
Assassins Who Cleanse Sins Away

This world is surrounded by crime, greed, and many other sins. Though in time people gave up hope for peace then a group of assassins changed that and now they cleanse the city they live in. They even take clients around the world. If you're truly tormented by anyone and want vengeance then you must contact those assassins but vengeance comes with a price and it doesn't mean your life. Those assassins are called The Sweepers and no one knows who they truly are.

MewShadow · Fantasy
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41 Chs

A Huntress' Tale Part 2 (Christiana's Chapter)

Narrator: "This world is surrounded by crime, greed, and many other sins. When people gave up hope for peace there are a group of assassins that would cleanse the world. If you're truly tormented by anyone and want vengeance, then you must call upon The Sweepers and they will take vengeance for you."

As the auction ended, still blindfolded Christiana was taken to a room where they were preparing to use a hot iron plate with the Black-Market symbol to mark her.

Male Worker 1: "Strip her down."

One of the workers took her dress off and tied her down on a table.

Male Worker 2: "This mark means that your freedom is no more. Your bond to be with your master for the rest of your life until you die."

He uses the plate on her upper stomach, and she screams in pain.

Male Worker 1: "It'll hurt for about a few weeks so don't mess with it. Take her to the changing room."

Two different workers take her to the changing room.

Female Worker 1: "We'll have you look amazing to your new master."

One of the workers notices the tattoo on her thigh.

Female Worker 2: "What's with this weird tattoo?"

Female Worker 1: "I don't know when they abducted her, they mustn't have noticed it."

They put her on a simple lace lolita white dress and brushed her hair. As they were getting her ready, still blindfolded, Christiana made sure she hid her wedding ring in her hair scrunchy. They take her to the front entrance to be delivered to the man who bought her.

Female Worker 2: "Congratulations sir."

Female Worker 1: "Your prize is ready."

Max takes her to his car and takes her to his home. He takes her to a room and chains her by the ankle to the bed.

Max: "Welcome home my doll."

He takes the blindfold off.

Christiana: "Where am I?!"

Max: "Your new home my love."

She notices the chain on her ankle and looks at him with an angry stare.

Christiana: "Let me go!"

Max: "You belong to me my love I bought you and you're now my precious doll forever."

Christiana: "Bastard!"

Max: "We met before my doll."

Christiana: "Met?"

Max: "Yes, I noticed you from afar and knew we were meant to be together. I bumped into you, and I wanted to confess my love to you, but you were so beautiful I couldn't utter a word. You're an angelic doll sent from the heavens for me!"

Christiana: "Oh please there's already a man who is the love of my life and it isn't you."

Max: "That boyfriend of yours... no matter you'll soon love me it's only a matter of time."

Christiana: (Thinking) "That bastard doesn't know that I'm double-jointed. I can easily get out of this chain."

He gets on top of her.

Max: "They say love takes time to nourish and bloom. In time you'll love me, and you'll forget about that man."

Christiana: (Thinking) "This is my chance!"

She kicks him as hard as she can below the belt to distract him long enough to escape. Unfortunately, it didn't affect him at all, and he smiled in a psychotic way.

Max: "Kick me harder!"

Christiana: "What the hell?!"

Max: "Kick me harder! I want to feel more of your touch."

Christiana: (Thinking) "Is he actually turned on by this?! Disgusting! I don't even kick Meadow that hard in his balls and that hurts him every time. I kicked his balls as hard as I could, and it didn't bother him?!"

It is back to the present.

Shadow: "You were that man's sex slave."

Christiana: "For four months... That bastard dressed me like a glass eye doll every day and constantly brushed my hair. He practically treated me like a doll... He tried to make me sleep with him, but I fought him off as much as I could."

Zachary: "He forced himself on you didn't he."

Christiana: "Yes, he raped me in my sleep."

Shadow: "I thought you could last days without sleep."

Christiana: "Twelve days... That's how long I can go without sleep. He waits until I eventually fall asleep to rape me. I felt that I betrayed Meadow letting another man take advantage of me..."

Zachary: "Boss that wasn't your fault. You couldn't have stopped him in your sleep."

