
Astral Anomalies

In a world on the brink of collapse, Caelum Voss has one goal: to find solace atop a secluded mountain. But luck has other plans. Every step he takes to escape the chaos inadvertently plunges him deeper into the heart of the unfolding apocalypse. Can a man just trying to mind his business navigate a world refusing to let him be?

QTV · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Fleeting Peace

The cool night air brushes against my skin as I step away from the base. Stretching my arms high, I bask in this brief respite of freedom. The moon's silvery light shines down, painting a tranquil glow on this post-apocalyptic world.

"This was way easier than I anticipated," I talk to myself. That Card from the general? Pure gold. I had my reservations about using it—after all, who knew what strings were attached? But I can't deny its power now. "Maybe I gave them too much credit," I muse, reflecting on their deference to the old noble hierarchies.

Gravel crunches underfoot as I move on, with only the distant chirping of night creatures for company. My mind begins to drift away from the worries of Dolura, that parasitic menace I had to deal with earlier today. Considering all that, I've come a long way.

"Today turned out better than expected," I acknowledge, a hint of satisfaction in the thought.

But then, a deafening explosion from the direction of the base shatters my peace. Another follows, sending vibrations through the ground. Birds erupt from the trees in a panicked flight, their alarmed cries piercing the stillness of the night.

I halt and look back, seeing plumes of black smoke rise and mingle with the moonlit sky. The base, once a symbol of safety, now looks like a scene from hell. I grapple with a fleeting urge to return, to get as many resources as possible. Yet, another voice, the voice of caution and self-preservation, whispers, "Don't do it. You'll get caught by that parasite." If Dolura and the others can't handle a mere disturbance, that's on them. But there's a high chance they will deal with it given the size of the base. 

Turning to a worn path, I decide to press on. Today's events, while tiring, haven't drained me completely. "A few more hours won't hurt," I tell myself.


Panting heavily, my breaths come out in rapid succession. "Huff... huff... huff... Almost there..." The rough edge of the building bites into my palms as I position myself for the next move. Without a second thought, I leap from the rooftop.

As I plummet towards the ground, the world narrows to the small road below, lit dimly by the spaced-out lamp posts. Seconds feel like an eternity, and just as the road comes up to meet me, I roll to break my fall, minimizing the impact.

Barely giving myself time to breathe, I duck down instinctively. A massive shadow follows me, jumping off the building in hot pursuit. The monster's grotesque figure fills my vision. It has multiple eyes, some glowing, some clouded. Thick, greenish-black scales cover its body, reflecting the moonlight and giving it an eerie glow. Its sharp claws stretch out, ready to grab and shred its prey. But as it lunges towards me, its size becomes its downfall.

Unable to properly gauge its own momentum and position, the creature impales itself on three lamp posts. It thrashes around, trying to free itself, but the sharp edges dig deeper into its body, rendering it immobile. Dark, viscous blood pours out, pooling around its writhing form.

I can't help but smirk. "Ha, that's what you get for playing around. Chasing me all this time just for fun?" Backing away cautiously, I eye the creature, ensuring it remains trapped. "Good thing I'm getting the hang of this apocalypse thing." A pang of frustration crosses my mind, the unfairness of it all. "Tsk, if only I had an ability..." But not a strong one or I might attract to much attention. An ability that makes surviving easier would be nice. 

Exhaustion finally catches up with me, and I collapse on the ground, sweat dripping down my face. The beast, still impaled and bleeding, emits a low growl. But there's no point in finishing it off—it's not going anywhere. I can finally take a moment to catch my breath, the adrenaline still coursing through my veins.

Rummaging through my bag, I retrieve a sandwich wrapped in brown paper. I tear into it with an appetite sharpened by the night's events. Each bite is a reminder of shity times, before the world turned upside down. A hint of mayonnaise, the crunch of lettuce, the flavor of smoked ham—it's an annoying escape. The food is not at fault but... Yeah, I won't be happy until I find a secluded mountain. 

Midway through the sandwich, a thought crosses my mind. That soldier from the base, I had seen him extract something from the eye monsters Curiosity piqued, I glance back at the impaled creature, wondering if it holds some secret within its grotesque form. Do these monsters have something valuable inside them?

Chewing thoughtfully, I weigh my options. Should I inspect the creature? Risk getting dirty, maybe even injured? But the idea of uncovering a potential resource or weapon is tempting.

The street is bathed in silence as I contemplate, my internal debate the only noise. My gaze drifts down to my outfit, a clean set of clothes I had managed to scavenge just a couple of days ago. "Nah," I finally decide, "I don't want to ruin these clothes. And with that thing still bleeding out, it'll be a bloody mess."

Finishing my sandwich, I wipe my hands and look upwards. The sky's inky blackness is giving way to shades of pink and gold, signaling the approach of dawn. The sun's rays bring a semblance of hope, even in this devastated world.

"A short break won't hurt," I murmur to myself. "I need to find a safe building to rest in." I scan the vicinity, taking in the dilapidated structures. One particular building catches my eye—a sturdy-looking apartment complex, possibly untouched by looters. Its windows are intact, and the entrance seems secure.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 

- Aeliana's POV

As I follow General Harlan through the dimly lit corridors, the weight of anticipation is heavy on my chest. Every step I take is echoed back to me by the cold, unwelcoming floor. The air smells damp, as if these hallways have been untouched for years. With every passing minute, my questions multiply. What are we looking for? Why did he take me here? What did that stranger mean?

