
Assassins Who Cleanse Sins Away

This world is surrounded by crime, greed, and many other sins. Though in time people gave up hope for peace then a group of assassins changed that and now they cleanse the city they live in. They even take clients around the world. If you're truly tormented by anyone and want vengeance then you must contact those assassins but vengeance comes with a price and it doesn't mean your life. Those assassins are called The Sweepers and no one knows who they truly are.

MewShadow · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Barrow of Hunting (Meadow's Chapter)

Narrator: "This world is surrounded by crime, greed, and many other sins. When people gave up hope for peace there are a group of assassins that would cleanse the world. If you're truly tormented by anyone and want vengeance, then you must call upon The Sweepers and they will take vengeance for you." 

Sometime in the late 1280s a young Meadow is sitting in a field. Just then another boy is hanging on a tree by his feet. 

Young Dean: "Hey who are you?" 

Young Meadow: "Huh?" 

Young Dean: "I said who are you? This is the first time I've seen you here." 

Young Meadow: "Meadow." 

Young Dean: "Well then Meadow I'm Dean. Hey, why are you sad?" 

Young Meadow: "My mother she died..." 

Young Dean: "At least you knew your mother I don't even have one." 

Young Meadow: "You don't?" 

Young Dean: "It's just my elder brother and me he told me it's always been just the two of us. Our parents abandoned us." 

Young Meadow: "Sorry to hear about that." 

Young Dean: "It's fine." 

Meadow: (In Narrative Tone) "That's when I met Dean, we were just mere children. I met him after the death of my mother. My mother was a huntress and she died on the job my father was devastated he was never the same afterwards." 

A few months had passed, and Meadow came home seeing his dad on the ground dead. 

Young Meadow: "Father? Father!" 

A couple of days later Meadow was at his dad's grave. 

Woman: "That poor boy first his mother now his father." 

Man: "How did he die?" 

Woman: "He took his own life he pretty much lost all hope of living after his wife was killed." 

Man: "But that doesn't justify of leaving his own son alone." 

Meadow: (In Narrative Tone) "I knew my father he wouldn't take his life like that. I tried telling people that he wouldn't kill himself, but nobody believed me. Everyone just looked at me in pity just a little boy who lost his parents. There are some who believed me people who really knew my father they told me that he just died from a broken heart. I didn't really understand it probably because I was just a child at the time." 

A few years passed and Meadow is now twelve years old. 

Young Dean: "Huh? You're following your mother's footsteps? Wait what was your mother's trade?" 

Young Meadow: "She was a huntress." 

Young Dean: "Huntress? What does a huntress do?" 

Young Meadow: "Demon hunters and huntress hunt down demons, vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural beings who are evil." 

Young Dean: "Hunter's? Supernatural beings? They don't exist." 

Young Meadow: "Yes they do." 

Young Dean: "Yeah right." 

Young Meadow: "Whatever. Don't believe me I don't care." 

Young Dean: "Hey, are you starting to get hair down there?" 

Young Meadow: "Why are you asking me that?" 

Young Dean: "I'm just asking I've been hearing some guys in our class talking about how they're going through changes with their bodies." 

Young Meadow: "Yeah I do have hair there." 

Young Dean: "No fair! I'm older than you! How is it that you have hair before me?!" 

Young Meadow: "You're only three months older than me. Besides some people hit puberty before others regardless of age." 

Young Dean: "Look you mister know it all." 

Young Meadow: "That's because I hit the books unlike you." 

A couple of days later Dean was heading home when he spotted a young man lying on the ground. 

Young Dean: "Sir, are you okay?" 

Demon: "Sure you can kid." He gets up revealing that he's a demon. "You can help by letting me rip the flesh off your body!" 

Dean screams as the demon is about to kill him until Meadow stops the demon. 

Young Meadow: "Now! Go back to hell where you belong and by the way, my sword will prevent you from coming back here to this world!" 