Christiana: "I would have escaped but there was a tracking chip in me that I couldn't take out by hand."

Violet: "The only way to take the chip out was by using a sharp object practically a knife. Taking it out by hand can shock you and it'll set an alarm."

Seven walks in.

Christiana: "Towards the end of that fourth month, I met a certain little boy."

Flashback to April 30, 1846, a twelve-year-old Seven is outside near Max's house waiting for him to leave.

Young Seven: "Come on! How long does it take for him to leave for work? Huh?"

He hides as Max is locking his door and looking at his device.

Max: "Now I'm in a really good mood tasting my beautiful doll. One day we'll be intimate without her being asleep when she'll finally start to love me!"

Seven feels disgusted by overhearing the man as he is going to work.

Young Seven: "Eww! I hope not all adults think like that! Good, he's gone now's my chance!" He walked into the property and picked the door lock to unlock the door. "Good thing momma taught me how to pick a lock." He walked into the house and went looking for Christiana. After some searching, he finally finds her but seeing how beautiful she is he is stunned. (Thinking: "Wow... Who knew a high schooler like her could be this beautiful...")

She looks up and notices him.

Christiana: "Hm? A little boy? What are you doing here?"

He blushes after he makes eye contact with her.

Young Seven: "I um... Came to save you!"

She chuckles.

Christiana: "Unfortunately for you..." She dislocated the joints on her ankle and foot to easily slip out of the chain. "I can easily get out of this chain without any help."

She puts her ankle and foot back in place.

Young Seven: "Wait?! If you could do that, why didn't you do it early?!"

She points to the tracking chip on her shoulder.

Christiana: "There's a tracking chip on my shoulder if I touch it the alarm will go off on the monitor device."

Young Seven: "Oh..."

Christiana: "Do you have a pocket knife?"

Young Seven: "Huh?!"

Christiana: "I need to get this chip off by not touching it I need a sharp object."

Young Seven: "No... I don't have one..."

Christiana: "We can go to the kitchen there should be knives there. I can use one to take the chip off."

Young Seven: "O-Okay..."

Christiana: "Before we leave."

She knocks on the wall to find what she hid from her captive.

Young Seven: "What are you looking for?"

She finds the hidden wall she made and hits the wall hard enough for the compartment in the wall to open.

Christiana: "There it is."

She takes out what she has hidden which is her scrunchy.

Young Seven: "What is it?"

Christiana: "My hair scrunchy I've hidden something that is most important to me."

She takes out her wedding ring she hid months ago.

Young Seven: "A ring?"

She puts on her wedding ring.

Christiana: "My wedding ring is my treasure."

Young Seven: "You're married?! You're in high school aren't you too young to be married?!"

Christiana: "How funny. You think I'm in high school. Please I'm eighteen years old."

Young Seven: (Thinking) "Eighteen?! She doesn't even look remotely eighteen!"

Christiana: "Let's go."

Young Seven: "O-Okay."

They leave the room to head for the kitchen, but Max comes back and with a psychotic look on his face he is holding a knife.

Max: "How dare you brat?!"

Seven is terrified by the man's stare Christiana pulls him behind her.

Christiana: "Stay behind me."

Young Seven: "Huh?!"

Christiana: "As you can already tell this man is obsessed with me usually when one is obsessed with another, they don't harm them. Unfortunately, some will harm the eye of their obsession."

Max: "You think you're safe behind her brat?! I'll just pull her away then I'll stab you torture you even when you die. It'll teach you to never interfere with a couple's life."

Christiana: "We're not a couple! We never were! Your obsession with me is clouding your judgment! My heart only belongs to one man and it's not you! It'll never be you!"

Max: "Don't worry my love you'll love me in time. Once I take care of this brat it'll be just the two of us again."

As he charges Seven with the knife Christiana grabs his wrist and twists it long enough for him to drop the knife.

Young Seven: "She stopped him..."

She grabs the knife using it to get the tracking chip off her shoulder. Then she points the knife at Max.

Max: "You won't hurt me my doll. We're soulmates we're meant to be together!"

Christiana: "No we're not and never will."

As she is about to use the knife on him the police barge into them.

Police Officer 1: "Police! Don't move!"