The deeper underground we go, the more it feels like we're descending into another world—a world full of secrets and unknowns. I barely realize it, but my pace quickens, matching the general's determined stride. I've never been in this area...

"We're here," General Harlan announces, his voice echoing in the vast, cavernous space we've entered.

Ahead, I see a series of ultra-durable glass cases, meticulously arranged. Recognition flickers within me. "I know these. My uncle developed these cases," I mutter, feeling a mixture of pride and anxiety. Each case houses a single bead, varying in colors, shapes, and sizes. The larger ones are encased in notably thicker glass, demanding attention.

As I move closer, my reflection bounces back at me from the polished surface, distorting my features. It's as if the beads are drawing me in, teasing me with their mysteries.

"What are these?" I finally ask, unable to contain my curiosity any longer.

General Harlan picks up a small crystal from a nearby table, its ethereal glow casting an otherworldly sheen on his palm. "Every monster tends to have this," he explains, his gaze unwavering from the luminescent object. He continues walking, and I'm compelled to follow. "However, the stronger ones possess these beads," he gestures to the cases around us. "Given the extensive resources required to obtain one, they are tightly secured and can only be studied under my supervision."

"But why?" I push further, my voice barely a whisper. "What's so special about them?"

His eyes meet mine, and there's a depth to them that I haven't seen before—a burden of knowledge, perhaps? "Each bead is a concentration of a monster's essence and power. Some believe they hold the key to understanding our own abilities."

I feel a chill run down my spine. Could one of these help me control my power?

"And the stranger?" I ask hesitantly, thinking back to the man who set this entire chain of events into motion. "Why does he know about this place? About what you might have? Who is he?"

General Harlan's expression turns somber, his eyes shadowed with a mixture of concern and wariness. "That's what I intend to find out."

I follow General Harlan to the back of the vast chamber. He approaches a reinforced door, barely noticeable amongst the cavernous walls. It requires a special key to enter—a key that the general carefully retrieves from his pocket. With a soft but audible click, the door unlocks.

We step inside and I'm met with an even more astonishing sight. At the center of this inner sanctum rests a bead, but it's unlike any of the others. It's enormous, the size of a bowling ball, with an intense purple hue. I feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up as an overwhelming sensation washes over me. It pulses with an eerie energy, like it's alive.

The general walks up to it with a solemn expression. "This is the biggest one we've managed to obtain," he reveals, his voice filled with a mix of awe and caution.

I approach the colossal bead slowly, transfixed by its ever-shifting surface. "This is... it's so much larger than the ones outside," I murmur, unable to tear my gaze away.

General Harlan nods, seemingly pleased with my reaction. "The 'guy' you mentioned... Caelum. He's the reason we have this," he discloses. "This bead comes from a creature classified as a #2VCB - 154. To put it simply, it's from a monster of formidable power."

I tilt my head, recalling the man who'd so nonchalantly thrown me into this whirlwind of secrecy and power. "Are you saying... Caelum defeated this creature himself?" I venture, the weight of realization causing my voice to waver. Did I seriously attempt to arrest someone of such strength?

But the general responds with a firm "No." My heart, which had raced at the thought, slows slightly. I breathe a small sigh of relief.

"He didn't kill it," the general clarifies, making my relief short-lived. "He made it commit suicide."

My legs feel weak, as if the ground beneath them has shifted. I crumple to my knees, the enormity of my mistake sinking in. "I confronted... challenged someone with that kind of power... How... How can he make a monster of this strength kill itself?" I whisper to myself, aghast at my own recklessness. "How could I be so blind?"

General Harlan looks down at me, an inscrutable expression on his face. He gently lifts the massive bead, its dark aura barely contained. "Consider yourself fortunate he didn't take offense," he advises, his tone heavy with implication. "Since he suggested that I had the means to aid you... he must've been referring to this."

Breathing deeply, I try to compose myself. My pink eyes, shimmering with unshed tears, reflect my internal turmoil. I chide myself for not recognizing the significance of Caelum's abilities sooner. My fingers reach for my face, delivering a swift slap to snap me out of my spiraling thoughts. "I need to apologize... but he left," I mutter, realization hitting me anew.

General Harlan's eyes widen in surprise. "He left? Was there a girl accompanying him?"

A girl? The memory of our encounter is still fresh in my mind. "No," I respond quickly, "he was all alone."

The general's reaction is swift and decisive. He clicks his tongue in irritation and pulls out a compact device, immediately placing a call. "Get the choppers ready and have Dolura scour the surrounding areas now!"

His urgency sends alarm bells ringing in my head. What did I miss? "What's happening?" I ask, trying to keep the panic out of my voice.

The general sighs, a weary look crossing his face. "There's a complication with Caelum. He desires to live as any regular individual does, acting and blending in as one. Dolura had previously cautioned us against treating him differently or breaking this illusion for him. He dreams of finding a secluded mountain, away from all the chaos, to live peacefully. However," the general's gaze sharpens, "I believe it's necessary to monitor him. In a crisis, if he happens to be in proximity, his powers could inadvertently resolve the situation. To let him roam freely, unwatched, is too risky. It's a wasted potential."

A chill runs down my spine. Not only had I unknowingly confronted one of the most potent beings, but I had also let him walk away without any measures to track him. I recall his casual demeanor, his indifferent attitude towards everything. Now it all makes sense. The pieces fall into place, painting a picture of a man burdened with powers he might not even want.

Fun Fact: Dolura was given the title of special agent by General Harlan

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