
Astral Anomalies

In a world on the brink of collapse, Caelum Voss has one goal: to find solace atop a secluded mountain. But luck has other plans. Every step he takes to escape the chaos inadvertently plunges him deeper into the heart of the unfolding apocalypse. Can a man just trying to mind his business navigate a world refusing to let him be?

QTV · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs


Looking down at Ira, who's comfortably positioned herself in my lap, I decide to probe further into her abilities. "How strong are you?" I ask, curious to understand the extent of her power. Given her current behavior, I doubt she'll react aggressively to personal questions.

Ira's response is immediate and theatrical. She licks her lips and points a finger at Eliot, who immediately lets out a terrified scream, "Ahh! P-please, don't do it!" This reaction alone is enough to tell me she's not someone to be taken lightly.

I raise an eyebrow, intrigued by this display. Ira clicks her tongue, seemingly annoyed at Eliot's reaction, and then turns her attention back to me. She holds her finger up in front of me, her face lighting up with a twisted sort of affection. "I'll only do it because I love you, darling~," she coos.

As she speaks, a small drop of blood emerges from the tip of her finger. With a casual flick of her wrist, she manipulates the blood into the shape of a heart, floating in the air. My eyes widen in disbelief. This crazy woman can manipulate blood? That's a level of power that's both fascinating and terrifying. Why the hell can't I get an ability? Fuck, this is really fucking insane. If her range is far then no one is safe around her. 

Ira sits up, a proud smile on her face, and the blood heart dissipates, retracting back into her finger. "Don't worry, love, I won't hurt you~," she assures me, leaning close and resting her head against my shoulder.

Internally, I'm recalibrating my assessment of the situation. This ability of hers is undoubtedly overpowered. No wonder Eliot is petrified; the thought of having one's blood manipulated is chilling. 

Ira repositions herself, sitting on top of me, her face inches from mine. She wraps her arms around my neck, her demeanor a blend of charm and seduction. "So handsome, are you part of the military?" she asks, her voice a purring whisper.

Internally, I sigh, finding the situation increasingly tiresome. I've seen my fair share of beauty and charm, having worked as an errand boy for a model company. The models there, similar to Ira in appearance, were often disrespectful and only showed courtesy when it served their image. "I am not in the military. I'm just traveling with them," I respond, keeping my tone neutral.

Ira's smile widens at my answer. "Good~ Now Vorn won't try to question you much. Although I'm stronger than him, I let him be the leader since he has a big ego. Don't worry, I won't let him take you from me~" Her words are a mix of reassurance and possessiveness.

I raise an eyebrow, processing this new information. So she's stronger than Vorn? That certainly makes her the most dangerous person here. "So how do you know you're stronger?" I inquire, curious despite the circumstances.

In response, Ira leans in and gently kisses me. I don't resist – struggling would be pointless and only escalate the situation – but the kiss is anything but pleasant to me. I find it repulsive, a forced intimacy that I want no part of.

After the kiss, Ira smiles confidently. "We've never fought, but I can easily drain his blood," she whispers, revealing the extent of her lethal ability.

She then settles back onto my lap, winking playfully. "I don't like leading; it's way too troublesome."

I decide to shift the focus a bit. "You tortured Eliot because he didn't want to help you, right? Just what can he do, that you can't?" I inquire, trying to understand the dynamics at play here.

Ira lets out a sigh, her impatience with Eliot evident. She clicks her tongue and turns to him, "He has a... what do you call it? Oi, Eliot, what is it again?"

Eliot, looking both frightened and resigned, turns towards us. "I-It's a hacking ability. I can hack and control any electronics I touch," he explains, his voice barely above a whisper.

Tsk, Why does everyone seem to have an ability but me? I bet if I had one I can get myself out of any situation. 

