

I'm fully aware of who I am.. aware-that I am the person who I thought I was. Being in a place- I know nothing at all. There were a lot of things I wasn't able to understand from here, but despite all of that- everything seemed natural and strangely familiar to me. As if someone inside influencing me...but who is he?

IcarusJ1149 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The woman in the portrait

He was roused from his sleep with his head full of anguish. His gaze met an unfamiliar sight, and the surroundings were dim, with only a fraction of light coming from the outside. It helped him to distinguish some parts of it, but it wasn't enough for him to thoroughly recognize the place.

'Where am I?'

Amidst the confusion and miserably aching body, he still tried to get up with the little ounce of strength he had; unfortunately, he failed. He made a few more attempts, despite his scuffle, to get up on his own feet until he surrendered and took a rest for the time being.

Despite the jarring pain from moving his body specifically over his head—to partly examine the surroundings. He wasn't entirely convinced of what his sight had made out by focusing his gaze on the vicinity. It looks like he was in a medium-sized quadrilateral room. He then turned his eye onto the fence-like steel rails that separate the room—from where he was and a seemingly dark hallway.

He somewhat doubted it, but he knew what kind of place it was. The interior seemed to be an ordinary room, wide enough for him alone. But it did not take away the fact that railings were there for him to be detained.

'What am I doing here?'

In the direness of time, he realized he had no recollections about what happened to him before, or… that's what he thought only at first. The emptiness he felt that all of his memories were devoid of specific information made him lose his mind and become terrified.

The feeling was strange. He was aware of himself, solely only on his own name, Khael. But any related information about his life was empty, giving him an unusual feeling about his existence.

Khael felt worried, and panic crawled on its way up to his chest and mind. The mental distress instantly nagged at him whenever he tried to remember something from the depths of his mind.

For the moment, he settled down, exhaling the emotional panic he was feeling, and carefully situated himself on the ground. It was cold, but he brushed it off and directed his full attention to ease his troubled mind.

It seems a quarter had passed.

When Khael thought he had rested enough, with the bit of strength he gathered. "Finally!" he blurted out of excitement to commemorate his little progress. He could finally get up with a wobbling leg and trembling feet, along with a smile—curved on his face.

At last, he makes his way onto the prison rails, looking thoroughly at both sides of the dark hallway. But to his disappointment, there was nothing to see except the eerie surroundings of the atmosphere.

'For real… for what reason I was here? And why I can't even remember anything?'

Downhearted. Khael just turned around and leaned on the rail against his back. This time… while staring solemnly at the leftmost part of the room, his gaze was drawn to something glistening.

Khael walks toward it. He wants to look over himself with the expectation of having an awful look in front of the metal sheet. But the moment he saw his reflection, he was left agape and dumbfounded.

The person staring back wasn't him. Khael looked into the stranger's eyes. He was convinced that it was another person, but somehow… his stare wasn't distant from him.

'…Who are you?'

The reflection of the man in front of him had a similar well-refined stature and physique, just like what he has. His dull black hair draped shortly above his eyebrow, but the overall looks are far from what he looked like, even from his younger days.

Khael shook his head in doubt and rubbed off both of his eyes in disbelief. He can't even mutter a single word of surprise. He looked at his side and behind him to make sure he was the person standing there.

Suddenly, the throbbing pain in his head became more intense. Khael completely buckled down as he fell backward to the ground. And then a loud screech out of nowhere envelopes his ears, making him succumb to pain and distress helplessly.

At first, despite his incapability to remember anything about him, he was still fully convinced of who he was. But seeing the person who was supposed to be him in front of the mirror, he wasn't sure anymore.

After a moment of anguish that feels like an eternity for him. While still hasn't recovered yet from the sudden turn of events. He heard a few footsteps approaching, not from afar, and looks like they were aiming to go from where he was.

As they got nearer, the small chunk of light coming from the torch they carried revealed the two figures he had reckoned were the guards. They're wearing a sleeveless upper garment in a silver steel plate only in some parts of their body. Although it may seem obvious—what they're wearing—it makes little sense to him why they're wearing something like that.

Khael saw them walking towards him. Only the strange-looking rail separates him and the guards (based on his speculation). And no matter where he looks or examines it, the railings have no resemblance to any lock mechanism.