He used his sword and sent the demon back to hell. A fire circle appears, and four arms are covered in blood and take the demon to hell. 

Demon: "NOO!!! DON'T TAKE ME!!!!! NOOO!!!!!" 

Young Dean: "What the hell was that?!" 

Young Meadow: "Told you so dumbass." 

Young Dean: "I can't believe it! They're real!" 

Young Meadow: "Dumbass Singe*." 

*Translation: "Monkey." 

Years passed and it's the 1300s and Meadow is twenty-five years old on a hunting job in a village. 

Meadow: "Damn these slayers are glaring at me all because my hunting job is in their territory." He went to look for a vampire clan's hideout in the village, yet hours had passed, and he had no luck. "No sighting of the clan." 

Confident Slayer: "We already took care of the vampires! There's no need for killers like you to be here!" 

Meadow: "A little cocky, aren't you?" 

Confident Slayer: "We don't need hunters like you. I can tell you're a demon hunter how can you just take someone's life like that huh?" 

Meadow: "Hunters do what they must." He left the village as time went by night fell; he realized that the vampires had set out to attack the village where all the slayers lived. He tried to go back and stop the attack one of the vampires ambushed him. "What the hell?!" 

He tried to fight the vampire, but she was much stronger than him. 

Vampire: "To think a man like you smells so good it must be pure blood. Hard to believe that a handsome man such as yourself is a virgin." 

Meadow: "So? It's a choice." 

Vampire: "Too bad for you I've been hungry for pure blood lately." Her eye color changes to red. "Now I can drink your blood." 

Meadow: "Unlikely!" 

He fights her off then she enhances her strength to pin him down and has her fangs out drinking his blood on his neck. He screamed out of pain as she kept drinking his blood just, as she was about to drink all of his blood she was stopped by a slayer's arrow. 

Vampire: "Ah! You bitch!" 

As Meadow is on the verge of death some of the vampire's blood gets in his mouth. He then goes through the changes from human to vampire. The slayer managed to kill the vampire and went to see if Meadow was alive. 

Woman Slayer: "Hey, are you okay?" 

His eyes changed from green to red for a second then they changed back. 

Meadow: "What happened?" 

Woman Slayer: "The vampires attacked the village all the slayers were killed I'm the last survivor. Even though you're not a slayer you're a survivor too. If only slayers and hunters got along, we could've used your help." 

Meadow started to have the urge to drink blood but tried to control himself. 

Meadow: "Is that so..." 

Woman Slayer: "My friends... My family... All killed by vampires! There are some still around do you think you can help me hunter?" His eyes tried red and quickly learned how to manipulate. "That vampire turned you! I have no other choice I'm sorry hunter, but I must." 

Meadow: "You'll give me your blood. Take your arm out and let me drink your blood on your wrist." 

She takes her arm out and he drinks her blood. After he drinks her blood completely, he lays her dead body on the ground. A series of events happened as Meadow narrated. 

Meadow: (Narrative Tone) "After I became a vampire, I inherited the vampire's abilities and her strength enhancement. I stopped being a hunter and joined a vampire clan and that clan is led by Adam. When I feed, I only hunt humans that I know no one will miss. Eventually, I grew bored of the clan and decided to go back to being a hunter once more." 

Three hundred years passed and it's the beginning of the 1800s. 

Adam: "You're leaving?! No vampire has ever left my clan!" 

Meadow: "Watch me. I'm the first one then." 

Adam: "You'll regret this!" 

Meadow: (In Narrative Tone) "Just as I left the clan, I didn't even realize that the world had changed. To think that technology was created mobile phones and computers. That I didn't really care about I was still able to hunt regardless of the changes in the world." 

A few months passed Meadow was chasing a vampire who had been killing innocent people. 

Vampire: "Damn hunter keeps chasing me! I better shake him off!" 

The vampire tried to shake Meadow off, but he was able to catch up to him. 

Meadow: "Now time for you to die." 