Ira rolls her eyes at Eliot's admission, then dismisses it with a wave of her hand. "This boy is an idiot, but he's useful. Now let's forget about that and focus on more important matters." She stands up, her demeanor shifting to one of excitement. "Now that you've seen our home, it's time we get married," she announces, clapping her hands together with a smile.

I'm taken aback by her sudden declaration. Marriage? What the hell is this woman on? "Ugh... I don't think-" I begin to protest, but Ira cuts me off.

She hugs me from behind, her whisper sending a chill down my spine. "Don't tell me you're going to reject me. That would hurt my feelings... you don't want to do that, right?"

I better think of something, there's no way I'm getting married. "I was just thinking that with the military attacking, maybe we should wait until it's dealt with..." I suggest, hoping to delay her plans.

Ira considers this for a moment, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Oh, that is a good point. I will be able to make a bigger ceremony. Okay," she concedes, then hugs my arm possessively. "Oi, stand up, Eliot."

As I sigh, resigning myself to this absurd situation, I can't help but wonder what I've gotten myself into. "Where are we going?" I ask, a sense of foreboding settling over me.

Ira smiles sweetly, cupping my cheek. "I'm taking you with me while I kill all the trespassers. I want to have our wedding as soon as possible."

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The tension escalates rapidly in the elevator as red lights flash and sirens blare, signaling a new level of urgency. Dr. Hartwell frantically taps on her tablet, her expression a mix of shock and disbelief. "Oh no no no no no! What!? How is this even possible!?" she exclaims, scrolling through data at a frenetic pace.

General Harlan, sensing the gravity of the situation, inquires with a stern voice, "Did the trespassers do something?"

Dr. Hartwell nods, her focus intense. "Forget those fucking junkies! This is more serious than that! An insane energy signal is being blasted in the weapon-creating room!" Her announcement sends a wave of anxiety through the elevator.

Jenna, confused and concerned, raises her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

Dr. Hartwell, barely able to contain her agitation, waves her hand impatiently. "Wait, j-just wait!" She pulls up the camera feed, showing a recorded video from the weapon-creating room. "This is the recorded video of what happened. Tsk, unfortunately, we can't see what method he used but look!" She zooms in on the footage, stopping it at a critical moment. "That is your friend Caelum!" she announces, pointing at the screen.

General Harlan, his demeanor calm but focused, asks, "What did he do?"

Dr. Hartwell clenches her teeth in frustration. "That device he is using is the one I specifically asked to be redesigned where I applied the parasites into the weapons!" Her revelation implies a significant breach in security and protocol.

She then fast-forwards the video, stopping it again for emphasis. "He chose The Itrol Parasite! That thing is the rarest one!" The gravity of Caelum's actions becomes clearer with each passing second.

As the elevator door opens, the group starts to rush out, driven by the urgency of the situation. Dr. Hartwell speeds up the video to the moment the room is left alone. "Look!" she exclaims. On the camera, the weapon emerges from the device, floating in the air. It wiggles around, transforming until it takes the shape of a man.

"This is a revolutionary discovery! We need to catch it right now!" Dr. Hartwell's voice is a mixture of excitement and panic. The implications of what they've just witnessed are immense, and the need for immediate action is clear.

Saxon interjects with a pertinent question, "Just what exactly did he do?" 

Dr. Hartwell takes a deep sigh, gathering her thoughts before explaining the magnitude of the situation. "What he did is something we have never dreamed of. From the reading of these energy levels, the weapon is not using artificial energy. It's using the same energy we detect from abilities. It's not artificial energy and it's not the same energy artifacts use. This is an entirely different weapon. One of a kind."

Dolura, processing this new information, chimes in with her own query. "But how did he do it and why?" Her curiosity is evident in her tone.

Dr. Hartwell's response carries a mix of awe and urgency. "Because he can! Who wouldn't? He just made something new, New!!! It doesn't matter if he wants to keep it, but I need to at least get an x-ray of it." Her excitement at the scientific breakthrough is palpable, despite the potential dangers it poses.