The guard, who seems older in appearance, now standing in front of him. Looking at his serene face that complimented his lively white mustache. He wasn't smiling, but he let out a bright ambiance around him, unlike the taller guard, which gave Khael a sharp disparaging gaze as if looking at someone pitiful.

Khael did not wait for them to speak first. "M-May I ask why am I here? Where is this place? And why am I here?!" said Khael as he impatiently bombarded them with questions.

The taller guard raised an eyebrow that seems got annoyed by his demeanor. But the older guard doesn't seem to mind at all. "Kid, please calm down. We also had things we need to ask you."

"We don't have time for this, Grant. Just bring the brat along with us." said the tall guard with an asserting demeanor.

Grant turned to him, giving Khael an empathetic expression. "I hope you comply and do as we told you for now. I can't promise, but I'll do what I can to help you."

Even though Khael finally found another person besides himself. Things become even more complicated and worrisome for him. And then he heard a short clanking sound that indicated that the railings were unlocked. He had no idea where the lock was supposed to be. But it looks like they had opened it instantly without him noticing.

The old guard noticed his struggle to make his way out of the room and guided him as he walked. "Don't worry, we're not going to hurt you or anything. You just have to cooperate with us, and if we find out that—you're innocent. I can assure you that you'll be released."

Khael nodded in response. He had no choice but to obey them, as he also wanted to know more about the whole situation.

As they tread the long hallway. Khael's mind went deep into thoughts, thinking about what happened. Everything seems so natural for it—to be a dream and too unbelievable at the same time to consider it a reality.

Aside from the anomaly of being in someone's body and in whatever place he ended up in. Khael can't help but wonder—why the guards dressed as they were. Was he only assumed that they were guards? And the place seemed too unfamiliar and strange to determine any hint to know where he was.

They stopped in a room that seemed to be the destination not too long. The tall guard entered first, then Grant guided Khael to enter the room as they followed.

The room was twice as wide as the room where he came from. Nothing seems to be special or strange of some sort. And there... a person sitting on a wooden chair, filling up some papers on his table until he finished up and talked. "Please have a seat, all of you."

The two guards sat on a wooden chair on the right side of the room while Grant guested Khael to sit on the ones in the middle, in front of... he'd guessed to be their superior.

"I believe that you have been advised to cooperate with us. So I hope you tell the truth in everything I'm going to ask you." the intimidating man said with a dead-serious expression.

At first glance, the person in front of him was the kind of person you wouldn't dare to mess up with. He has a shaven head with a left scarred eye that seemed to be clawed by some beast. The overall feature of his face alone was already intimidating.

Khael can't bring himself to talk because of being too anxious. He just stared at him and tensely nodded.

"For formality's sake, let me introduce myself to you. I am Sergeant Baron Gelfand. Based on the report I received, you were found at the back entrance of the base this dawn." The Sergeant frowns as he questions him. "What are you doing there??"


Khael just remained silent for a moment, not knowing how to answer. He just lowered his head to avoid having eye contact with any of them. Because no matter how hard he tries, he just doesn't know how to answer, as he can't remember anything.

"Remaining silent doesn't make us progress. Tell me, who are you, and where are you from?"

Khael took a deep breath. This time... raising his head aligned to the person he was talking to and tensely answered the intimidating man in front of him. "W-Would you believe me if I say... I can't remember anything?"

Khael was kind of expecting him to doubt what he just said. Instead, Baron's expression had changed, not angry or being ridiculed by his answer. It just wasn't clear to him what the Sergeant was thinking.

"What do you mean… by that?" Baron asked curiously.

It was at that moment that Khael felt more worried. Not just from not remembering anything but also not being able to explain himself.

As the pressure overtook him, his mind sank into a flood full of worries as anxiety overlapped the very shore of his mind. He had no choice but to say something—for them not to think he wasn't cooperating with them or, worse… deemed lying.

"I don't want to sound ridiculous, but… I can't remember anything besides my awareness of myself," said Khael. "What I mean is that… I know my name… which is Khael, but that's all. I don't know where I came from or the events before you found me there."

"That sounds bullshit!" the annoying tall guard intruded. "Why does he still knows his name-"

Baron raised his hand to interrupt him.