Vampire: "Meadow? No way! I can't believe you're hunting your own kind! Wait until your leader finds out about this, he'll have a bounty on your head! You'll spend the rest of your life running." 

Meadow: "So? That's the thrill of being a hunter." 

He stabs the vampire in the heart turning into ashes. 

Meadow: (In Narrative Tone) "I didn't care one bit that other vampires had put a bounty on my head. A vampire who betrays their own kind punishment for that is death. I continued on being a hunter once more in a way becoming a vampire had helped me be a better hunter. Then I met her Christiana though at the time she was just a mere child." 

It's 1835 Christiana spots Meadow at a cemetery weak from hunger. 

Young Christiana: "You must be hungry. You're not like anyone I've seen. You're not human, are you?" 

Meadow: (In Narrative Tone) "I couldn't believe that a mere child was aware of the supernatural. I was amazed that she wasn't afraid. Most people who discover the supernatural are afraid, but she wasn't. I don't think I've ever seen Christiana be afraid of anything. To think years later I meet her again as a preteen." 

It's 1839 Meadow hunted down a demon at Christiana's house and sent the demon back to hell. 

Young Christiana: "Do you always hunt demons?" 

Meadow: "Yes." 

Young Christiana: "Train me." 

Meadow: "Train you?" 

Young Christiana: "Train me to be a demon huntress." 

Meadow: "Are you sure? Being a demon hunter means you would have to take a life." 

Young Christiana: "So? I've taken a life before it doesn't bother me one bit." 

Meadow: (In Narrative Tone) "To think I was partnered with a future infamous demon huntress Carter and I trained her really well then I almost lost her on the eve of her thirteenth birthday." 

It's January 12th, 1840, Christiana and Meadow along with Piper and Carter were investigating a vampire attack at a neighboring middle school. 

Carter: "Don't tell me their assignment is dealing with a pedophile vampire." 

Piper: "No it's not there have been three teachers dead their blood drained from their bodies." 

Carter: "Let me guess the three teachers are men." 

Piper: "Yep so that means it's one of the women in the school." 

Carter: "It's their first assignment as partners. I have to admit when I heard that a vampire is a demon hunter, I was shocked." 

Piper: "Meadow was a hunter when he was human, he didn't ask to be a vampire." 

Carter: "And we're here because..." 

Piper: "We're here because we have to verify their assignment all hunters and huntress' have to be verified by veteran hunters and/or huntress' when it comes to first assignments." 

Meadow hid in the shadows while Christiana investigated the school. 

Girl Student 1: "Hey you're from Crimson Middle School, right? Are you visiting for a club activity?" 

Young Christiana: "You can say that." 

Boy Student 1: "Hey check out that girl." 

Boy Student 2: "Yeah, she's pretty cute." 

Carter: "Something tells me that Christiana's gonna be popular when she's in high school." 

Piper: "Shh that's not important." 

Christiana continues walking around the school looking for the vampire. She then sees a student fall and scraps her knee. 

Girl Student 2: "Hey, are you okay?" 

Girl Student 3: "I'm fine it's just a scrap I'll just go to the nurse and get a bandage." 

Christiana followed the student to the infirmary and noticed how the room was. The nurse saw blood on the girl and almost lost control but didn't reveal to Christiana that the nurse was the vampire. 

Nurse: "Here you go you lucky that was the last bandage I'll have to get more later." 

Girl Student 3: "Thank you, nurse." 

The student left but Christiana was still nearby. 

Young Christiana: (Thinking) "So the nurse is the vampire." 

Later on, once most of the students left the school Christiana went to confront the vampire. 

Nurse: "Sorry but I'm off the clock." 

Young Christiana: "Actually I'm a student from another school." 

Nurse: "Sorry young lady but I have to leave." 

Young Christiana: "Leave to feed?" 

Nurse: "What are you talking about?" 

Young Christiana: "Three different men were found dead the cause of death was blood drained from them. Here's the thing the only thing these men had in common was that they worked at the same place this school. My guess is that you seduced those men then drank their blood am I correct?" 