Christiana: "Tsk damn…"

Police Officer 2: "Sir she must've defended herself and this boy."

Police Officer 3: "Are you kids alright?!"

Seven nods his head yes.

Christiana: "I was being held captive this boy wandered here and before we knew it that man was about to kill us both."

Young Seven: (Thinking) "Wow she's a convincing liar."

Police Officer 2: "You're under arrest for attempted murder and kidnapping!"

The police officer handcuffed Max.


Police Officer 3: "This man is obsessed with this girl."

Police Officer 1: "Take him away."

The officer takes Max away as the other two officers take Christiana and Seven to the police department for their statements. Afterward, Seven's mom came to pick him up.

Alice: "Oh Seven thank God you're okay!"

Young Seven: "I'm fine momma."

She hits him in the back of the head for putting himself in danger.

Alice: "You dumbass! Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?! That man could have killed you!!"

Young Seven: "I'm sorry momma I had to help her."

Alice: "Huh?" She notices Christiana. "You poor thing you must be terrified of what happened to you. You must be hungry you can stay with us for a couple of days just until I can help you get home."

Christiana: "I suppose."

The three of them went to Alice's apartment.

Alice: "You can take a shower I'm sure you want to clean that cut on your shoulder. I think I have some old clothes that you can wear."

Christiana: "Fine."

Christiana went to the bathroom and took a shower.

Alice: "Seven take these clothes to our guest."

Young Seven: "Okay."

He took the clothes to Christiana, and he didn't realize that she had come out of the shower. His face turns red, and he has a nosebleed.

Christiana: "What? You've never seen a woman naked have you? Well, that makes sense you're just a little boy."

Young Seven: "Hey I'm only twelve! I'm not a little boy!"

She wraps herself in a towel.

Christiana: "Oh please I bet you don't even have hair down there yet."

She leaves to put on clothes.

Young Seven: "I do have hair there!" He realizes that she left. "She left…"

Later, the three of them had dinner.

Alice: "I see my old clothes fit you just fine."

Christiana: "The top is pretty tight on the breast area."

Alice: "I'm sorry I don't have any shirt that's bigger."

Seven stares at her and looks up and down.

Young Seven: (Thinking) "Wow that shirt really brings out her curves."

He has another nosebleed.

Alice: "Seven quit staring like a pervert!"

He blushes.

Young Seven: "I wasn't staring!"

Alice: "Sorry about him he's getting to that age where he is getting interested in girls. Looks to me he prefers older girls."

His face turns red out of embarrassment.

Young Seven: "No I'm not!"

They cleaned up and his mom handed Christiana a one-way train ticket.

Alice: "This is for you we can make sure you get back home in a couple of days."

Christiana: "Oh thanks…"

Time passes and it's nearly midnight Seven woke up and a feeling he needed to see about Christiana. He goes to the living room to see her and sees that she is leaving.

Young Seven: "Wait?!"

Christiana: "Hm? I see you're not an ordinary boy, are you?"

Young Seven: "No I'm not. I have visions I can see the future and that's how I found you."

Christiana: "I see."

She walks off and leaves.

Young Seven: "Wait! Where are you going?!"

Christiana: "I have no business here so I'm going home."

He sees her leave and it's back to the present.

Seven: "And that was all I saw that night just watching her leave... I thought that it was the last time I saw her but..."

Angel: "Fate had other plans."

Seven: "Yeah. Huh? Of course, she left."

Violet: "I'm sure she wanted time by herself."

Christiana is in the spare room that's being converted to her child's bedroom. She is sitting near the balcony window.

Christiana: "Well then little one I should tell you about your father and I became assassins. Our first client was a middle school girl who wanted her family back together."

A flashback to September 28, 1847, A thirteen-year-old girl named Lilia who was born with a speech disorder stuttering. Lilia is trying to look for her dad who has suddenly left without a trace.

Lilia: "E-E-Excuse me but h-h-have you seen my d-d-dad?"

Man: "Sorry I know nothing."

Woman: "What's with you, kid?"

Lilia: "I-I-I have a s-s-speech disorder."

She continues to ask around about her dad's whereabouts.

Neighbor 1: "Is she at it again?"

