, but to finish what the monsters started?

Fun Fact: Yes... there are monsters that collect humans.

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