The nurse laughs hysterically. 

Nurse: "You're right it's too bad you know my secret because I'll have to kill you! You middle schoolers, it's so hard to control myself with the smell of pure blood all over the school! It's been so long since I had pure blood!" 

The vampire's eyes changed colors and her fangs appeared. She was about to attack Christiana Meadow, came out of the shadows, and stopped the attack from happening by cutting her hand off. She screams in pain. 

Young Christiana: "You know Meadow, I could've handled it myself." 

Meadow: "I had to prevent her from attacking you." 

Nurse: "You?! You're that vampire who turned his back on his kind to be a hunter!" 

Meadow: "Should you do the honors or should I?" 

Young Christiana: "You've had your fun of hunting. Let me have a turn for once." 

She charges at the vampire and stabs her in the heart. She screams as she turns into ash. 

Meadow: "I'll let them know that we completed the assignment." 

Young Christiana: "Huh?" 

Meadow: "What's wrong?" 

Young Christiana: "I sensed someone was following us earlier, but I ignored it but now I sense it's the same person. Did you notice?" 

Meadow: "I did but I ignored it since it wasn't a threat." 

Young Christiana: "I have to see who is following us." 

She ran out of the room finding out who had been following them. 

Meadow: "Christiana wait! Damn it!" 

He went after her just as she ran to the hallways, she saw a man about Meadow's age revealed to be Adam. 

Young Christiana: "Who are you? Are you a threat?" 

Adam: "What do you mean girl?" 

Young Christiana: "I stop demons and vampires who kill innocent people." 

Adam: "So you hunt down beings that are a threat to humanity? How typical of a huntress." 

Young Christiana: "You didn't answer my question." 

Adam: "I do for survival for fun for kicks just like your hunting partner." 

Young Christiana: "He doesn't do that anymore he's a hunter now." 

Adam: "You think you're safe with him please. He'll drink your blood and kill you all because you're a pure blood." 

She charges at him but dodges her attack. 

Young Christiana: "Huh?!" 

Adam: "Pathetic girl." 

Young Christiana: "Damn..." 

She couldn't escape and he slashed her throat, blood came out and she was slowly dying from blood loss. He licked the blood from his hand and couldn't believe what her blood tasted like. 

Adam: "No way! This blood! Pure blood doesn't taste this good unless it's more than pure blood. It's rare blood! She has rare blood!" 

He gets a vial tube and puts some of her blood in it. Meadow manages to catch up to her but sees her on the ground bleeding. 

Meadow: "Christiana!" 

Adam: "I've cut her throat she'll soon die from blood loss." 

Meadow: (In Narrative Tone) "I realized then that I cherished her she was important to me." 

Adam: "No matter how many partners you have I'll kill them." 

Adam vanishes Meadow tries to stop the bleeding just as Piper and Carter come along to see how the two are doing. 

Carter: "What happened?!" 

Meadow: "Listen to me, Christiana!" 

His eyes turned red, he looked into her eyes, and he began to manipulate her memory. 

Piper: "Don't tell me he's!" 

Meadow: "You won't remember the encounter you had today the last thing you'll remember is that we stopped the vampire you killed her, but you got wounded in the process." 

Carter: "He's making her forget what happened." 

Meadow: "Hurry heal her!" 

Piper: "Healing Sealer Sap!" 

Piper's hands glow orange and heal Christiana. 

Carter: "Why did you make her forget it?!" 

Meadow: "Someone from my past... It's best for her not to know..." 

Piper finishes healing Christiana. 

Piper: "Okay she'll be just fine now." 

Meadow: "Do you remember what happened?" 

Young Christiana: "We were after a vampire that was killing male teachers we stopped her, but she managed to attack me." 

Meadow: (In Narrative Tone) "I couldn't lose her that day it made me realize that I loved her, but I wasn't sure. Was it platonic love or true love? I finally had my answer when she got older." 

