
Chapter one

I've always wondered if my school teacher was a really mean woman, maybe because of what she did.

This happened 15 years ago, there I was in the classroom just sitting by myself not being troublesome like the other children, when she came into the class to teach and after the lesson, she announced we were having a school play, I was soooooo excited that I was smiling.

Everyone in the class noticed that I was smiling and was so shocked, because I never smile my nickname then was the cold fatty, sad I know.

My teacher was equally surprised and shocked at me, she was happy I was willing to participate because I don't participate in almost all extra curricular activities.

Then the worst thing happened my teacher told me she wanted me to act as the princess in the school play in my mind I screamed NOOOOOOOO, it was a nightmare I wanted to wake of from, me a princess I would rather not eat for a day, ok maybe two hours( and I love food so much) could only compromise two hours.

Back to reality I was scared to ask her personally, so I begged my mum to please tell my teacher I wanted to play a knight instead, but my mum being a mother that loves to play dress up disagreed and said I would look so beautiful in a princess dress,my mum was not listening so I took action myself and wrote a letter to my teacher telling her rather than a princess I wouldn't mind being a knight because they are so cool, of course my letter wasn't so sophisticated I gave it to my teacher but she betrayed me and told my mum and my mum said I could act as the knight, i was so happy.

Now I understood that adults are liars because here I am on the stage my role obviously a princess and next to me standing was the boy who was given the role I wanted of acting like the princesses knight . I was so jealous so I stepped on his feet throughout the play and after the play sneaked away so he wouldn't catch me, I was smiling thinking I had taken revenge not knowing karma was around the corner ,my dress was long iyhat misstepped tripped and I fell off the stage. thankfully it wasn't a tall stage but I did lose something that day that I would never forget and it was my two front teeth.

What happened next was the most scary thing to happen to a five year old girl.