
Astral Anomalies

In a world on the brink of collapse, Caelum Voss has one goal: to find solace atop a secluded mountain. But luck has other plans. Every step he takes to escape the chaos inadvertently plunges him deeper into the heart of the unfolding apocalypse. Can a man just trying to mind his business navigate a world refusing to let him be?

QTV · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Eyes of the Beast

Hmhmhmhmhahahaha! The delightful stench of terror wafts through the dimly lit aisle. The whimpering girl in my grasp, her terrified face, those lustrous eyes, brimming with fear, nourish me. Every trembling tear that slides down her cheek is a delicious morsel. Tsk, she's not quite as flavorful as some of the others, I muse, staring deeply into her fearful orbs. Only her eyes truly show the depth of her fear. But, hahahaha, it's still so sweet~

Suddenly, I feel a wicked idea forming. Some of my eyes, detached from my being, extend outward, carrying with them tiny razor-sharp appendages. She whimpers louder, sensing what's about to come. Without a word, I gently stab her leg. The fresh pain ignites a new surge of terror in her. "Yes, yes... let it out," I hiss gleefully. "Your fear will rejuvenate me. I need to regain my true form, and gather 'enough' for brother."

Her muffled cries are my symphony. But as I savor this moment, a sound pierces the harmony – the soft clang of a can dropping.

Ah! Another morsel! These pitiable humans are just walking buffets. I rotate my eyes towards the source, expecting to see another quaking human ready for the harvest. But what I see… heh~, a smirk forms on my grotesque face, a young boy. Fresh fear, ripe for the taking. I bet he'll make me even stronger.

But as I truly take in his appearance, a sudden dread engulfs me. Where's the terror? The wide eyes, the trembling lips, the stench of despair? None of it! His face is calm, almost amused. No... it's worse. His expression isn't just devoid of fear; it's... predatory. Like a lion studying its prey. The tables have turned.

My eyes, so used to evoking fear, now tremble uncontrollably. Even the girl, sensing the sudden shift, goes quiet. The weight of his gaze crushes me. W-What the hell is this boy? Why can't I sense a shred of fear from him? Am I not formidable enough in this form?

Every instinct in me is screaming that this is wrong. This boy is... dangerous. My body begins to quiver uncontrollably, a sensation I've never felt before. Powerlessness. The horrifying realization dawns on me - this boy isn't my prey, I'm his. My power wanes with every second I lock eyes with him.

"You," he finally says, his voice cold and unyielding, "What do you want?" Another pause, his eyes narrowing, "Haven't you taken enough?"

His words, though simple, are a thinly veiled threat. My mind races, and the grip on the girl loosens. He's giving me a choice, but it feels like a warning. No, no, no! I can't die! Not now! Not like this!

In sheer panic, and in a desperate bid to escape that chilling gaze, I drop the girl. Powering every bit of energy left, I rocket out of the building, tearing a massive hole in the wall in my hasty retreat.

The city's landscape fades as I fly at breakneck speed, but the dread lingers, the haunting memory of a boy who stared down a monster, and won.

★  ★  ★  ★  ★

The monster's abrupt departure leaves a hollow void of silence in its wake. For a second, I'm paralyzed, grappling with reality.

Did that... Did that really just happen?

There's a void where the monster once stood, a gaping hole in the wall, and the cold, night air gusts in, washing over my sweat-covered face. The silence is so profound it's almost disorienting. Slowly, I find my legs and collapse to the floor. Oh fuck, I really thought I was going to die.

My heart hammers away inside my chest, its rhythm a frantic percussion that drowns out every other sound. Each throb is a painful reminder of the reality I just faced. Why did it leave, though? The thought emerges through the fog of panic. Is there... another monster? One that even that monstrosity fears?

The very idea sends a fresh wave of terror surging through me. I've seen monsters avoid each other, but never like this. If there's one out there that's scarier than what I just faced, what chance do I have? How do I even prepare for something like that?

Ugh. No. Focus, Caelum. One problem at a time. I glance up and spot the girl the monster had been tormenting. Her skin is as white as porcelain, and her legs are slick with fresh blood. She's young, probably around 20. Her hair is an unusual mix of shades, black, brown, and white strands intertwined in a chaotic dance. A weird choice, but striking.

She's a risk. I think grimly. Leaving her here might attract more monsters. I should put her in the freezer.

Dragging myself up, I approach her cautiously. Though her eyes are shut and her face is lifeless, I'm on edge. Still, I need to move her. Gathering my strength, I lift her. She's lighter than she looks.

"The freezer..." I mumble to myself, my voice uneven. "It's... right around here." The cool air inside will mask the scent of blood. But as I approach, I find it filled with frozen food. Cans, packets... Well, might as well stock up. I drop her gently and start emptying the freezer, each action punctuated by my labored breathing.

With the space cleared, I try to stuff her body inside. But it's a tight fit. "Come on," I grunt, pushing harder, "just... get in there." Sweat pours down my face, the exertion taking its toll. But as I wrestle with the task, her eyes suddenly snap open.

"FUCK!" I yell, stumbling back in shock. For a split second, my heart stops. The freezer door swings open, the dim light reflecting in her glowing eyes.

The impact is jarring. "Cough!" The wind is knocked out of me. "F-fuck, that hurt," I groan, struggling for breath beneath her. I thought she was dead. The weight of her body is pressing down on me, restricting my movements. Her deep blue-grey eyes, full of pain, stare blankly at me.