"Let us say that you aren't able to remember anything besides your name. That makes no sense. You should have been able to remember anything related to that, right?"

That was entirely what Khael had thought over many times. It was peculiar. He seems familiar with himself despite not being able to explain how. As if his memories had vanished or were just deeply buried in the depths of his mind.

The interrogation goes on with no relevant progress. Khael was glad when they let him ask questions for himself, and they gladly answered him reasonably. The conversation continued along with the incident.

He discovered it was something that happened to many people as well. The ones responsible for this are the so-called "Mnemonic Beings." It was a mystery where exactly they would appear. They can be anywhere. But most of the time, in a place like a forest where there is denser ambient mana around. And they will vanish without a trace or any resemblance of existence except for their fallen victims.

"There are indeed some few cases that they can still remember a thing or two from themselves after encountering those damn Mnemonic Beings. And my son, unfortunately, can't even remember a single thing from his life." Baron clenched his fist as a pained expression came over his face.

"There were still a few things we need to consider before releasing you. So we'll appreciate it if you don't do something unnecessary," Baron said. "We took care of your belonging. You can take them back, and maybe it can help you to ————- fe — t- — ke —. Gr— w— — —."

…Huh, I can't hear-

Suddenly, everything seems lost to focus. Khael can't hear anything well. Again, a faint but deafening screech suddenly enveloped his ears. He thought he had already recovered, but somehow… he felt utterly weaker than before…

Not so long, the fatigue ate him away as his consciousness slowly dissipated.


The clanking sound of metal seemed so loud in the middle of the silence. Khael blearily opened his eyes with blurred eyesight. And he can't situate his neck or body the way he wants to.

His vision distinguishes a figure doing something on the rails from the very corner of his eye. Even though his whole body fought against him—in contrast, to move freely. He was still eager to know who or what the figure was doing there.

Based on the silhouette, he can distinguish despite the slightly dim surroundings. Khael knew it was the old guard, Grant.

"You should just rest, for now, kid. I'm sorry if we still had you to be restrained here. But don't worry, I had placed some bed of straw on the floor and lent you an old pillow," said Grant. "Please bear the smell for the time being. It was the only pillow I could lend you."

"C-can I-" Khael halted, his mouth agape, not being able to comprehend what he saw.

Bewildered. Khael might be half-awake as of the moment, but what he had just seen was a tiny flicker of light from Grant's very own hands. But then… his body was already forcing him to take a rest as his eyes slowly shut down, and he fell into slumber.


The noon had dawned, which brought a hot atmosphere to the room. Now, Khael felt a lot better than before as he woke up on a bed of straw, unlike the first time on a hard, cold floor. His surroundings now were more apparent. The parts of the room were observable with the help of sunlight passing through the semi-circle window.

Too early in the morning, right after he just woke up, Grant passes by in an instant just to tell him to wait for someone to take him to where the cafeteria is. There's no need to know why. Khael knows we won't last any longer if he does not get something to eat this time.

After that, Grant will take him to have a thorough discussion with the Sergeant regarding what they should do in his case.

There's still some throbbing pain in some parts of his body. He was fortunate to recover some of his physical strength but still unfortunate as he hadn't yet regained his memories.

Not too long, an unfamiliar guard arrived. The guard was covered in silver armor throughout his body. It might not be visible, but it seems the guard was physically built well—based on the broadness of his figure. Khael was still bothered on that matter, but what bothered him more was something he wasn't expecting to see again.

He was astonished when a flicker of light released in the guard's palm. A sound of 'clang' indicates that the railing was now unlocked. "Khael, right? Follow me. I'll take you to the cafeteria." said the unfamiliar guard.

Speechless. Khael just followed him. His thoughts were filled with strange things he encountered. For him—those are supposedly not normal. He was shocked but not bothered at all, as if something influenced him that everything was as it was.

Eventually, they arrived in a hall where the so-called cafeteria was located, aside from the unpleasant heat caused by the sultry weather. The place was disappointingly in poor condition.

It was already terrible at first glance, but as he looked thoroughly… it became worse. The dirt and thick layer of dust are visible anywhere. The tables are unstably hanging on their own—which tells that the rest are eating on the floor instead.

Khael was not being too captious. For him, it was just not pleasant to eat in such a place.