It's August 31, 1843, and Christiana and Meadow are at her house spending the night together. He looks at her up and down checking her out again as he is blushing. 

Meadow: (Thinking) "Damn… She has such a beautiful body even in her pajamas." 

Christiana: "Meadow?" 

Meadow: "Hm?!" 

Christiana: "Were you checking me out?" 

Meadow: "No! I um!" 

Christiana: "My. My. Am I that attractive?" 

She blushes a bit as he walks up to her. 

Meadow: "You're the first girl I ever found attractive." 

Christiana: "Really? I thought you might have been with other girls before." 

Meadow: "No I never found anyone attractive not until I noticed you changing." 

He takes her hand and places it in his heart. She is shocked that she can feel his heartbeat. 

Christiana: "How is that possible? How is it that you have a heartbeat?" 

Meadow: "I wasn't born a vampire, I turned into one long ago. I still have a heartbeat… I still have a pulse… Even though I'm technically dead." 

They both blush as he tilts her head up by the chin and he kisses her gently on the lips. He warped his arm around her. They stopped kissing and both were blushing gazing at each other's eyes. 

Christiana: "My Meadow you're quite a kisser." 

Meadow: (In Narrative Tone) "I knew for a fact I love her I truly love her this love isn't platonic it's true love. That love grew stronger every day since I knew I wanted to be with her for eternity." 

It's August 28, 1844, Meadow comes back to the hotel room and Christiana is getting her things ready to go home. 

Meadow: "Here…" 

He gives her the ring with the ribbon. 

Christiana: "Why the hell did you give me this?" 

Meadow: "Because… I want you to be my eternal lover…" 

Christiana: "Are you asking me to be your wife?" 

He stood there blushing out of embarrassment. 

Meadow: "Y-Y-Yes…" 

Christiana: "Well, of course, I'll be your lover for eternity." 

She puts the ring on her left finger and goes up to Meadow and kisses him passionately as he holds her tight in his arms then tries to take her clothes off, but she stops him. 

Meadow: (In Narrative Tone) "I love Christiana dearly I understand why my father died from a broken heart. My father really loved my mother, he couldn't live without her, he loved her that much. If anything happens to Christiana if she dies, I won't have the strength to live. I would take my own life just to be with her in the afterlife. Unfortunately, if I took my own life, I would never be with her in the afterlife. I would go to purgatory when I die." 

Years passed and it's February 27th, 1846, just about a month since Christiana disappeared. Meadow kept searching for her ever since she went missing but with no luck. He went to Piper to see if she could find her, she used a location spell to find Christiana. 

Piper: "Location Track!" Her hands glow blue to find where Christiana could be, but sadly she can't find her. "Damn it! Sorry Meadow I got nothing..." 

Meadow: "F**king shit!" 

Piper: "It's a possibility that she's taken by human traffickers you know the Black Market." 

Meadow: "How can you say that?! If they try to get her, she can easily escape!" 

Piper: "I know one on one even two on one match she can easily fight. Don't forget Meadow, she is human, there's so much strength she can use before she's exhausted." 

He left hoping to find her after searching. As he is walking home Ana sees him and walks up to him. 

Ana: "You're Meadow, right?" 

Meadow: "Huh?" 

Ana: "It's the first time we met but I've seen you before with Christiana." 

Meadow: (Thinking) "That's right I almost killed this girl for her blood. How can I forget of bad-tasting blood." 

Ana: "Makes sense since this is the first time we talked." 

Meadow: "Yeah." 

Ana: "It's awful what happened to her I mean suddenly vanish like that. I can't believe someone took her oh well sometimes you have to move on. She probably would want you to move on." 

Meadow: "What?!" 

Ana: "Who knows what will happen to her? Maybe she'll be bought by the highest buyer." 

He realized that she had some part of his wife's abduction. 

Meadow: (Thinking) "This bitch! She's responsible for her disappearance!" 

Ana: "Listen forget about her I'll keep you company…your eyes their…their red!" 

