

the first four planets of the human race

First ; JORIM

Second; BORIM


Fourth; TYNIM

Jorim was the first planet ever to host human life. jorim came to existence 244 billion years ago and the others were made habitable after that ,Tynim was the last . Although there's Earth As the last planet, Earth cannot be included because it's the planet where the soul of "ASTHERES RESTS";And the final order he gave was never to bring him back from his sleep...,so earth was totally restricted from official contact by any beings.

Now let's go to the story,


Present day TYNIM,

Preparations of war is being taken in TYNIM .evacuating all citizens to Borim & Birtim is the only hope

Military forces are being deployed in Tynim from all the three planets. battle ships ,soldiers & weapons of mass destruction are being brought to TYNIM . This will be a greater blood shed since the days of the GOD'S .

As the head of all military forces lies in JORIM the officials are trying to get a hold of the enemy's arrival and they know the enemy coming for them is not going to hold back they will kill all beings on the planet and consume them. THIS is a losing war although the first attack was not on humans we knew that the days are not behind for us .The enemy brought all eight beings together to fight this war . Together we called the enemy

DEROXÈ DARKS The terror from darkness which devours all in their path , war crazed brutes. The presence of gods kept them in the darkest part of the universe where no light can pass through, hiding waiting for their chance to bring death upon the beings of light They are coming to face the light with their huge armada consisting of trillions and more.

They are Far stronger than the beings of the light because of the harsh darkness they call home. The only weakness that we know about them now is that they do not use their wits instead they use their brute strength and rage to tear up its enemies.

The records of the Gods era from jorim tells about the warriors from darkness fighting massive battle with the gods but it was a one sided massacre because the gods were absolute beings. For the first time the darks witnessed absolute power, fear was engraved on them for the first time. They began to flee to the darkness to hide from the gods

They hid in the darkness for many millennia until now