After all, what would he expect from such a place where a prisoner like him eats? Khael just set aside his worries as he made his way into the pile where the rest were lining up to get their ration. For being last on the queue, there's still a lot of time before his turn comes.

Khael was lost in thoughts along the long queue in the line—staring solemnly in front of him, aimlessly. Asked in his mind—How did I end up in this place? And why… no… who was am I..?

He then carelessly steps forward—and bumps into the person in front of him. They both stumbled and struggled to maintain their balance. "S-Sorry… are you fine?" Khael asked the person he bumped into. But the person did not even budge to turn around and just walked along the line.

Khael felt worried and guilty about his carelessness. And then, somehow… his gaze got attracted to a portrait on a nearby pillar. He was enthralled for an unknown reason, as if it was calling for him.

He did not mind the spot he left. Khael mindlessly walked straight into the portrait and studied it thoroughly. It was an old wooden frame attached to the pillar that seemed simplistic—but had something that made it alluring to him.

The portrait was drawn well; the details are realistic, portraying pleasant countryside scenery. But the main feature of it was a young woman. For him, her appearance fascinates him. At first, he thought he knew her. How strange was that? Khael thought to himself.

"Are you sure it's fine to leave your spot like that?" A voice out of nowhere startled him, but it somehow made him back to his senses. "This portrait is alluring, don't you agree?" said Grant, but his expression contrasts with how he describes it.

"I-I agree. The place in the background brings a nostalgic feeling. Even though I do not know where that is…," said Khael. "It looks oddly familiar to me."

In the corner of his sight, Khael noticed the inquisitive stare of the old guard. "Of course… I wasn't still able to regain my memories yet. That's just what I feel about it." Khael added.

"Don't worry, I'll do what I can to help you with-" Grant halted as he noticed Khael being drawn further in the portrait. "Uh, you sure had liked the portrait, huh?"

"Ah… pardon me… It's just that… I thought I had seen this woman before. Or her face was that you'll unconsciously say that she was familiar, even though she's not." Khael laughed awkwardly but seeing the old guard's expression made him think he might have said something he shouldn't.

"Khael… d-did you just say, "Grant looks nonplussed, stuttering on his words.

"Did I say something wrong?" Khael said worriedly.

"Did you say that… that woman looks familiar to you??"

"I didn't mean it like that. I'm probably just talking nonsense. Don't mind me," Khael nervously said as the conversation suddenly felt uneasy. "Tell me, is there something wrong with anything I'd said earlier?"

"Khael… that woman in the portrait, Astelta. You said she somehow looks familiar to you, right?" Grant whispers as if not letting others hear what he says. "But look at the portrait… look at it carefully. The woman there… doesn't have a face. The portrait was drawn like that!"

Huh? …What the hell is this old man saying? Why he's telling me that the woman in the portrait didn't have a face? When it was... ah...

Khael doesn't even know how he'd react. He has inexplicably mistaken what he saw until someone made him realize it. The old guard was right. The portrait was drawn like what he had told it. There's a blank shade on the woman's face and no distinct appearance.

Khael felt chill and wondered whose appearance he pictured.

What he felt at the moment was undefinable. And then... the emptiness he had felt the first time he became aware of himself, slowly vanishing along with the resurfacing memories he had longed for.

Khael was overwhelmed more than being glad by the overlapping memories. It made his head feel like it was being drilled forcefully by information. The life he had, the memories he longed to regain for the entire time. But there's something different...

"—ther, can you tell me what my name is?" It was solely a voice that seemed familiar. Nothing can be seen as if he was listening to a nearby conversation. "—did my son forget his name?" said another voice that seemed from a woman. Her alluring voice resonates with a nostalgic feeling within.

"It's not like that. Of course, I know my name. But I'm kind of confused," the conversation continues in his mind. Khael felt like he was floating in an unknown space where nothing can be perceived. "—confused? Why then? Come on, tell me… if something bothers my sweet and kind—"

"—is my name, right? But why did they call me Khael? T-those people in my dream… they always called me by that name."

The author here, thank you for reading the first chapter of Astelta. This story was my first, so please bear with my poor writing style. The story was kind of slow pacing, so be mindful of that. I hope you continue reading this and share your ideas, advice, and criticisms. It will be a big help for me! Again, thank you.

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