"Shit," I mutter, pushing her gently off. She rolls to the side, her expression vacant but her eyes moist. "Tsk," I think to myself, rubbing my forehead, "What the hell... Should I apologize? But, honestly, with the world in shambles, my reaction was kind of warranted."

A faint voice, almost drowned out by her heavy breathing, pulls me from my thoughts. "T-thank you... thank you for saving me..."

I blink, puzzled. "Saving you? Huh? The monster literally dropped you and ran off. Are you hallucinating or something?" The words remain unspoken as I watch her, searching for some sign of clarity.

"Can you wrap your wounds?" I ask, trying to bring her back to the present. "You're bleeding, and it's going to attract more monsters." Silence fills the room. A minute passes. Then another. And another. What is she doing? I'm about to prod her again when she whispers, voice shaky, "I... can't move."

"Oh... Damn," I think. Can't I catch a break? I spot some clean rags on a nearby shelf and hastily make my way over. As I wrap the cloth around her bleeding leg, I hear her release a quiet breath of relief. I tighten it, hoping it holds, and glance up. Her tear-streaked face is turned away, but her tears have ceased, and her countenance is eerily calm.

Hungry, I begin to rummage through the food strewn all over the floor. Her eyes follow my every move. "What?" I say defensively, swallowing a mouthful, "There's plenty for both of us."

She grits her teeth in pain, but forces herself up. She rummages, grabbing a canned meal. We sit opposite each other, our quiet munching the only sound in the room.

After a bit, she lowers her food and her voice trembles as she says, "I...I lost everyone. My mom... as soon as these monsters appeared, one of them... it just pierced her right through her heart." Her voice cracks, tears beginning to flow freely. "My dad... he was sleeping and... and he transformed into one of those creatures. He killed my brother. I only survived because... because he went after him first." Her voice is a faint whisper now, eyes lost in some far off horror, "I...I have nothing left. Nothing."

I stop eating and look at her, not sure how to respond. Damn, that's crazy. But I can't help but think, isn't she just one of many? With everything going on, I'm sure countless others have experienced similar horrors, if not worse. "It's a cruel world," I say, trying not to meet her gaze. The silence stretches. I'm glad I don't have a family holding me back. Nothing will stop me from reaching a mountain and living a peaceful life. 

We finish eating in heavy silence. The flavors mean little to me now, but sustenance is crucial. It's all about survival, and while I'm unsure about this stranger, the pragmatist in me understands the value of numbers in a world turned upside down.

After a few moments, I push myself up from the floor. "I need to find a safer spot." The surroundings seem eerily familiar – the familiarity of a store, the very essence of normalcy – but there's an underlying tension, a heightened sense of danger. My eyes catch sight of a door with a faint sign indicating 'Staff Room'. Bingo.

Walking towards it, I click my tongue absently, a gesture from my long-forgotten past. I turn back to glance at her, her pale form contrasting against the dark backdrop. "Come on," I call out, reluctant sympathy softening my voice. With a pained expression, she attempts to stand, her leg still bleeding, though the cloth has absorbed some of it. I sigh and walk back to her, helping her up. Why am I doing this? The answer evades me.

As we reach the staff room, she hesitates momentarily before entering. I make sure to lock the door behind us, more for her sake than mine. "It's safer here," I mutter, mostly to myself.


With the morning light filtering through the broken windows, I carefully open the door to the staff room. The air is still, but I've learned to never let my guard down. Carefully, I scan the room, making sure there are no monsters lurking.

Seemingly clear. I think with a silent sigh of relief. I've made the mistake of being too careless before, and it nearly cost me my life.

After ensuring our immediate safety, I turn back to the girl, her form sprawled across a makeshift bed on the table. From her fitful movements and the sweat beading on her forehead, it's clear she's having a nightmare. Great, just what we need.

As I approach her to wake her up, her eyes suddenly snap open, wide with panic. She's panting, her gaze darting around the room before settling on me.

"You didn't... You didn't..." she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper.

I sit up and grip her shoulders gently, trying to bring her back to the present. "Hey, it's okay," I murmur. "You're safe here."

She lets out a long sigh, her tense body relaxing slightly. "Never mind," she says, her voice still shaky. "It was just... a nightmare."

"Yeah, figured," I reply, releasing her. "Listen, I'm about to head out. Stay out of populated areas, okay? And don't trust anyone. Make sure you clean your wound, keep it from getting infected."

With that said, I make my way towards the exit. It's time to move on, to continue my journey. But as I reach for the handle, I hear her voice behind me.

"Please... let me travel with you."

I turn, meeting her desperate gaze. Ugh, why does she have to make this so difficult?

"I'm leaving the city," I retort, trying to maintain a firm tone. "Traveling far. You're better off on your own."

But she's persistent. "I don't have anywhere to go," she says, her voice quivering. "I won't hold you back, I promise."

I rub my forehead in frustration. "You're injured," I snap. "There's no way I'm taking you with me."

I exit the building, my footsteps echoing in the desolation. Fires have settled down, leaving only ash and soot in their wake. The silence is almost suffocating, yet oddly comforting. As I walk further and further from the building, I can't shake the feeling that I'm being followed.

I glance over my shoulder, and sure enough, she's there. Keeping her distance, but undeniably trailing me.

Why the hell is she still following me?

Fun Fact: The beast gets stronger by eating fear off facial expressions but it can also get weaker if the subject shows no fear.

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