As they arrive at the room housing the weapon, Dr. Hartwell cautions the group. "Don't rush in yet. If it is conscious, it will be wary. We don't know what it's capable of. Don't do anything that could alarm it." Her advice underscores the uncertainty and potential volatility of the situation.

Aeliana agrees, adding, "We should avoid using abilities and artifacts." Her suggestion aims to minimize any potential threats that might provoke the weapon.

Jenna approaches the door, finding it stuck. She applies a bit of force, careful not to startle the weapon inside. The door gives way, revealing the room's contents.

Inside the room, the atmosphere is tense and uncertain. The weapon, now in the form of a naked man, stands in the center, visibly confused. It clutches its head, seemingly attempting to comprehend its newfound consciousness and existence.

In the charged silence of the room, General Harlan takes a cautious step forward, breaking the stillness. "Hello there..." he addresses the weapon, his voice carefully neutral.

The weapon, initially faceless, turns to regard General Harlan. The group collectively recoils in shock at its lack of features. However, as it scans the room and its inhabitants, a transformation begins. Features start to form – hair, eyes, and a complexion – borrowing traits from Aeliana, Jenna, General Harlan, and Dolura. Aeliana's pink and white hair color, Jenna's crimson eye color, General Harlan's stature, and Dolura's pale skin are all mimicked, yet the weapon manages to maintain an entirely original appearance.

Dr. Hartwell, fascinated by this display of adaptability, whispers excitedly, "Oh my god, it can morph its features." She busily jots down notes and captures images, her scientific curiosity piqued.

The weapon seems to struggle with its new form, grasping its head in apparent confusion or discomfort. It then attempts to speak, but the sounds it produces are unintelligible. "####### ######## #### ## ## ##### ###," it utters in a voice that, while not intentionally cold, carries a chilling tone.

General Harlan, seeking to establish communication, intervenes. "We can't understand you... can you speak our language?" he asks, his voice steady despite the uncertainty of the situation.

In response, the weapon focuses on Dolura, then touches its throat, seemingly adjusting its vocal cords. After a moment, it speaks again, this time in clear, comprehensible words. "Why do you smell familiar yet different at the same time?" The question, posed in a cold, emotionless voice, sends a ripple of unease through the group.

Dolura instinctively steps back, unnerved by the weapon's focus on her. Jenna, seeking to make sense of the situation, steps forward. "Maybe it's because... she smells like Caelum?" she suggests tentatively, trying to connect the weapon's creation to Caelum's presence.

The weapon processes this information, then inquires, "What is a Caelum?"

General Harlan answers, his tone informative yet cautious. "It's a person, the one who created you."

The weapon, still acclimating to its newfound form, expresses a desire for information. "My creator? I need more information," it states, its voice imbued with curiosity. It turns its attention towards Dr. Hartwell, who holds her tablet with a mix of anticipation and caution.

As the weapon approaches Dr. Hartwell, the rest of the group instinctively braces for potential conflict. However, Dr. Hartwell quickly reassures them, "None of you move, it's not going to hurt me." Demonstrating a level of trust and scientific intrigue, she steps forward and hands over the tablet to the weapon.

The weapon takes the tablet, closing its eyes as it holds it. This peculiar action prompts Saxon to ask, "What is it doing?" His question reflects the group's shared curiosity and apprehension.

Dr. Hartwell, wearing a knowing smirk, explains, "It is not a human, and it has technology implemented within itself, so it must be able to connect and learn. I transferred all my files and disconnected the tablet from the internet to only allow him to learn anything a normal person can." Her explanation reveals a calculated risk to provide the weapon with knowledge while limiting its access to broader information.

After a moment, the weapon opens its eyes, which now glow red. A newfound understanding seems to resonate within it as it speaks, "I see... so Caelum is my master. And you are a pest to him," it declares, directing its gaze towards Dolura.

Sorry for posting so late

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