Meadow used his nails to slice her neck open. 

Meadow: "Filthy humans like you don't deserve to live…I did say if I ever find who was responsible, I will kill them." He licks the blood off his hand and spits it out. "Your blood is terrible it's not even worth drinking it." 

Ana: (Thinking) "He's a vampire I knew something was strange about them…I feel so weak…am I dying…" 

She falls down on the ground slowly dying from blood loss. 

Meadow: "You'll be found eventually everyone will just think that you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. In other words, your death will most likely appear as an accident of a crime went wrong." 

Afterward, Meadow dons a mask and starts taking out about half of the Black Market's bases. 

Meadow: (In Narrative Tone) "I hunted down each base of the organization and wiped them all out. Just as I was about to head out, I couldn't believe when I saw her again after four months." 

It's May 1st, 1846, Meadow is about to leave until he sees a familiar figure. 

Christiana: "M-Meadow..." 

Christiana sees Meadow and tears roll down her face. 

Meadow: "Christi- Christiana!" He runs up to her and hugs her tight. "Thank God..." He starts crying for the first time. "I finally got you back... I'm glad you're back!" 

After some time, we went inside. 

Christiana: "You've been searching for me?" 

Meadow: "Of course when I found out that you were taken to the Black Market, I had to find you. I took down half of the bases, but I had no luck." 

He tried to hold her hand, but she took her hand away. 

Christiana: "I can't I'm sorry Meadow, but I've been unfaithful." 

Meadow: "What?!" 

Christiana: "The man who bought me raped me when I was asleep." 

Meadow: "It wasn't your fault you weren't unfaithful." 

Christiana: "To me, I was unfaithful to our marriage... No matter how many times I told that sick man the only man I want to be intimate with is you, Meadow." 

Meadow: (In Narrative Tone) "My wife wasn't the same after that. I figured if we take out the rest of the Black Market including the head of the organization then maybe I can see her smile again." 

They both wore masks, and they took out the remaining bases of the Black Market before heading to the head of the organization. As they took down the bases, they set free the people the market imprisoned. 

Christiana: "Go on you're all free." 

Meadow: "You can have normal lives again." 

The innocent people ran for freedom; the two noticed that many supernatural beings were set free. 

Christiana: "So many demons, vampires, witches, and warlocks." 

Demon: "Don't worry hunters we're indebted to you we won't kill any humans anymore." 

Vampire: "Same to us." 

Good Witch: "Thank you so much!" 

Good Warlock: "We'll never forget this you two are heroes!" 

Meadow noticed the only werewolf. 

Meadow: "What the hell?! I thought we killed the last werewolf." 

Christiana: "We did how is that possible?!" 

Werewolf: "I wasn't born a werewolf I was turned into one." 

Meadow: "Remember what that girl told me she fell for a human and she believed she killed him." 

Christiana: "So that means he's the last human that was turned into a werewolf." 

Werewolf: "Same as everyone else I appreciate you two saving us." 

After releasing all the people, Christiana and Meadow went to the head of the organization. They reached the head building and started killing all the people. Eventually, they found the founder of the organization and the two tied him up. 

Founder: "What is this?! Who are you people?!" 

The two looked at each other then they took their masks off. 

Meadow: "You pathetic bastard!" 

Christiana: "How does it feel? Making millions over others expenses huh?! People's lives?! Their freedom?!" 

Founder: "What is this?!" 

She stares at the man with a cold death stare. 

Christiana: "I want you to see the ones who are going to kill you!" 

She pulls out a gun. 

Founder: "No! Please! I'll pay you two anything! Please let me live!!" 

Christiana: "Forget it! Now go riot in hell you piece of shit!" She shoots the man multiple times. "Meadow burn it!" 

He starts the fire of the building and the two escape before setting the whole place on fire. 

Meadow: (In Narrative Tone) "After we destroyed the Black Market completely, slowly day by day she became herself again." 