Neighbor 2: "Why don't she just give up?"

Neighbor 3: "The man probably didn't want a family and decided to leave."

Neighbor 4: "Can you blame him? After all, who would want a child, you can't even talk right."

Neighbor 1: "How dare you say that! She didn't ask to be born with a stuttering disorder."

Lilia keeps on asking around she spots a man who looks like her dad.

Lilia: "D-D-Dad?!"

She follows him to see for herself if the man is actually her dad.

Lilia's Dad: "Huh?!"

Lilia: "D-D-Dad?! Is it r-r-really you?!"

Her dad is terrified but tries to hide it and pretends to not know his own daughter.

Lilia's Dad: "I think you've mistaken me for somebody else."

Lilia: "N-N-No I'm not! Y-Y-You're my dad!"

A woman named Sherry walks up to him.

Sherry: "Darling there you are." Lilia is shocked to see her dad with her former history tutor. Lilia, it's been quite some time, hasn't it? Sorry to hear about your dad I can't believe he would just leave his family like that."

Lilia becomes angry and bold her hand into a fist. Dan looks down on the ground avoiding contact with her.

Lilia's Dad: "We should get going."

Sherry: "Let's go."

The two walked away Lilia didn't understand why her dad was with Sherry. Elsewhere Christiana and Henry are discussing her assassination business.

Henry: "Are you sure about this line of work?"

Christiana: "Of course I'm sure of it. After all, don't you think people deserve justice?"

Henry: "How would this work exactly?"

Christiana: "We only accept clients who truly want justice not just for some petty jealousy."

Henry: "Ah someone who truly wants to right a wrong. Like if something tragic happened."

Christiana: "Yes, I've already had my revenge with the whole Black-Market burn to ashes."

Henry: "I figured you had it with your captive."

Christiana: "Meadow beat me to it."

Henry: "I see."

Christiana: "We're almost done with our website, just a few more adjustments. My knowledge of technology is really advanced but your knowledge is more of an expert."

Henry: "Well I had to do something besides hunting while I was studying aboard."

Meadow walks behind her.

Christiana: "Hm did you get what I needed lover?"

Meadow: "I did."

He hands her a piece of paper.

Henry: "A blank paper?"

Christiana: "Not an ordinary paper it's an enchanted paper you can say that this is how we get business going."

Henry: "Huh?"

Christiana: "Only those who have a burning desire for justice can see what's in the paper."

Henry: "So what's the price for our services?"

Christiana: "500 currencies but for a kid 100 currencies."

Henry: "Really? I thought it would be more than that."

Christiana: "What did you expect after all we kill for the common man."

Meadow: "If we charge any more than that we may not get that many clients."

She touches his hand on her shoulder.

Henry: "If that's all I need to know then I'm leaving."

Christiana: "I'll let you know if we find a client."

He leaves and actually smiles seeing Christiana back to being herself.

Henry: "Even though it took the rest of last year I'm happy to see her back to her old self."

As she is looking around for a client, she spots Lilia.

Christiana: "I spy our first client."

She let go of the paper, letting it fly to Lilia. The paper lands next to Lilia.

Lilia: "W-W-What is this?" She reads the paper. The paper reads Do you wish for justice? Do you want vengeance? Then send a letter or an instant letter to us. "T-T-The Sweepers? Assassins?"

She went home and pondered whether she should contact the assassins or not.

Lilia's Mom: "I'm going out."

Lilia: "D-D-Don't tell me t-t-that you're going t-t-to drink again."

Lilia's Mom: "Don't tell me how to live my life."

Lilia: "I-I-I found him m-m-mom. I don't t-t-think he left u-u-us on purpose."

Lilia's Mom: "Your dad was a good-for-nothing who left us for some slut."

Lilia: "T-T-That's not true!"

Lilia's Mom: "Why else would he leave?! There's no other explanation other than some younger woman!"

Her mom left and Lilia is certain to contact the assassins, she sends an instant letter on her computer.

Lilia: "I-I-It's done now I-I-I have to w-w-wait... Huh?"

She gets an email on her mobile saying We'll Meet Soon. Meanwhile, Lilia's mom is at a bar drinking her sorrows away.

Lilia's Dad: "You know you shouldn't be drinking like that..."

Lilia's Mom: "Huh?!"

Lilia's Dad: "It doesn't help forgetting things it'll just make you feel worse."

Lilia's Mom: "Darling?"

Lilia's Dad: "I'm sorry but you've mistaken me for someone else."

Lilia's Mom: "Wait?!"

He held her hands to slip her a piece of paper.

Lilia's Dad: "I'm not your husband I'm sorry."

He walks out and she notices the paper.

Lilia's Mom: "What's this?" She reads the paper. "Help me? Lilia you were right something wasn't right when he left like that."

It is the next day Lilia is about to leave for school when her mom wakes up and gets up.

Lilia: "I-I-I'm heading to s-s-school..."

Lilia's Mom: "Lilia you were right."

Lilia: "H-H-Huh?!"

Lilia's Mom: "Your dad didn't leave on his own he gave me this paper saying help me. I think he was forced to leave us or even threatened!"

Lilia: "W-W-When did you s-s-see him?!"

Lilia's Mom: "Last night. I'm sure he wanted to explain but he must've felt his life was in danger."

Time has passed and it is late evening, almost nightfall, Lilia is looking at the email she received, wondering when she'll meet them.

Lilia: "W-W-What's taken so l-l-long? I've been w-w-waiting all day."

As she was walking, she didn't realize that she stumbled upon the meeting area. Christiana and Meadow are in their masks waiting for her.

Christiana: "You requested us..."

Lilia is surprised to see the two.

Lilia: "Y-Y-Yes, I have."

Meadow: "You must have a speech disorder, don't you? We can tell the way you're talking."

Lilia: "I-I-I do every f-f-few words I s-s-stutter."

Christiana: "Who do you want us to kill?"

Lilia: "S-S-Sherry Barnes."

Meadow: "Any particular reason?"

Lilia: "S-S-She broke up m-m-my family and I-I-I want her t-t-to pay with h-h-her life! She t-t-tried to seduce m-m-my dad but h-h-he rejected her. T-T-Then I over h-h-heard them one n-n-night she threatened h-h-him to leave m-m-my mom and me. S-S-She was going t-t-to kill me and m-m-my mom if he d-d-didn't leave us."

Meadow: "I see."

Christiana: "Your request is granted..."

Meadow: "But revenge is a double-edged sword for that you'll have to pay the price."

Lilia: "M-M-My libs?! My l-l-life?!"

Christiana: "Oh please you've seen too many horror movies we're talking about money."

Meadow: "Even assassins need to make a living we were going to charge five hundred currencies but seeing that you're just a kid you'll charge you a hundred currencies."

Christiana: "But if you don't pay by the deadline then the request will be nullified after all it's your choice..."

Lilia finds herself alone she notices writing on her hand that shows how long until the contract is canceled.

Lilia: "U-U-Until October 5th.... S-S-So seven days t-t-to pay them..."

She went home and went to her room to take out a hundred currencies from her savings stash. It is the next day Sherry is with Lilia's dad and wraps her arms around him.

Sherry: "Good morning darling." He stood in silence. "Have you forgotten what I will do to your wife and daughter?"

Lilia's Dad: "Good morning."

Sherry: "That's better."

Lilia's Dad: "Why are you doing this? Why me?"

Sherry: "Why? That bitch didn't deserve you! I wanted you but she stole you from me!"

Lilia's Dad: "What are you talking about?! When you first started tutoring Lilia, we met then!"

Sherry: "Oh you still don't recognize me? Oh well, I did change quite a bit."

Lilia's Dad: "Huh?!"

Sherry: "Oh never mind forget what I just said."

She left the house and Lilia's Dad stood there puzzled. She went to have coffee with two of her friends.

Woman 1: "Aren't you lucky Sherry?"

Woman 2: "Yeah finding your soulmate already and have an amazing job."

Sherry: "Well what can I say? I'm just blessed."

A man walks up to them.

Man: "Excuse me ma'am but-"

Sherry: "I'm flattered but I already have a fiancé."

Young Man: "That's not what I'm asking."

Sherry: "Huh?!"