It's June 1st, 1847, Christiana and Meadow were heading home from the beach. 

Christiana: "Hey Meadow." 

Meadow: "Hm?" 

Christiana: "You know last year we had revenge on them, right?" 

Meadow: "What about it? Do you regret it?" 

Christiana: "Oh God no I have no regrets about that. I was thinking we should do that all the time you know killing people in the act of revenge." 

Meadow: "You mean being assassins?" 

Christiana: "Yes, we can make it a business. There are people out there who deserve justice but never get it. I think that's what we should do." 

Meadow: "Wouldn't some people abuse our services when we go through this idea?" 

Christiana: "Don't worry I've already thought of that we can just accept jobs for those who really need not petty justice." 

Meadow: "That's a brilliant idea." 

Christiana: "Well I have been thinking about it a lot." 

A series of events happens as Meadow narrates. 

Meadow: (In Narrative Tone) "After planning our soon-to-be business we eventually found a good location to start our business as assassins. Just in two years, our business was growing many people who truly deserve justice called us. I find it funny to think the group are my friends. Once I find Adam and kill him, I'll be with my wife once more to be there for the birth of our child." 

It's the present revealing that Meadow is lying on a field thinking of the past. 

Dean: "Yo!" 

Meadow: "Hm? What do you want?" 

Dean: "You know I'm reconsidering giving you this blood." 

He tosses the bag of blood to Meadow. 

Meadow: "Gee thanks..." 

Dean: "Don't worry it's not rare blood." 

Meadow drinks the blood. 

Meadow: "Where did you get this?" 

Dean: "I may or may not have manipulated a nurse into giving me the baggies of blood." 

Meadow: "Figures." 

Dean: "It was either that or drink animal blood and trust me animal blood doesn't fill you up." 

Meadow: "I see." 

Dean: "What are you doing out here anyways?" 

Meadow: "Just thinking of the past." 

Dean: "Remember when we were kids you always go to a big yard or a field just to avoid people." 

Meadow: "Do you remember when my father died?" 

Dean: "Yeah no one couldn't figure out how he died. Almost everyone in the village believes he committed suicide." 

Meadow: "It's not true he died from a broken heart. I understand why that happened. Because he truly loved my mother I understand that it was too painful for him to live without her." 

Dean: "Chris-ti-an-a." 

Meadow's face almost turns red. 

Meadow: "Huh?!" 

Dean: "Man you don't have to get all embarrassed you're married. There's no need for you to act like a high schooler who's having his first crush." 

Meadow: "S-Shut up!" 

Dean: "To think you had the balls to get her pregnant. All jokes aside are you nervous about being a dad? Is that why you're out here?" 

Meadow: "I didn't think I would be a father. I'm not nervous at all in a way I thought being a vampire was nothing but a curse. I was wrong, if it wasn't some kind of miracle that I was turned then I would have never met Christiana. I would have never discovered what love is and I wouldn't have a child in this world." 

Dean: "Maybe it was all planned by faith? It could be that we were meant to be vampires seeing how the world changes over the years. Maybe knowing we would be able to live in these modern times." 

Meadow: "It's possible hell I don't regret going to that village years ago." He pictures Christiana with the others and smiles. "I now know what happiness is being around the people you care about the most." 

Dean: "To think you can be sentimental man I really must be hallucinating." 

Meadow: "Dumbass." 

Dean: "Jackass." 

Meadow: "Idiot." 

Dean: "Jerk." 

The two continued insulting each other. 

Meadow: (In Narrative Tone) "At first it was just me before I knew it, I had a brother then a woman I love, and finally friends that I consider my equals. I would never let all of that be taken away from me. I will hunt down Adam and kill him the only way to protect my wife and my unborn child." 

To Be Continued... 

Sorry for the long wait I've been working a lot the last two weeks so I didn't get the chance to finish this chapter. Anyway, this is the last character chapter I'll be doing. I meant to post this last night but I was so sleepy and I didn't post it in time.

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