Young Man: "I was asking if I can borrow a napkin."

Sherry: "Fine here."

Young Man: "Thanks."

Sherry: "What's that about?"

Woman 2: "I think it's over there."

She pointed to where the man walked to and walked up to Christiana nearby.

Young Man: "Hey I was wondering if you would like my mobile number?"

Christiana: "No I'm already taken."

Young Man: "Oh um how about you go out on a date with me?"

Christiana: "Did I stutter? I said no."

Young Man: "Are you just saying that? Hotties like you always say you're taken and it turns out that you're not."

She uses her middle finger to show the man her wedding ring.

Christiana: "Is this proof enough?"

The young man leaves in disappointment.

Sherry: "Who is that girl?"

Woman 2: "I think I've seen her before she used to come around here not too long ago. At that time, she was wearing a school uniform."

Woman 1: "Are you saying she's a graduate?"

Woman 2: "Yeah but she might already graduate I've heard she started her own business."

Sherry: "She has?"

Woman 1: "It's hard to believe a girl that young already started her own business at the age of nineteen."

Sherry: "Her?"

Christiana stared at Sherry for a minute and left as she left Meadow appeared.

Meadow: "Well then?"

Christiana: "I spy with my little eye a target it's the same woman in the photograph."

Meadow: "Now all we have to do is wait."

The two went to Sherry's house to find Lilia's Dad.

Christiana: "You know you're not the first victim."

Lilia's Dad: "Huh?!"

Meadow: "You're not the first man she took from another."

Christiana: "You're the sixth victim that woman has a sick obsession of taking married men away from their wives."

Meadow: "Two of the men committed suicide because they couldn't bear to be with her."

Christiana: "That woman killed the three other men."

Meadow: "She killed them because she got bored with them and set her eye on another married man."

Christiana: "You'll soon be next…"

The two vanished and Lilia's dad is terrified about the truth. Nightfall came Lilia called Sherry to confront her.

Lilia: "W-W-Why did you t-t-take my dad f-f-from me?!"

Sherry: "Why not? Seducing men is so much fun especially when they are married. Life is nothing but a game you just must play it up to your advantage. That's the only way to win in life."

Lilia: "Y-Y-You bitch! I'll m-m-make you pay f-f-for this!"

She shows her the marked date on her hand.

Sherry: "What? Is that supposed to scare me?"

Lilia: "N-N-No but they w-w-will!"

Sherry: "They? They who?"

She is shocked and scared. In a split second, the two assassins in their masks Henry and Meadow appear right behind her.

Henry: "A psycho bitch who likes to take those belonging to someone else."

Meadow: "Merely threatening the lives of their loved ones just so you can have a thrill. Then kill them after you get bored with them. You were going to do the same with that girl's father."

Meadow uses illusion dust on her and she starts to see her previous victims.

Man 1: "You took me way from my family..."

Man 2: "I only had a son and he only remembers me leaving him... He doesn't even know the truth..."

Man 3: "You caused me to take my own life!"

Man 4: "I couldn't betray my wife... I took my own life because I can't stand you!"

Man 5: "You killed me so you could have another fling!"

All Men: "You took our lives away! Our friends and our loved ones don't even know what happened to us! Now we're going to take your life!"

The men grabbed her and one of them grabbed her by the throat and choked her. Sherry broke free and ran away from them as she screamed. As she ran Christiana in her mask walked up to her alongside Christiana Henry was next to her.

Henry: "You're being judged by your actions." Meadow walks right next to Christiana. "They will deliver the verdict for your crime."

Christiana and Meadow both lift one of their arms in front of them with their thumbs out and turn their thumbs down which means guilty.

Christiana: "Looks to me like we have reached a verdict you're guilty which means it's time for you to die."

Meadow: "How would you like to die? Slashed to death or a bullet to the head?"

Sherry: "Don't kill me! I'll pay you! Please spare my life! I beg of you!"

Henry then shoots her on the side of her head, and she falls on the ground instantly killed.

Henry: "God she's annoying anything to shut her up."

Christiana: "Not bad for your first kill."

Henry: "I don't usually kill I just let your husband do that."

Lilia: "W-W-What just happened?!"

Christiana: "Check your hand."

She saw the writing on her hand gone.

Lilia: "I-I-It's gone!"

As she looked up the assassins vanished.

Christiana: (In Narrative Tone) "After that my business pretty much went booming."

A sequence of images happens as many of the citizens spread the word of the assassin group.

Man 1: "Did you hear about the trio of assassins?"

Man 2: "Yeah I heard about it from my kid."

Woman 1: "To think something like that is at the schools now."

Woman 2: "I heard that they don't always take clients."

Student 1: "I heard that they have five members now."

Student 2: "I heard the price for their services is your life."

University Student 1: "I heard the price is an arm and a leg literally."

University Student 2: "I heard that if you want someone killed out of spite or something petty then they aren't going to accept your request."

Man 3: "I heard there are seven members now."

Woman 3: "I heard there are eight members now."

Student 3: "I wonder how you can join them? I totally want to be an assassin when I graduate."

Student 4: "How can you join? Nobody knows who they are you could probably bump into one of them in the streets and not know who they really are."

University Student 3: "I don't understand why there are wanted posters of The Sweepers."

University Student 4: "I bet it's some kind of political stunt probably scared that someone would call them to assassinate the prime minister."

Back in the present Christiana looks back on her past.

Christiana: "It's funny when you first take life from another you should guilty or something... I didn't feel anything at all. I guess for some people you'll just feel emotionally numb..."

A flashback to 1847 Christiana and Meadow are getting all of their belongings from their home out to move to their new home.

Meadow: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Christiana: "Yes I think it would be best to leave the past where it's at."

She remembers back on the death of her mom as Meadow is getting the last box.

Meadow: "That's everything."

Christiana: "Meadow... Burn it."

Meadow starts the fire and burns down her house.

Meadow: "There's no going back now."

Christiana: "I know... Sorry mother this is for the best..."

They watch the house burn to ashes.

Meadow: "The mansion is finished we can move in anytime."

She nods her head and the two leave and it's back to the present. She hums a lullaby to her baby as Seven finds her.

Seven: "There you are I figured you would've gone somewhere nobody would have found you."

She pets a sleeping, Harmony.

Christiana: "God can I ever have peace?"

Seven: "What was that song you were humming?"

Christiana: "Nothing in particular."

Seven: "I didn't think you would have a nice gently singing voice."

Christiana: "Whatever..."

Seven: "You're singing to your baby that's nice I know some moms sing to their babies before they are born but I didn't think you would."

Christiana: "What do you want?"

Seven: "I can't come to see how you're doing."

Christiana: "No."

Seven: "You'll never change, will you? Just even talking about that day still scares me... I had nightmares after what happened it was of that man killing me. My mom tried to help but it's something you can't get over. The only thing that helped was seeing the girl who protected me in a way I don't regret what I did back then. That's because I met you and later on the others you guys are my friends and well, I wouldn't have cool and badass friends like you guys."

Christiana: "Is there a point to this?"

Seven: "I'm saying that if I didn't meet you then I would just live a normal life and I wouldn't have known about my dad's trade. Um hey, could you teach me that song?"

Christiana: "I suppose..."

Seven: (Thinking) "At least she's warming up."

She starts to hum the lullaby then Seven joins her soon after and the two are humming together.

Christiana: (Thinking) "I wonder… Mother? Is this how you wanted me to grow up?"

A flashback to 1831 a three-year-old Christiana is in bed with her mom.

Amelia: "Momma loves you very much."

Young Christiana: "I love you too momma."

Amelia: "I'll be there in every stepping stone of your life. I'll be there when you grow up get married and even have a child of your own."

It is revealed as Amelia is humming that it was her song Christiana has been humming to. It is back to the present Christiana is continuing humming her mother's lullaby. As she is staring out of the window yet her face is emotionless she sheds a single tear.

To Be Continued…

That's the end of Christiana's chapter! Again I didn't plan for her chapter to be two parts so I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! Anyways the next chapter is going to be another character chapter. Who do you think it's going to be Meadow or Henry? I don't think I'm going to do one for Seven since after all he's still a kid so he doesn't have a past like the others do yet.

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